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Summary of Foreign Events.

5th of April. Earl Grey, and several English gentlemen, were to be at Paris as evidences. By the arrival at New-York from Liverpool, of The fermentation in Lyons, and several of the the Ship TRIDENT, in 35 days-London papers contiguous departments, continued; which had have been received of the 22d March, and Liver-excited just apprehensions in the minister of the pool of the 23d. They contain little news of inte- allied powers in Paris.


The Ministers have been left in the minority on the question of the Property Tax, 201 voted for its continuance and 238 against it

It is stated that the Austrian troops are to occupy the Saltzburg and Inverthiel, by the end of March. A great part of the Bavarian army is

to be disbanded.

The Prince of Hesse, Phillipstal, Captain General of the Neapolitan army, died at Naples, on the 15th February.

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On the 20th March, the Chancellor of the Exchequer gave notice that on Monday next, in the Committee of Ways and Means, he did not intend to propose the continuance of the war duties upon malt, (estimated at two millions,) the relinquishment of which he said he was convinced could afford the most effectual relief to the agricultural interest; and observed, that since he had been deprived of so great a resource as the pro-neral police, were introduced. perty tax, and thereby compelled to have recourse to the money market, it was of little consequence that the loan should be increased by the amount of the calculated produce of the Malt Duty.

Lord Castlereagh had moved for leave to bring in two Bills-the one the more effectually to regulate the intercourse of neutral ships with the Island of St. Helena, while Bonaparte should be

Bulletin of the sitting of Wednesday, February 22. the council of ministers, and the minister for ge The minister for foreign affairs, president of

the chamber, on the part of the king, a letter The first of these ministers communicated to written to Madame Elizabeth, by the unfortunate death. This letter, entirely written in the queen's queen, Maria Antoinette, five hours before her hand, was found among the papers of the ex-conventionalist, Courtois. His majesty wishes that the chamber of peers should receive the first had been entertained whether it was competent communication of this interesting document. A to the Crown to detain a prisoner after the war,ac simile of it has been engraved, copies of which and though he did not partake of those doubts will, to morrow, be delivered to the peers and himself, he proposed the bill with a view to redeputies. move them.

detained on that Island. He observed that doubts

London, March 22.

The queen's drawing room-Yesterday her majesty held a drawing room at her palace in St. James' park, it being the first that has been held this season, great curiosity was excited in the public mind, and an immense concourse of people were assembled in the park and its vicinity.


From the Queen of France, Maria Antoinette, to her sister, Madame Elizabeth.

OCTOBER 16-half past four.

"I write to you, sister, for the last time; I have just been condemned, not to a shameful death, it is only so to the guilty, but to go and rejoin your brother, innocent as he was. I hope to shew the same fortitude as he did, in these last moments.

"I am calm, as one is when one's conscience does not reproach us. I feel deep sorrow, at abandoning my poor children; good and tender sister, you know I lived but for them and you; by your affection, you have sacrificed every thing to be with us. In what a situation do I leave you! I learnt, by thepleadings in my case, that my daughter was sepa

Her majesty left her private apartments about 2 o'clock, accompanied by the princesses Augusta and Mary, attended by their ladies in waiting, maids of honour &c. Soon after Mr. Adams, the American ambassador, was introduced to the queen by viscount Castlereagh. His excellency had afterwards a private audience of her majesty and delivered his cridentials, and was most gra-rated from you. Alas! poor child, I dare not write ciously received.

Mrs. Adams, the lady of his excellency, was next introduced by the countess of Bathurst in the room of viscountess Castlereagh, who had not arrived at court previous to the queen entering the drawing room.

On Wednesday the French ambassador had a long interview with lord Castlereagh at his office. Col. Fulton left London on 14th of March, with dispatches for America. He is probably coming out in the Express Packet, as she sailed from Falmouth on the 18th.

to her-she would not receive my letter. I know not whether this even will reach you. Receive for them both my blessing.

"I hope one day, when they will be older, they will be able to rejoin you, and enjoy all your tender care. Let them both reflect upon what I have ne ver ceased to instil into them, that the principles and exact execution of their duties, are the first basis of life; and that affection and mutual confidence, will constitute the happiness of it. Let my daughter feel, that at the age she is, she ought always to as sist her brother, with the counsels which the greater experience she will have and her affection may suggest to her; let my son, in his turn, administer to The sentence upon Col. Boyer had not yet been his sister all the solicitude and services which afcarried into execution, and it is said that the king's fection can inspire; finally, let them feel, that in clemency will be extended to him. Gen. Lauris-whatever position they may be, they cannot be truly ton is said to have interceded for his pardon.

