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Prof. F. W. Clarke has shown that the sum of titanic and phosphoric oxides in rocks of the earth's crust, averaged from hundreds of analyses, is 0.8 per cent. When the determination of these is neglected the error falls upon the alumina. If the latter is then used as a basis for calculating the feldspars, it is easy to see that a very large average error in the latter may result, amounting to several per cent of the rock.

In order to more strongly emphasize the importance of completeness in analysis, a few facts brought out by the hundreds of rock analyses made in this laboratory may be cited. It has been demonstrated most conclusively that barium and strontium are almost neverfailing constituents of the igneous rocks of the United States and of many of their derivatives. These amounts are usually below 0.1 per cent for each of the oxides of those metals, but higher amounts are by no means uncommon. Furthermore, the weight of barium is almost without exception in excess of that of strontium. But a still more important point is that the igneous rocks of the Rocky Mountain region, so far as examined, show far higher average percentages of Bull. 176-02-2

both metals than the rocks from the eastern and the more western portions of the United States. The following examples serve to illustrate certain types of Rocky Mountain igneous rocks: Of seven rocks forming a Colorado series, six held from 0.13 to 0.18 per cent of Ba0. while in the seventh the percentage was 0.43. The SrO ranged from 0.07 to 0.13 per cent for six, and was 0.28 for that one highest in Ba0. Of thirteen geologically related rocks from Montana, embracing basie as well as acid and intermediate types, the range of BaO was from 0.19 to 0.37 per cent, with an average of 0.30 per cent. Three others of the same series contained 0.10 per cent or less, while the seventeenth carried 0.76 per cent BaO. The SrO ranged from 0.37 per cent in the last instance to an average of 0.06 for the other sixteen. Certain peculiar rocks from Wyoming carry from 0.62 to 1.25 per cent Ba0, and from 0.02 to 0.33 per cent SrO. Surely this concentration of certain chemical elements in certain geographic zones has a significance which future geologists will be able to interpret, if those of to-day are not.

Again, vanadium is an element which few chemists have ever thought of looking for in igneous rocks, though it has long been known to occur in magnetites and other iron ores. Hayes, in 1875, reported itoccurrence in a great variety of rocks and ores. Quoting from Thorpe's Dictionary of Chemistry: "It is said to be diffused with titanium through all primitive granite rocks (Dieulafait), and has been found by Deville in bauxite, rutile, and many other minerals, and by Bechi and others in the ashes of plants and in argillaceous limestones, schists, and sands." It is further reported to comprise, as the pentoxide, up to 0.1 per cent of many French and Australian clays, 0.02-0.03 per cent of some basalts, 0.24 per cent of a coal of unknown origin, and 0.45 per cent of one from Peru. Still later examinations in this laboratory of about 100 rocks, chiefly igneous, covering the whole territory of the United States, show not only its general qualitative and quantitative distribution, but that it predominates in the less siliceous igneous rocks and is absent, or nearly so, in those high in silica. In some of the more basic rocks it occurs in sufficient amount to seriously affect the figures for the oxides of iron unless separately estimated and allowed for (see p. 96)-a matter of considerable importance, since the petrographer lays great stress on accuracy in their determinations.

This same investigation has also thrown some light on the distribution of molybdenum, which seems to be confined to the more siliceous rocks and to occur in quantities far below those commonly found for vanadium.

Finally, had it not been the writer's practice of late years to look for sulphur in rocks, even when no sulphides were visible to the eye, its almost invariable presence in the form of sulphide, and consequent

connection with the long mystifying lack of agreement between results for ferrous iron obtained by the Mitscherlich and the hydrofluoricacid methods, might not have been suspected. (See p. 89.)

While strongly upholding the necessity for more thorough work, necessarily somewhat at the expense of quantity, it is far from the writer's intention to demand that an amount of time altogether disproportionate to the immediate objects to be sought should be expended on every analysis. But it is maintained that in general the constituents which are likely to be present in sufficient amount to admit of determination in the weight of sample usually taken for analysis-say 1 gram for SiO2, Al,O,, etc., to 2 grams for certain other constituents should be sought for, qualitatively at least, in the ordinary course of quantitative work, and their presence or absence noted among the results. If present in little more than traces, that knowledge alone may suffice, for it is often more important to know whether or not an element is present than to be able to say that it is there in amount of exactly 0.02 or 0.06 per cent. In the tabulation of analyses a special note should be made in case of intentional or accidental neglect to look for substances which it is known are likely to be present. Failure to do this may subject the analyst to unfavorable criticism, when at some future time his work is reviewed and the omissions are discovered by new analyses.

