
eral agreement, and in subdivision (a), other than exception (I) thereof, of said proclamation of December 16, 1947, including in each case any amendments and rectifications which have been proclaimed by the President, to articles of the kinds provided for in the descriptions of products in the column at the left of said rates;

(b) The rates of duty specified in the 7th recital of this proclamation shall be applied, subject to the applicable terms, conditions, and qualifications set forth therein, to the articles described in the column at the left of such rates as though said rates, descriptions, and related paragraph numbers had appeared in part I of schedule XX of said general agreement on October 30, 1947; and

(c) Effective on and after May 22, 1948, the list set forth in the 7th recital of said proclamation of January 30, 1948, as amended, shall be further amended in the manner indicated in the 8th recital of this proclamation; and


To the end that said exclusive trade agreement specified in the 3rd recital of this proclamation may be carried out, I do further proclaim that:

(a) Effective on and after May 22, 1948, the lists set forth in the 8th and 9th recitals of said proclamation of January 1, 1948, as amended and rectified, shall be further amended in the manner indicated in the 9th recital of this proclamation; and

(b) The list set forth in the 9th recital of said proclamation of January 1, 1948, as amended and rectified, shall be further rectified in the manner indicated in the 10th and 11th recitals of this proclamation effective as though said rectifications had appeared in said 9th recital on January 1, 1948.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed.

DONE at the City of Washington this 4th day of May, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and [SEAL] forty-eight and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and seventysecond. HARRY S. TRUMAN

By the President:
Secretary of State.



WHEREAS section 1 of Public Law 257, 80th Congress, approved July 30, 1947, provides that "for the purpose of providing breeding places for game animals and birds and for the protection and administration of game animals and birds, and fish, the President of the United States is hereby authorized, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture, to establish by public proclamation certain specified federally owned areas within the Francis Marion National Forest as game sanctuaries and refuges"; and

WHEREAS the Secretary of Agriculture has recommended that the lands owned by the United States within the area hereinafter described be established as a game sanctuary and refuge; and

WHEREAS it appears that the establishment of such sanctuary and refuge would be in the public interest:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. TRUMAN, President of the United States of America, under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the aforesaid act of July 30, 1947, do proclaim that for the purpose of providing breeding places for game animals and birds and for the protection and administration of game animals and birds, and fish, ali of the lands owned by the United States in the following-described area within the Francis Marion National Forest, in the State of South Carolina, are hereby established as a game sanctuary and refuge, to be known as the Francis Marion National Forest Wildlife Preserve:

Beginning at the point of confluence of Wambaw Creek and the South Santee River, in the Berkeley and Charleston County Line, latitude 33°12′47′′ N., longitude 79°26′49′′ W., thence southwesterly, up and with the meanders of Wambaw Creek, bordering U. S. Tract 113n, and on the Charleston-Berkeley County line, 156.0 chains to Forest Service monument 708; thence four lines with U. S. Tract 70: (1) southeasterly with Echaw Road, 75.0 chains to Forest Service monument 717, (2) southwesterly with Old Stage Coach Road, 69.0 chains to Forest Service monument 706, (3) S. 45°45′ W., 114.30 chains to a point, (4) S. 73°45′ W., 3.50 chains to Forest Service monument 684; thence with U. S. Tracts 13aa and 48, southeasterly 73.0 chains to Old Georgetown Road; thence with Old Georgetown Road, southwesterly 81.0 chains to line corners 2-3 of U. S. Tract 48; thence N. 30°00′ W., 23.3 chains to Forest

