[blocks in formation]

NOTE: The following abbreviations are used in this table (unless otherwise indicated, references are to material appearing in the Code of Federal Regulations, 1949 Edition, and to Presidential documents published in this book):

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Dec. 18, 1878: revoked in part by PLO 461.
May 27, 1885: revoked in part by PLO 461.
June 21, 1890: revoked in part by PLO 534.
Dec. 6, 1890: revoked by PLO 524.

Dec. 31, 1898: revoked in part by PLO 541.
July 20, 1899: amended by EO 9995.

Nov. 21, 1902: revoked in part by PLO 541.
May 24, 1905: revoked in part by PLO 465.

Nov. 27, 1905: revoked by PLO 541.

Nov. 30, 1908: amended by EO 10017.

July 2, 1910: see Misc. 1764, 33697, 13 F. R. 1841, 3208.

May 16, 1911: see Misc. 2139711, 13 F. R. 2387.

Oct. 28, 1911: see Misc. 1762, 13 F. R. 1061.

Nov. 28, 1911: see Misc. 23254, 13 F. R. 2235.

Feb. 17. 1912: see Misc. 16390, 13 F. R. 2234.

Nov. 15, 1912: revoked by PLO 438.

Nov. 25, 1912: amended by EO 10017.

Apr. 21, 1913: see PLO 516.

Dec. 1, 1913: see PLO 431.

Aug. 8, 1914: see PLO 431; revoked in part by PLO 508.

July 10, 1917: modified by PLO 490.

Apr. 17, 1926: see PLO 431.

Feb. 23, 1928: revoked in part by PLO 518.

589: revoked in part by EO 10009.

773: revoked by PLO 470.

942: revoked by PLO 446.

1039: revoked in part by PLO 484.

1067: revoked in part by PLO 541.

1137: see EO 9995.

1242: see EO 9995.

1624: amended by EO 10017.

Executive Orders-Continued

1712: revoked in part by EO 10009.

1776: amended by EO 10017.

1778: amended by EO 10017.

1888: amended by CZO 1, 5, 8; see also CZO 4.

2242: modified by PLO 458, 539.

2759: revoked by PLO 521.

2800: see EO 9995.

3314: revoked by PLO 451.
3814: revoked by PLO 502.
4014: revoked by PLO 485.
4124: amended by EO 10017.
4127: revoked by PLO 444.
4314: amended by CZO 11, 15, 16.
4459: amended by CZO 8.
4601: see T. O. 30, 13 F. R. 8163.
4773: superseded by EO 10020.
4846: revoked by PLO 506.
4920: revoked by PLO 506.
4949: modified by PLO 468.
5005: revoked by PLO 472.

5105: revoked in part by PLO 501.

5201: revoked by PLO 464.

5326: see PLO 474.

5339: revoked in part by PLO 501.

5424: revoked by PLO 505.

5585: revoked by PLO 536.

5644: amended by EO 10000.

5771: see EO 9995.

5849: amended by CZO 12.

6065: revoked by PLO 501.

6166: see T. O. 11, 13 F. R. 2678.

6206: see PLO 431; modified by PLO 499.

6361: revoked in part by PLO 491.

6587: revoked by PLO 434.

6728: see T. O. 11, 13 F. R. 2678.

6750: revoked by EO 10004. 6868: amended by EO 9916.

6891: see PLO 501.

6910: see PLO 443, 480.

6942: see EO 10000.

6964: see PLO 462, 463, 510. 7062: see EO 10000.

7285: revoked by EO 10016. 7298: superseded by EO 10006. 7465: superseded by EO 9967. 7784A: amended by EO 9916: 7888: see PLO 487.

8033: amended by EO 9916. 8356: superseded by EO 9998. 8377: superseded by EO 9998.

8389: see EO 9989.

8512: see T. O. 25, 13 F. R. 6270.

8727: see EO 10020.

8808: see T. O. 30, 13 F. R. 8163. 8809: see T. O. 30, 13 F. R. 8163. 8874: revoked in part by PLO 496. 8877: revoked in part by PLO 445. 8932: revoked by PLO 475.

8972: see T. O. 22, 13 F. R. 5665. 8973: see EO 9952, 9994.

8979: see PLO 487.

8989: amended by EO 9919. 9001: see T. O. 6, 13 F. R. 218. 9029: modified by PLO 473.

9042: revoked in part by PLO 477. 9048: see EO 10020.

Executive Orders-Continued

9067: see EO 9952, 9994.
9081: revoked by PLO 517.
9084: see T. O. 25, 13 F. R. 6270.

9091: see PLO 495.

9104: revoked in part by PLO 512.
9109: revoked in part by PLO 449.
9112: see T. O. 25, 13 F. R. 6270.
9135: superseded by EO 9953.
9154: amended by EO 9945.
9156: amended by EO 9919.
9158: see T. O. 30, 13 F. R. 8163.
9177: see T. O. 6, 13 F. R. 218.
9214: amended by EO 9919.

9216: see T. O. 20, 13 F. R. 4874; see EO 10020.
9222: see T. O. 25, 13 F. R. 6270.
9242A: see T. O. 30, 13 F. R. 8163.
9252: superseded by T. 5, Part 31.
9255: see T. O. 25, 13 F. R. 6270.
9260: see T. O. 30, 13 F. R. 8163.
9265: see T. O. 30, 13 F. R. 8163.

9267: see EO 10020.

9323: see T. O. 30, 13 F. R. 8163.

9324: see T. O. 20, 13 F. R. 4874; see EO 10020.

9339: see T. O. 13, 13 F. R. 2967.

9384: see T. O. 25, 13 F. R. 6270.

9389: amended by EO 9919.

9396: see T. O. 30, 13 F. R. 8163.

9419: see T. O. 30, 13 F. R. 8163.

