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three or four gatherings; but the two first are the best, and will produce three or four times as much colouring matter as the third and fourth crop.

ebony color, except a bright yellow streak round the middle of its body; it is a fly that I have often observed in my childhood and regarded as a most dangerous wasp, but it is quite inoffensive, as I have had several in my fingers at different times. The leaves in the large way are carried diBut one however, out of many that I had taken rectly to the mill, with a stone running on the from the trees came to perfection, though I han-edge resembling the oil or bark mills, where they dled them with the utmost caution, placing them are mashed into a smooth paste: if this process in dirt taken from about the trees, &c.; but finding is deferred, they would putrify. The paste is they would not survive a removal, I let one re- then laid in heaps, pressed close and smooth, and main at the tree, viewing it daily for nearly two the blackish crust, which forms on the outside, weeks, but getting impatient I took it up, and find-reunited if it happens to crack. After laying for ing it nearly in perfection, rolled it in a cotton rag fifteen days, the heaps are opened, the crust and placed it under a glass tumbler, and in a few rubbed and mixed with the inside: it is then days it came out; this served as a specimen, and formed into balls, which are pressed close and I have caught several since flying in the heat of solid; these are dried upon hurdles; they turn the day among the peach trees, lighting on them black on the outside if in the sun, if in a close near the root or little broken places in the bark || place yellowish; if the weather is rainy, the first for the purpose of depositing their eggs, which is to be preferred. they perform with a sheath that appears white and very sharp at the point and what I have taken to be their eyes are of an oval form, very small, and of a Yellowish color.


Jamestown, N. C. July 24, 1816.

P. S. Since making the above observations, I have found a description of this Fly in the Memoirs of the Philadelphia Agricultural Society; but as that Book is not in so general use as could be wished, I have been advised to offer the above for publication, under a hope that some effectual remedy may be discovered.

The good balls are distinguished by their being weighty, of an agreeable smell, and when rubbed, of a violet colour within. Woad not only affords a lasting and substantial blue, which may be reduced into many different shapes, but is of great use in dyeing and fixing many other


In the small way the leaves may be pounded in a trough or wooden mortar, laid smooth in heaps, as above directed; and after laying some days, the outside crust rolled with the inside, and made into small balls, about the size of a coffeee cup, in any convenient vessel which will bear pressing strongly to mould them in: and if the balls happens to crack before they are thoroughly dry, they may be rubbed together, moulded over again, and dried on boards in the sun. Woad and indigo are frequently used in conjunction, which makes very great saving to the dyers. In dyeing blue

woad, 301b weld, 201b. madder, 8 or 9lb. lime, and from 10 to 301b. indigo, and a quantity of bran, which are put at different times in a wooded vat and digested with a strong heat for several hours, after which the substances to be dyed are immersed in the mixture.

Silk, woollen, linen, and cotton are alike dyed with these ingredients, but with some variation of the proportions. A solution of woad and indigo in sulphuric acid forms what is called the Saxon blue. For dyeing yarn in the small way, woad may be used in the same manner as indigo: or a proportion of the ingredients before mentioned may be added: but the best colour will be produced by using each in the proportion of one ounce indigo to twelve ounces woad; the latter gives solidity and substance to the colour, the former brightness.

CULTURE OF WOAD. From the Brunswick Times. Having seen in your paper an extract from the Aurora, giving an account of the uses and culti-with these substances, it is usual to mix 400lb. vation of the Woad Plant (or Isatis Tinctoria) as a substitute for Indigo, and believing that whatever may be found a useful substitute for any foreign article imported into this country, employed in our domestic or family manufactures, tends not only to render us independent of foreign nations, but, with some attention, may become sources of wealth to our industrious farmers and citizens, I have annexed herewith some further account of this valuable plant, which I should be glad if you will publish for the benefit of my brother farmers; not doubting, that if generally known with what ease this plant is reared and prepared for use, that every lady who is in the habit of making cotton, linen, and wollen cloths, for private use, would, instead of running to the shops for indigo, procure a small quantity of the woad seed and cultivate in her garden a very small spot, being sufficient to raise seed enough The woad was once the great staple of Langueto sow two or three acres. This plant may be dock, is now cultivated generally in France, Spain, sown any time previous to the first of August, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, and in either in the broad cast way, or in the same man-many parts of England, and in the small way in ner as carrots and parsnips are generally sown, and its leaves are fit for use the summer following. It is biennial, the lower leaves are of an oblong oval figure, thick, ending in obtuse roundish points of a lucid green. The stalks rise about four feet high, dividing into several branches, terminated by small yellow flowers. The time for gathering the crop is about the end of June, or whenever the leaves are fully grown, while they are perfectly green. If the land be good and the crop well husbanded, it will produce

America. The produce of an acre of ground from woad may be estimated to be worth from one to two hundred dollars.