Service monument 683; thence southerly, with the east lines of U. S. Tract 1130, 61.3 chains to corner 34 thereof; thence southeasterly, with the NE lines of U. S. Tract 13z, 57.3 chains to Forest Service monument 682-1; thence with east and southeast lines of U. S. Tract 1130, passing in line corners 2 to 9 thereof, 158.5 chains to Forest Service monument 671; thence with northeast and southeast lines of U. S. Tract 49, passing in line corners 23 to 27 thereof, 119.2 chains to Forest Service monument 577; thence southwesterly, within U. S. Tract 49 and with Old Georgetown Road, 85.0 chains to line corners 39 to 40 thereof; thence N. 34°50′ W., 21.0 chains to corner 40 of U. S. Tract 49 and Forest Service monument 567; thence southwesterly with U. S. Tract 49, passing in line corners 41 to 44, inclusive, 274.1 chains to corner 45 thereof; thence with the NE and SE lines of U. S. Tract 243, passing in line corners 4 to 13, inclusive, 111.5 chains to Forest Service monument 544-1; thence with the SE and SW lines of U. S. Tract 189, passing corners 2 and 3 thereof, 24.1 chains to Forest Service monument 544; thence with lands of Stepney Cash Estate, S. 36°45′ W., 3.1 chains to corner 1 of U. S. Tract 74; thence with the SE lines of U. S. Tracts 74 and 189a, 21.7 chains to corner 2 of U. S. Tract 225; thence within said U. S. Tract 225, S. 66°20′ W., 32.5 chains to corner 18 of said Tract 225, common to corner 63 of U. S. Tract 1; thence southwesterly, with five lines of said Tract 1, passing in line corners 64 and 65 thereof, 112.0 chains to corner 66; thence within said Tract 1, S. 76°30′ W., 19.0 chains to corner 69; thence two lines with U. S. Tract 1: (1) S. 85°09′ W., 24.6 chains, (2) S. 77°50′ W., 14.0 chains to corner 70 thereof; thence within U. S. Tract 1, N. 68°45′ W., 50.0 chains to corner 73, thereof; thence two lines with U. S. Tract 1: (1) N. 45°25′ W., 14.3 chains to corner 74, (2) S. 0°40′ Ε., 80.0 chains to corner 75; thence continue within U. S. Tract 1, S. 85°30′ W., 38.5 chains to Forest Service monument 503; thence westerly with Willow Hall Road, also known as Forest Service Road No. 40, 249.0 chains to Cooter Creek; thence northwesterly, up and with Cooter Creek, 88.0 chains to Forest Service monument 450; thence with U. S. Tract 1, N. 32°45′ W., 37.7 chains to corner 52, common to corner 47 of U. S. Tract 11; thence with U. S. Tract 11, N. 30°15′ W., 11.5 chains to corner 48, common to corner 7 of U. S. Tract 6a; thence with U. S. Tract 6a, N. 69°25′ W., 9.4 chains to corner 1, common to corner 3 of U. S. Tract 1h; thence with U. S. Tract 1h, N. 69°25′ W., 12.3 chains to Halfway Creek Road, in the CharlestonBerkeley County Line; thence northeasterly with Halfway Creek Road, and along the Charleston-Berkeley County Line, 375.0 chains to corner 11 of U. S. Tract 11; thence two lines with U. S. Tract 11: (1) Ν. 45°45′ E., 42.9 chains to corner 12 thereof, (2) N. 37°00′ W., 15.8 chains to Halfway Creek Road;

thence northeasterly with Halfway Creek Road, passing in line Forest Service monuments 484 and 602, 227.0 chains to junction with Thompson Branch Road: thence northeasterly with Halfway Creek Extension Road, 225.0 chains to junction with Coffee Road; thence southeasterly with Coffee Road, 20.0 chains to Honey Hill Tower Road; thence easterly, with Honey Hill Tower Road and through U. S. Tract 3, 150.0 chains to line 22-23 of U. S. Tract 3; thence S. 44°45′ Ε., along line 22-23 of U. S. Tract 3, 78.0 chains to corner 23 thereof, identical with Forest Service monument 653; thence two lines with U. S. Tract 3: (1) N. 45°30′ E., 16.4 chains, (2) Ν. 39°40′ E., 10.0 chains to corner 24 of U. S. Tract 3, identical with corner 9 of U. S. Tract 16; thence three lines with U. S. Tract 16: (1) Ν. 43°00′ E., 6.2 chains, (2) Ν. 42°30′ E., 18.8 chains, (3) N. 44°45′ W., 85.0 chains to Waterhorn Fence; thence northeasterly with Waterhorn Fence and within lands of the United States, 460.0 chains to the South Santee River; thence southeasterly with lands of the United States and along the South Santee River, 710.0 chains to the point of beginning.

All persons are hereby informed that it is unlawful to hunt, catch, trap, willfully disturb, or kill any kind of game animals, game or nongame bird, or fish, or to take the eggs of any such bird, on any lands of the United States herein designated or in or on the waters thereof, except under such general rules and regulations as may be prescribed from time to time by the Secretary of Agriculture.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

DONE at the City of Washington this 10th day of May, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty[SEAL] eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and seventy-second.


By the President:
Secretary of State.



