(14) (a) When were containers last tested? (b) To what pressure? (15) To what pressure does applicant want containers filled? (16) (a) When were containers last used? (b) For what gas? (23) (a) How and from where are containers to be transported to helium plant? (b) How and to what point are containers to be transported from helium plant? The undersigned hereby makes application to purchase helium in quantities and under conditions as above described: swears (affirms) that the need for such helium is bona fide, that he has read the Act approved September 1, 1937 (50 Stat. 885; 50 U.S.C. 161–166) and regulations issued pursuant thereto, that the contemplated use of the helium applied for is not in violation of said Act and regulations, and that all statements and answers set forth herein are true; and agrees that if a contract for purchase of helium is entered into as a result of this application the applicant will abide by the terms of said Act and regulations in the purchase, use and disposition of such helium. (Signature of applicant) (If the applicant is a firm, corporation, association, or institution, the signature shall be that of its duly authorized representative.) * SEE ATTACHED SHEET [Appendix, Regs., Jan. 14, 1938, 3 F.R. 467-469] PART 10—COAL ANALYSIS: FEES AND CONDITIONS Sec. 10.1 Fees. (a) For analyses. Sec. 10.2 Conditions under which analyses and tests will be made. (b) Charges for sampling and for 10.3 Remittances. special tests. Section 10.1 Fees. The following schedule of fees (approved November 7, 1935) has been established: (a) For analyses. (1) Proximate analysis, including sulphur determination, of a sample of coal, and calorimetric determination of heat units__ volatile matter, or B.t.u.) (2) Any one determination, in duplicate, of either (ash, or sulphur, or (Only complete ultimate analysis will be made.) (5) Determination of softening temperature of ash-. 8 4 6 20 10 (b) Charges for sampling and for special tests. (1) Sampling of coal by the Bureau of Mines and special tests made on request will be charged for in accordance with the amount of work involved. (2) The fees stated in this section are subject to change upon the recommendation of the Director of the Bureau of Mines and the approval of the Secretary of the Interior.*† *§§ 10.1 to 10.3, inclusive, issued under the authority contained in sec. 311, 47 Stat. 410; 30 U.S.C. 7; E.O. 6611, Feb. 22, 1934. The source of §§ 10.1 to 10.3, inclusive, is Schedule 3C, Secretary of the Interior, Nov. 7, 1935. 10.2 Conditions under which analyses and tests will be made. The conditions under which the Bureau of Mines will, for a fee, analyze samples of coal and determine the softening temperature of coal ash are set forth below: (a) Application for the making of such analyses and tests must be made to the Director of the Bureau of Mines, Washington, D. C. Page 19 (b) The Bureau of Mines cannot undertake to make analyses of coals for private parties except in cases where good reason exists why such analyses should be made in a Government laboratory, as in cases where the coals are to be exported for sale in other countries, or in cases involving arbitration, and for other reasons. (c) In order that the analyses and tests made by the Bureau may be fairly representative of the coal to be analyzed, it is essential that the sample of such coal be collected and shipped in the manner approved by the Bureau of Mines. (See method described in Technical Paper 1, The Sampling of Coal in the Mine, and Technical Paper 133, Directions for Sampling Coal for Shipment or Delivery.) (d) Samples should be sent, transportation charges prepaid, to the Coal Analysis Laboratory, Bureau of Mines, 4800 Forbes Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., and with each sample of coal should be furnished the name of the coal bed and of the mine from which the sample came. The location of the mine with respect to the State, county, and the shipping point or nearest town should be given.*† 10.3 Remittances. After an applicant has received notice that samples of coal for analysis or test will be accepted from him, he should forward to the Bureau of Mines, Washington, D. C., a certified check, bank draft, or money order in payment of the specified fees. All such checks, drafts, or money orders must be made payable to the Treasurer of the United States and will be deposited in the United States Treasury through the disbursing officer of the Department of the Interior to the credit of miscellaneous receipts in accordance with United States Treasury regulations.*† CROSS REFERENCE: United States Treasury regulations relating to public monies, see 31 CFR Chapter II. Subchapter B-Respiratory Protective Apparatus: Tests for Permissibility; Fees Sec. PART 11—SELF-CONTAINED OXYGEN BREATHING APPARATUS Sec. 11.0 Compliance with the require- 11.8 ments necessary for obtaining approval. 11.1 General statement. 11.2 Definition of "permissible." 11.4 General requirements of self-con- 11.9 Preliminary test or inspection of breathing apparatus. Approval plates for self-con- 11.10 Notification to manufacturer. breathing apparatus. 11.14 Fees for testing oxygen breathing apparatus. 11.6 Character and general description of tests. 11.7 Detailed procedure of tests. 11.15 Synopsis of procedure to be followed in making application for tests. CROSS REFERENCE Geological Survey regulations relating to first-aid equipment and mine rescue apparatus: See §§ 211.104-211.106. Page 20 *†For statutory and source citations, see note to § 10.1. *†For statutory and source citations, see note to § 11.0. Section 11.0 Compliance with the requirements necessary for obtaining approval. To receive approval of the Bureau of Mines for any self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus a manufacturer must comply with the requirements specified in this part.*† *§§ 11.0 to 11.15, inclusive, issued under the authority contained in sec. 311, 47 Stat. 410; 30 U.S.C. 7; E.O. 6611, Feb. 22, 1934. The source of §§ 11.0 to 11.15, inclusive, is Schedule 13 B, Secretary of the Interior, Aug. 12, 1935. 