That the farmers and dyers may make trial of the woad, induces this communication.



We have seen a manifesto from the Directory of Buenos-Ayres, announcing the installation of

the National Congress of the provinces Rio de la ber of Indians, had reached the Fort and comPlata, &c. in the city of Tucuman, on the 25th menced an attack upon it, (which had continued of April. This grand and portentous event has several days) before the arrival of Col. Clinch's been caused by the good understanding which detachment. The fire was returned by those in now prevails between the governments of Buenos- the fort, but no injury sustained on either side. Ayres and Monte-Video. The republican armies While Col. Clinch was erecting a battery to play have made great progress in Peru. The royalist on the fort, three of the Gun Boats from New-Orgovernor of Chili has put under arrest in the leans arrived below it. In ascending the bay, 7 capital all the principal inhabitants of that part men who had landed from one of these boats were of the country which is still under his command. attacked by the negroes and six of them killed; It is prohibited to them the handle of arms, even the seventh made his escape by swimming. The a stick. The slightest disobedience is punished Gun Boats having been brought up (by order of with death, without regard to age or sex. But Col. Clinch) opposite the Fort, commenced firing the republican generals of Chili and Buenos-Ayres on it with heavy ordnance. After the proper eleare at the head of powerful armies, exasperated vation of the gun had been ascertained by three against their bloody tyrants. Now that the best or four discharges, a hot shot was fired, which peharmony prevails amongst the republican govern-netrating one of the three magazines, containing ments of that part of South-America, the most || 100 barrels of powder, created a dreadful explobrilliant results for the cause of freedom will be sion, which our informant supposes must have kilthe consequence. led more than an hundred-the others were taken prisoners, without making further resistance.

Clinch, to his Excellency Governor Mitchell, dated

It has been reported that a Portuguese force intended an invasion of Buenos Ayres, by virtue of a treaty with Ferdinand of Spain. The repub-Copy of a letter from Lieutenant Colonel Duncan L. lican general, Artegas, is waiting for them on the frontiers with 30,000 men. All the population "CAMP CRAWFORD, 4th August, 1816. are under arms-even women. We are positive- "SIR-I have the honor to inform you, that on ly informed, that there are whole companies of the 28tà ultimo, the Fort on the Appalachicola in women, furious and enthusiastic, who have volun-East Florida, defended by one hundred Negroes teered on the occasion. The invaders may become the invaded.-[N. Y. Columbian.

and Choctaws, and containing about two hundred Women and Children, was completely destroyed.-I have the honor to enclose you the names of the negroes taken and at present in confinement at this post, who say they belong to citizens of the Unit-State of Georgia. I have given the chiefs directions, to have every negro that comes into the nation taken and delivered up to the commanding officer at this post, or at Fort Gaines."

BANK OF THE U. STATES. Amount of subscriptions to the bank of the ed States, as it stands at the closing of the books. 1 Philadelphia, $8,861,000 4,014,100

2 Baltimore,

3 Boston, including Portland, 2,605,900

4 Charleston,


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From the Georgia Journal of the 14th inst.


Extract of a letter from a lieutenant of the American navy, attached to the Mediterranean squadron, to his friend in Virginia.

"U. S. Ship Washington, Gibraltar Bay, July 6, 1816. "I wrote you on the morning of our arrival when I supposed we should not remain here more than twelve hours; some days, however, have elapsed, and we are still in Gibraltar. The Java arrived yesterday, and we are momentarily expecting to see the Constellation and Erie; this I presume accounts for our delay.

・ “Our minister, Mr. Pinkney, is treated with much attention by the governor, &c. and bas dined on shore. The English officers seem disposed on all occasions to be very attentive; and I hope there is no desire on our part not to reciprocate the feeling.

