페이지 이미지

Depressions, remedies for; suggested, 292, 293.

years of, 290.

as elicited by agents of the Bureau, 269, 270.
committees of Congress, 264-269.

Distribution of products, 277-279.

Domestic products, export price of, in currency, 1855-85, 74, 75.
Employés, occupation of, with number and wages, by industries-
agricultural implements, 295–299.

arms and ammunition, 299.

artisans' tools, 299.

boots and shoes, 299-309.

boxes, 309, 310.

bricks, 310.

brooms, 310, 311.

carpetings, 311-315.

carriages and wagons, 315-317.

clocks and watches, 317, 318.

clothing, 318-322.

coal, coke, and ore, 322-327.

cooking and heating apparatus, 327-333.

cotton compressing, 333.

cotton goods, 333-350.

engraving and printing, 350.

food preparations, 350-354.

furniture, 354-356.

glass, 356-360.

jute goods, 360, 361.

leather, 361, 362.

linen, 362, 363.

[blocks in formation]

brooms, 179.

carpetings, 179, 180.

carriages and wagons, 180, 181.

clothing, 181, 182.

coal, coke, and ore, 182-184.

cooking and heating apparatus, 185, 186.

cotton goods, 186-195.

food preparations, 195, 196.

furniture, 196, 197.

glass, 197-199.

leather, 199, 200.

liquors and beverages, 200.

machines and machinery, 200, 201.

metals and metallic goods, 201-208.

musical instruments and materials, 206.
paper, 208, 209.

print works, 210.

Employés, summary of, all, with per cent.-

tobacco, 210-213.

woollen goods, 213–219.

with wages and time, by industries, 226.

summary of all, with wages and time, by states-
agricultural implements, 220.

arms and ammunition, 220.

artisans' tools, 220.

boots and shoes, 220.

boxes, 220.

bricks, 220.

brooms, 220.

carpetings, 220.

carriages and wagons, 220, 221.

clocks and watches, 221.

clothing, 221.

coal, coke, and ore, 221.

cooking and heating apparatus, 221.

cotton compressing, 221.

cotton goods, 221.

engraving and printing, 222.

food preparations, 222.

furniture, 222.

glass, 222.

jute goods, 222.

leather, 222.

linen, 222.

[blocks in formation]

vessels, 224.

wooden goods, 224, 225.

woollen goods, 225.
miscellaneous, 225.

Employers, organization of, of workmen, 236-289.

England, cost of spinning one pound of cotton yarn in, 133.

reeled yarn in the Bolton district, 232.

twist in the Bolton district, 231.

weft in the Bolton district, 232.

discounts from the lists in the Bolton district, 233.

revolutions per spindle, etc., in the Bolton district, 233.

earnings and expenses of wage receivers in, 431-444.

price per yard of Leeds woollen and mixed goods, duties, etc., 251.

wages per hour in the manufacture of machinery in Birmingham, 1885, 295

contraction in the circulation of the Bank of, 1846-47, 18.

Engraving and printing, summary of all employés, etc., by states, 222.

Europe, earnings and expenses of wage receivers in-

Belgium, 423-431.

England, 431-444.

Germany, 444-452.

Italy, 411-423.

Switzerland, 452–456.

Exports and imports, value of, for the United Kingdom, 1860-84, 73.

of merchandise of the United States, 1835-85, 71, 72.
all, from the United States, 1860, 1870, 1875-85, 248.

Failures, number of, in the United States, and amount of liabilities, 1857-85, 67.
Food preparations, cost of production of, 110-113.

Food preparations, summary of selected occupations, 155, 156.
all employés, by states, 222.

France, industrial depressions in, 35-43.

with per cent., 195, 196.

production, etc., of coal in, 1853–83, 135.
yearly production of coal in, 1829–83, 42.

production of coal in largest producing districts in, 1883, 136.
five coal mines in, 1883, 137.

the department of Pas-de-Calais, 1883, 136.

illuminating gas, coke, and tar in certain departments of, 139.
and average market price of merchant iron in, 1874-83, 41.

yearly production of iron in, 1829–83, 42.

production and average market price of pig-iron in, 1874-83, 41.
cost of production, etc., of iron ore in, 1853-83, 138.

1883, 138.

production and average market price of steel in, 1874-83, 41.

miles of railroads in operation and miles built each year in, 1840-84, 43.

daily wages in Paris, 1844, 1853, 1860, 1871, 1875, 1881, and 1882, 236.

principal cities of, not including Paris, 1853, 1857, 1871, 1875, 1881, and 1882, 237.

depositors and deposits in savings banks in, 1835-83, 43.

value of imports and exports for, 1860-84, 73.

Furniture, summary of selected occupations, 156, 172.

all employés, by states, 222.

with per cent., 196,197.

Gas, coke, and tar, production of, in certain departments of France, 139.

Georgia, synopsis of labor legislation in, 461.

Germany, cost of production of bar iron in Westphalia, 1878, 140.

production of rolled iron in Westphalia, 1878, 139.

employés, and wages in weaving cotton in the Rhine district of, 1855–85, 240, 241.

spinning and carding cotton in the Rhine district of, 1851-85, 238, 239.

[blocks in formation]

Hours of labor, reduction of and uniformity in, through organization, 287, 288.
Illinois, synopsis of labor legislation in, 461, 462.

Immigration, restriction of, 271–273.

into the United States, 1821-85, 245.

Importation of wheat into Great Britain and Ireland, 1880-84, 248.

Imports and exports, value of, for France, 1860-84, 73.

the United Kingdom, 1860-84, 73.

United States, 1860-84, 73.

of merchandise of the United States, 1835-85, 71, 72.
for the United Kingdom, 1860-84, 73.

of merchandise of the United States, 1835–85, 71, 72.
all, from the United States, 1860, 1870, 1875-85, 248.

