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the times of the republic; in the second, or the Augustan age, their writers and artists were both in their highest perfection; and in the third, from Tiberius to the Antonines, they both began to languish; and then revived a little; and at last sunk totally together.

In comparing the descriptions of their poets with the works of art, I should therefore chuse to omit all the Roman poets after the Antonines. Among them all, there is perhaps no one whose omission need be regretted, except that of Claudian; and even as to him it may be considered, that he wrote when the true knowledge of the arts was no more; and when the true taste of poetry was strangely corrupted and lost; even if we were to judge of it by his own writings only, which are extremely better than any of the poets long before and long after him. It is therefore much better to confine one's self to the three great ages, than to run so far out of one's way for a single poet or two: whose authorities, after all, must be very disputable, and indeed scarce of any weight. Spence.


I shall not spend any time upon the circumstances of Demosthenes's life; they are well known. The strong ambition which he discovered to excel in the art of speak-. ing; the unsuccessfulness of his first attempts; his unwearied perseverance in surmounting all the disadvantages that arose from his person and address; his shutting himself up in a cave, that he might study with less distraction; his declaiming by the sea-shore, that he might accustom himself to the noise of a tumultuous assembly, and with pebbles in his mouth, that he might correct a defect in his speech; his practising at home with a naked sword hanging over his shoulder, that he might check an ungraceful motion, to which he was subject; all those circumstances, which we learn from Plutarch, are very encouraging to such as study Eloquence, as they show how far art and application may avail, for acquiring an excellence which nature seemed unwilling to grant us. Blair.

$68. DEMOSTHENES imitated the manly

Eloquence of PERICLES.

Despising the affected and florid manner which the rhetoricians of that age followed, Demosthenes returned to the forcible and manly eloquence of Pericles; and strength and vehemence form the principal characteristics of his Style. Never had

orator a finer field than Demosthenes in s Olynthiacs and Philippics, which are his capital orations; and, no doubt, to the nobleness of the subject, and to that integrity and public spirit which eminently breathe in them, they are in lebted for much of their merit. The subject is, to rouze the indignation of his countrymen against Philip of Macedon, the public enemy of the liberties of Greece; and to guard them. against the insidious measures, by which that crafty prince endeavoured to lay them asleep to danger. In the prosecution of this end, we see him taking every proper method to animate a people, renowned for. justice, humanity and valour, but in many instances become corrupt and degenerate. He boldly taxes them with their venality, their indolence, and indifference to the. public cause; while at the same time, with, all the art of an orator, he recalls the glory of their ancestors to their thoughts, shews them that they are still a flourishing and a powerful people, the natural protectors of the liberty of Greece, and who wanted only the inclina tion to exert them selves, in order to make Philip tremble. in Philip's interest, and who persuaded the With his cotemporary orators, who were people to peace, he keeps no measures, but plainly reproaches them as the betrayers of their country. He not only prompts to vigorous conduct, but he lays down the ticulars; and points out, with great explan of that conduct; he enters into paractness, the measures of execution. is the strain of these orations. They are strongly animated; and full of the impetuosity and fire of public spirit. They proceed in a continued strain of inductions, consequences, and demonstrations, founded on sound reason. he uses, are never sought after; but alThe figures which ways rise from the subject. He employs them sparingly indeed; for splendour and orator's composition. It is an energy of ornament are not the distinctions of this thought, peculiar to himself, which forms


his character, and sets him above all others. He appears to attend much more to things than to words. We forget the orator, and think of the business. He warms the mind, and impels to action. He has no parade and ostentation; no methods of insinuation; no laboured introductions; but is like a man full of his subject, who, after preparing his audience, by a sentence or two, for hearing plain truths, enters directly on business.

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Demosthenes appears to great advantage, when contrasted with Eschines, in the celebrated oration "pro Corona." Eschines was his rival in business, and personal enemy; and one of the most distinguished orators of that age. But when we read the two orations, Eschines is feeble in comparison of Demosthenes, and makes much less impression on the mind. His reasonings concerning the law that was in question, are indeed very subtile; but his invective against Demosthenes is general, and ill supported. Whereas, Demosthenes is a torrent, that nothing can resist. He bears down his antagonist with violence; he draws his character in the strongest colours; and the particular, merit of that oration is, that all the descriptions in it are highly picturesque. There runs through it a strain of magnanimity and high honour: the orator speaks with that strength and conscious dignity which great actions and public spirit alone inspire. Both orators use great liberties with one another; and, in general, that unrestrained licence which ancient manners permitted, even to the length of abusive names and downright scurrility, as appears both here and in Cicero's Philippics, hurts and offends a modern ear. What those ancient orators gained by such a manner in point of freedom and boldness, is more than compensated by want of dignity: which seems to give an advantage, in this respect, to the greater decency of modern speaking.


