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fuel oil, and refined petroleum products produced in or imported into the United States.

(b)(1) The regulation under subsection (a), to the maximum extent practicable, shall provide for

(A) protection of public health (including the production of pharmaceuticals), safety and welfare (including maintenance of residential heating, such as individual homes, apartments and similar occupied dwelling units), and the national defense;

(B) maintenance of all public services (including facilities and services provided by municipally, cooperatively, or investor owned utilities or by any State or local government or authority, and including transportation facilities and services which serve the public at large);

(C) maintenance of agricultural operations, including farming, ranching, dairy, and fishing activities, and service directly related thereto;

(D) preservation of an economically sound and competitive petroleum industry; including the priority needs to restore and foster competition in the producing, refining, distribution, marketing, and petrochemical sectors of such industry, and to preserve the competitive viability of independent refiners, small refiners, nonbranded independent marketers, and branded independent marketers;

(E) the allocation of suitable types, grades, and quality of crude oil to refineries in the United States to permit such refineries to operate at full capacity;

(F) equitable distribution of crude oil, residual fuel oil, and refined petroleum products at equitable prices among all regions and areas of the United States and sectors of the petroleum industry, including independent refiners, small refiners, nonbranded independent marketers, branded independent marketers and among all users;

(G) allocation of residual fuel oil and refined petroleum products in such amounts and in such manner as may be necessary for the maintenance of, exploration for, and production or extraction of

(i) fuels, and

(ii) minerals essential to the requirements of the United States,

and for required transportation related thereto;

(H) economic efficiency; and

(I) minimization of economic distortion, inflexibility, and unnecessary interference with market mechanisms.

(2) In specifying prices (or prescribing the manner for determining them), the regulation under subsection (a)

(A) shall provide for a dollar-for-dollar passthrough of net increases in the cost of crude oil, residual fuel oil, and refined petroleum products at all levels of distribution from the producer through the retail level;

(B) (i) shall not permit any net crude oil cost increases

(I) which are incurred by a refiner during the calendar month immediately preceding the effective date of this paragraph, or in any month thereafter, and

(II) which are not passed through in prices charged pursuant to such regulation in the 2 calendar months following the calendar month in which such crude oil cost increases were incurred,

to be passed through by such refiner in any month subsequent to the 2 calendar months following the calendar month in which such crude oil cost increases were incurred, unless the President makes the findings specified in clause (ii) (II) (aa), and such passthrough is consistent with the requirements specified in clause (ii) (II) (bb).

(ii) shall not permit the passthrough in any month of—

(I) any net crude oil cost increases incurred by a refiner not later than the last day of the calendar month which begins two months prior to the effective date of this paragraph and not passed through by the end of the last calendar month prior to the effective date of this paragraph unless such passthrough is not in excess of 10 percent of the total amount of such increased crude oil costs not passed through as of the last day of the last calendar month prior to the effective date of the amendment promulgated under section 8(a); and

(II) any net crude oil cost increases incurred by a refiner after the effective date of this paragraph, which net crude oil cost increases were not passed through within the 2 calendar months following the calendar month in which such crude oil cost increases were incurred, unless

(aa) the President finds, and reports to the Congress with respect to such finding, that a passthrough of such crude oil cost increases is necessary to alleviate the impact on refiners, marketers, or consumers of significant increases in costs, to provide for equitable cost recovery consistent with the attainment, to the maximum extent practicable, of the objectives specified in paragraph (1), or to avoid competitive disadvantage; and

(bb) such passthrough in any month of such crude oil cost increases is not in excess of 10 percent of the total amount of such crude oil cost increases as of the end of the calendar month in which the effective date of this paragraph occurs or any month thereafter;

(C) shall provide for the use of the same date in the computation of markup, margin, and posted price for all marketers or distributors of crude oil, residual fuel, and refined petroleum products at all levels of marketing and distribution; and

(D) shall not permit more than a direct proportionate distribution (by volume) to Number 2 oils (Number 2 heating oil and Number 2-D diesel fuel), aviation fuel of a kerosene or naphtha type, and propane produced from crude oil, of any increased costs of crude oil incurred by a refiner; except that the President may, by amendment to the regulation under subsection (a) or by order, permit deviation from such proportionate distribution of costs, if the President finds that refinery operations justify such deviation and further finds that to permit such deviation is consistent with the attainment of the objectives in paragraph (1) and would not result in inequitable prices for any class of users of such product.

As used in this paragraph, the term "effective date of this paragraph" means the effective date specified in section 402 (b) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.

(3) The President in promulgating the regulation under subsection (a) shall give consideration to allocating crude oil, residual fuel oil, and refined petroleum products in a manner which results in making available crude oil, residual fuel oil, or refined petroleum products to any person whose use of fuels other than crude oil, residual fuel oil, and refined petroleum products has been curtailed by, or pursuant to a plan filed in compliance with, a rule or order of a Federal or State agency, or where such person's supply of such other fuels is unobtainable by reason of an abandonment of service permitted or ordered by a Federal or State agency.