11.1 General statement. The Bureau of Mines is prepared, at its Central Experiment Station, Pittsburgh, Pa., to conduct tests to establish a list of permissible self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus for use in irrespirable and poisonous gases. This schedule of tests is for the information of those who may desire to submit such apparatus for test.*† 11.2 Definition of "permissible." The Bureau of Mines considers a self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus to be permissible for use in irrespirable and poisonous gases if all the details of construction and materials are the same in all respects as those of a self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus that has passed the tests for safety, practicability, and efficiency in accordance with requirements made by the Bureau and hereinafter described.*† 11.3 Conditions under which self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus will be tested. The conditions under which the Bureau of Mines will examine and test self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus to establish their permissibility are as follows: (a) Applications for inspection, examination, and test shall be made to the Director, Bureau of Mines, Washington, D. C., and shall be accompanied by a complete written description of the apparatus, including the regenerator and a set of drawings showing full details of construction of both the regenerator and the apparatus. (b) The examination, inspection, and test shall be made at the experiment station of the Bureau of Mines at Pittsburgh, Pa. (c) The applicant submitting the self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus for inspection, examination, and test will be required to furnish the apparatus in duplicate, prepaid to the Engineer in Charge of Testing, Bureau of Mines, 4800 Forbes Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. If the apparatus successfully passes all the tests and requirements hereinafter specified, one set of apparatus will be retained by the Bureau of Mines as a laboratory exhibit and the other set will be returned to the owner. If an apparatus does not pass all of the Bureau's tests or requirements both sets of apparatus will be returned to the owner. (d) Each self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus submitted for tests shall have marked on it in a distinct manner the name and address of the manufacturer and the name, letter, or number by which the apparatus is designated for trade purposes, and a written statement shall be made as to whether the apparatus is ready to be marketed. (e) The applicant will supply the regenerators or regenerating material for the test. For tests of self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus dependent on a supply of compressed gaseous oxygen, the oxygen will be supplied by the Bureau of Mines and will be of the purity specified by the Bureau in contracts for the supply of its safety cars and stations, namely, at least 98 percent oxygen and the balance nitrogen. Page 21 [161] Page 22 (f) Upon receipt of the self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus for which application has been made for examination, inspection, or test, the engineer in charge of breathing-apparatus testing will advise the applicant whether the apparatus meets the requirements of this schedule and whether additional spare parts are necessary to facilitate a proper test of the apparatus, and the applicant will be required to furnish such parts as may be necessary or to alter the apparatus as may be required. (g) No self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus will be tested unless the apparatus submitted is in the complete form in which it is to be placed on the market. the (h) Only the Bureau of Mines engineer in charge of breathingapparatus testing, his assistants, and one representative of the applicant will be permitted to be present during the conduct of the test. (i) The conduct of the tests shall be entirely under the direction of the Bureau's engineer in charge of testing. (j) As soon as possible after receipt of the formal application for test and receipt of the apparatus to be tested the applicant will be notified of the date on which the test of his self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus will begin and the amount and character of the additional material, if any, it will be necessary for him to submit. (k) The tests will be made in the order of receipt of applications for test, provided the necessary apparatus and material are submitted at the proper time. (1) Details of the result of the tests shall be regarded as confidential by all present at the tests and shall not be made public in any way before official announcement by the Bureau of Mines. (m) The results of tests of breathing apparatus that fail to pass the requirements shall be kept confidential, except that the person submitting the apparatus will be informed with a view to possible remedy of defects in future oxygen breathing apparatus submitted, but such changes will not be permitted while testing is in progress. (n) Tests will be made for manufacturers or accredited manufacturers' agents and for inventors. (o) A list of permissible self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus and results of their tests will be made public from time to time by the Bureau of Mines.*† 11.4 General requirements of self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus. In order to receive approval of the Bureau of Mines for any type of self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus described under A, B, C, or D in the following schedule, the apparatus must comply with the requirements specified. A, 1/2-hour; B, 34-hour; C, 1-hour; or D, 2-hour self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus must pass satisfactorily each of the 15 tests hereinafter specified. *†For statutory and source citations, see note to § 11.0. |