"The Dutch fleet, under admiral Van Capell, consisting of four frigates and one sloop of war, is laying in the bay; he has been off Algiers, It will be seen by the following letter from Col. but failed in the negociation, and is now waiting Clinch to the Executive of this state, that the Fort the arrival of a reinforcement from Holland, when on Appalachicola Bay in East Florida, where the he contemplates a second visit. The Dutch offiruffian Nicolls commanded a motley force of Bri-cers have also been very civil, and profess great tish, Indians and Negroes during the late war, and friendship for the U. States. which has since been occupied by runaway ne- "I was this morning introduced to the above adgroes and hostile Indians, was completely destroy-miral, who appeared to be well acquainted with ed by our troops on the 27th ultimo. Mr. Hughes, my character, as he said, from English accounts. the bearer of Col. Clinch's letter to Gov. Mitchell, || He expressed much surprise to find me so young and who accompained the detachment of our a man, saying 'it was no use for the Americans troops on that expedition, states, that the cele to go to sea to acquire their profession, for it apbrated Chief M'Intosh with a considerable num-l peared to be their birthright"


"I should infer, from all I can learn, that a war, either with Spain, or some of the Barbary powers, is by no means an improbable event; and that too at no far distant period."

Hagers Town, August 13.


That occupied a space of more than six feet, about eighteen inches from the surface of the ground, was discovered yesterday morning, by some men levelling a yard, four miles from this place. Near the spot stood the famous Indian fort, erected and commanded by the gallant Col. Cresap, upwards of sixty years ago. It is presumed to be the carcase of a savage who probably fell at an assault upon Castle Cresap, somewhere about the middle of the last century.



England-Richard Brnisley Sheridan, the great orator and dramatist, died, in London, on the 7th of July last. New dollars are 48. 104d. Lord Liverpool retires from office, it is said from ill health. Wellesley and Lord Erskine have been solicited to join in the new arrangements. A new work has lately been published proving that De Colme is the author of Junius. An English philosopher has discovered an improvement in music, by which all dissonance, harshness and musical defect are removed. Papers of the 19th July continue to give assurances of the continuation of the peace in Europe, and are full of remarks on the distresses of the people of England. The London papers contain a petition signed by nineteen thousand cotton manufacturers, in which they declare their inability to obtain food, that except some speedy relief can be devised, one common ruin must involve masters and work



Russia.-It is rumoured that Russia has declared war against Prussia-and that the emperor Alexander has communicated through Pozzi di Borghs an autograph letter to the king of France,|| in which he recommends an equitable commercial system similar to that adopted in other states, and promises his protection.

France. The government of France is arming for the Bourbons the French funds 6 per cent. 59. f. Austrian politics give much uneasiness here. The trial of the conspirators ended on the 7th July.-23 were put to death, 6 acquitted, and the remainder, some to be transported, and others to be imprisoned for various periods.

Austria.-The emperor is pouring troops into Italy-the French are much dissatisfied with the distinction with which he treats the young Napo


South America-Gen. Bolivar has sustained a total defeat on his march to Caraccas-his army consisted principally of blacks, about 800-very few escaped the general massacre. 17 sail of patriót vessels were lately off the Balize destined against Pensacola.

No: 1.

30 feet beam, and 670 tons burthen-her engine is of 50 horse power.


There was a deficiency in the subscription to the National Bank of 3 millions, which has been taken by Stephen Gerard of Philadelphia. The secretary of war has returned to the city. Flour is said to be $18 per barrel in Charleston, S. C.— In Delaware electioneering is carried to great heighths, and there appears to be a violent struggle for power-there are 17 candidates for governor, 20 for members of congress, and 30 for sheriff. A pretty numerous body.

Mr. Gallatin our minister to France, arrived at Paris on the 12th July. It was rumoured that ratifications of a treaty of commerce between the U. S. and Russia was to be exchanged at Paris.

'The convention which was to meet at Staunton, to confer on the best means for calling a general convention for the purpose of effecting an amend ment to the constitution of the State of Virginia, assembled on the 19th inst. Sixty-five gentlemen so as to equalize representation in the legislature, appeard; two deputies from a county, except Bedford, which sent but one. The lower counties did not send any members. The convention is composed of respectable citizens; many of them are public men, and of known abilities. Gen. Breckenridge, of Botetourt, was called to the chair. Three propositions were submitted for consideraation: one for a convention of the people, without the interposition of the legislature-another for an address to the legislature to call one-and a third to dispense with a conventained in the senate-without it. tion, on the ground that the object might be at

the French flag was hoisted at Gaudaloupe on A letter received at Newburyport states, that the 25th July, and that American vessels were permitted to enter.

The President of the United States has recog
tannic Majesty for the State of Maryland.
nized William Dawson, Esq. as Consul to his Bri

President of the United States as Consul of the
Mr. De Valnais has been recognized by the
King of France and Navarre for the port of Boston.



