
Stat. 125, ch. 118, 59 Stat. 410 and 411, ch. 269; 19 U. S. C. (1940) 1351 (a), 19 U. S. C. (1940) Supp. V, 1351 (a) (2) and (b).);

WHEREAS (2) the period within which the President is authorized to enter into trade agreements under the said section 350 was extended by section 1 of the Act of July 5, 1945 until the expiration of three years from June 12, 1945 (48 Stat. 944, ch. 474, 59 Stat. 410, ch. 269; 19 U. S. C. (1940) Supp. V, 1352 (c).);

WHEREAS (3) I, Harry S. Truman, President of the United States of America, have found as a fact that certain existing duties and other import restrictions of the United States of America and the Republic of Cuba are unduly burdening and restricting the foreign trade of the United States of America and that the purpose declared in said section 350 (a) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, will be promoted by a trade agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Cuba;

WHEREAS (4) reasonable public notice of the intention to negotiate such trade agreement was given and the views presented by persons interested in the negotiation thereof were received and considered;

WHEREAS (5), after seeking and obtaining information and advice with respect thereto from the United States Tariff Commission, the Departments of State, Agriculture, Commerce, the Army, and the Navy, and from other sources, on October 30, 1947 I entered, through my duly empowered Plenipotentiary, into an exclusive trade agreement with the Government of the Republic of Cuba, which exclusive trade agreement, as supplemented by an exchange of notes between the Acting Secretary of State of the United States of America and the Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba, signed December 19 and 22, 1947, by two exchanges of letters between the Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation to the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment and the President of the Cuban Delegation thereto, signed October 30, 1947, by a memorandum of October 28, 1947 from the Cuban Delegation, and by two memoranda of October 30, 1947 from the Cuban Delegation, in the English

and Spanish languages, is annexed to this proclamation; 1

WHEREAS (6) the provisions of numbered paragraph 2 of said exclusive trade agreement providing for the application to products of the Republic of Cuba of portions of schedule XX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, dated October 30, 1947, and of article 17 of the Draft Charter for an International Trade Organization recommended by the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment make those portions of said schedule, and all other provisions of said general agreement and of the Protocol of Provisional Application thereof which relate to the schedule or to the concessions therein, and said article 17 a part of said exclusive trade agreement insofar as they apply to products of the Republic of Cuba;

WHEREAS (7) part II of, and the general notes in, said schedule XX of the general agreement, which are thus made a part of said exclusive trade agreement, are annexed to this proclamation; 2

WHEREAS (8) I determine that the rates of duty and import tax specified in the column at the right of the respective

1 The texts of all these documents annexed to the proclamation in the language or languages in which signed, with an English translation of those parts signed in Spanish only, will be published by the Department of State as Treaties and Other International Acts Series No. 1703, and in the Statutes at Large. The English texts and English translations of texts in Spanish only, of these documents (except the exchange of notes of December 19 and 22, 1947, and the reply letter of one of the exchanges of letters of October 30, 1947) are contained in the publication of the Department of State entitled "Supplementary Agreements and Other Documents Relating to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade," November 1947, pages 4 to 7, and 14 to 20. The English text of the exclusive agreement itself was also issued by the Department of State in Press Release No. 982 of December 22, 1947, and is being included in the Department of State Bulletin of January 4, 1948, vol. 18, page 28, and in the weekly Treasury Decisions.

The texts of part II of, and the general notes in, schedule XX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade annexed to the proclamation are being included in the weekly Treasury Decisions. Other references to schedule XX are contained in footnote 1 to Proclamation 2761A, 3 CFR, 1947 Supp., p. 71.

[blocks in formation]

717 (b)..... Fish, fresh or frozen (whether or not packed in ice), filleted, skinned, boned, 111⁄2e per lb.

806 (a)...



sliced, or divided into portions, not specially provided for: Cod, haddock,
hake, pollock, cusk, and rosefish.

Naranjilla (solanum quitoense lam) sirup, not specially provided for, contain-
ing less than one-half of 1 per centum of alcohol.

Twist, twine, and cordage, bleached, dyed, or otherwise treated, composed
of two or more jute yarns or rovings twisted together, the size of the single
yarn or roving of which is coarser than twenty-pound.

