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6. And be it further enacted, That if any perfon shall at any time after forty days next after the end of this feffion of Parliament, for any fum of money, reward, gift, profit, or commodity whatsoever, directly or indirectly, (other than for ufual and lawful fees,) or for, or by reafon of any promife, agreement, grant, covenant, bond, or other affurance, of or for any fum of money, reward, gift, profit, or benefit whatsoever, directly or indirectly, admit, inftitute, instal, induct, inveft, or place any perfon in, or to any benefice with cure of fouls, dignity, prebend, or other living ecclefiaftical: that then every fuch perfon fo offending fhall forfeit and lofe the double value of one year's profit of every fuch benefice, dignity, prebend, and living ecclefiaftical. And that thereupon immediately from and after the investing, installation, or induction thereof had, the fame benefice, dignity, prebend, and living ecclefiaftical, fhall be eftfoons merely void: and that the patron or person to whom the advowfon, gift, prefentation, or colla tion, fhall by law appertain, fhall and may, by virtue of this A&t, prefent or collate unto, give and difpofe of the fame benefice, dignity, prebend, or living ecclefiaftical, in fuch fort, to all intents and purposes, as if the party fo admitted, instituted, installed, invested, inducted, or placed, had been or were naturally dead.

7. Provided always, That no title to confer, or present by lapfe, fhall accrue upon any voidance mentioned in this Act, but after fix months next after notice given of fuch voidance by the Ordinary to the Patron.

8. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That if any Incumbent of any benefice with cure of fouls, after the end of the faid forty days, do or fhall corruptly refign or exchange the fame, or corruptly take for or in refpect of the refigning or exchanging of the fame, directly or indirectly, any penfion, fum of money, or benefit whatsoever; that then, as well the giver as the taker of any fuch penfion, fum of money, or other benefit, corruptly, fhall lofe double the value of the fum fo given, taken, or had: the one moiety as well thereof, as of the forfeiture of double value of one year's profit before mentioned, to be to the Queen's Majefty, her heirs and fucceffors, and the other moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame, by action of debt, bill, or information, in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record, in which no effoin, protection, or wager of law, or privilege, shall be admitted or allowed.

9. Provided always, That this Act, or any thing herein contained,

contained, fhall not in any wife extend to take away or reftrain any punishment, pain, or penalty, limited, preforibed, or inflicted, by the laws ecclefiaftical, for any the offences before in this Act mentioned; but that the fame fhall remain in force, and may be put in due execution, as it might be before the making of this Act: this Act, or any thing therein contained to the contrary thereof, in any wife notwithstanding.

10. Provided further, and be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That if any perfon or perfons whatsoever fhall or do, at any time after the end of this feffion of Parliament, receive or take any money, fee, reward, or any other profit, directly or indirectly, or fhall take any promife, agreement, covenant, bond, or other affurance, to receive or have any money, fee, reward, or any other profit, directly or indirectly, either to him or themselves, or to any other of their or any of their friends (all ordinary and lawful fees only excepted) for, or to procure the ordaining or making of any Minifter or Minifters, or giving of any orders, or licence or licences to preach; that then every perfon and perfons fo offending fhall for every fuch offence forfeit and lofe the fum of forty pounds of lawful money of England; and the party fo corruptly ordained or made Minifter, or taking Orders, thall forfeit and lofe the fun of ten pounds. And if at any time within feven years next after fuch corrupt entering into the Ministry, or receiving of Orders, he thall accept or take any benefice, living, or promotion ecclefiaftical, that then immediately from and after the induction, investing, or installation thereof, or thereinto had, the fame benefice, living, and promotion ecclefiaftical fhall be eftfoons merely void; and the Patron, or perfon to whom the advowfon, gift, prefentation, or collation, fhall by law appertain, fhall and may, by virtue of this Act, prefent or collate unto, give and difpofe of the fame benefice, living, or promotion ecclefiaftical, in fuch fort to all intents and purposes, as if the party fo inducted, invested, or inftalled, had been or were naturally dead; any law, ordinance, qualification, or difpenfation to the contrary notwithstanding: the one moiety of all which forfeitures fhall be to our fovereign Lady the Queen, her heirs and fucceffors, and the other moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame, by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information, in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record, in which no effoin, protection, privilege, or wager of law fhall be admitted or allowed.

I Will.

1 Will. & Mar. Cap. xvi.

An Act, that the Simoniacal Promotion of one Perfon may not prejudice another.