70. On the Style of DEMOSTHENES. The Style of Demosthenes is strong and concise, though sometimes, it must not be dissembled, harsh and abrupt. His words are very expressive; his arrangement is firm and manly; and tho' far from being unmusical, yet it seems difficult to find in him that studied, but concealed number, and rhythmus, which some of the ancient crities are foud of attributing to him. Negligent of those lesser graces, one would rather conceive him to have aimed at that sublime which lies in sentiment. His ac

tions and pronunciation are recorded to have been uncommonly vehement and ardent; which, from the manner of his composition, we are naturally led to believe. The character which one forms of him, from reading his works, is of the

austere, rather than the gentle kind. He. is, on every occasion, grave, serious, passionate; takes every thing on a high tone; never lets himself down, nor attempts any thing like pleasantry. If any fault can be found in his admirable eloquence, it is, that he sometimes borders on the hard and dry, He may be thought to want smoothness and grace; which Dionysius of Halicarnassus attributes to his imitating too closely the manner of Thucydides, who was his great model for Style, and whose history he is said to have written eight times over with his own hand. But these defects are far more than compensated, by that admirable and masterly force of masculine eloquence, which, as it overpowered all who heard it, cannot, at this day, be read without emotion.

After the days of Demosthenes, Greece lost her liberty, eloquence of course languished, and relapsed again into the feeble manner introduced by the Rhetoricans and Sophists. Demetrius Phalerius, who lived in the next age to Demosthenes, attained indeed some character, but he is represented to us as a flowery, rather than a persuasive speaker, who aimed at grace rather than substance. "Delectabat Athe"nienses," says Cicero, "magis quam "inflammabat." "He amused the Athe"nians, rather than warmed them." And after this time, we hear of no more Grecian orators of any note. Ibid.

$71. On CICERO.

The object in this period most worthy to draw our attention, is Cicero himself; whose name alone suggests every thing that is splendid in oratory. With the history of his life, and with his character, as a man and a politician, we have not at present any direct concern. We consider him only as an eloquent speaker; and, in this view, it is our business to remark both his virtues, and his defects, if he has any. His virtues are, beyond controversy, eminently great. In all his orations there is high art. He begins, generally, with a regular exordium; and with much preparation and insinuation prepossesses the bearers, and studies to gain their affections. His method is clear, and his arguments are arranged with great propriety. His method is indeed more clear than that of Demos thenes; and this is one advantage which he has over him. We find every thing in its proper place; he never attempts to move till he has endeavoured to convince;


even after these allowances made, Cicero's ostentation of himself cannot be wholly palliated; and his orations, indeed all his works, leave on our minds the impression of a good man, but withal, of a vain man.

and in moving, especially the softer pas-straints from the side of decorum; but, sions, he is very successful. No man, that ever wrote, knew the power and force of words better than Cicero. He rolls them along with the greatest beauty and pomp; and in the structure of his sentences, is curious and exact to the highest degree. He is always full and flowing, never abrupt. He is a great amplifier of every subject; magnificent, and in his sentiments highly moral. His manner is on the whole diffuse, yet it is often happily varied, and suited to the subject. In his four orations, for instance, against Catiline, the tone and style of each of them, particularly the first and last, is very different, and accommodated with a great deal of judgment to the occasion, and the situation in which they were spoken. When a great public object roused his mind, and demanded indignation and force, he departs considerably from that loose and declamatory manner to which he inclines at other times, and becomes exceedingly cogent and vehement. This is the case in his orations against Anthony, and in those too against Verres and Catiline. Blair.

The defects which we have now taken notice of in Cicero's eloquence, were not unobserved by his own contemporaries. This we learn from Quinctilian, and from the author of the dialogue," de Causis "Corruptæ Eloquentiæ." Brutus we are informed called him, "fractum et "elumbem," broken and enervated. "Suorum temporum homines," says Quinctilian, "incessere audebant eum et "tumidiorem & Asianum, et redundan"tem, et in repetitionibus nimium, et in "salibus aliquandò frigidum, & in com"positione fractum et exultantem, & pe" nè viro molliorem *." These censures were undoubtedly carried too far; and savour of malignity and personal enmity. They saw his defects, but they aggravated them; and the source of these aggravations can be traced to the difference which prevailed in Rome, in Cicero's days, between two great parties, with respect to eloquence, the "Attici," and the "Asi"ani." The former, who called themselves the Attics, were the patrons of what they conceived to be the chaste, simple, and natural style of eloquence; from which they accused Cicero as having departed, and as leaning to the florid Asiatic manner. In several of his rhetorical works, particularly in his "Orator ad Brutum," Cicero, in his turn, endeavours to expose this sect, as substituting a frigid and jejune manner in place of the true Attic eloquence; and contends, that his own composition was formed upon the real Attic Style. In the tenth Chapter of the last Book of Quinctilian's Institutions, a full account is given of the disputes between these two parties; and of the Rhodian, or middle manner between the Attics and the Asiatics. Quinctilian himself declares on Cicero's side; and, whether it be Attic or Asiatic, prefers the full, the copious, and the amplifying style. He concludes with this very just observation: "Plures "sunt eloquentiæ facies; sed stultissimum