The Paris Papers received in London were to the 16th of March.

The chamber of French deputies was still occupied in discussing the budget.

happy, but by their union." Let them take example by us. How often, in our miseries, has our affection afforded us consolation. In happiness, we have a double enjoyment, when we can share it with a The trial of Sir Robert Wilson, and Messrs.friend. And where can any be found more dear Hutchison and Bruce, was to have come on the Il and tender than in one's own family?

The French funds have fallen

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"Let my son never forget the last words of his father, which I repeat expressly-let him never seek to revenge our death!


ful t

ful to my heart. I know how much pain this child has given you. Forgive him, my dear sister; think of his age, how easy it is to make a child say what one pleases, and even what he does not understand. A day will come, I hope, when he only will feel more deeply the value of your goodness and tenderness for both.



LONDON, January 20.

A very curious work has lately been published

a young mall Who sailed round the globe, with the late Russian expedition of discovery, and was afterwards an officer attached to the staff of General Wittgenstein's army, in the memorable Mos cow campain of Bonaparte, but was taken prisoner while reconnoitering and sketching the plan of "It remains for me to confide to you my last French position at Polotzck.-He gives an account a road, which communicated with the rear of the thoughts. I would have written them at the comof his adventures, and the observations he made mencement of the process; but, besides that they on his journey from Polotzck to Soissons, the dewould not suffer me to write, the march of events has been so rapid, that I have not had, in reality, the pot of the Russian prisoners in France. After being taken, young KOTZEBUE was carried before die in the catholic, apostolic and Roman reli-generals Wrede, and St. Cyr, the latter of whom commanded the French division stationed at Polgion: in that of my fathers, in which I was brought up, and which I have always preferred, having no spiritual consolation to expect-not knowing, if there still exist any priests of our religion; and even the place where I am, would expose them too mach, if they once entered it.


otzck. He appears at first to have been received
he should be searched for papers, but this was
with great jealousy. Gen. Wrede suggested that
taken, he had accidently formed an acquaintance
prevented by St. Cyr. Some time before he was
then at St. Cyr's head quarters.
with the son of Massena, who happened to be

"I sincerely ask pardon of God, for all the faults I may have committed since I was born I hope, that in his goodness, he will receive my last wishes, With pleasure I observed young Massena, the In relating this circumstance, the author says; as well as those I have long put up, that he will receive my soul in his mercy and goodness. I ask ral's aides de-camp. A few hours before the last son of the celebrated Marshal, among the Genepardon of all I know; and of you, sister, in particu-battle was fought, we met and had a friendly parlar, for all the pain I may, without meaning it, have

caused you.

"I forgive all my enemies the ill they have done me; I bid adieu here to my aunts, and all my bro

thers and sisters.

ticipation of a flask of wine at the out-posts. On this first interview on such an occasion, it was natural that military events should form the objects of our conversation. Among other topics, the ted; finally we promised reciprocal aid, if such possibility of being taken prisoner was not omitThis was scarcely done when the trumpet soundan event should occur, and exchanged addresses.

"I had friends; the idea of being separated from them, forever, and their troubles, is one of the greatest griefs I have in dying. Let them know, at least, that to my last moment, I thought of them. "Good and tender sister, farewell! May this let-ed, each hastened to his post, and the sangui

ter reach you! Always think of me! I embrace you with all my heart, as well as my poor dear children. Oh, my God! what agony is it to quit them forever! Adieu! Adieu!

"And now I will resign myself wholly to my spiritual duties. As I am not free in my actions, they will bring me perhaps a priest: but I protest here, that I will not say a word to him, and that I will treat him as a perfect stranger.' Conformable to the original writing, entirely in the hand-writing of the queen, Maria Antoinette. The minister of police,


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stances rushed suddenly on my recollection the
nary contest commenced. All these circum-
moment I saw him. We embraced in the pre-
sence of the generals, who stared at us with as-
tonishment, until the cause of this proceeding was


Lyra, capt. Basil Hall; and the hon. company's On Thursday the Alceste, capt. Murry Maxwell; ship Gen. Hewett, capt. Campbell, sailed as stated in our last with a fair wind for China from Portsmouth, with the ambassador, lord Amherst, and his suit. His excellency is instructed to assure the Paris, Feb. 25. emperor of the amity and good will toward him, The deputation appointed by the chamber of subsisting in the breast of the prince regent; and deputies, in the sittings of yesterday to thank the to explain the nature and object of our late war king, for the communication of the testament with the Nepaulese. A letter from the prince to of Maria Antoinette, repaired this evening to the the emperor, repeating these assurances, will be Thuilleries. His majesty made the following re-delivered to him by lord Amherst's son, as page to ply to the president's speech:

