
Munitions Board, Joint, Army and Navy;
direction and supervision of. See
Joint Army and Navy boards.
Munitions control. See State Depart-


Narcotics; findings regarding certain
drugs. See Treasury Department.
National Archives; Federal Register Di-
vision. See Federal Register Division.

National Capital Housing Authority:
Membership, prior order amended (EO

National Capital Park and Planning

Designation of Director of Planning as
member of National Capital Housing
Authority (EO 9916)

National Employ the Physically Handi-
capped Week, 1948 (Proc. 2812)

National Farm Safety Week, 1948 (Proc.

National forests, parks, etc. See Forest
Service; National Park Service.
National Guard Day, 1948 (Proc. 2804A)
National Maritime Day, 1948 (Proc.

National Mediation Board:

Emergency boards created to investi-

gate disputes:
Between certain carriers and their

Akron & Barberton Belt Railroad

(EO 9923, 10010, 10015)

Akron and Barberton Belt Rail-
road Company and other listed
carriers (EO 10010, 10015)
Akron, Canton & Youngstown
Railroad Company and other
listed carriers (EO 9929)

Alabama, Tennessee and Northern
Railroad Company and other
listed carriers ("short line" rail-
roads) (EO 9918)

Aliquippa and Southern Railroad
Company (EO 9948)

Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee
Railway Company (EO 9918,

Listed carriers not otherwise sub-
ject to specific orders (EO 9918,
9929, 10010, 10015)

National Airlines, Inc. (EO 9958,

Pennsylvania Railroad (EO 9947)

National Mediation Board-Con.
Emergency boards created to investi-

gate disputes-Continued
Between certain carriers and their

Pittsburgh and West Virginia
Railway Company (EO 9991)
Public Belt Railroad Commission
for City of New Orleans (EO

Railway Express Agency, Inc. (EO

Terminal Railroad Association of
St. Louis (EO 9936)

Between certain transportation sys-
tems operated by Army Depart-
ment and workers represented
by National Maritime Union of

Ann Arbor Railroad Company (EO

Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Com-
pany (EO 9971)

Grand Trunk Western Railroad
Company (EO 9971)
Wabash Railroad Company (EO

National Military Establishment:

See also Air Force Department; Army
Department; Navy Department.
Allowances for members of various
services. See specific services.
Armed forces of the United States,
functions and responsibilities of con-
stituent services; prior order revoked
(EO 9950)

Courts-Martial, Manual for; 1949 (EO

Equality of treatment and opportunity
in armed services; establishment
and functions of Committee on (EO

President's Committee on Religious
and Moral Welfare and Character
Guidance in Armed Forces; repre-
sentation on, and duties in connec-
tion with (EO 10013)

Reserve units of armed forces, organi-
zation of (EO 10007)

Requisition and induction of persons

into armed forces (EO 10001)
Trade Agreements Committee, Inter-
representation on

(EO 10004)

National monuments. See National Park

National Park Service:

Aztec Ruins National Monument, New
Mexico, enlargement of (Proc. 2787)
Fort McHenry National Monument
and Historic Shrine, Maryland; dis-
play of flag in honor of Francis Scott
Key (Proc. 2795)

Fort Matanzas National Monument,
Florida, enlargement of (Proc. 2773)
National parks, forests, etc. See Forest
Service; National Park Service.
National Security Resources Board:
Membership; prior order amended to
include Secretary of State (EO 9931)
National Selective Service Appeals Board.
See Selective Service System.
National wildlife refuges. See Fish and
Wildlife Service; Forest Service.

Navy and Army joint boards; direction
and supervision of certain boards, rev-
ocation of former order respecting
(Military Order of October 18, 1948)

Navy Day, 1948 (Proc. 2815)

Navy Department:

Allowances for personnel, regulations
governing granting of:
Clothing or cash allowances to en-
listed personnel:

Navy and Naval Reserve; prior
superseded (EO


Navy Band members (EO 10023)
Per diem allowances for members of
Navy and Marine Corps on duty
outside continental United States
or in Alaska (EO 9976)

Quarters and subsistence allowances
for enlisted men (EO 9976)
Transportation expenses in excess of
lowest first-class rate in certain
cases (EO 9946)

Appointment of Mrs. Margaret E.
Batick to competitive position with-
out compliance with Civil Service
Rules (EO 9985)

Armed Forces of United States; prior
order prescribing functions and re-
sponsibilities of Navy as constituent
service, revoked (EO 9950)

Eight-hour law suspended for laborers
and mechanics employed on public
works essential to supply and main-
tenance of naval forces (EO 9926,

Equality of treatment and opportunity
in armed services; duties of Secretary
of Navy in connection with Commit-
tee on (EO 9981)

Navy Department-Continued

Hawaii, Territory of; certain lands near
Hilo Breakwater formerly reserved
for use of Navy Department restored
to jurisdiction of Territory (EO 9927)
Joint Army and Navy boards, certain;
direction and supervision of. See
Joint Army and Navy boards.
Marine Corps personnel; allowances

for. See Allowances.

