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Form of a Prefentation to a Rectory or Vicarage.

To the Right Reverend Father in God, R. by divine permiffion, Lord Bishop of P. to his Vicar-General in Spirituals, or to any other perfon or perfons, having or to have fufficient authority in this behalf; J. S. of &c. the true undoubted Patron of the rectory of E. in the county of N. and your Lordship's diocefe of P. greeting:


Prefent to your Lordfhip, and to the rectory and parish church of E. aforefaid, now void by the natural death of C. N. Clerk, the laft Incumbent there, and to my prefentation in full right belonging, my beloved in Chrift, J. A. Clerk, Mafter of Arts, humbly praying that your Lordship would be gracioufly pleafed to admit, and canonically to inftitute him, the faid J. A. to the rectory and parish church of E. aforefaid, to inveft him with all and fingular the rights, members, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to caufe him to be inducted into the real, actual, and corporal poffeffion thereof, and to do all other things which to your paftoral office may in this cafe appertain or belong. In witnefs, &c.

N. B. Where the benefice is valued at 10l. or above, in the King's Books, the prefentation must have a 201. ftamp; if under 10l. a 10l. ftamp is sufficient.

Form of Letters Testimonial for boly Orders.

To the Right Reverend Father in God, R. by divine permiffion, Lord Bishop of P. greeting.

WHEREAS our well-beloved in Chrift R. M. Bache

lor of Arts, hath declared to us his intention of offering himself a candidate for the facred office of a Deacon, and for that end hath requested of us letters testimonial of his learning and good behaviour: we therefore, whofe names are hereunto fubfcribed, do teftify, that

a If a minor presents,

By the advice, and with the approbation of M. B. Efq. my Guardian lawfully appointed.


the faid R. M. having been perfonally known to us for the space of three years laft paft, hath during that time lived piously, foberly, and honestly, and diligently applied himself to his ftudies; nor hath he at any time (as far as we know, or have heard) maintained or written any thing contrary to the doctrine or difcipline of the Church of England: And moreover we think him a person worthy to be admitted to the facred order of Deacons. In wit nefs, &c.

Form of Letters Teftimonial for Inftitution.

To the Right Reverend Father in God, R. by divine permiffion, Lord Bishop of P.

E, whofe names are here under written, teftify and make known, that the Reverend A. B. Clerk, Mafter of Arts, Vicar of B. in the county of C. and diocefe of D. having been perfonally known to us for the fpace of three years laft paft, hath during that time lived pioufly, foberly, and honeftly; nor hath he at any time (as far as we know or believe) held, written, or taught any thing contrary to the doctrine or difcipline of the Church of England. In witnefs whereof we have hereunto fet our hands. Dated the

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day of

Form of Nomination of a Nobleman's Chaplain.

in the

To all and fingular to whom these prefents fhall come, I Sackville, E. of T. fend greeting: Know ye, that I the faid Sackville, E. of T. for and on account of the great probity of life, integrity of morals, and proficiency in facred learning of J. D. Clerk, M. A. have nominated, appointed, taken, and admitted, and by these presents do nominate, appoint, take, and admit him the faid J. D. into the number of my domeftic Chaplains, to serve mé in the performance of divine offices. within my house or chapel; by virtue whereof it fhall and may be lawful to and for him the faid J. D. my faid Chaplain, freely to have, enjoy, and maintain all and fingular the privileges, benefits, liberties, preheminences, and immunities whatfoever, given and granted to the Chaplains of the Barons and Peers of this renowned kingdom of Great Britain,


by the Statutes and Laws thereof, to all intents and pur poses of law that may follow thereupon: And this I have thought fit to teftify to all and every of you, as I do by these presents. Given under my hand and feal at arms, &c.

N. by divine permiffion, Bishop of D. to all and fingular to whom thefe prefents fhall come, greeting. Know ye, that we the said N. Bishop of D. for and in confideration of the learning, good life, and fincere religion, of our beloved in Chrift R. S. Clerk, Mafter of Arts, liave admitted, conftituted, and appointed, and by these presents do admit, conftitute, and appoint him the faid R. S. one of our domeftic Chaplains, that he may, by virtue hereof, have and enjoy all the privileges, benefits, immunities, and advantages, which may or do of right belong to the Chaplains of the Bishops and Peers of this realm, according to the form of the Statute in that case made and provided. In teftimony whereof we have put our seal, which we ufe in this cafe, to thefe prefents; and have fubfcribed the fame this in the year of our Lord year of our confecration.

and in the

day of

Form of Refignation before a Public Notary.

