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This policy strengthens the positions of socialism, enhances the prestige and international influence of the Socialist countries and promotes the prestige and influence of the Communist parties in the capitalist countries***


[Before a meeting of the party organizations in the Higher Party School, the Academy of Social Sciences, and the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union]

"Peaceful coexistence of countries with different social systems does not mean conciliation of the Socialist and bourgeois ideologies. On the contrary, it implies intensification of the struggle of the working class, of all the Communist parties, for the triumph of Socialist ideas. But ideological and political disputes between states must not be settled through war"

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"*** the policy of peaceful coexistence, as regards its social content, is a forum of intense economic, and ideological struggle of the proletariat against the aggressive forces of imperialism in the international arena."

[From World Marxist Review, October 1970]


(By Rubens Iscaro)

The documents of the 1969 International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties elaborated creatively upon the Marxist-Leninist teaching on war, peace and revolution ***

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*Peaceful coexistence does not imply "freezing" social and political development any more than it implies relaxation of the ideological struggle. It has nothing in common with sterile pacifism and lays no restraints on the right of peoples to employ any method they may choose in the class battles. On the contrary, it paves the way for class battles that for their very scale may bring about fundamental social changes, the power of the working class in alliance with other segments of working people, a socialist revolution.

The Meeting's documents show that the peaceful coexistence policy in no way impinges on the right of oppressed peoples to use the way they think most suitable-armed or unarmed to achieve liberation. It does not imply conciliation with reactionary regimes set up and backed by imperialists. On the contrary, it offers the oppressed peoples a favorable background for struggle against colonialism and neo-colonialism, the tyranny of reactionary juntas and the stranglehold of foreign monopolies.



peaceful coexistence is itself a special form of class struggle, and, secondly, far from impeding, it tends to reinforce world socialism, promote the class struggle of the proletariat and the national liberation struggle in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The policy of peaceful coexistence vis-a-vis the capitalist states has given the socialist countries extensive opportunities for invigorating their position, and that of the world socialist system as a whole.

*** When imperialist quarters venture on armed aggression or counter-revolutionary plots against a socialist state, as in the case of Hungary and Czechoslovakia, they are repulsed by the concerted power of the socialist countries.

Take Vietnam and the Middle East. Versatile aid furnished by the Soviet Union and other socialist countries to the heroic people of Vietnam and the Arab peoples is enabling them to repulse imperialist attacks and to safeguard their independence and their social and other gains.


The Communists frequently talk about the possibility of "peaceful revolution." The following quotation from Khrushchev spells out in a particular blunt manner what the communists mean by this concept. In Khrushchev's words, "If the ruling classes are unwilling to bow to the will of the people, the proletariat must break their resistance and start a resolute civil war."


[Before a meeting of the party organizations in the Higher Party School, the Academy of Social Science, and the Central Committee of the CPSU]

"In a number of countries which are particularly weakened by the conflicts within the capitalist order, the opportunity has arisen for the working class to place itself firmly at the head of great popular movements for national independence, democracy, peace, and socialism, to defeat the reactionary antipeople forces striving for the maintenance, and aggravation of national oppression and exploitation, to win a decisive majority in Parliament and to change it from an organ of the bourgeois democracy into an organ of power for the democracy of working people, into a direct instrument of power for the peaceful development of the socialist revolution.

"Also, our experience provides notable and practical proof that it is possible to transform parliament from an instrument of the bourgeoisie into an instrument of the revolutionary democratic will of the people and into an instrument for the development of the socialist revolution."

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"Marxism-Leninism proceeds from the view that the forms of transition to socialism can be of a peaceful nature. Revolution by peaceful means is in keeping with the interest of the working class and the masses. But if the ruling classes counter revolution with force and are unwilling to bow to the will of the people, the proletariat must break their resistance and start a resolute civil war.'

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[Before a meeting of the party organizations in the Higher School, the Academy of Social Sciences, and the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the Central Committee of the CPSU]

“* * * a liberation war of a people for its independence, is a sacred war. We recognize such wars, we help and will help the peoples striving for their independence." ***

"The Communist fully support such just wars (World Marxist Review version: and without reservation) and march in the front rank with the peoples waging liberation struggles."



"The American 'dirty war' in Vietnam is a challenge to the national liberation movement throughout the world, and a direct attack against it aimed at strangling the peoples' liberation struggle." "American imperialists and their apologists are trying to prove the 'lawfulness' of waging wars against the peoples defending their national independence. But national wars are just wars. They are lawful weapons of the oppressed peoples, and express their will to live in freedom without any foreign enslavement by their puppets."