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the embassy. The letter is most superbly illumi. I sensibly feel the sentiments which the cham-nated on vellum, and is enclosed in an elegant gold ber of deputies express to the communication I box, the lid of which bears a miniature of the prince have made. No event ever more deeply affected regent (by Lawrence) encircled with a wreath of me than this discovery, I return thanks to that diamonds. It was manufactured expressly for the providence which has revealed the virtues of her occasion by Rundell and Bridge, at an expense of of whom I was the subject, the brother, and I four thousand guineas. The magnificent presents may say the friend. I am confident that each of which are intended to give weight to the assuranyou will carefully preserve the present which I ces of consideration and esteem for the emperor, am about to give. Like ourself, you will do jus- consist wholly of British manufactures; elegantly tice to her to whom so little justice was done dur-cut glass vases, dishes, and bottles, have been ex ing her life."

pected as likely to be the articles he would most ac

[blocks in formation]

ISAAC COX BARNET, of New-Jersey to be Consul at Paris.

THOMAS AULDJo, to be consul at Cowes, in England.

JOSEPH FICKLEN, of Kentucky, to be consul at St. Bartholomews.

MARTIN BEEKMAN, of New-Jersey, to be consul for the Isle of France.

THOMAS ENGLISH, to be consul at Dublin, in Ireland.

JOHN LOVETT HARRIS, of Pennsylvania, to be

ELISHA FIELD, of Massachusetts, to be consul for the Cape de Verd Islands.

The hon. Mr. Amherst, Mr. Ellis, public secretary; Mr. Haynes, private secretary; Rev. Mr Griffiths, chaplain; Mr. Abell, naturalist; Doctor Lynn, physician; Mr. Murriage, mineralogist and assistant naturalist; Mr. Pole, draftsman; Sir George Staunton will join the embassy at Canton. It is expected they will be absent from England about two years. The embassy hope to obtain per-consul at St. Petersburg. mission to return from Pekin to Canton through the Chinese territory, which will give them an opportunity of passing the great wall of China and Tartary, and of viewing the internal appearance of 1500 miles of that vast, and almost unknown country.— This route appears the more necessary, as the ships which wait for their return cannot, for fear of We consider it a duty we owe to ourselves and the typhons, remain in the Yellow sea, whilst the society, to give publicity to the following facts:embassy is at Pekin. It is expected the ships will We were applied to in the course of last Novemreach Canton in July. The expenses of the embas-ber, by a letter dated Oct. 20th, 1815, from Cinsy are defrayed by the honorable East India Com- cinnati, in the state of Ohio, to engrave various pany. It is estimated at 150,0007. plates of bank notes, for a banking company with the following title:

WILLIAM GAMBLE, of NEW-JERSEY, to be consul for the Island of St. Eustatia.




publicly known, to have existence, in or near the town of Cincinnati; and that no such company do, or ever did exist.

Queen of Hayti's Dress-Consists of a petticoat of white satin, richly embroidered in gold sunflowers, terminating at the bottom with a broad gold It now appears from very respectable informafringe, the train of white satin, embroidered like the tion, that no company of merchants, or other perpetticoat, looped up on each side (to form a drape-sons bearing the above title, now, or ever were ry) with gold tassels and bullion; a beautiful gold net falls from the left shoulder, and fastened under the right arm, held up by large cords of bullion over the shoulder, the corners and edges finished with tassels and fringe; a rich plume of white feathers, ornamented by combs of immense value, completes the dress. This dress may be considered as a chef d'auvre in the court-dress style, being by far the richest and most elegant, ever made in this or any other country.

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The plates were engraved and paid for; but as our names are annexed as the engravers, we deem it proper to warn all persons to be cautious in the reception of such bills in future, as we are fully impressed with a conviction of their spurious origin. Being in the habit of receiving and executing orders relative to bank notes, from distant parts of the United States, our suspicions were not awakened respecting the pretended

"Ohio Exporting and Importing Company," until informed by gentlemen of undoubted veracity, resident in Cincinnati, of the non-existence of any such company.

The notes in circulation in this city and else where, are signed as president by Z. Sharp-the cashiers name cannot be decyphered.



