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It was teaching in its highest form. Only once in the whole lecture did Holley stop, and that was when, after referring backward to Figure 2, and forward to Figure 7, he turned round to see whether the man at the lantern was still keeping up the diagrams in order. There was not a hitch from the beginning to the end of the lecture. It was like magic. . It was a system of illustrative lecturing so superior to anything that I had ever seen before, or ever heard of, that I thought it was enough to have made an ordinary lecturer's fortune, and all to enable the student to understand easily the Bessemer process.

MR. SELLERS: I would like to ask if the Hon. Mr. Wayne MacVeagh is here.

THE PRESIDENT: Is Mr. MacVeagh here?

MR. SELLERS: A few days ago I met him and told him of this memorial meeting, and he bowed his head with sorrow for his friend. He said that he would try to be here; that nothing would give him so much pleasure as to say a few words about one whom he valued so highly, not only as a personal friend, but as a man who had done so much for the industrial welfare of the country. If Mr. MacVeagh is not here, I should like at least that there may be a record of what he wished to say.

The following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

WHEREAS, We are called upon as a society to give expression to profound and sincere sorrow in the death of our Vice-president and friend, Alexander L. Holley,

Resolved, That we mourn the death of our friend as an irreparable loss to the profession, and as a sad personal bereavement.

Resolved, That in the death of Alexander L. Holley, the country has lost an engineer whose genius and industry have greatly aided our industrial development, and to whom all branches of the engineering profession are profoundly indebted.

Resolved, That we shall ever hold Alexander L. Holley in cherished remembrance, as one whose life and example are an inspiration to high views and worthy motives, and who gave a new dignity to all branches of our profession, and that we remember our associa

tion with him as something which made our lives happier, and our work lighter.

Resolved, That the secretary be directed to forward a copy of these resolutions with a report of our memorial services to the family of Mr. Holley, with assurances of the deep and tender sympathy we feel for them in their bereavement, and that the committee of five appointed by our council be directed to coöperate with the committees appointed by other societies, in furthering the work of securing a worthy and permanent Holley memorial, in whatever form may be deemed most appropriate, and best calculated to keep his work and example before the rising generation of engineers.



Ar a regular meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineers, held at the rooms of the Society, in the city of New York, March 1st, 1882, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That in the death of Alexander Lyman Holley, formerly Vice-President of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the engineering profession at large, no less than our own Society, has suffered a grievous loss. In him were combined not only the inventive genius to discover and successfully apply new methods of subduing the forces of nature for the benefit of mankind (as evinced in the great industries which have been developed under his direction), but a rare literary facility for arranging and distributing stores of information obtained through patient study of the works of others. By the example of his life, in his gentleness, his industry, his modesty, his deferential consideration of opposing counsels, combined with integrity, indomitable energy and power of work, the standard of our profession has been materially advanced, and a spirit of good fellowship engendered, which has had the effect to weld in harmonious continuity of interest the several branches of a profession destined to play an increasingly important part in the advancement of civilization.

Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to act in conjunction with similar committees which have been or may be appointed by the American Institute of Mining Engineers, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, in any further measures that may be deemed advisable in honor of the memory of our departed brother.

Resolved, That we offer to the family of the deceased the assurance of our earnest and respectful sympathy in their affliction.

Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to transmit copies of the above resolutions to the family, to the Secretary of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, and to the Secretary of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.



IN accordance with the resolutions of the three societies, given in the preceding pages, the following committees were appointed.

For the American Institute of Mining Engineers-Messrs. R. W. Raymond, Chester Griswold, John Fritz, Thomas Egleston, and G. W. Maynard.

For the American Society of Mechanical Engineers-Messrs. W. P. Trowbridge, J. C. Bayles, James A. Burden, Eckley B. Coxe, and R. W. Hunt..

For the American Society of Civil Engineers-Messrs. Charles Macdonald, O. Chaunte, W. G. Hamilton, I. Newton, and T. C. Clarke.

These committees subsequently organized as a joint-committee, electing R. W. Raymond as President, and Charles Macdonald as Secretary.

A sub-committee, consisting of Messrs. Macdonald, Bayles and Raymond, was appointed to collect subscriptions for a memorial of A. L. Holley, to be placed in Central Park, New York City.

About ten thousand dollars has been collected for this purpose. By the action of the three societies, it was determined that the Memorial Address should be delivered before the Societies in joint session, in New York City, November 1st, 1883.




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The memorial session in Washington, at which I was first designated for the duty of this evening, was chiefly devoted to the multiform expression of sorrow. From a score of speakers, who had known Mr. Holley in various stages of his career, came tributes of affection, honorable alike to him and to them. Among them all, none uttered words more heartfelt and impressive than did the venerable Ashbel Welch, who, by reason of official position, as well as years and character, would doubtless have been called to preside over this meeting, had not a potent message summoned him meanwhile to a higher seat. Nestor mourned over Achilles, slain in the midst of the battle; and now Nestor too, from the peaceful life of an honored old age, has passed away.

But neither this more recent, nor that earlier grief is the theme of the present hour. However inadequate to the task the orator of tonight may prove, it was fitting that some one, waiting until the first outburst of emotion had died away, should attempt a calm review of the life and works of Alexander Lyman Holley; that Friendship, bewailing her loss, should give way to History, counting her gain; that the achievements of the departed should be recognized and valued, and his example studied. Was he greatly successful? How did he win success? How much of it was born with him; how much thrust upon him; how much earned by him? And if his own hands wrought out his fame, is there anything in the method of his preparation and practice that others might imitate with profit? Mr. Holley was born at Lakeville, in Salisbury, Conn., on the twentieth of July, 1832. His father, Alexander H. Holley, subsequently Governor of that State, was a native of the same village.

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