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Literary Institution. Profession an1 Marriage. Honoured Age.

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"The first book which I will recommend is 'Cassell's Educator."-The Right Hon. Bour. Lowe's Speech at Halifax.

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the student, and urging him rapidly on from one stage to another until perfection is attained, and so enabling every one to use the key of the Temple of Knowledge, and to build up for himself a solid education, qualifying him for any position in life to which his talents and industry may lead him.

To quote the words of the present Chancellor of the Exchequer (in his recent recommendation of this Work):-"A man who really has read, and thoroughly knows the contents of Cassell's Educator,' is a man who will understand the greatest part of what is going on around him, which is a great deal more than can be said of the best Greek or Latin scholar, or even the accomplished lawyer.”

An entirely new and revised edition of the POPULAR EDUCATOR was recently completed in Six Volumes, in which all additions and improvements demanded by the great advances made in the various departments of knowledge were perfected by men distinguished in their several branches, and now the demand for this edition in its form of Weekly Numbers and Monthly Parts has become so pressing, that the Publishers feel called upon to re-issue it at once, with all such further revision as may be necessary.

The Subjects embraced by the Latest Edition are

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"We have gone over the pages of this great work with sentiments of real wonder. We know no work like it."-Dublin University Magazine.

"There is probably no cyclopædia of education in existence which is so complete in its way as this. Whatever branch of human knowledge may be selected as fit exercise and training for the mind, here are ready to hand a plan to work upon and materials to work with. Languages ancient and modern, English literature, history, general science, arithmetica, geometrical, physical, and moral; we may almost say not quicquid agunt, but quicquid discunt homines may be found here.”—Standard.

The Rev. W. HOLDERNESS, Principal of Woolfardisworthy College, near Bideford, and Vicar of the Parish, in a recent letter to Messrs. CASSELL, PETTER, and GALPIN, writes:-"I am so delighted with your 'Popular Educator' that I have made it my chief school book. For this purpose I have founded Woolfardisworthy College. YOUR POPULAR EDUCATOR' HAS COMMENCED A NEW ERA IN THE HISTORY OF EDUCATION. AN ASPIRING YOUTH, WITH VERY LITTLE AID, MAY BECOME ANYTHING HE CHOOSES."

Any desired number of copies of this Prospectus will be forwarded post free by the Publishers on application.

Technical Education.

By means of CASSELL'S NEW POPULAR EDUCATOR the student is able to lay the foundation of a Technical Education, whilst CASSELL'S TECHNICAL EDUCATOR enables him to give a thoroughly practical direction to the knowledge acquired through the POPULAR EDUCATOR.

CASSELL'S TECHNICAL EDUCATOR is now publishing in Weekly Numbers, price 14d; in Monthly Parts, price 7d.; and in Half-Yearly Volumes, price 6s., of which Vols. I, and II. are now ready. See Part I. as a Specimen of the Work.


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