At Richard Brown's woolen factory, Hollidays Cove, Va. 4 miles from Steubenville, the wool was shorn from a sheep in the morning, washed, carded, spun into yarn of 18 cuts to the pound, wove, dyed, fulled, dried, shorn, and made into a coat and worn, all in the space of 24 hours. What think ye of this, Mr. Bull ?—[W. Herald. ̧ Extract of a letter from a merchant at New-Orleans, dated 5th April.

"Sugars are selling at 14 1-2 cents cash and very few left in the country.

Good Cotton 31 cents and purchased up for cash as fast as it arrives.

Tobacco in demand at 15 cents, this price has just been refused for a parcel of 60 hhds. landed a few days since from Kentucky.

74 vessels in port 31st March,
35 sail arrived since,

-109 now at the Lovee."-[F. Gaz


No. 11. VOL. 1.]


[WHOLE NO. 11.


son in person. To these were attached major Planche's division of 287 men-the battalion of the St. Domingo men, and the Choctaws, containing 228, and the left division, commanded by gen. Coffee, amounting to 732, making in the whole two thousand one hundred and eighty-two men. Such was the celerity of the movements of the American general, and so unexpected was his ap

The battle of the 23d of December, in Mr. MAJOR LATOUR'S HISTORY. Latour's estimation, was the salvation of New OrMajor Latour's history of the war in Louisiana, leans. The enemy having reached Villier's plan. will be read with attention and interest, because tation, effected a landing amounting to four thouit is a record of facts. But this author needed sand nine hundred and eighty men. These connot to have interwoven political reflections in a sisted of the first brigade, commanded by colonel work which professed to be a history of the war Thornton, amounting to two thousand and eighty, in Louisiana. He must have been aware that on and the 21st, 44th, and 93d regiments of British the original question, whether war was expedi- fusileers, of 1750 men, and a number of artilleent in its outset, great and serious diversities of rists, amounting to 150 men, making in the whole -unton were entertained by the most intelligent 4,980. When this intelligence was brought to men of both parties. This was an obstruction that gen. Jackson, he immediately gave orders to put did not lie in the way of Mr. Latour. Whether it his forces in motion, determined to oppose the was prudent or proper to pass by the injuries reenemy on his first landing. These forces consistceived from France, while we met those from Eng-ed of a detachment of mariners, a detachment of land by a declaration of war, is a question about artillery, with two six pounders-the 7th regiwhich men may honestly differ, but there can be butment under major Pierce, and the 4th commandone opinion entertained on this point, that when oured by captain Baker, in all 884, led by gen. Jackfiresides and altars are invaded, they must be defended to the last. This was the state of the question presented to Mr. Latour, and here all parties were united to a man. Louisiana was invaded, and it was surely unnecessary for this author to attempt to defend our administration, and thus to make his book obnoxious to a large portion of our fellow citizens, when he might have received the approbation of all. The question whether Loui-proach, that the British forces had lain down to siana ought to be defended, or Canada su bdued, is just as wide and distinct, as the repulse of an invading army is from the assaults of an army of invasion. We cannot compliment this author on the possession of any extraordinary talent manifested in the construction of his work. So far as regards the war in Louisiana; so far as the facts which he relates fell under the cognizance of his own senses, is his page a luminous and faithfully reflecting mirror. He is there a master of his subject, and he writes Ike one perfeody wihama But when he ventures to step beyond his domicile; when he ventures on questions of national policy, he displays an evident and palpable ignorance of his subject. He seems to have derived his information on these points from a hasty perusal of our public journals, and to have made their original vulgarity, his own by adoption. He seems to have embraced the opinion at the outset, that our cabinet required the same defence as New Orleans did, and to have drawn his pen for the protection of both. Whether our administration was right or wrong, it is not our business to enquire; but it would be a sacrifice of truth and of candor to say, that they have, right or wrong, found a very unsuccessful champion in Mr. Latour." VOL. I. L

take their rest, and the outposts had lighted up
their fire, and were busily employed in cooking
their provisions. The late United States schoon-
er, Carolina, commanded by com. Patterson, hav-
ing dropped down the stream opposite the enemy,
began a furious cannonade upon the camp. This
firing continued for ten minutes before the enemy
could recover from his confusion. Congreve
rockets and bombs were thrown in great profu-
sion at the schooner, but very little mjury was
her these weanons Before the
had well recovered from the surprise occasioned
by the fire of the Carolina, the 7th regiment,
commanded by colonel Piatt, advanced and fell
upon one of the enemy's outposts, stationed on
the road. The outposts were driven in, but hav-
ing received a reinforcement of two hundred
men, returned to the charge. The 7th regt. then
formed in battalion before the enemy, and kept
up a steady and well directed fire, and the 44th
regiment, arriving at the same time,formed on the
left of the 7th. The British now began to extend
their line in the expectation of outflanking the left,
and the 44th regt. observing the manœuvre were
slowly obliquing to avoid it, when maj. Planche's
battalion coming up, protectedby the darkness of