"Liberation wars will continue to exist as long as imperialism exists *** such wars not only are permissible, but inevitable. Therefore, the peoples can attain their freedom and independence only by struggle, including armed struggle."


[From Peking NCNA International Service in English, July 9, 1971]


At present the world revolutionary situation is just excellent. Countries want independence, nations want liberation and the people want to make revolution-this has become an irresistible historical trend. U.S. imperialism and social imperialism have landed themselves in an unprecedented dilemma and their doom is not far off. Let us, the Chinese and Albanian peoples, unite with the people throughout the world and strive jointly to defeat the U.S. aggressors and all their running dogs completely!


[Moscow TASS International Service in English, 2 August 1971]


[Text] Moscow, August 2, TASS.-Today's PRAVDA carries a commentary by Boris Örekhov about the new round of the militarist campaign in the United States which is stepped up by the militaryindustrial complex that exerts a great influence on the shaping of the Government policy. The obvious aim of this campaign is to stockpile armaments and to continue the power politics, Boris Orekhov writes in the commentary entitled "Under Pressure of the Hawks."

Commenting on the militarist statements and calls of the Washington "hawks," the author stresses that every time the military-industrial monopolies of the United States wish to get new Government orders to receive many millions in profits, their exponents at all the steps of the Government hierarchy raise a hue and cry about the mythical "Soviet menace."

The militarist calls sounding in Washington are a sign that certain circles in the United States resume the campaign for new intensification of the disastrous arms race, PRAVDA's commentator writes. This campaign can in no way promote relaxation of international tensions, to which Washington official representatives pay lip service. "Now that the strategic arms limitation talks between the USSR and the USA are being held in Helsinki, the war hysteria fanned up by those who serve the interests of the military business in the United States causes a grave concern of all the peace champions," the commentator writes.



[Before opening session of the 24th Congress of CPSU, March 30, 1971]

As a result of collective elaboration and the implementation of a number of measures, the military organization of the Warsaw Pact has been perfected in recent years. The armed forces of the allied states are in a high degree of readiness and are capable of guaranteeing the peaceful labor of the fraternal peoples. [Applause]

New friendship, cooperation, and mutual aid treaties have been concluded with Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Romania along with treaties with the GDR, Poland, and Mongolia which took effect earlier. Together with other bilateral treaties between the fraternal countries, these documents comprise an extensive system of mutual, allied socialist obligations. Our friendship with the Polish People's Republic is unflinching. We note with deep satisfaction that fraternal Poland has overcome difficulties which arose there. The PZPR is implementing measures to strengthen its ties with the working class and with all working people, and at making the socialist positions in the country still stronger. Soviet communists desire greatest success in this from the bottom of their hearts. [Applause.]


In their constant attacks on Zionism, the Soviet propagandists invariably pretend that they are strongly opposed to anti-Semitism, and that their critique is directed exclusively against the political philosophy of Zionism. This claim is belied by the merciless persecution of the Jewish religion in Russia and by the blatant discrimination against Jews in many areas of public life. It is also belied by some of the crude and unmistakeable anti-Semitism which characterizes some of their statements about "Zionism."

[From Pravda, February 18 and 19, 1971]


(By V. Bolshakov)

The logic inherent in the social and economic development of the two world systems-the capitalist and socialist ones-predetermines the increasing sharpening of the ideological struggle between them. Imperialism is throwing into this battle ever new forces from among its dwindling reserves of specialists in persuasion and ideological sub


Zionist circles have been playing an increasingly active role in these imperialist activities directed against socialism and the progressive forces.

"Zionism serves as one of the instruments of imperialism in its global struggle and subversive political and ideological activities against the USSR and the entire world socialist system-activities aimed at undermining socialist regimes from within". So says the Communist Party of Israel in its theses on the subject of "The Jewish Question and Zionism Today".

Tool of imperialism

Zionism has put itself at the service of imperialism, on the basis of the fact that they both have in common the same class essence. Modern Zionism is an ideology, a ramified network of organisations and a policy pursued in practice by the Jewish big bourgeoisie, which has merged with the monopoly circles in the United States and other imperialist powers. Militant chauvinism, anti-communism and anti-Sovietism make up the main content of the policy of Zionism today. Zionist actions are not confined simply to supporting the State of Israel. The international Zionist corporation represented by the World Zionist Organisation and its periphery-the World Jewish Congress and numerous other branches and affiliated organisations-is a major association of finance capital and at the same time an international espionage centre and a smoothly functioning service of misrepresentation and slander.





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