Vicar of


IN the name of God Amen, before you a Notary Public, and credible witneffes here present, I the parish church of in the county of diocese of *, for certain juft and lawful causes me hereunto especially moving, without compulfion, fraud, or deceit, do purely, fimply, and abfolutely refign and give up my faid vicarage and parish church, with all their rights, members, and appurtenances, into the facred hands of the Right Reverend Father in God by divine permiffion, Lord Bishop of or of any other whomfoever, that hath or fhall have power to admit this my refignation; and I totally renounce my right, title, and poffeffion, in and to the fame vicarage and parish church, with all their rights, members, and appurtenances heretofore had, and hitherto belonging to me; I quit them, and expressly recede from them by these prefents: and, that

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a If it be a refignation upon a permutation, Being defirous to exchange my faid vicarage and parish church for the rectory of M. in the county of D. and diocese of E.

this my refignation may have its full effect, I do hereby nominate and appoint my beloved in Chrift

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jointly and feverally my proctors or fubftitutes to exhibit this my refignation to the faid Reverend Father, and in my name to pray that his Lordship would graciously vouchfafe to accept thereof, and to pronounce and declare the vicarage of aforefaid void, and to be void of my perfon, to all intents of law that may follow thereupon; and to decree, that an intimation of the faid avoidance may be iffued to the Patron thereof. In witnefs whereof I have hereunto fet my hand and feal this day of in the year of our Lord


J. B.
D. G.

Form of Refignation to a Bishop.

IN the name of God Amen, before you the Right Reverend Father in God, R. by divine permiffion, Lord Bishop of P. and credible witneffes here prefent, I T. D. Vicar of L. in the county of N. and in your Lordship's diocefe and jurifdiétion of P. for certain juft and lawful caufes me hereunto especially moving, without compulfion, fraud, or deceit, do purely, fimply, and abfolutely refign and give up my faid vicarage and parish church of L. with all their rights, members, and appurtenances, into your Lordship's facred hands, with all my right, title, and poffeffion of, in, and to the fame; I quit them, and exprefsly recede from them by these prefents, humbly praying, that your Lordship would be graciously pleased to accept this my refignation, and to pronounce and declare the vicarage of L. aforefaid void, and to be void of my perfon to all intents of law that may follow thereupon, and to decree that an intimation of the faid avoidance may be iffued to the Patron thereof.

In witnefs, &c.

It is to be observed, that a refignation is to be made to the Bishop or Ordinary, and not to the Patron, except the church or chapel be a donative exempt, in which cafe it is to be made to the Patron, in the prefence of a Notary Public and two credible witneffes. And in cafes of exchange, or permutation of benefices, on account of health, or other conveniences, which the law allows, it feems to be the most advifable for the parties to refign


before a Notary, that their refpective refignations may be interpofed before either of the livings is declared void by the Ordinary; because it may be doubted, whether a conditional refignation be valid or not, if the words purely, fimply, and abfolutely be omitted; for, by the Statute of the 31ft of Q. Eliz, cap. vi. fect. 8. all corrupt refignations are strictly prohibited in the following words: "That if any Incumbent of any benefice with cure of "fouls, after the end of the said forty days, do or fhall corruptly refign or exchange the fame, or corruptly "take for or in refpect of the refigning or exchanging "of the fame, directly or indirectly, any penfion, fum of "money, or benefit whatsoever; that then, as well the "giver as the taker of any fuch penfion, fum of money,




or other benefit, corruptly, fhall lose double the value of "the fum fo given, taken, or had: the one moiety as "well thereof, as of the forfeiture of double value of one "year's profit before mentioned, to be to the Queen's Majefty, her heirs and fucceffors, and the other moiety "to him or them that will fue for the fame, by action "of debt, bill, or information, in any of her Majefty's "Courts of Record, in which no effoin, protection, or "wager of law, or privilege, fhall be admitted or al"lowed."

Form of Nomination to an augmented Chapelry or Curacy.

To the Right Reverend Father in God T. Lord Bishop of E. the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of E. fend greeting.



HEREAS the curacy of the chapel of the parish of in the city and diocefe of E. is augmented, or fhortly intended to be augmented, by the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, for the augmentation of the maintenance of the poor Clergy; by reafon whereof it is requifite, that a Curate should be duly nominated, and licensed to ferve the faid cure, pursuant to an Act of Parliament in that cafe made and provided. Now we the faid Dean and Chapter do hereby nominate Clerk, (the perfon employed by us in ferving the faid cure,) to be Curate of the faid chapel of and we do humbly pray your Lordfhip to grant him your licence to serve the faid cure, and to perform all divine offices therein accordingly. In witnefs, &c.


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