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Abyssinia.-Area, 1; population, 1; how ruled, 1; treaty

with Great Britain, 1; correspondence of the emperor,

1; his wrath, 2; incarceration of British consul and

others, 2; efforts of the British to effect a release, 2; let-

ter from one of the prisoners, 2; history of the emperor

Theodore, 3; his faith, 8; concessions to foreigners, 3;

his wars, 4; great battle at Axoum, 4; details, 4.

Africa.-Change in the Government of Egypt, 4; the order

of succession, 4; Suez Canal, 4; Abyssinia, 4; Madagas-

car, 4; treaty with Great Britain, 4; provisions relative

to religious worship, 4; other provisions, 4; officers of

state, 4; close of the war between the Basutos and the

Orange Free State, 5; English Cape Colony, 5; the Gov-

ernment occupies the unclaimed guano islands, 5; expe-

dition against the Maraboos, 5; area of Africa, 5; coun-

tries and population of Eastern Africa, 5; do. South Af-

rica, 5, population of islands in the Indian Ocean, 5; do.

in the Atlantic Ocean, 6; countries and population on

the northern coast, 6: Mohammedan kingdom of Cen-

tral Soudan, 6; of Western Soudan, 6; equatorial terri-
tory, 6.

African Methodist Church.-See Methodists.

Agriculture.-Crops unfavorable, 6; rains, floods, 6; esti-

mate of the wheat crop, 6; crop of the eleven Southern

States, 6; wheat on the Pacific coast, 6; total crop of the

country, 6; rye crop, 6; estimate, 6; barley crop, 6; es-

timate, 6; oat crop, 6; increase, 6; estimate, 6; hay

crop, 7; estimate, 7; corn crop, 7; decrease, 7; estimate,

7; cotton crop, 7; estimate, 7; rains, worm, floods, 7;

potato crop, 7; average, 7; estimate, 7; tobacco crop,

7; estimate, 7; buckwheat, 7; estimate, 7; sorghum, 7;

average crop, 7; live-stock, 7; number in the different

States for the years 1860 to 1866, 8; compared with the

principal countries of Europe, 9.

Alabama.-Reassembling of the Legislature, 9; address of

the Governor, 9; acts of the Legislature, 9; inquiries

into the dispositions of the people in the various coun-

ties, 9; bonds, 9; artificial limbs for soldiers, 9; report

of the committee on Federal relations, 9; resolutions,

10; action of the Legislature, 10; stay laws, 10; general

State amnesty granted, 10; finances of the State, 10;

effects of the stay law, 11; banks, 11; tax on cotton, 11;

insane hospital, 11; penitentiary, 11; university, 11;

schools, 11; land grants to railroade, 11; negro suffrage

in the Legislature, 11; revised code, 11; views of the

Governor on the Federal Constitutional Amendment,

11, 12; action of the Legislature, 12; destitution, 12;

aids to the suffering, 12; census of 1866, 12; table of

population, 13; legislation relative to freedmen, 13; legal

Amalgamation.-Progress made in the art, 15; amalgama-

tion of gold from quartz, 15; improvements in details,

15; loss of gold, 15; discovery of Professor Wurtz, 15;

statement of Professor Silliman, 15, 16; principles of the

discovery, 16; practical results of using sodium, 16;

state of the gold ores in pyrites, 16; their amalgamation,

16; effects of the great improvements in desulphurizing

pyrites, 17; amalgamation of silver ores, 17; necessity

of roasting the ore, 17; the chemicals used in the mills

in Nevada, 18; the process of amalgamation, 18; Hep-

burn pan, 18; description, 18; processes in Hungary, 18.

America.-Reconstruction in the United States, 19; confed-

eration scheme in British America, 19; war in Mexico,

19; war of Chili and Peru against Spain, 19; between

Paraguay and Brazil, 19; population, 19.

Anglican Churches.-Statistics of the Protestant Episcopal
Church, 19, 20; movement for a reunion of Southern dio-

ceses, 20; annual meeting of the Board of Missions, 20;

agitation in the Church of England, 21; Colenso case,

21; convocation of Canterbury, 21; questions consid-

ered, 21, 22; ritualism, 22; proceedings, 22; opposition of

the Archbishop of Canterbury, 23; memorial of friends

of ritualism, 23; monastery of the "English Order of

St. Benedict," 23; efforts for closer union, 23; corre-

spondence with Cardinal Patrizi, 23; Eastern Church As-

sociation, 24; arrival of an Eastern bishop in England,

24; increase of the number of bishops, 24; English

Church Society, 24; united Church of England and Ire-

land, 24.

Anhalt.-Area, 25; population, 25; capital, 25.

ANTHONY, HENRY B., Senator from Rhode Island, 124; on

the appointment of a reconstruction committee, 183,

184; offers a resolution, 140.