ed in the treaty. The American gen. contended, that this included those slaves who had quitted the service of their masters, and joined the ranks of the enemy. The British officer contended on the

captured; that those who voluntarily joined the British ranks were to be considered as deserters, and consequently entitled to the protection of his government. This debate is carried on between these two hostile commanders in a stile of superior delicacy. We cannot read this correspondence without emotion, of which our friends will participate when they peruse the following extracts: Gen. Lambert writes to gen. Jackson on the 19th Feb. "I beg leave to congratulate you on the prospects of peace, and I hope I shall soon have to communicate to you the exchange of the ratifications." On the next day, the American general addresses admiral Cochran in the following elevated language. "You will perceive that I perfectly agree in the propriety of your remarks. That justice requires me to follow the example of confidence given by yourself and gen. Lambert, in the delivery of the prisoners belonging to my army, previous to the receipt of those taken from you; a confidence always mutually due from enemies

the night, engaged the advancing columns of the enemy within pistol shot distance. This furious attack compelled the enemy's advancing column to give way. This timely movement of major Planche prevented the left flank of gen. Jack-other hand, that these words were to be construed son's army from being turned by the enemy. While the battle was thus raging, general Coffee's division, by a quick movement, attacked the enemy furiously in the rear, drove in their outposts, and following up the blow, penetrated to the very centre of the enemy's camp. The boldness of this movement threw every thing into confusion; in the darkness of the night friends and foes could not be distinguished, and general Jackson not wishing to put every thing to hazard, called off his troops, and retired to his first position, where he remained till four the next morning. This bold and decided attack was productive of the happiest consequences-it confirmed the minds of our wavering countrymen, and gave them confidence in themselves; it taught them what raw and unexperienced troops could do when led by a gallant and skilful commander, and animated by the sanctity of the cause in which they were engaged. On the other hand, it checked the in. solence and confidence of the invading foe, and taught him to reverence such bravery in an enemy. He was now more cautious in his approach-who respect each other, and peculiarly proper bees, which gave the American general time to take tween those who, in the probable course of events, that masterly position which he did afterwards, may soon cease to be such." His excellency here aland which resulted in a triumph so glorious to ludes to the anticipated ratification of the the arms of our brave countryman, Gen. Jack-treaty by the president. Gen. Keene's sword son, who, if he was the author of those letters was lost in the attack on the American intrenchwhich bear his signature, (and we are inclined toments, and as it was the gift of a friend, he rethink that he is) makes it difficult to decide the question, whether his pen, or his sword, deserves public admiration the most, states in his account. of this battle, that "the gay rapidity of the march, and the cheerful countenances of the officers and men, would have induced a belief that some festive entertainment, and not the strife of

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with so much eagerness and alacrity." We all know that gens. Packenham and Gibbs afterwards fell, in the attempt to storm the American intrenchments, and that general Keene was severely wounded. The command of the British army devolved upon gen. Lambert. He declined making any further attempt upon N. Orleans, and the treaty of Ghent finally put a stop to the further effusion of human blood. A correspondence ensued between gens. Jackson and Lambert, on an interesting subject, namely, whether in pursuance of the articles of the treaty the slaves should be restored to their proper owners. The merits of this controversy rests upon the words "fallen into the hands of the officers of either party," the phrase adopt

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quested of generel Jackson its return. The American general writes thus to the secretary of war: Major Gen. Keene having lost his sword in the action of the 8th of January, and having expresseď a desire to regain it, valuing it as the present of an esteemed friend, I thought it proper to have it restored to him, thinking it more honorable to the American character to return it, after the expression of those wishes, than to retain it as a trophy of victory. I believe, however, that it is a singular instance of a British general soliciting the restoration of a sword fairly lost in battle." The American gene|| ral, after having received intelligence of the ratification of the treaty, communicates it to gen. Lambert with these remarks: "I deem it a duty without loss of time, to communicate the exact state of these circumstances, that you might determine, whether they would not justify you in agreeing, by a cessation of all hostilities, to anticipate the happy return of peace between the two nations, which the first direct intelligence must bring in an official form." This heroic affair concludes thus: “ I pray you, with the assurance

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