페이지 이미지

III. Item, That, by the laws, Confanguinity and Affinity (letting and diffolving Matrimony) is contracted as well by unlawful company of man and woman, as by lawful marriage.

IV. Item, In contracting betwixt perfons doubtful, which be not expreffed in this Table, it is most fure, first to confult with men learned in the laws, to understand what is lawful, what is honeft and expedient, before the finishing of their contracts.

V. Item, That no Parfon, Vicar, or Curate, fhall folemnize Matrimony out of his or their cure, or parish church or chapel, and fhall not folemnize the fame in private houfes, nor lawless and exempt churches, under the pains of the law forbidding the fame. And that the Curate have their certificates, when the parties dwell in divers parishes.

VI. Item, The Banns of Matrimony ought to be openly denounced in the church by the Minifter three feveral Sundays or Feftival-days, to the end that who will and can allege any impediment, may be heard, and that ftay may be made till further trial, if any exception be made there against it, upon fufficient caution.

VII. Item, Who fhall maliciously object a frivolous impediment against a lawful matrimony to disturb the same, is fubject to the pains of the law.

VIII. Item, Who fhall prefume to contract in the degrees prohibited, (though he do it ignorantly,) befides that the fruit of fuch copulation may be judged unlawful, is alfo punishable at the Ordinary's difcretion.

IX. If any Minifter fhall conjoin any fuch, or fhall be prefent at fuch contracts making, he ought to be fufpended from his miniftry for three years, and otherwise to be punished according to the laws.

X. Item, It is further ordained, That no Parfon, Vicar, nor Curate, do preach, treat, or expound, of his own voluntary invention, any matter of controverfy in the Scriptures, if he be under the degree of a Master of Arts, except he be licensed by his Ordinary thereunto, but only for the inftruction of the people read the Homilies already fet forth, and fuch other form of doctrine as shall be hereafter by authority published and fhall not innovate nor alter any thing in the church, or ufe any old rite or ceremony, which be not fet forth by public authority.



None fhall come near to any of the kindred of his flesh to uncover their fhame: I am the Lord. Levit. xviii. 6.

[blocks in formation]

Secundus gradus inæqualis in
linea tranfverfali defcendente.

Con. Neptis ex Fratre,
Con. Neptis ex Sorore,

23 Wife's Son's Daughter,
24 Wife's Daughter's Daughter.

25 Brother's Daughter,

26 Sifter's Daughter,

af. Nepotis ex Fratre Relicta, 27 Brother's Son's Wife,
af. Nepotis ex Sorore Relicta, 28 Sifter's Son's Wife,
af. Neptis Uxoris ex Fratre,
af. Neptis Uxoris ex Sorore.


29 Wife's Brother's Daughter, 30 Wife's Sifter's Daughter.

A Woman

A Woman may not marry with ber
Secundus gradus in linea
recta afcendente.

Con. Avus,

[blocks in formation]

af. Sororis Relictus.

Secundus gradus in linea

recta defcendente.

Con. Nepos ex Filio,

1 Grandfather,

2 Grandmother's Husband,
3 Husband's Grandfather.

4 Father's Brother,
5 Mother's Brother,

6 Father's Sifter's Husband,
7 Mother's Sifter's Husband,
8 Hufband's Father's Brother,
9 Hufband's Mother's Brother.

10 Father,

11 Step-Father,

12 Hufband's Father.

13 Son,

14 Hufband's Son,

15 Daughter's Hufband.

16 Brother,

17 Hufband's Brother,
18 Sifter's Husband.

19 Son's Son,

Con. Nepos ex Filia, (tis ex Filio, 20 Daughter's Son,

af. Progener, i.e. Relictus Nep-21 Son's Daughter's Husband, af. Progener,i.e. Relictus Nep-22 Daughter's Daughter's Huf

tis ex Filia,

af. Privigni Filius,

af. Privignæ Filius.
Secundus gradus inæqualis in

linea tranfverfali defcendente.

Con. Nepos ex Fratre,

Con. Nepos ex Sorore,


23 Hufband's Son's Son,

24 Husband's Daughter's Son.

25 Brother's Son,

26 Sifter's Son,

af. Neptis ex Fratre Relictus, 27 Brother's Daughter's Husband af Neptis ex Sorore Relict. 28 Sifter's Daughter's Husband, af. Leviri Filius, i. e. Nepos 29 Husband's Brother's Son,

Mariti ex Fratre,

af. Gloris Filius, i. e. Mariti ex Sorore.

Nepos 30 Husband's Sifter's Son.








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