To be the lord on't. No more yet of this; Befitting this first meeting. Welcome, fir; SCENE IV. Here Profpero difcovers Ferdinand and Miranda playing at chefs. Mira. Sweet lord, you play me false. Fer. No, my dear love, I would not for the world. Mira. Yes, for a score of kingdoms you should wrangle, And I would call it fair play. Alon. If this prove A vifion of the ifland, one dear fon Shall I twice lofe. Seb. A moft high miracle! Fer. Though the feas threaten, they are merciful: I've curs'd them without cause. Alon. Now all the bleffings Of a glad father compass thee about! Arife, and fay, how thou cam'ft here. Mira. O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here? How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has fuch people in't! Pro. "Tis new to thee. Alon. What is this maid, with whom thou waft at play? Your eld'ft acquaintance cannot be three hours: Is the the goddess that hath sever'd us, I 2 And And brought us thus together ? Fer. Sir, fhe's mortal; But, by immortal providence, fhe's mine; Alon. I am hers; But oh! how odly will it found, that I Pro. There, fir, stop; Let us not burthen our remembrance with An heaviness that's gone. Gon. I've inly wept, Or fhould have spoke ere this. Look down, you gods, And on this couple drop a blessed crown! For it is you that have chalk'd forth the way Which brought us hither. Alon. I fay, amen! Gonzalo. Gon. Was Milan thruft from Milan, that his iffue Beyond a common joy, and fet it down Alon. Give me your hands: [To Ferd. and Miranda. Let grief and sorrow still embrace his heart, Gon. Be't fo, amen! SCENE SCENE V. Enter Ariel, with the mafter and boatfwain amazedly following. I prophefy'd, if a gallows were on land Now, blafphemy! Ari. Sir, all this fervice Have I done fince I went. Pro. My tricksey spirit! Alon. These are not natural events; they ftrengthen Ari. Was't well done? Pro. Bravely, my diligence; thou shalt be free. Alon. This is as ftrange a maze as e'er men trod, And there is in this bufinefs more than nature Was ever conduct of; fome oracle Must rectify our knowledge. Pro. Pro. Sir, my liege, Do not infest your mind with beating on The ftrangeness of this bufinefs; at pickt leisure, Untie the fpell. How fares my gracious fir? Enter Ariel, driving in Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo, in their ftolen apparel. Ste. Every man shift for all the rest, and let no man take care for himself; for all is but fortune; Coragio, bully-monster, Coragio. Trin. If these be true fpies which I wear in my head, here's a goodly fight. Cal. O Setebos, these be brave spirits, indeed! How fine my mafter is! I am afraid, He will chastise me. Seb. Ha, ha; what things are these, my lord Anthonio? Will money buy 'em? Ant. Very like; one of them Is a plain fish, and, no doubt, marketable. Pro. Mark but the badges of these men, my lords, That could control the moon, make flows and ebbs, Muft Must know, and own, this thing of darkness I Cal. I shall be pincht to death. Alon. Is not this Stephano, my drunken butler? Seb. He is drunk now: but how? where had he wine? Alon. And Trinculo is reeling-ripe; where fhould they Find this grand 'lixir that hath gilded 'em? How cam'ft thou in this pickle? Trin. I have been In fuch a pickle fince I saw you last, That, I fear me, will ne'er out of my bones: Seb. Why, how now, Stephano? Ste. O, touch me not: I am not Stephano, but a cramp. King o' th' ifle, firrah? Ste. I fhould have been a fore one. Alon. This is a strange thing as I ever look'd on. Cal. Ay, that I will; and I'll be wife hereafter, And feek for grace. What a thrice double afs Was I to take this drunkard for a god? And worship this dull fool? Pro. Go to, away! Alon. Hence, and bestow your luggage where you found it. Pro. Sir, I invite your highness and your train To my poor cell; where you fhall take your reft And the particular accidents gone by |