$72. Defects of CICERO. Together with those high qualities which Cicero possesses, he is not exempt from certain defects, of which it is necessary to take notice. For the Ciceronian Eloquence is a pattern so dazzling by its beauties, that, if not examined with accuracy and judgment, it is apt to betray the unwary into a faulty imitation; and I am of opinion, that it has sometimes produced this effect. In most of his orations, especially those composed in the earlier part of his life, there is too much art; even carried the length of ostentation. There is too visible a parade of eloquence. He seems often to aim at obtaining admiration, rather than at operating conviction, by what he says. Hence, on some occasions, he is showy, rather than solid; and diffuse, where he ought to have been pressing. His sentences are, at all times, round and sonorous; they cannot be accused of monotony, for they possess variety of cadence; but, from too great 2 study of magnificence, he is sometimes deficient in strength. On all occasions, where there is the least room for it, he is full of himself. His great actions, and the real services which he had performed to his country, apologize for this in part; ancient manners, too, imposed fewer re

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"est quærere, ad quam recturus se si tora-ther all the qualities, without the least ex

tor; cum omnis species, quæ modò recta "est, habeat usum.-Utetur enim, ut res exiget, omnibus; nec pro causa modò, "sed pro partibus causæ*.' Blair.


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ception, that form a perfect orator, and to excel equally in each of those qualities, is not to be expected from the limited powers of human genius. The highest degree of strength is, I suspect, never found united

73. Comparison of CICERO and DE- with the highest degree of smoothness and


On the subject of comparing Cicero and Demosthenes, much has been said by critical writers. The different manners of these two princes of cloquence, and the distinguishing characters of each, are so strongly marked in their writings, that the comparison is, in many respects, obvious and easy. The character of Demosthenes is vigour and austerity; that of Cicero is gentleness and insinuation. In the one, you find more manliness; in the other more ornament. The one is more harsh, but more spirited and cogent; the other more agreeable, but withal, looser and weaker.

To account for this difference, without any prejudice to Cicero, it has been said, that we must look to the nature of their different auditories; that the refined Athenians followed with ease the concise and convincing eloquence of Demosthenes; but that a manner more popular, more flowery, and declamatory, was requisite in speaking to the Romans, a people less acute, and less acquainted with the arts of speech. But this is not satisfactory. For we must observe, that the Greek orator spoke much oftener before a mixed multitude, than the Roman. Almost all the public business of Athens was transacted in popular assemblies. The common people were his hearers, and his judges. Whereas Cicero generally addressed himself to the " Patres Couscripti," or, in criminal trials, to the Prætor, and the Select Judges; and it cannot be imagined, that the persons of highest rank and best education in Rome, required a more diffuse manner of pleading than the common citizens of Athens, in order to make them understand the cause, or relish the speaker. Perhaps we shall come nearer

ornament: equal attentions to both are incompatible; and the genius that carries ornament to its utmost length, is not of such a kind, as can excel as much in vigour. For there plainly lies the characteristical difference between these two celebrated orators.

or some

It is a disadvantage to Demosthenes, that, besides his conciseness, which sometimes produces obscurity, the language, in which he writes, is less familiar to most of us than the Latin, and that we are less acquainted with the Greek antiquities than we are with the Roman. We read Cicero with more ease, and of course with more pleasure. Independent of this circumstance too, he is no doubt, in himself, a more agreeable writer than the other. But notwithstanding this advantage, I am of opinion, that were the state in danger, great public interest at stake, which drew the serious attention of men, an oration in the spirit and strain of Demosthenes would have more weight, and produce greater ef fects, than one in the Ciceronian manner. Were Demosthenes's Philippics spoken in a British assembly, in a similar conjuncture of affairs, they would convince and per suade at this day. The rapid style, the vehement reasoning, the disdain, anger, boldness, freedom, which perpetually animate them, would render their success infallible over any modern assembly. I question whether the same can be said of Cicero's orations; whose eloquence, however beautiful, and however well suited to the Roman taste, yet borders oftener on declamation, and is more remote from the real business and causes of importance manner in which we now expect to hear treated.+

In comparing Demosthenes and Cicero, most of the French critics incline to give the truth, by observing, that to unite toge- the preference to the latter. P. Rapin the Jesuit, in the parallels which he has drawn Eloquence admits of many different forms; between some of the most eminent Greek

and nothing can be more foolish than to en"quire, by which of them an orator is to regu

+ In this judgment I concur with Mr. David

late his composition; since every form, which Hume, in his Essay upor Eloquence. He gives

is in itself just, has its own place and use.