Military tribunals in United States Zone
of Occupation in Germany for trial
and punishment of major war crimi-
nals; assistance to designated mem-
bers. See Military tribunals.

President's Committee on Religious and
Moral Welfare and Character Guid-
ance in Armed Forces; Department
to confer with (EO 10013)
Reserve units of armed forces, organ-
ization of (EO 10007)

Trade agreements. See Trade agree-

Vessels stricken from register, sale of
(EO 9986)

New Zealand; modification of trade
agreements upon signing of protocol
by Government of. See Trade agree-

Norway, Kingdom of; modification of
trade agreements upon signing of pro-
tocol by Government of. See Trade

Oak Ridge National Laboratories, labor
dispute affecting; board of inquiry to
report on. See Labor disputes.
Overtime compensation, for certain em-
ployees for whom eight-hour law sus-
pended. See Eight-hour law.


Pakistan; modification of trade agree-
ments upon signing of protocol by Gov-
ernment of. See Trade agreements.
Pan American Week, 1948 (Proc. 2772)
Panama Canal:

Exemption of Frank H. Wang, Execuи-
tive Secretary, from compulsory re-
tirement for age (EO 9973A)

Tolls to be paid by vessels for use of
Canal; change in rates prescribed
(Proc. 2775)

Postponement of effective date of
proclamation prescribing change
in rates (Proc. 2808)

Panama Canal Zone, employment in;
suspension of certain statutory provi-
sions relating to, on account of hous-
ing shortage (EO 9999)

Parker River National Wildlife Refuge,
Mass.; designation as closed area. See
Fish and Wildlife Service.

Passports, issued by former Japanese
Government, admitting certain Japa-
nese or Korean laborers to Hawaii; ad-
mission of said laborers to continental
United States. See Immigration and
Naturalization Service.

Patent Office, United States:

Extension of time to nationals of cer-
tain countries for renewing trade-
mark registrations:

Austria (Proc. 2816)
Belgium (Proc. 2794)
Czechoslovakia (Proc. 2805)
Denmark (Proc. 2768)
Luxembourg (Proc. 2766)
Norway (Proc. 2765)

Philippines (Proc. 2785)

Patents, synthetic rubber; pooling, licens-
ing, etc., in connection with rubber
production program. See Reconstruc-
tion Finance Corporation.

Payroll savings plan, for purchase of
bonds. See Savings bonds.

Peace, observance of Memorial Day, 1948,
as day of prayer for (Proc. 2788)
Pershing, General John J.; announce-
ment of death of (Proc. 2797

Philippine Alien Property Administra-

Authorization to transfer certain prop-
erty to Republic of Philippines (EO

Philippine War Damage Commission; dis-
posal of certain property located in
Philippine Islands. See Philippine


Copyright protection, extension of, to

works of citizens (Proc. 2819)
Property in Philippine Islands; author-
ization of certain agencies to dispose
of property located in Islands and
utilized in furtherance of Philippine
Rehabilitation Program (EO 9937)

Republic of Philippines; authorization
of Philippine Alien Property Admin-
istrator to transfer certain property
to Republic (EO 9921)

Trade-mark registrations, extension of
time to nationals for renewing (Proc.

Physically handicapped persons, employ-
ment of. See National Employ the
Physically Handicapped Week.

Post Office Department:

Appointment of postmasters of fourth
class without regard to Civil Service
Rules where compensation is not in
excess of $1,300 (EO 10017)

Precedence, of officers of Foreign Service
and other officers of United States
Government. See State Department.
President's Advisory Commission on Re-
lation of Federal Laws to Puerto Rico;
establishment, duties, etc. (EO 10005)
President's Committee on Equality of
Treatment and Opportunity in Armed
Services; establishment and functions
(EO 9981)

President's Committee on Religious and
Moral Welfare and Character Guid-
ance in Armed Forces; establishment,
duties, etc. (EO 10013)

Proclamations; preparation, publication,
etc., of (EO 10006)

Public Health Service:

Allowances, compensation, etc., for

Leprosy duty, additional compensa-
tion for (EO 9993)

Per diem allowances for personnel
on duty outside continental United
States or in Alaska, regulations
governing granting of (EO 9976)
Transportation expenses in excess of
lowest first-class rate in certain
cases (EO 9946)

Commissioned officers and employees,
revised regulations respecting (EO

Government hospitals, positions in,
filled by patients (EO 10012)
Philippine Islands, property located in;
disposal of. See Philippine Islands.
Promotions to certain grades in Regu-
lar Corps, regulations respecting (EO

Water pollution, cooperation between
Federal agencies and State and local
authorities in prevention of (EO

Public lands; restoration of certain lands
in California to location and entry un-
der mining laws of United States (EO

Public Roads Administration:

Disposal of certain property located in
Philippine Islands. See Philippine

Pulaski's (General) Memorial Day, 1948
(Proc. 2814)

[blocks in formation]