Mediterranean fleet has been authorized to notiWe understand the commanding officer in the fy the Dey of Algiers, that he must acknow ledge the treaty or expect an immediate war. His refusal, we are informed, will amount to a declaration of hostilities.


Louisiana, may be hereby informed, that we can Our unknown correspondent at Baton Rouge, demoralizing tendency. The constitution of the never consent to give publicity to any thing of a American Bible Society we considered proper for the pages of the Register, because it purports to be free from sectarial prejudices, and to unite, by including, the several sects of Christians charity to believe it was dictated by pure and beWhatever may be its effect in operation, we have

Canada-New-York bank notes are said to be about 2 per cent. better than specie in Montreal-nevolent motives. flour $13 per barrel-corn from $2 to $250 per bushel. The steam boat Car of Commerce, which runs between Montreal and Quebec, is said to be a superb vessel. She is 172 feet upon deck,

Northampton, N.C. we are pleased with; but the The communications from "A Subscriber,” at subject we deem improper for the Register. Poletry must be admitted but sparingly.




be experienced. We regret exceedingly that government has paid so little attention to those It is the evident policy of nations to be pre- great objects of national importance-preparapared for war while yet at peace. This is a policy tions for defence: we regret it, because it evinces which wisdom would suggest and experience an indifference to the salutary and wholesome dictate. In examining the history of the world, lessons which experience inculcates, and goes to it will be found that those nations which have prove, that though, in some degree, a govern. neglected this salutary precaution, have become ment of experiment, it does not seem to benefit the unresisting victims of ambition, or the easy by the past. Let us suppose that Spain, aided prey of lawless lust of power. In the heroic by Great Britain, should declare war against the ages, the weaker States of Greece were frequent- || United States, an event not in the least improbaly subdued and conquered by their neighbours,ble, and throw 30,000 men into Louisiana. Jackwhen not prepared for attack and defence; and son might, indeed, call down his hardy mountainin later ages, less warlike, but not less ambitious, eers and hunters, but it would perhaps be too a similar destiny has been experienced by nations late to prevent the capture of Orleans, or the while slumbering in the lap of security, and not expulsion of the enemy. It would then be too anticipating the fate that awaited them. It is late, indeed, to say we ought to have been, but wisdom, even among individuals, to be prepared we were not, prepared for such an cveat; and for unexpected casualities, or for those unavoid-government would be justly censured for its inable misfortunes which human foresight cannot difference and neglect. grasp, and human prudence cannot avert; and if they should not occur, preparation will not be attended with injury.


We are no advocates for large standing armies; but we cannot but think the monstrous reduction of our late army was a measure of precipitancy, at least, which cannot admit of defence. There is, at present, scarcely force enough left to man our garrisons; and should they be increased as they ought to be, a greater force becomes es

Experience is the best school of wisdom: but some nations, like some individuals, seem to be incapable of benefiting by the knowledge thus acquired, and continue to blunder on without plan and without system. It was to be presumed,sentially necessary. The apprehensions generally that from the experience acquired during the entertained of standing armies, however just in last war, a different system of conduct would be monarchies, are futile, and perhaps ridiculous, pursued upon the restoration of peace, and that in a republic like this, composed of a union of the enemy would hereafter find us not so unpre- States, each in itself a distinct sovereignty, and pared and defenceless. But we are sorry to say, bound together by mutual interest, and a conthat nothing of moment has yet been done for sciousness of individual weakness. The ambitious the protection of the country. The navy has, in- general who should attempt, at the head of an deed, been inconsiderably augmented, but the sea- army he might have corrupted and stimulated to board is still as defenceless as formerly, and the desperate enterprize, to invade the liberties and ports and harbours of our principal cities are destroy the government of his country, would still unprotected and exposed. Should another have effected only the twentieth part of his diawar immediately break out between this country bolical purpose, should he even succeed in suband Great Britain, we are not one tittle better pre- duing one of the States; because each State is in pared than we were at the commencement of the itself a power possessing the means of defence last, and should unquestionably have to encoun- and resistance, and capable of contending for its ter the same difficulties and embarrassments we individual rights and liberties. But give a man experienced before. What is the state of Orleans the possession of an army in Europe, and he inand the District of Columbia? Are they more stantly becomes master of the destinies of the secure from invasion than they were prior to the nation to which he belongs. We do not, therelast war? Are they capable of displaying a more fore, apprehend any injurious or fatal conse. formidable show of resistance than they were?quences from the existence of a standing army, We conceive not. Then what would be the con- of reasonable magnitude in this country. The sequence in the event of another war? The expense necessarily accruing from such a military same evils would occur, and the same difficulties | establishment would, indeed, be an objection; B


