Great Shepherd, who didst condescend Great was the day, the joy was great Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
Guilty and vile, before my God
Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews Hail holy, holy, holy Lord! Hail, peaceful morn, thy dawn I hail
He lives! the great Redeemer lives
He reigns, the Lord, the Saviour reigns Head of the church triumphant
Hear what the voice from heav'n proclaims
Here at thy cross, my dying God
High in the heav'ns, eternal God
Ho! every one that thirsts, draw nigh
Holy, and just, and righteous God
Holy Ghost, dispel our sadness
Holy Child, our children take
Hope, sweetest comfort, steady friend
Hosanna to our conqu'ring King
Hosanna, with a cheerful sound
How are thy glories here display'd
How are thy servants blest, O Lord
How beauteous are their feet
How blest is our brother, bereft
How blest the union, how divine
How can I sink with such a prop
How condescending and how kind
How did my heart rejoice to hear How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord
How glorious the Lamb
How happy is our peaceful lot How happy the sorrowful man How heavy is the night How lovely, how divinely sweet How oft have sin and satan strove How pleasant, how divinely fair How pleas'd and blest was I How sad our state by nature is How shall I praise the eternal God How shall we, Lord, secure our hearts How short and hasty is our life How should the sons of Adam's race How soft the words my Saviour speaks How strong thine arm is, mighty God How sweet and awful is the place How sweet the name of Jesus sounds How vain are all things here below How vain a thought is bliss below How vast the treasure we possess How wond'rous great, how glorious bright
I shall not always make my moan I sing my Saviour's wond'rous death
I will arise, and go to my Father If God succeed not, all the cost I'll praise my Maker with my breath I'll speak the honours of my King Impressive view, while life we trace In all my troubles, sharp and strong In cheerful songs of artless praise In God's own house, pronounce his praise In Gabriel's hand a mighty stone In heaven the rapt'rous song began In the soft season of thy youth In vain my fancy strives to paint In vain we lavish out our lives In this world of sin and sorrow Indulgent sovereign of the skies
Jesus, I love thy charming name Jesus, in thee our eyes behold
Jesus invites his saints
Jesus, kind inviting Lord Jesus, let thy pitying eye Jesus, Lord, we look to thee Jesus, lover of my soul
Jesus, our Lord, ascend thy throne Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone Jesus, Saviour! we adore thee Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Jesus, that sweet, that charming name Jesus, thou sovereign Lord of all Jesus, thy blood and righteousness Jesus, upon our children lay Jesus, we bless thy Father's name Jesus, where'er thy people meet Jesus, who died a world to save Jesus, who died the world to save Jesus, with all thy saints above Jesus! within thy courts we meet Jehovah reigns, his throne is high Jehovah speaks, let Israel hear Jerusalem, my happy home Join all the glorious names Join, ye redeemed heirs of grace Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let all the heathen writers join
Let children hear the mighty deeds
Let earth and heav'n agree
Let every creature join
Let every mortal ear attend Let everlasting glories crown Let me but hear my Saviour say Let me dwell on Golgotha Let party names no more Let the bold sceptic still deride Let them neglect thy glory, Lord Let Zion's watchmen all awake Lift your heads, ye friends of Jesus Lift up your heads, in joyful hope Life is the time to serve the Lord Light of those, whose dreary dwelling Lo! he comes, with clouds descending Lo! he cometh! countless trumpets Lo! our Jesus, now ascended Lo! the young tribes of Adam rise Lo, what a glorious sight appears Lo! what an entertaining sight
Look up, ye saints, direct your eyes Long as I live I'll bless thy name Long have I sat beneath the sound
Lord of all power and might
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing Lord, at thy temple we appear Lord, I am thine, but thou wilt prove Lord, I am vile, conceiv'd in sin Lord, hast thou cast the nation off Lord, how divine thy comforts are Lord, how secure and blest are they Lord, how secure my conscience was Lord, if thine eyès survey our faults Lord, if thou the grace impart Lord in thy churches now appear Lord, in thy great, thy glorious name Lord of my life, O may thy praise Lord of the Sabbath, hear our vows Lord of the worlds above
Lord, thou hast search'd and seen me through
Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray
Lord, 'tis a pleasant thing to stand
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