"The Orator, according as circumstances re

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quire, will employ them all; suiting them not

it as his opinion, that of all human productions, the Orations of Demosthenes present to us the

"only to the canse or subject of which he treats, models which approach the nearest to perfec

"but to the different parts of that subject."



and Roman writers, uniformly decides in favour of the Roman. For the preference which he gives to Cicero, he assigns, and lays stress on one reason of a pretty extraordinary nature; viz. that Demosthenes could not possibly have so complete an insight as Cicero into the manners and passions of men; Why?-Because he had not the advantage of perusing Aristotle's treatise of Rhetoric, wherein, says our critic, he has fully laid open that mystery: and, to support this weighty argument, he enters into a controversy with A. Gellius, in order to prove that Aristotle's Rhetoric was not published till after Demosthenes had spoken at least, his most considerable orations. Nothing can be more childish. Such orators as Cicero and Demosthenes derived their knowledge of the human passions and their power of moving them, from higher sources than any treatise of rhetoric. One French critic has indeed departed from the common track; and, after bestowing on Cicero those just praises, to which the consent of so many ages shews him to be entitled, concludes, how ever, with giving the palm to Demosthenes. This is Fenelon, the famous archbishop of Cambray, and author of Telemachus; himself, surely, no enemy to all the graces and flowers of composition. It is in his Reflections on Rhetoric and Poetry, that he gives this judgment; a small tract, commonly published along with his Dialogues on Eloquence.* These dialogues and reflections are particularly worthy of perusal, as containing, I think,

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the justest ideas on the subject, that are to be met with in any modern critical writer.


$74. On the Means of improving in ELOQUENCE.

Next to moral qualifications, what, in the second place, is most necessary to an orator, is a fund of knowledge. Much is this inculcated by Cicero and Quinctilian: "Quod omnibus disciplinis et ar"tibus debet esse instructus Orator." By which they mean, that he ought to have what we call a Liberal Education; and to be formed by a regular study of philosophy, and the polite arts. We must never forget that,

Attention to

Scribendi recté, sapere est & principium & fons.
dation of all good speaking. There is no
Good sense and knowledge are the foun-
art that can teach one to be eloquent, in
any sphere, without a sufficient acquaint-
if there were an art that made such pre-
ance with what belongs to that sphere; or
tensions, it would be mere quackery, like
the pretensions of the sophists of old, to
teach their disciples to speak for and against
every subject: and would be deservedly
exploded by all wise men.
style, to composition, and all the arts of
speech, can only assist an orator in setting
off, to advantage, the stock of materials
which he
but the stock, the ma-
terials themselves, must be brought from
other quarters than from rhetoric. He who
is to plead at the bar, must make himself
thoroughly master of the knowledge of
the law; of all the learning and experience
that can be useful in his profession, for
supporting a cause, or convincing a judge.
He who is to speak from the pulpit, must
apply himself closely to the study of divi
nity, of practical religion, of morals, of
human nature; that he may be rich in all
the topics both of instruction and of per-
suasion. He who would fit himself for
being a member of the supreme council of
the nation, or of any public assembly,
business that belongs to such assembly; he
must be thoroughly acquainted with the

As his expressions are remarkably happy and beautiful, the passage here referred to deserves to be inserted. "Je ne crains pas dire, que Demosthene me paroit supérieur a Cice" ron. Je proteste que personne n'admire plus “Cicéron que je fais. Il embellit tout ce qu'il "touche. Il fait honneur à la parole. Il "fait des mots ce qu'un autre n'en sauroit faire. "Ilaje ne sais combien de sortes d'esprits. I "est même court, & vehement, toutes les fois "qu'il veut l'estre; contre Catiline, contre «Verres, contre Antoine. Mais on remarque "quelque parure dans fons discours. L'art y "est merveilleux; mais ou l'entrevoit. L'ora❝teur en pensant au salut de la république, ne “s'oublie pas, et ne se laisse pas oublier. De"mosthene paroit sortir de soi, et ne voir que "la patrie. Il ne cherche point le beau; il le "fait, sans y penser. Il est au-dessus de l'ad"miration. Il se sert de la parole, comme un "homme modeste de son habit, pour se couvrir. "Il tonne; il foudroye. C'est un torrent qui," infini, & de la magnifique éloquence de Cicé

"entraine tout. On ne peut le critiquer, parce"qu'on est saisi. On pense aux choses qu'il

"dit, & non à ses paroles. On le perdde vue. "On n'est occupé que de Philipe qui envahit "tout. Je suis charmé de ces deux orateurs: "mais j'avoue que je suis moins touché de l'art

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ron, que de la rapide simplicité de Demos. "thene."


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