Argentine Republic.-Government, 25; area, 25; popula-

tion, 25; war with Paraguay, 25; progress of the repub-

lic, 25; convention to reform the constitution, 25; wool-

clip, 26; finances, 26; immigration, 26; consequences,

reports of committee on the subject, 28; election of Senator, 29; public schools, 29; debt, 29; resources, 29; social condition of the people, 29.

Armenian Churches.-See Eastern Churches. Army of the United States.—Troops in service, 30; progress of disbanding, 30; measures of Congress regulating the military establishment, 30; letter of General Grant relative to the army bills before Congress, 30; action of Congress, 31; the military establishment of the country as reorganized, 82; commanding officers of the new regiments of cavalry, infantry, and reserve corps, 32; designations of regiments, 32;- military departments of the country, 33; assignment of the military bands, 34; lieutenant-generalship, 34; movements of troops, 34; estimates of expenditures, 34; appropriations, 35; bounty to volunteers, 35; grand aggregate of individuals on the pension roll, 35; report of Commissioner of Pensions, 35; Bureau of Military Justice, 36; Quartermaster's Department, 36; Subsistence Department, 36; Medical Department, 36; distribution of artificial limbs, 37; cemeteries, 87; sanitary measures, 87; engineer corps, 37; ordnance department, 87; supplies during the war, 87; breechloading muskets, 38; cannon, endurance of, 38; stock of war equipage, 38; West Point Academy, 39; a board to report on infantry tactics, 39; system of General Upton,


SHLEY, JAMES M.-Representative from Ohio, 124; offers a bill, 143; offers a resolution on protecting freedmen, 182. Asia.-Progress of the Russians in Central Asia, 39; movements in China, 39; relations of Japan to foreigners, 40; British India, 40; area and population of countries in Asia, 49.

Astronomical Phenomena and Progress.-Progress in 1866, 40; the temporary or variable star in Corona, 40; eccentricity of the earth's orbit and its relations to glacial epochs, 42; sun-spots, 42; spectra of some of the fixed stars, the moon, and the planets, 43; comets, 43; influence of the tidal wave on the moon's motion, 44; zodiacal light, 44; nebulæ, 44; the force which prolongs the heat and light of the sun and other fixed stars, 45; asteroids, 46; astro-photometer, 46; works and memoirs, 46.

Austria.-Government, 46; loss of territory, 46; population, 46; receipts, 46; army, 47; navy, 47; relations with Prussia, 47; correspondence, 47; negotiations, 47; excitement in the German provinces, 47; relations with Italy, 48; new ministry, 48; its aim, 48; speech of the foreign minister, 48; reorganization of the army needed, 48; attempt to assassinate the emperor, 48; difficulties with Hungary, 48; Poles of Galicia, 49. AZEGLIO, MASSIMO T.-Birth, 49; career, 49; death, 49.


Baden.-Government, 50; area, 50; population, 50; finances,


BADGER, GEORGE E.-Birth, 50; career, 50; death, 50. BAKER, JOHN.-Representative from Illinois, 124; offers a resolution, 141.

BALL, DYER.-Birth, 51; pursuits, 51; death, 51. BANCROFT, GEORGE.-Delivers an oration on the anniversary of Lincoln's death, 237.

Banks. The new system, 51; number of banks, 51; increase of circulation, 51; liabilities, 52; assets, 53; national banks and State banks, 54; quarterly reports of associations, 54; European bank movement, 55; bank of France, liabilities and assets of, 55.

Baptists.-Regular Baptists, 56; numbers, 56; Missionary Union, 56; Publication Society, 56; Home Mission So

ciety, 56; American and Foreign Bible Society, 57; Free Mission Society, 57: Historical Society. 57; Frenca Missionary Society, 57; Southern Baptist Connection, 57; Campbellites, 57; Free-Will Baptists, 57; SeventhDay Baptists, 58; Tunkers, 58; other denominations, 58; churches in Great Britain, 58; do. on the Continent, 59; do. in Asia, 59. Bavaria-Government, 59; area, 59; army, 50; war in Ger many, 59.

BEAUMONT, DE LA BONNIERE.-Birth, 39; career, 59; death, 59.

BECK, CHARLES.-Birth, 59; pursuits, 59; death, 60. Belgium.-Government, 60; area, 60; finances, 60; com

merce, 00; action of Legislative Chambers, 60; difficulty with Holland, 60.

BINGHAM, JOHN A.-Representative from Ohio, 124; offers joint resolutions for an amendment of the Constitution, 131; on representation and taxation, 147; reports from joint committee, 182; offers a resolution, etc., 185; en admission of Tennessee members, 223.