WHEREAS by the act of Congress approved July 17, 1946, 60 Stat. 568, the President is authorized, under the conditions prescribed in that act, to grant an extension of time for the fulfillment of the conditions and formalities for the renewal of trade-mark registrations prescribed by section 12 of the act authorizing the registration of trade-marks used in commerce with foreign nations or among the several States or with Indian tribes, and to protect the same, approved February 20, 1905, as amended (15 U. S. C. 92), by nationals of countries which accord substantially equal treatment in this respect to citizens of the United States of America:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. TRUMAN, President of the United States of America, under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the aforesaid act of July 17, 1946, do find and proclaim that with respect to trade-marks of nationals of the Philippines registered in the United States Patent Office which have been subject to renewal on or after December 8, 1941, there has existed during several years since that date, because of conditions growing out of World War II, such disruption or suspension of facilities essential to compliance with the conditions and formalities prescribed with respect to renewal of such registrations by section 12 of the aforesaid act of February 20, 1905, as amended, as to bring such registrations within the terms of the aforesaid act of July 17, 1946; that the Philippines accords substantially equal treatment in this respect to trademark proprietors who are citizens of the United States; and that accordingly the time within which compliance with conditions and formalities prescribed with respect to renewal of registrations under section 12 of the aforesaid act of February 20, 1905, as amended, may take place is hereby extended with respect to such registrations which expired after December 8, 1941, and before June 30, 1947, until and including June 30, 1948.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed.

DONE at the City of Washington this 11th day of May, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and [SEAL] forty-eight and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and seventysecond. HARRY S. TRUMAN

By the President:


Secretary of State.



WHEREAS there adjoins the Aztec Ruins National Monument, in the State of New Mexico, a certain 1.255-acre tract of land upon which are located ruin mounds of unusual prehistoric and scientific value of the same period and culture as those now contained in that monument; and

WHEREAS the Southwestern Monuments Association, an organization created for the purpose of fostering the development and preservation of the group of areas known as the Southwestern National Monuments, which include the Aztec Ruins National Monument, has donated the said tract of land to the United States for addition to such monument; and

WHEREAS it appears that it would be in the public interest to reserve such tract of land as an addition to the said Aztec Ruins National Monument:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. TRUMAN, President of the United States of America, under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 2 of the act of June 8, 1906, с. 3060, 34 Stat. 225 (16 U. S. C. 431), do proclaim that, subject to valid existing rights, the following-described tract of land in New Mexico is hereby added to and reserved as a part of the Aztec Ruins National Monument:

Beginning at a point N. 00°53′ E., 521.4 feet from the southwest corner of the southeast quarter (SE14) of the southwest quarter (SW14) of section 4, T. 30 N., R. 11 W., New Mexico Principal Meridian, the northwest corner of the present Aztec Ruins National Monument; thence N. 00°53′ E., 278.2 feet, thence east 60.0 feet, thence S. 75°08′ E., 85.13 feet, thence S. 68°52′ E., 236.76 feet, thence S. 70°20′ W., 20.33 feet, thence S. 64°46′ W., 385.00 feet, along the present northerly boundary of Aztec Ruins National Monument to the point of beginning, containing 1.255 acres, more or less.

Warning is hereby expressly given to all unauthorized persons not to appropriate, injure, destroy, or remove any feature of this monument and not to locate or settle upon any of the lands thereof.

The Director of the National Park Service, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, shall have the supervision, management, and control of this monument as provided in the act of Congress entitled "An Act To Estab

[blocks in formation]


PRAYER FOR PEACE: MEMORIAL DAY, 1948 Memorial Day each year provides a fitting occasion upon which American citizens, who have ever been devoted to the ways of peace, may direct their attention to the human losses resulting from the ravages of war.

From the sacred memory of beloved friends and relatives who were sacrificed in the ordeal of battle, we may derive inspiration for renewed prayers and redoubled exertions in a mighty striving for peace.

Although the months and years after the end of hostilities in the world's most tragic war are steadily passing, mankind has not yet found the long-sought basis of an unbreakable, righteous peace. In all humility we wish to acknowledge our need for divine guidance.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. TRUMAN, President of the United States of America, pursuant to a resolution of Congress approved May 28, 1948, do hereby call upon the people of the United States to observe Sunday, May 30, 1948, as Memorial Day by praying to Almighty God, each in accordance with his religious faith, that permanent peace may prevail among men. And I designate the hour beginning at eight o'clock in the evening, Eastern Standard Time, as a period in which all the people of the United States may unite in prayer for a permanent peace.