Establishment, duties, etc. (EO 10004)
Reconstruction Finance Corporation:
Foreign aid; funds to be made availa-
ble to Economic Cooperation Admin-
istration for (EO 9943)

Rubber, synthetic; functions respect-
ing production and sale, research
and development, patent pooling,
etc. (EO 9942)

Records, employee loyalty. See Loyalty

Red Cross Month, 1948 (Proc. 2770)
Redevelopment Land Agency, District of
Columbia. See District of Columbia.
Registration under Selective Service Act
of 1948. See Selective Service System.
Relief assistance to people of war-dev-
asted countries; functions respect-
ing. See Economic Cooperation Ad-

Religious and Moral Welfare and Char-
acter Guidance in Armed Forces, Presi-
dent's Committee on; establishment,
duties, etc. (EO 10013)

Reserve units of armed forces, organiza-
tion of (EO 10007)

Defense, Secretary of; requisition and
induction of persons into armed
forces (EO 10001)

Director of Selective Service; functions
and duties (EO 9979, 9992, 10001)
National Selective Service Appeal
Board; establishment, functions, etc.
(EO 9988)

Registration days (Proc. 2799)

Administration (EO 9979)

Classification (EO 9988, 9992, 10001,


Induction (EO 10001, 10008)
Personnel (EO 9979, 9992)

Registration (EO 7979, 9992, 10008)
South Africa, Union of; modification of
provisions of General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade upon signing of pro-
tocol by. See Trade agreements.

Southern Rhodesia; modification of
trade agreements upon signing of pro-
tocol by Government of. See Trade

Speculative trading on commodity ex-
changes, regulation of, in aid of stabili-
zation of national economy. See

Stabilization of National Economy:
Agricultural commodities; delegation
of authority to Secretary of Agricul-
ture with respect to priority, alloca-
tion, and inventory control of,
speculative trading on commodity
exchanges, and food and feed con-
servation (EO 9919)

Export control; continuation of au-
thority of Secretary of Commerce re-
specting (EO 9919)


Conservation of fuel oil, gasoline and
gas; order to heads of Government
agencies respecting (Directive of
January 17, 1948)

Delegation of authority to Secretary
of Interior respecting priority, al-
location, and inventory control of
(EO 9919)

Scarce commodities other than fuels,
agricultural commodities, or trans-
portation facilities or equipment;
delegation of authority to Secretary
of Commerce with respect to priority,
allocation and inventory control of
(EO 9919)

Speculative trading on commodity ex-
changes. See Agricultural commodi-

Transportation facilities and equip-
ment; delegatiton of authority to
Director of Office of Defense Trans-
portation with respect to allocation
of (EO 9919)

Voluntary agreements with represen-
tatives of industry, business, and
agriculture in aid of stabilization of
national economy; delegation of au-
thority to various officials and ap-
proval of Attorney General respect-
ing (EO 9919)

State Department:

Compensation and allowances, etc., for
Federal personnel on foreign duty:
See also Foreign Service.
Allowances for living, quarters, etc.;
functions of Secretary respecting
(ΕΟ 10011)

Salary differentials for foreign serv-
ice; functions of Secretary respect-
ing (EO 10000)

Displaced Persons Commission, assist-
ance to be furnished to, by Depart-
ment (EO 10003)

Foreign aid, functions respecting:
Foreign Aid Act of 1947; functions
under, transferred to Economic
Cooperation Administrator (EO

State Department-Continued

Forest aid, functions respecting Con.
Foreign Assistance Act of 1948; ad-
ministration of functions under:
Greek-Turkish assistance (EO

International Children's Emer-

gency Fund (EO 9944)
Relief assistance to people of war-
devastated countries; transfer of
certain functions respecting to
Economic Cooperation Adminis-
trator (EO 9960)

Foreign Service:
Allowances, salary, etc.:

Allowances for living, quarters,
etc., to personnel on foreign
duty; functions of Secretary re-
specting (EO 10011)

Allowances to personnel and allot-
ments of funds under Foreign
Service Act of 1946; extension of
provisions of prior order (EO

Extra credit for service at un-
healthful posts. See Unhealth-
ful posts.

Salary differentials for service at
certain posts (EO 10000)
Appointment or assignment of cer-
tain Government personnel to
Foreign Service, duties of Depart-
ment respecting (EO 9932)

Precedence, rules of, relating to For-
eign Service officers and other
United States Government offi-
cers; prior orders superseded (EO

Retirement and Disability System;
authority of Secretary to make
rules and regulations respecting
(EO 9941)

Unhealthful posts (extra credit
posts); designation and discontin-
uance of certain posts (EO 10000)
Military tribunals in United States
Zone of Occupation in Germany for
trial and punishment of major war
criminals; assistance to designated
members. See Military tribunals.
Munitions control; enumeration of
arms, ammunition, and implements
of war (upon recommendation of
National Munitions Control Board)
for purposes of manufacture, im-
port, and export (Proc. 2776)

National Security Resources Board,
designation of Secretary as member
of (EO 9931)

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