Hose, suitable for conducting liquids or gases, wholly or in chief value of
vegetable fiber.

1529 (a).... Articles (except wearing apparel) in part of hand-made lace over 2 inches wide and in part of hand-made lace not over 2 inches wide and containing no machine-made material or article provided for in paragraph 1529 (a), Tariff Act of 1930, however provided for in said paragraph 1529 (a):


Valued at more than $50 and less than $150 per pound.......
Valued at $150 or more per pound.

Rosaries, chaplets, and similar articles of religious devotion, if made in whole
or in part of gold, silver, platinum, gold plate, silver plate, or precious or
imitation precious stones.

42€ per gal.

5.4e per lb.

15.6€ per lb. and 12% ad val.

72% ad val. 54% ad val. 36% ad val.


1. The provisions of this list shall be construed and given the same effect, and the application of collateral provisions of the customs laws of the United States to the provisions of this list shall be determined, insofar as may be practicable, as if each provision of this list appeared respectively in the statutory provision noted in the column at the left of the respective description of articles.

2. Any additional or separate ordinary customs duty provided for in respect of any article described in this list, whether or not imposed under the statutory provision indicated in the column at the left of the description of the article and whether or not temporarily or conditionally inapplicable, shall continue in force until terminated in accordance with law, subject to any reduction, or consolidation with the primary duty, indicated in this list or hereafter provided for, and subject to any temporary or conditional exemption therefrom now or hereafter provided for by law.

WHEREAS (9), in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (c) of

numbered paragraph 2 of said exclusive trade agreement, I determine (a) that the products provided for by the descriptions in the following list are products not described in the 8th recital of this proclamation, which would have been subject to ordinary customs duty if imported as products of the Republic of Cuba on April 10, 1947, disregarding any temporary or conditional exemptions, and which either are not described in said schedule XX of the general agreement or are described in part I thereof and the concessions thereon are identified in the 8th recital of the proclamation by the President of December 16, 1947, and are of a kind which were imported into the United States of America as products of the Republic of Cuba in any quantity during any of the calendar years 1937, 1939, 1944, and 1945, and (b) that the rates of duty and import tax specified in the column at the right of the respective descriptions of products are the rates for such products of the Republic of Cuba which conform to the provisions of said subparagraph (c):

19. Casein or lactarene and mixtures of which casein 2.2é per lb.


28 (a)...... All colors, dyes, or stains, whether soluble or not
in water, except those provided for in para-
graph 28 (b), Tariff Act of 1930.

28 (a)...... Acetanilide suitable for medicinal use, acet-
phenetidine, acetylsalicylic acid, antipyrine,
benzaldehyde suitable for medicinal use, ben-
zoic acid suitable for medicinal use, beta-
naphthol suitable for medicinal use, guaiacol
and its derivatives, phenolphthalein, resorcin-
ol suitable for medicinal use, salicylic acid
and its salts suitable for medicinal use, salol,
and other medicinals; all the foregoing when
obtained, derived, or manufactured in whole
or in part from any of the products provided
for in paragraph 27 or 1651, Tariff Act of 1930.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

409...... Reeds wrought or manufactured from rattan or
reeds, whether round, flat, split, oval, or in
whatever form, cane wrought or manufactured
from rattan, cane webbing, and split or par-
tially manufactured rattan, not specially pro-
vided for.

[blocks in formation]

32% ad val. but not
less than 4% of the
rate of duty provided
for sugar of the same
polariscopic test in
item 501 of Part II of
Schedule XX of the
General Agreement
on Tariffs and

[blocks in formation]



Oil-bearing seeds and materials: Castor beans...
Beans, other than lima beans, green or unripe,

not specially provided for.

Beans, dried, not specially provided for

Beans, not specially provided for, not in brine, but otherwise prepared or preserved in any

Tomatoes, prepared or preserved in any manner..

774........ Peppers in their natural state....
775........ Vegetables (including horseradish), if cut, sliced,

or otherwise reduced in size, or if reduced to
flour, or if parched or roasted, or if pickled, or
packed in salt, brine, oil (except cucumbers
and onions, if pickled, or packed in brine), or
prepared or preserved in any other way and
not specially provided for.