I also request the newspapers, radio stations, and other media of information

to cooperate in the observance of Memorial Day this year as a day of prayer, and particularly in the appeal for a universal prayer in the evening of that day.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed.

DONE at the City of Washington this 28th day of May in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and [SEAL] forty-eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and seventysecond.


By the President:

Acting Secretary of State.


FLAG DAY, 1948

WHEREAS on June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as our national emblem; and

WHEREAS Americans of varied heritage, creed, and race have found refuge from oppression and surcease of fear under the protecting folds of Old Glory; and

WHEREAS in our day the American flag symbolizes the realization of the ideal of freedom in a world where that ideal is insecure; and

WHEREAS it has properly become a national custom to observe the anniversary of the adoption of the flag by public and private ceremonies in commemoration of the flag's inspiring history and in recognition of its present meaning:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. TRUMAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby direct that the flag of the United States be displayed on all Government buildings on June 14, 1948, and I call upon the people of the Nation to observe that day as Flag Day by suitable ceremonies and by the display of the flag at their homes and other appropriate places. I also urge all citizens to reflect upon the responsibilities which this banner enjoins as well as the privileges it carries, remembering that the flag represents the Nation and that our Nation and its citizens should uphold the concept of free government on all occasions in order that the blessings of liberty may flourish among men.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed.

DONE at the City of Washington this 1st day of June in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty[SEAL] eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and seventy-second. HARRY S. TRUMAN

By the President:

Acting Secretary of State.




WHEREAS (1), pursuant to the authority conferred by section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by section 1 of the Act of June 12, 1934, by the Joint Resolution approved June 7, 1943, and by sections 2 and 3 of the Act of July 5, 1945 (48 Stat. 943 and 944, ch. 474, 57 Stat. 125, ch. 118, 59 Stat. 410 and 411, ch. 269; 19 U. S. C. (1946) 1351), the period within which said authority may be exercised having been extended by section 1 of said Act of July 5, 1945 until the expiration of three years from June 12, 1945 (48 Stat. 944, ch. 474, 59 Stat. 410, ch. 269; 19 U. S. C. (1946) 1352 (c)), on October 30, 1947 the President entered into a trade agreement with the Governments of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Kingdom of Belgium, the United States of Brazil, Burma, Canada, Ceylon, the Republic of Chile, the Republic of China, the Republic of Cuba, the Czechoslovak Republic, the French Republic, India, Lebanon, the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Kingdom of Norway, Pakistan, Southern Rhodesia, Syria, the Union of South Africa, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which trade agreement consists of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the related Protocol of Provisional Application thereof, together with the Final Act Adopted at the Conclusion of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment which authenticated the texts

of said general agreement and said protocol;

WHEREAS (2) on December 16, 1947 by Proclamation 2761A1 the President proclaimed such modifications of existing duties and other import restrictions of the United States of America and such continuance of existing customs or excise treatment of articles imported into the United States of America as were then found to be required or appropriate to carry out said trade agreement on and after January 1, 1948 (12 F. R. 8863), which proclamation has been supplemented by Proclamation 2769 of January 30, 1948 (13 F. R. 467), Proclamation 2782 of April 22, 1948 (13 F. R. 2211) and Proclamation 2784 of May 4, 19482 (13 F. R. 2439);

WHEREAS (3), pursuant to the authority conferred by said section 350, the period within which said authority may be exercised having been so extended, on October 30, 1947 the President entered into an exclusive trade agreement with the Government of the Republic of Cuba (T. D. 51819 (Customs)), which exclusive trade agreement includes certain portions of other documents made a part thereof and provides for the customs treatment in respect of ordinary customs duties of products of the Republic of Cuba imported into the United States of America;

WHEREAS (4) on January 1, 1948 by Proclamation 27642 the President proclaimed such modifications of existing duties and other import restrictions of the United States of America in respect of products of the Republic of Cuba and such continuance of existing customs and excise treatment of products of the Republic of Cuba imported into the United States of America as were then found to be required or appropriate to carry out said exclusive trade agreement on and after January 1, 1948 (13 F. R. 21), which proclamation has been supplemented by said proclamations of January 30, 1948, April 22, 1948, and May 4, 1948;

WHEREAS (5) said trade agreement specified in the 1st recital of this proclamation was supplemented on March 24, 1948 by: (a) a Protocol Modifying Certain Provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, section V of which protocol provides that the modifications provided for therein shall become

13 CFR, 1947 Supp. 2 Supra.

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