[ocr errors]

BLUNT, EDMUND.-Birth, 60; pursuits, 60; death, 60. Bolivia.-Population, 61; army, 61; civil war, 61; protests against the alliance of Brazil, Uruguay, etc., 61; dispute with Chili, 61. Bone-Black-Nature, 62; modes of reburning, 62; Leplay and Cuisinier's process with steam, 63; Beane's process, 63; disposition of refuse bone-black, 6-4. BOURBON, MARIE AMÉLIE-Birth, 64; career, 64; death, 65. BOUTWELL, GEORGE G.-Representative from Massachusetts, 124; against admission of Tennessee members, 223, BOYNTON, C. B.-Elected chaplain of the House, 131 BRAINARD, THOMAS.-Birth, 65; pursuits, 65; death, 65, BRANDE, WILLIAM T.-Birth, 65; pursuits, 66; death, 66 Brazil-Government, 66; ministry, 66; American minister,

66; army, 66; navy, 66; commerce, 66; area, 66; population, 66; libcration of slaves, 66; decree opening the Amazon River to foreign bottoms, 66; the Amazon country, 67; proceedings of Parliament, 67; immigra tion, CT.

Bremen.-City, 68; area, 68; population, 68; commerce, €8. Bridges.-Hudson River at Albany, 68; Cincinnati suspen

sion, 69; Connecticut River, 69; Susquehanna tridge, 70; illustrations, 71, 72.

British North America.-Government, 73; Cabinet, 73; reciprocity treaty with the United States, 78; confer ence, 73; American propositions, 73; fisheries, 74; mem orandum of delegates, 74; report to the British minister, 74; Canadian trade with the West Indies and Brazil; negotiations, 75; Fenian disturbances, 75; Canadian Par liament, 76; address of the Governor-General, 16; speech of Lord Monck, 76; confederation, 77; annexation to the United States, 77; action of the United States Congress on relations with Canada, 77; Red River settlement, 75; copper mines, 78; gold mines, 79; coal-fields, 80; com merce, 80; imports into Canada for the fiscal year ending June, 1866, 81; exports do., 81; imports and exports of eastern provinces, 82; product of the £sheries, ; act for the union of, 657.

BROOKS, JAMES.-Representative from New York, 124; on admission of representatives of Southern States, 128; 60 representation and taxation, 116.

BROOMALL, JOHN M.-Representative from Pennsylvan 124; offers a resolution to change the basis of repre sentation in Congress, 130; offers a resolution on reconstruction, 144.

BROWN, B. GRATZ.-Senator from Missouri, 124; offers resolution relative to equal suffrage, etc., 140. BUCKALEW, CHARLES R.-Senator from Pennsylvania, 124; on the basis of representation, 152; offers an amendment to committee's proposition, 189.

BURGESS, GEORGE.-Birth, 82; education, S2; pursuits, 82; death, 82.

Burmah.-Situation, 83; population, 88; composed of kingdoms, 83; government, 83; wild tribes, 83; assassinations, 83; proceedings of conspirators, 83; revolution suppressed, 83.

BURTON, WARNER.-Birth, $4; pursuits, 84; death, 84.


California.-Area, 84; population, 84; Government, 84; mining product, 84; exportation of copper ores, 84; quicksilver mines, 84; product and export of, 85; agriculture, 85; culture of the vine, 85; wheat product, 85; silk culture, 85; manufactures, 85; commerce of the State, 86; Central Pacific Railroad, 86; educational system, 86.

CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER.-Birth, 87; pursuits, 87; death, 87. Candia (or Crete).-Area, 87; population, 87; insurrection,

87; its causes, 87; proceedings, 87; proclamation of the governor, S7; reply of the Cretan Assembly, 87; charac ter of the contest now assumed, SS; appeals to foreign Governments for intercession, 88; declaration of independence, 88; military movements of the Turkish Government, SS; proclamations, 89; capture of the monastery of Arkadi, S9; details, 89; losses, 89; another procla mation of the Cretan Assembly, 90; action of Turkish Government, 90; sympathy of Greece, 90; ditto Russia, 90.

CASS, LEWIS.-Birth, 90; public career, 91; death, 92. Cattle Plague.-Its appearance in Europe, 93; extent of its ravages in Great Britain, 93; diseases in the Western States, 93.

Central America.-How composed, 93. Guatemala: gov. ernment of, 93; arca, 93; divisions of the country, 93; debt, 93; commerce, 93. San Salvador: government, 93; area and population, 94; receipts and expenditures, 94; commerce, 94. Honduras: government, 94; area and population, 94; commerce, 94. Nicaragua: government, 94; area and population, 94; departments, 94. Rica: area and population, 94; increase, 94. CESARINI, SFORZA.-Birth, 94; pursuits, 94; death, 94. CHANLER, JOHN W.-Representative from New York, 124; offers a resolution, 238.