Indiana, synopsis of labor legislation in, 462-464.

Industries, occupations, with number and wages of employés in various, 295-410.
summary of all employés, with wages and time, by, 226.

Iowa, synopsis of labor legislation in, 464.

Iron, production and value of, in Belgium, 1844-83, 48.

yearly production of, in France, 1829-83, 42.

bar, cost of production of, in Westphalia, Germany, 1878, 140.

pig, average monthly prices for, at Philadephia, 1870-75, 69.

yearly production of, according to fuel used in the United States, 1870-85, 69.
rolled, production of, in Westphalia, Germany, 1878, 139.

ore, cost of production, etc., of, in France, 1853-83, 138.

1883, 138.

moulding, wages per hour in, in Great Britain, 1885, 234, 235.

Ireland, importation of wheat into, 1880-84, 248.

Italy, average run of wages in, 1885, for various occupations, 421.
earnings and expenses of wage receivers in, 411-423.

prices of commodities in, in 1885, 421.

taxes and tariffs in, 422.

Joint stock companies, number of, registered in the United Kingdom, 1873-84, 33.
Jute goods, cost of production of, 113.

summary of all employés, etc., by states, 222.

Kansas, synopsis of labor legislation in, 464, 465.

Labor, reduction and uniformity in hours of, through organizations, 287, 288.
Land grants, restriction of, to corporations, 271.

Laws, enactment of, to stop speculation, 273, 274.

Leather, cost of production of, 114, 115.

summary of selected occupations, 158, 172.

all employés, by states, 222.

with per cent., 199, 200.

Linen, summary of all employés, etc., by states, 222.
Liquors and beverages, cost of production of, 114, 115.
summary of selected occupations, 158.
all employés, by states, 222.
with per cent., 200.

Locomotives, number of, in the United States, 87.

Lumber, cost of production of, 114, 115.

summary of all employés, etc., by states, 222, 223.

Machinery, displacement of muscular labor by, in the manufacture of agricultural implements, 81.

arms and ammunition, 81.
bricks, 81.

boots and shoes, 81-82.

brooms, 82.

carriages and wagons, 82.

carpets, 82-83.

clothing, 83.

cotton goods, 83.

flour, 83.

furniture, 84.

glass, 84.

leather, 84.

lumber, 84.

machines and machinery, 84.

metals and metallic goods, 84.

musical instruments, 84.

mining, 85.

oil, 85.

paper, 85.

pottery, 86.

railroad supplies, 86.

rubber boots and shoes, 86.

saws, 86.

silk, 86.

soap, 86.

tobacco, 86.

trunks, 86.

vessels, 86.

wine, 86.

wooden goods, 86.

woollen goods, 86, 87.

Machinery, wages per hour in the manufacture of, in Birmingham, England, 1885, 236.
Machines and machinery, cost of production of, 114, 115.

summary of selected occupations, 158, 172.

all employés, by states, 223.

Michigan, synopsis of labor legislation in, 468, 469.

with per cent., 200, 201.

Minnesota, synopsis of labor legislation in, 469.
Miscellaneous, summary of all employés, etc., by states, 225.
Missouri, synopsis of labor legislation in, 469–471.

Modern industrial depressions, 15.

Musical instruments and materials, cost of production of, 118, 119.

summary of selected occupations, 162, 173.
all employés, by states, 223.

Maine, synopsis of labor legislation in, 465.
Manufactures, foreign-born engaged in, 1870 and 1880, 245.
Manufacturing nations considered as a group, 254-263.
Maryland, synopsis of labor legislation in, 465, 466.

Massachusetts, production of boots and shoes in, 1859-85, 71.
synopsis of labor legislation in, 466-468.

with per cent., 208.

Merchant iron, production and average market price of, in France, 1874–83, 41.
Metals and metallic goods, cost of production of, 116-119.

analysis of material cost of, 128–131.

summary of selected occupations, 159-162, 173.

all employés, by states, 223.

Nebraska, synopsis of labor legislation in, 471.

with per cent., 201-208.

New Hampshire, synopsis of labor legislation in, 471, 472.

New Jersey, synopsis of labor legislation in, 472–474.

New Mexico Territory, synopsis of labor legislation in, 474.

New York, average currency prices of cotton and cotton goods in, 1847-84, 74.
synopsis of labor legislation in, 474, 475.

Occupations, summary of selected-

agricultural implements, 143, 168.

boots and shoes, 143-145, 168.

brooms, 145.

carpetings, 145-147, 168.

carriages and wagons, 147.

clothing, 148, 169.

coal, coke, and ore, 149, 150.

cooking and heating apparatus, 150, 151, 169.

cotton goods, 151-155, 170-172.

food preparations, 155, 156.

furniture, 156, 172.

glass, 156, 157, 172.

leather, 158, 172.

liquors and beverages, 158.

machines and machinery, 158, 172.

metals and metallic goods, 159–162, 173.

musical instruments and materials, 162, 173.

paper, 163, 173.

print works, 163, 173.

tobacco, 164, 173,

woollen goods, 165-167, 174.

with number and wages of employés, by industries, 295-410.

Ohio, synopsis of labor legislation in, 475-478.

Oils and illuminating fluids, cost of production of, 118, 119.

summary of all employés, etc., by states, 223.

Oldham (England), analysis of cost of producing cotton yarn at, 134.

clauses of agreement between employés and operatives' associations at, 230, 231.
cost of producing cotton yarn at, 134.

spinners' wages at, 1885, 229.

increase of wages of spinners at, for quicker speed, 229.

system of payment for spinning cotton yarn at, 227, 228.

Oregon, synopsis of labor legislation in, 478.

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