WHEREAS it hath often happened that perfons fimoniac, or fimoniacally promoted to benefices or ecclefiaftical livings, have enjoyed the benefit of fuch livings many years, and fometimes all their life-time, by reafon of the fecret carriage of fuch fimoniacal dealing; and after the death of fuch fimoniac perfon, another perfon, innocent of fuch crime, and worthy of fuch preferment, being prefented or promoted by another patron innocent alfo of that fimoniacal contract, have been troubled and removed upon pretence of lapfe, (or otherwise,) to the prejudice of the innocent Patron in reverfion, and of his Clerk; whereby the guilty go away with profit of his crime, and the innocent fucceeding Patron and his Clerk are punished, contrary to all reafon and good confcience.

2. For prevention whereof, be it enacted, by the King's and Queen's most excellent Majefties, by and with the advice and confent of the Lords fpiritual and temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That, after the death of the perfon fo fimoniacally promoted, the offence or contract. of fimony fhall neither by way of title in pleading, or in evidence to a jury, or otherwife, hereafter be alleged, or pleaded, to the prejudice of any other Patron innocent of fimony, or of his Clerk by him prefented or promoted, upon pretence of lapfe to the Crown, Metropolitan, or otherwise, unless the perfon fimoniac or fimoniacally prefented, or his Patron, was convicted of fuch offence at the common law, or fome ecclefiaftical court, in the lifetime of the perfon fimoniac or fimoniacally promoted or presented, any law or ftatute to the contrary notwithItanding.

3. And be it also provided, enacted, and declared, by the authority aforefaid, That no leafe or leafes, really and bona fide made, or hereafter to be made, by any fuch perfon as aforefaid, fimoniac or fimoniacally promoted to any deanery, prebend, or parfonage, or other ecclefiaftical benefice or dignity, for good and valuable confideration, to any tenant or perfon not being privy unto, or having,

notice of fuch fimony, fhall be impeached or avoided for or by reafon of fuch fimony, but fhall be good and effectual in law, the faid fimony notwithstanding.

14 Eliz. Cap. xi. Sect. 18.

Extract of an Act to enforce the laying out of Money received on account of Dilapidations.


ND be it further enacted, That all fums of money hereafter to be recovered, for or in name of dilapi dations, by fentence, compofition, or otherwife, fhall, within two years after fuch receipt, be truly employed upon the buildings and reparations, in refpect whereof fuch money for dilapidations fhall be paid, on pain that every perfon fo receiving, and not employing as aforefaid, fhall forfeit double as much as fo fhall be by him received, and not employed; the which forfeiture fhall be to the ufe of the Queen's Majefty, her heirs and fucceffors.


1 Eliz.

1 Eliz. Cap. ii.

An Act for the Uniformity of Common Prayer and Service in the Church, and Adminiftration of the Sacraments.

THERE at the death of our late Sovereign Lord,

King Edward the Sixth, there remained one uniform Order of Common Service and Prayer, and of the Administration of Sacraments, Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, which was fet forth in one Book, intituled, The Book of Common Prayer, and Adminiftration of Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies in the Church of England, authorized by Act of Parliament, holden in the fifth and fixth years of our faid late Sovereign Lord, King Edward the Sixth, intituled, An Act for the Uniformity of Common Prayer, and Adminiftration of the Sacraments; the which was repealed, and taken away by A& of Parliament, in the first year of the reign of our late Sovereign Lady, Queen Mary, to the great decay of the due honour of God, and difcomfort to the profeffors of the truth of Chrift's religion.

2. Be it therefore enacted by the authority of this prefent Parliament, That the faid Statute of Repeal, and every thing therein contained, only concerning the faid Book, and the Service, Adminiftration of Sacraments, Rites and Ceremonies, contained or appointed in or by the faid Book, fhall be void and of none effect, from and after the feaft of the Nativity of St. John Baptift next coming: and that the faid Book with the Order of Service, and of the Adminiftration of Sacraments, Rites and Ceremonies, with the alterations and additions therein added and appointed by the Statute, fhall ftand, and be, from and after the faid feaft of the Nativity of St. John Baptist, in full force and effect, according to the tenor and effect of this Statute: any thing in the forefaid Statute of Repeal to the contrary notwithstanding.

3. And further be it enacted by the Queen's Highness, with the affent of the Lords and Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That all and fingular Minifters in any cathedral, or parish-church, or other place within this Realm of.. England,

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