9446: superseded by EO 9975.

9467: amended by CZO 1.

9515: amended by CZO 11.

9526: modified by PLO 456, 467, 475, 476, 483, 504.

9544: revoked by EO 9938.

9563: amended by CZO 11.

9586: see T. O. 30, 13 F. R. 8163.

9630: amended by EO 9919; see also T. O. 17, 13 F. R. 3970.

9637: see T. O. 30, 13 F. R. 8163.

9638: see T. O. 18, 13 F. R. 4014.

9641: superseded by EO 9986.

9647: revoked by EO 10004.

9655: revoked by EO 9993.

9683: see EO 10020.

9709: see T. 15 § 12.10, 13 F. R. 6080.

9721: modified by EO 9949.

9729: amended by EO 9919.

9740: amended by CZO 5.

9744B: superseded by EO 9984.

9769: superseded by EO 10017.

9772: see EO 10020.

9781: see T. O. 5, 13 F. R. 218; see also EO 9990.

9783: see EO 9968.

9785: superseded by EO 9984.

9805: amended by EO 9933, 9997.

9809: see T. O. 18, 13 F. R. 4014.

9830: amended by EO 9961, 9973; amended by T. 5, Part 6.

9832: revoked by EO 10004.

9835: see T. O. 19, 13 F. R. 4419.

9857A: see T. O. 30, 13 F. R. 8163.

9864: amended by EO 9960.

9869: superseded by EO 9984.

9870: extended by EO 9982; revoked by EO 10011.

9871: amended by EO 9976; see also T. O. 25, 13 F. R. 6270.

9877: revoked by EO 9950.

9897: revoked by EO 9993.

9898: amended by EO 9926; extended by EO 9974.

[blocks in formation]

2247: superseded by Proc. 2775; effective date of supersedure postponed by Proc. 2808. 2249: superseded by Proc. 2775; effective date of supersedure postponed by Proc. 2808.

2351: modified by Proc. 2800.

2416: amended by PLO 446.

2516: superseded by Proc. 2818.

2616: superseded by Proc. 2801.

2619: superseded by Proc. 2801.

2625: superseded by Proc. 2801.

2658: superseded by Proc. 2801.

2699: superseded by Proc. 2801.

2714: see T. O. 30, 13 F. R. 8163.

2717: superseded by Proc. 2776.

2739: superseded by Proc. 2801.

2744: superseded by Proc. 2801.

2747: superseded by Proc. 2801.

2752: superseded by Proc. 2801.

2761A: amended by Procs. 2769, 2782, 2784, 2790, 2791, 2792, 2798, 2809.

2764: amended by Procs. 2769, 2782, 2784, 2790, 2792, 2798, 2809.

2769: amended by Procs. 2782, 2784, 2790, 2792; see also Proc. 2809.

2775: amended by Proc. 2808.

2782: amended by Proc. 2784.

2790: amended by Proc. 2809; see also Proc. 2792.

2801: amended by Procs. 2821, 2822.

2821: see Proc. 2822.

Reorganization Plans

IV of June 30, 1940: see T. O. 14, 13 F. R. 3095.




WHEREAS (1) section 350 (a) and (b) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by section 1 of the act of June 12, 1934 entitled "AN ACT To amend the Tariff Act of 1930", by the Joint Resolution approved June 7, 1943, and by section 2 of the Act of July 5, 1945, provides as follows:

SEC. 350. (a) For the purpose of expanding foreign markets for the products of the United States (as a means of assisting in the present emergency in restoring the American standard of living, in overcoming domestic unemployment and the present economic depression, in increasing the purchasing power of the American public, and in establishing and maintaining a better relationship among various branches of American agriculture, industry, mining, and commerce) by regulating the admission of foreign goods into the United States in accordance with the characteristics and needs of various branches of American production so that foreign markets will be made available to those branches of American production which require and are capable of developing such outlets by affording corresponding market opportunities for foreign products in the United States, the President, whenever he finds as a fact that any existing duties or other import restrictions of the United States or any foreign country are unduly burdening and restricting the foreign trade of the United States and that the purpose above declared will be promoted by the means hereinafter specified, is authorized from time to time

(1) To enter into foreign trade agreements with foreign governments or instrumentalities thereof; and

(2) To proclaim such modifications of existing duties and other import restrictions, or such additional import restrictions, or

such continuance, and for such minimum periods, of existing customs or excise treatment of any article covered by foreign trade agreements, as are required or appropriate to carry out any foreign trade agreement that the President has entered into hereunder. No proclamation shall be made increasing or decreasing by more than 50 per centum any rate of duty, however established, existing on January 1, 1945 (even though temporarily suspended by act of Congress), or transferring any article between the dutiable and free lists. The proclaimed duties and other import restrictions shall apply to articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of all foreign countries, whether imported directly, or indirectly: Provided, That the President may suspend the application to articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of any country because of its discriminatory treatment of American commerce or because of other acts (including the operations of international cartels) or policies which in his opinion tend to defeat the purposes set forth in this section; and the proclaimed duties and other import restrictions shall be in effect from and after such time as is specified in the proclamation. The President may at any time terminate any such proclamation in whole or in part.

(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the application, with respect to rates of duty established under this section pursuant to agreements with countries other than Cuba, of the provisions of the treaty of commercial reciprocity concluded between the United States and the Republic of Cuba on December 11, 1902, or to preclude giving effect to an exclusive agreement with Cuba concluded under this section, modifying the existing preferential customs treatment of any article the growth, produce, or manufacture of Cuba: Provided, That the duties on such an article shall in no case be increased or decreased by more than 50 per centum of the duties, however established existing on January 1, 1945 (even though temporarily suspended by act of Congress). (48 Stat. 943 and 944, ch. 474, 57

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