Mira. Miranda. O my father, Indeed, the top of admiration, worth Mira. I do not know One of my fex; no woman's face remember, (The jewel in my dower) I would not wish Fer. I am, in my condition, A prince, Miranda; I do think, a king; This wooden flavery, than I would fuffer The flesh-fly blow my mouth. Hear my foul speak; The very instant that I saw you, did My heart fly to your service, there refides To make me flave to it, and for your fake Am I this patient log-man. Mira. Do you love me? : Fer. Fer. O heav'n, o earth, bear witness to this found, And crown what I profess with kind event, Mira. I am a fool To weep at what I'm glad of. Pro. Fair encounter Of two most rare affections! Heav'ns rain grace Fer. Wherefore weep you! Mira. At mine unworthiness, that dare not offer What I defire to give; and much less take What I shall die to want: but this is trifling; And all the more it seeks to hide itself, The bigger bulk it shews. Hence, bafhful cunning; I am your wife, if you will marry me; If not, I'll die your maid: to be your fellow Fer. My mistress, dearest, And I thus humble ever. Mira. My husband then? Fer. Ay, with a heart so willing As bondage e'er of freedom; here's my hand. Mira. And mine, with my heart in't; and now, farewel, 'Till half an hour hence. Fer. A thousand, thousand. [Exeunt. Pro. So glad of this as they, I cannot be, Who are furpriz'd with all; but my rejoicing For yet ere supper-time must I perform 專 Much business appertaining. [Exit. 1 Ste. T SCENE II. Another part of the island. Enter Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo. ELL not me; when the butt is out, we will drink water, not a drop, before; therefore bear up, and board 'em; fervant monster, drink to me. Trin. Servant monster! the folly of this island! they say there's but five upon this ifle; we are three of them, if the other two be brain'd like us, the state totters. Ste. Drink, servant monster, when I bid thee; thy eyes are almost set in thy head. Trin. Where should they be fet else? he were a brave monfter indeed if they were set in his tail. Ste. My man-monster hath drown'd his tongue in sack; for my part, the fea cannot drown me. I fwam, ere I could recover the shore, five and thirty leagues, off and on, by this light. Thou shalt be my lieutenant, monster, or my standard. Trin. Your lieutenant, if you lift; he's no standard. Ste. We'll not run, monfieur monster. Trin. Nor go neither; but you'll lye like dogs, and yet say nothing neither. Ste. Moon-calf, speak once in thy life, if thou be'st a good moon-calf. Cal. How does thy honour? let me lick thy shoe; I'll not serve him, he is not valiant. Trin. Thou lieft, most ignorant monster, I am in cafe to justle a conftable; why, thou debosh'd fish thou, was there ever man a coward that hath drunk so much sack as I to-day? wilt thou tell me a monstrous lie, being but half a fish and half a monster? Cal. Lo, how he mocks me: wilt thou let him, my lord? Trin. Lord, quoth he ! that a monster should be fuch a natural! Cal. Lo, lo, again; bite him to death, I pr'ythee. Ste. Ste. Trinculo, keep a good tongue in your head; if you prove a mutineer, the next tree the poor monster's my subject, and he shall not fuffer indignity. Cal. I thank my noble lord. Wilt thou be pleas'd to hearken once again to the suit I made to thee? Ste. Marry, will I; kneel, and repeat it; I will stand, and so shall Trinculo. Enter Ariel invisible. Cal. As I told thee before, I am fubject to a tyrant, a forcerer, that by his cunning hath cheated me of the island. Ari. Thou lieft. Cal. Thou lieft, thou jefting monkey, thou; I would, my valiant master would destroy thee; I do not lie. Ste. Trinculo, if you trouble him any more in's tale, by this hand, I will fupplant some of your teeth. Trin. Why, I faid nothing. Ste. Mum, then, and no more; proceed. Cal. I say, by forcery he got this ifle; From me he got it. If thy greatness will Revenge it on him, for, I know, thou dar'st, But this thing dares not ; Ste. That's most certain. Cal. Thou shalt be lord of it, and I'll serve thee. Ste. How shall this be compast? canst thou bring me to the party? Cal. Yea, yea, my lord, I'll yield him thee asleep, Where thou may'st knock a nail into his head. Ari. Thou lieft, thou canst not. Cal. What a py'd ninny's this? thou scurvy patch! I do befeech thy greatness, give him blows, And take his bottle from him; when that's gone, He shall drink nought but brine, for I'll not shew him Where the quick freshes are. Ste. Ste. Trinculo, run into no further danger: interrupt the monster one word further, and, by this hand, I'll turn my mercy out o' doors, and make a stock-fish of thee. Trin. Why, what did I? I did nothing; I'll go further off. Ste. Didst thou not say, he ly'd? Ari. Thou lieft. Ste. Do I so? take thou that. As you like this, give me the lie another time. [Beats him. Trin. I did not give thee the lie; out o'your wits and hearing too? A pox o'your bottle! this can sack and drinking do : murrain on your monster, and the devil take your fingers! Cal. Ha, ha, ha. Ste. Now, forward with your tale. Pr'ythee, stand further off. Cal. Beat him enough; after a little time, I'll beat him too. Ste. Stand further. Come, proceed. Cal. Why, as I told thee, 'tis a custom with him The beauty of his daughter; he himself But only Sycorax my dam, and her ; But she as far furpasses Sycorax, As greatest does the leaft. Ste. Is it so brave a lass? Cal. Ay, lord; she will become thy bed, I warrant, And bring thee forth brave brood. a : Ste. |