Juno and Ceres whisper, and fend Iris on employment. Enter certain nymphs. You fun-burnt ficklemen, of Auguft weary, SCENE IV. Enter certain reapers, properly habited; they join with the nymphs in a graceful dance; towards the end whereof Profpero ftarts fuddenly, and Speaks; after which, to a strange, hollow and confufed noife, they vanish. Pro. I had forgot that foul confpiracy Is almost come. Well done; avoid; no more. Fer. This is moft ftrange; your father's in fome passion That works him strongly. Mira. Never 'till this day Saw I him touch'd with anger, fo diftemper'd. Pro. Why, you do look, my son, in a mov'd sort; As if you were difmay'd; be chearful, fir: Our revels now are ended: these our actors, As I foretold you, were all fpirits, and VOL. I. H The The folemn temples, the great globe itself, Bear with my weakness; my old brain is troubled: If you be pleas'd, retire into my cell, And there repose; a turn or two I'll walk To still my beating mind. Fer. Mira. We wish you peace. [Exeunt. Pro. Come with a thought; I thank thee, Ariel: come. Enter Ariel. Ari. Thy thoughts I cleave to; what's thy pleasure? We must prepare to meet with Caliban. Ari. Ay, my commander; when I prefented Ceres, I thought to have told thee of it, but I fear'd Left I might anger thee. Pro. But, fay again, where didft thou leave these varlets? For breathing in their faces; beat the ground Pro. Pro. This was well done, my bird; The trumpery in my house, go, bring it hither, Ari. I go, I go. Pro. A devil, a born devil, on whose nature SCENE V. [Exit. Enter Ariel loaden with gliftering apparel, &c. Enter Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo, all wet. Cal. Pray you, tread foftly, that the blind mole may not Hear a foot fall; we now are near his cell. Ste. Monster, your Fairy, which you say is a harmless Fairy, has done little better than plaid the Jack with us. Trin. Monster, I do fmell all horfe-pifs; at which my nose is in great indignation. Ste. So is mine: do you hear, monster? if I should take a displeasure against you; look you Trin. Thou wert but a loft monster. Cal. Good, good my lord, give me thy favour ftill: Be patient, for the prize I'll bring thee to Shall hoodwink this mifchance; therefore speak foftly; All's husht as midnight yet. Trin. Ay, but to lofe our bottles in the pool Ste. There is not only difgrace and dishonour in that, monfter, but an infinite lofs. Trin. That's more to me than my wetting: yet this is your harmless Fairy, monster.. Ste. I will fetch off my bottle, though I be o'er head and my labour. ears for H 2 Cal 2 Cal. Pr'ythee, my king, be quiet: seest thou here, For aye thy foot-licker. Ste. Give me thy hand; I do begin to have bloody thoughts. Trin. O king Stephano! o peer! o worthy Stephano! Look, what a wardrobe here is for thee! Cal. Let it alone, thou fool, it is but trash. Trin. Oh, oh, monfter; we know what belongs to a frippery: o king Stephano. Ste. Put off that gown, Trinculo; by this hand, I'll have that gown. Trin. Thy grace fhall have it. Cal. The dropfy drown this fool! what do you mean To dote thus on fuch luggage? let it alone, And do the murder firft: if he awake, From toe to crown he'll fill our skins with pinches ; Make us ftrange stuff. Ste. Be you quiet, monster. Mistress line, is not this my jerkin? now is the jerkin under the line: now, jerkin, you are like to lose your hair, and prove a bald jerkin. Trin. Do, do; we steal by line and level, and't like your grace. Ste. I thank thee for that jeft; here's a garment for't: wit shall not go unrewarded while I am king of this country: Steal by line and level, is an excellent pafs of pate; there's another garment for't. Trin. Monster, come, put fome lime upon your fingers, and away with the rest. Čal. I will have none on't; we fhall lofe our time, And all be turn'd to barnacles, or apes, With foreheads villainous low. Ste. Monfter, lay to your fingers; help to bear this away where my hogfhead of wine is, or I'll turn you out of my king dom; go to, carry this. Trin. And this. Ste. Ay, and this. A A noife of hunters heard. Enter divers fpirits in shape of bounds, hunting them about; Profpero and Ariel fetting them on. Pro. Hey, Mountain, hey! Ari. Silver! there it goes, Silver ! Pro. Fury, Fury! there, Tyrant, there! hark, hark! With aged cramps, and more pinch-spotted make them Ari. Hark, they roar. Pro. Let them be hunted foundly. At this hour Shortly fhall all my labours end, and thou ***** ACT V. SCENE I. Enter Profpero in his magick robes, and Ariel. PROSPER O. OW does my project gather to a head; NOW [Exeunt. My charms crack not; my spirits obey; and time Goes upright with his carriage: how's the day? Ari. On the fixth hour; at which time, my lord, You faid our work fhould cease. Pro. I did fay fo, When first I rais'd the tempeft; fay, my spirit, Ari. Confin'd In the same fashion as you gave in charge, your cell. They |