775 Sauces of all kinds, not specially provided for....
776........ All coffee substitutes and adulterants, and coffee

[blocks in formation]


Pepper, capsicum or red pepper or cayenne pepper, unground.

Mixed spices, and spices and spice seeds not specially provided for, including all herbs or herb leaves in glass or other small packages, for culinary use (except bay leaves and marjoram leaves).

2.4€ per lb. on the entire
contents of the con-

20% ad val.
1.2¢ per lb.
28% ad val.

[blocks in formation]

Compounds and preparations of which distilled $2 per proof gal. spirits are the component material of chief

value and not specially provided for.

804........ Still wines produced from grapes (not including $1 per gal.


Bags or sacks made from plain woven fabrics of e per lb. and 8% ad

[blocks in formation]


Braids, plaits, and laces, composed wholly or in 6% ad val.

chief value of chip, paper, grass, willow, osier,
rattan, real horsehair, or cuba bark, and braids
and plaits, wholly or in chief value of ramie,
all the foregoing suitable for making or orna-
menting hats, bonnets, or hoods: Not bleached,
dyed, colored, or stained, and not containing a
substantial part of rayon or other synthetic

Brooms, made of broom corn, straw, wooden
fiber, or twigs.

Bristles, sorted, bunched, or prepared..

Dolls and doll clothing, composed in any part,
however small, of any of the laces, fabrics, em-
broideries, or other materials or articles pro-
vided for in paragraph 1529 (a), Tariff Act of


Dolls, composed wholly or in chief value of any
product provided for in paragraph 31, Tariff
Act of 1930, having any movable member or



20% ad val.

2.4€ per lb.

36% ad val.

se each and 48% ad val.

Dolls, parts of dolls (including clothing), and 25% ad val.
doll heads, of whatever materials composed
(except those composed wholly or in chief value
of any product provided for in paragraph 31,
Tariff Act of 1930, and except those composed
in any part however small, of any of the laces,
fabrics, embroideries, or other materials or ar-
ticles provided for in paragraph 1529 (a), Tariff
Act of 1930).

Toy games, toy containers, toy favors, and toy 56% ad val.
souvenirs, of whatever materials composed.
1513 Toys (except toys wholly or in chief value of
rubber), and parts of toys, not specially pro-
vided for (including toys in the forms of mus-
ical instruments and capable of emitting
sound, but not including any other toys de-
scribed in item 1513 (second) of Part I of
Schedule XX of the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade):

[blocks in formation]

1527 (a) (2). Articles and parts thereof provided for in para

graph 1527 (c) (2), Tariff Act of 1930, valued at
not above $5 per dozen pieces or parts (except
parts valued at less than 20 cents per dozen
pieces and except ladies' handbags set with
and in chief value of rhinestones, mesh bags
and parts thereof, cigar and cigarette lighters
and parts thereof, and cigarette cases.

56% ad val. 16% ad val. 52% ad val.

1530 (a).... Hides and skins of cattle of the bovine species 4% ad val.

(except buffalo hides and skins), weighing more than 25 pounds each, raw or uncured or

pickled, but neither dried nor dry-salted.


1530 (e).... Boots, shoes, or other footwear (including ath-
letic or sporting boots and shoes), made wholly
or in chief value of leather, not specially pro-
vided for (except boots, shoes, or other foot-
wear made by the process known as welt; skat-
ing boots and shoes sewed or stitched by the
process or method known as McKay, if at-
tached to ice skates; slippers for housewear;
and moccasins of the Indian handicraft type,
having no line of demarcation between the
soles and the uppers):

Sewed or stitched by the process or method
known as McKay:

1531....... Bags (except women's and children's handbags),
baskets, satchels, cardcases, pocketbooks (ex-
cept women's and children's), jewel boxes,
portfolios, and other boxes and cases, not
jewelry, wholly or in chief value of reptile
leather, and manufactures of reptile leather or
of which reptile leather is the component
material of chief value (except buckles and
other articles of wearing apparel), not specially
provided for (not including any of the forego-
ing permanently fitted and furnished with
traveling, bottle, drinking, dining, or lunch-
eon, sewing, manicure, or similar sets).

1537 (b).... Manufactures of india rubber, or of which india 20% ad val.

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