CHASE, S. P.-Chief Justice United States, 514; on the trial of Jefferson Davis, 514. Chemistry.-Progress of the year, 94; new elements. 94; a single primary element, 95; new class of compound metallic radicals, 95; a new alcohol, 95; ozone, 96; isomerism, 96; source of muscular power, 96; the sulphides, 97; some properties of the chloride of sulphur, 98; bichloride of carbon, 93; new variety of phosphorus, 98; natural and artificial production of the diamond, 98; ammonium amalgam, 99; new aniline colors, 99; detection of chloride, etc., by means of the spectroscope, 99; lime crucibles for great heats, 100; works and papers on chemical subjects, 100. Thili.-Government, 100; finances, 100; army, 100; debt,

100; fleet, 100; population, 100; blockade of the Spaniards, 100; treaty with Peru, 101; bombardment of Valparaiso threatened, 101; negotiations, 101; manifesto of the Spanish admiral, 102; action of foreign residents, 102; failure of efforts for peaceful adjustment, 103; protest, 103; the bombardment, 104; report of Com. Rodgers, 104; losses, 104; manifesto of the consuls, 104; blockade raised, 105; Spanish subjects ordered to leave, 105; election of President, 105.

China.-Aroa, 105; population, 105; army, 105; relations with

foreign countries, 105; imports and exports, 106; treaty

with Belgium, 106; convention with British and French ministers, 106; steamship line from San Francisco, 106; trade, 106; native traders, 106; piracy in Chinese waters, 106; progress of missions in China, 107.

Cholera, Asiatic.-Appearance in the United States, 107; rẻsults of the International Cholera Conference at Constantinople, 107-108; results on the subject of quarantine, 109; the epidemic in Europe, 109; fatal results, 109; and cases in New York, 109; arrival of vessels with cholera cases, 110; its course in New York, 111; ditto Brooklyn and other cities, 111; knowledge of the treatment not greatly advanced, 111.

Christian Connection.-Numbers, 111; Convention, 111; conferences represented, 111; report on the state of the country, 112; platform of the denomination, 112; Southern Christian Convention, 112.

Church of God.-A denomination, when organized, 112; their belief, 112; the church, how divided, 112; meeting of delegates, 112; letter from Texas, 112; Periodicals, 113. CLARK, DANIEL-Senator from New Hampshire, 124; offers amendments, 189; on the bill to relieve officers, 219;

on Stockton's right to his seat, 227; on the bill for the election of Senators, 231.

CLAY, CLEMENT C.-Birth, 113; pursuits, 118; death, 113. CLEVELAND, ELISHA LORD.-Birth, 113; pursuits, 113; death, 113.

COLFAX, SCHUYLER.-Representative from Indiana, 124; chosen Speaker, 127; address, 127; oath, 127. Colombia, United States of-Government, 114; finances, 114; claims of territory, 114; commerce, 114; resignation of the President, 114; difficulty with the United States Minister, 114; decree concerning the Panama Railroad, 114; Colombian Congress, 114. Colorado.-Failure of the bill for admission to pass Congress, 114; objection, 114; veto, 115; election for delegate, 115; capital, 115; mining interests, 115; views of the Governor, 115; population, 115; activity of its friends for admission as a State, 116; area of the State, 116; mining product, 116; copper and silver, 116; iron, 117; specimens of silver ore, 117; agriculture, 117; Memorial relative to the admission of, 231.

Commerce of the United States.-Errors in statement of imports, 117; bonds held in Europe, 117; imports of 1866, 118; exports from New York during each month of the year, 118; do. for six years, 118; exports of spe cie, 118; balance of trade against us, 118; cause of large importations, 118; exports from New York, exclusive of specie, 119; foreign imports, 119; do. at New York for a series of years, 119; receipts for customs at New York, 119; arrivals of vessels, 120; do. coastwise, 120; tonnage of the New York canals, 120; value, 120; movement of freight, 120; tonnage arriving at tide-water, 120; specie value of imports and exports in the last six months of 1866, 120; results, 121; specie value of exports and imports for a series of years, 122; value of produce received at New Orleans for a series of years,


Congregationalists.-Number of churches, 122; location, 122; pastors in British America, 123; total membership of the churches, 123; benevolent contributions, 123; Southern missions, 123; Congregationalism in England, 123.

Congress, U. S.-When convened, 124; in the Senate, credentials of John P. Stockton presented, 124; protest made, 124; resolutions declaratory of the adoption of the Constitutional Amendment, 125; resolutions declaratory of the duty of Congress in respect to the guaran ties of the national security and the national faith in the Southern States, 125; do. declaratory of the duty of

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