but when we consider the increased expense, the || for so we may fairly denominate his hiss and his numerous losses and great embarrassments ex-rattle, when fairly translated into English, is this: perienced by the want of one when required, this Nature has made us mutual enemies; depart in objection will vanish, and leave us nothing to peace; the world is wide enough for us both: all fear or regret at its existence in time of peace. that I require is, that you should leave my preWe have observed, from time to time, that the sence unmolested: approach and touch me, and British are increasing their force on the lakes, I now forewarn you, that death is in the conand making every preparation for defence and tact. You know my power of inflicting injuries; annoyance in the event of another war: this, you know that this tail is not brandished to bid therefore, requires a correspondent vigilance and you welcome; you know my poisons, and be. activity on our part, which should induce us to ware! Now we will suppose that nature had keep pace with the exertions of our neighbours. implanted the same hostility between two indivi We would then humbly suggest the propriety of duals of the same species; of the human species, increasing our naval and military force, at least for instance; we will suppose that two individuto such a degree as to make it an object of se- als, so abhorrent to each other, should accidentcurity and protection; of augmenting the number ally meet, and one should use to the other this of our forts; of erecting at least one steam bat- dialect, which Divine Providence has taught the tery in every harbour of the United States ac- rattle snake to utter with such emphasis. Would cessible to an enemy; and of protecting and de- not this man be thought a generous, humane, and fending the sea-board from Maine to Louisiana. heroic enemy; one that scorned to circumvent These suggestions we throw out merely to call his enemy by fraud and deception; one who gave the attention of government to the subject, that || him fair warning of his danger; one who was the necessity of what we have urged may not es-- averse to the shedding of human blood; one who cape them, and that proper measures of defence would only strike in self-defence? We will ask, and protection may, while we have the power, if mankind whom fortune, and not nature, have be adopted. made enemies, do even now show to each other the generous hostility of the rattle snake? No; they employ all their means, not to put an enemy upon his guard, but to fight when he is unguarded. They steal upon the slumbers of each other, and they watch for the hour of vengeance, the season dedicated to repose, to silence, and the refreshment of exhausted nature. Strange as the fact may appear, it is literally true, that the most deadly enemy to man, of all the enemies of man, is a hero in his mode of warfare-he disdains deception; he never strikes without sounding an alarm; he inflicts a wound at last with reluctance, and, although unconsciously, he practises on a principle recognized in the books of English common law, which is, that it is lawful to shed blood in self-defence. A rattle snake, if he was indicted for murder, could produce precedents in abundance, from English law books, to prove that he had only committed justifiable homicide. He could appeal to the pages of English jurisprudence to show that it was lawful to shed blood in self-defence; he could show that he had shed blood only in self-defence; he could show that not one of his species, from the time of creation down to the present day, ever inflicted murder on man. With all his hereditary hate to our species, he could show that he never yet, in the

For the National Register. MAN'S AVERSION TO SERPENTS. There is nothing, in all animated nature, more curious than the mutual horror subsisting between the human and the serpentine species. || Many animals are far more formidable to man than the serpent; more capable of inflicting dead- || ly injuries; more venemous, and more prone to exercise their power of doing mischief: but none,|| notwithstanding, are held in such execration and abhorrence. Let us make this principle more plain by a familiar instance: of all four-footed animals, the tiger is the most sanguinary and ferocious: other quadrupeds show mercy when the rage of hunger has abated-he, none; he delights in the infliction of pain, and ravages because carnage constitutes his enjoyment. In the company of this four-footed ruffian, we expect no mercy. Now, of the two animals, a rattle-snake || and a tiger, which is the most deadly foe to man? The former is sluggish and inert, and never strikes before he sounds, as a warning, his death denouncing rattle; if his assailant still approaches, his tail vibrates with more fury; the warnings are given louder and more impetuous; but he still delays the blow, until his enemy comes with-course of all his hostility, ever employed artiin the reach of his bound; which is never more than the length of his body. He acts exclusively on the defensive, and his serpentine phraseology,

fice; he could show that all was plain, downright, open, undisguised, honest hostility; he could show that he was not such an enemy to the hu

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