(c) (1) To the extent practicable and consistent with the objectives of subsection (b), the mandatory allocation program established under the regulation under subsection (a) shall be so structured as to result in the allocation, during each period during which the regulation applies, of each refined petroleum product to each branded independent marketer, each nonbranded independent marketer, each small refiner and each independent refiner, and of crude oil to each small refiner and each independent refiner, in an amount not less than the amount sold or otherwise supplied to such marketer or refiner during the corresponding period of 1972, adjusted to provide

(A) in the case of refined petroleum products, a pro rata reduction in the amount allocated to each person engaged in the marketing or distribution of a refined petroleum product if the aggregate amount of such product produced in and imported into the United States is less than the aggregate amount produced and imported in calendar year 1972; and

(B) in the case of crude oil, a pro rata reduction in the amount of crude oil allocated to each refiner if the aggregate amount produced in and imported into the United States is less than the aggregate amount produced and imported in calendar year 1972. (2)(A) The President shall report to the Congress monthly, beginning not later than January 1, 1974, with respect to any change after calendar year 1972 in

(i) the aggregate share of nonbranded independent marketers, (ii) the aggregate share of branded independent marketers, and

(iii) the aggregate share of other persons engaged in the marketing or distributing of refined petroleum products,

of the national market or the regional market in any refined petroleum product (as such regional markets shall be determined by the President).

(B) If allocation of any increase of the amount of any refined petroleum product produced in or imported into the United States in excess of the amount produced or imported in calendar year 1972 contributes to a significant increase in any market share described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii) of subparagraph (A), the President shall by order require an equitable adjustment in allocations of such product under the regulation under subsection (a).

(3) The President shall. by order, require such adjustments in the allocations of crude oil, residual fuel oil, and refined petroleum prod

ducts established under the regulation under subsection (a) as may reasonably be necessary (A) to accomplish the objectives of subsection (b), or (B) to prevent any person from taking any action which would be inconsistent with such objectives.

(4) The President may, by order, require such adjustments in the allocations of refined petroleum products and crude oil established under the regulation under subsection (a) as he determines may reasonably be necessary

(A) in the case of refined petroleum products (i) to take into consideration market entry by branded independent marketers and nonbranded independent marketers during or subsequent to calendar year 1972, or (ii) to take into consideration expansion or reduction of marketing or distribution facilities of such marketers during or subsequent to calendar year 1972, and

(B) in the case of crude oil (i) to take into consideration market entry by independent refiners and small refiners during or subsequent to calendar year 1972, or (ii) to take into consideration expansion or reduction of refining facilities of such refiners during or subsequent to calendar year 1972.

Any adjustments made under this paragraph may be made only upon a finding that, to the maximum extent practicable, the objectives of subsection (b) of this section are attained.

(5) To the extent practicable and consistent with the objectives of subsection (b), the mandatory allocation program established under the regulation under subsection (a) shall not provide for allocation of LPG in a manner which denies LPG to any industrial user if no substitute for LPG is available for use by such industrial user.

(d) (1) The provisions of the regulation under subsection (a) respecting allocation of gasoline need not take effect until thirty days after the promulgation of such regulation, except that the provisions of such regulation respecting price of gasoline shall take effect not later than fifteen days after its promulgation.

(2) If

(A) an order or regulation under section 203 (a) (3) of the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970 applies to crude oil, residual fuel oil, or a refined petroleum product and has taken effect on or before the fifteenth day after the date of enactment of this Act,


(B) the President determines that delay in the effective date of provisions of the regulation under subsection (a) relating to such oil or product is in the public interest and is necessary to effectuate the transition from the program under such section 203 (a) (3) to the mandatory allocation program required under this Act, he may in the regulation promulgated under subsection (a) of this section delay, until not later than thirty days after the date of the promulgation of the regulation, the effective date of the provisions of such regulation insofar as they relate to such oil or product. At the same time the President promulgates such regulation, he shall report to Congress setting forth his reasons for the action under this paragraph.

(e) Any provision of the regulation under subsection (a) of this


(1) which requires the purchase of entitlements, or the payment of money through any other similar cash transfer arrangement, the purpose of which is to reduce disparities in the crude oil acquisition costs of domestic refiners, and

(2) which is based upon the number of barrels of crude oil input, or receipts, or both, of any refiner,

shall not apply to the first 50,000 barrels per day of input, or receipts, or both, of any refiner whose total refining capacity (including the refining capacity of any person who controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with such refiner) did not exceed on January 1, 1975, and does not thereafter exceed 100,000 barrels per day. The preceding sentence shall not affect any provisions of the regulation under subsection (a) of this section with respect to the receipt by any small refiner as defined in section 3(4) of payments for entitlements or any other similar cash transfer arrangement.


SEC. 5. (a) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), (A) sections 205 through 207 and sections 209 through 211 of the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970 (as in effect on the date of enactment of this Act) shall apply to the regulation promulgated under section 4 (a), to any order under this Act, and to any action taken by the President (or his delegate) under this Act, as if such regulation had been promulgated, such order had been issued, or such action had been taken under the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970; and (B) section 212 (other than 212(b)) and 213 of such Act shall apply to functions under this Act to the same extent such sections apply to functions under the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970.

(2) The expiration of authority to issue and enforce orders and regulations under section 218 of such Act shall not affect any authority to amend and enforce the regulation or to issue and enforce any order under this Act, and shall not effect any authority under sections 212 and 213 insofar as such authority is made applicable to functions under this Act.

(b) The President may delegate all or any portion of the authority granted to him under this Act to such officers, departments, or agencies of the United States, or to any State (or officer thereof), as he deems appropriate.

(3) (A) Whoever violates any provision of the regulation under section 4(a) of this Act, or any order under this Act shall be subject to a civil penalty

(i) with respect to activities relating to the production, distribution, or refining of crude oil, of not more than $20,000 for each violation;

(ii) with respect to activities relating to the distribution of residual fuel oil or any refined petroleum product (other than activities entirely at the retail level), of not more than $10,000 for each violation; and

(iii) with respect to activities

(I) entirely relating to the distribution of residual fuel oil or any refined petroleum product at the retail level, or

(II) activities not referred to in clause (i) or (ii) of subclause (I) of this clause, of not more than $2,500 for each violation.

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