Finally, whenever possible, a thorough microscopical examination of the rock in thin section should precede the chemical analysis. This may be of the greatest aid to the chemist in indicating the presence of unusual constituents, or of more than customary amounts of certain constituents, whereby, possibly, necessary modifications in the analytical procedure may be employed without waste of time or labor.1


The literature relating to analysis of silicates is extensive but scattered, and in no single article is there to be found a satisfactory exposition of the methods to be followed or the precautions to be observed, especially in the search for some of the rarer constituents or those which, without being rare, have been of late years recognized as occuring persistently in small amounts. It is not intended to make this little volume a treatise on mineral analysis, but it is believed. that the experience gained by the chemists of this Survey during the twenty years since the establishment of its first chemical laboratory

1The foregoing tables and accompanying remarks, including several sentences preceding the tables, have been largely taken from the writer's papers entitled "A plea for greater completeness in chemical rock analysis," published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. XVI, pp. 90-93, 1894; also in the Chemical News, Vol. LXIX, p. 163, 1894. See also Distribution and quantitative occurrence of vanadium and molybenum in rocks of the United States," in the American Journal of Science, 4th series, Vol. VI, p. 209, 1898, and Chemical News, Vol. LXXVIII, p. 216, 1898.

in Denver may be usefu. to most cnemists interested in mineral and especially rock analysis.

The original publication of these data in Bulletin No. 148 was primarily intended to show the principles and methods according to which the major part of the very many hundreds of analyses therein brought together had been executed, and thus to furnish a partial measure of the trustworthiness of those analyses, rather than to serve as a practical manual of rock analysis. But the use which has been made by mineral chemists of that bulletin has seemed to render it advisable to amplify somewhat in detail and to add, besides a few new methods, a number of alternative ones which are known or believed to be good, in order that those who may wish to use this treatise as a practical guide shall have a choice from which to select in case the rather expensive apparatus or complicated arrangements sometimes preferred are not available. Where silicate analyses are very frequently made, however, it is a saving of time and of money in the end to set up permanent arrangements for convenience in estimating water, carbon dioxide, ferrous iron, making reductions in hydrogen, etc. Stress will be laid on those points meriting particular attention, and now and then a brief discussion or criticism of methods elsewhere in Vogue may be entered into.

In the earlier years of the existence of the Washington laboratory opportunity was afforded for the testing of novel methods and the devising of new ones, with most excellent results, as shown especially by the methods for separation of titanium, of lithium, and of boron, due to Prof. F. A. Gooch, to whose inventive skill chemists owe likewise the perforated filtering crucible and the tubulated platinum erucible arrangement for the estimation of water. Of late years the press of routine work has been such as to more fully fill up the time of the much-reduced chemical force, and as a consequence it has been found impossible to subject to critical trial several separation methods of recent origin, some of which seem to be full of promise, or to follow out certain lines of investigation which have been suggested by the observations made in this laboratory. This, then, must be offered in explanation if, in the following discussion, it may seem to some that any of the methods followed are too conservative. In general the discussion will be confined strictly to such separations as may be required in the analysis of an igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary silicate rock of complex mineralogical composition, in which the majority and possibly all of the ingredients in the list given below may occur in weighable or readily discoverable quantities:


SiO, TiO, ZrO2, AO,, Fe,О,, Cr,O,, V,O,, FeO, MnO, NiO, CoO, MgO, CaO, SrO, BaO, ZnO, CuO, K.O, Na,O, Li,O, H,O, PO,, S, SO,C, CO2, FI, CI, N.

Usually as pyrite, occasionally as lazurite, not infrequently as pyrrhotite.

2 As graphite or coaly matter.

The special problems often arising in the analysis of rocks of extraterrestrial origin-the more or less stony meteorites-will not be considered. An analysis of that kind should never be intrusted to the novice, but only to the chemist who has a knowledge of the composition and properties of the peculiar mineral constituents of those bodies and a judgment fit to cope with the oftentimes difficult problems presented by them.

Thorium, cerium, and other rare earths are seldom encountered in quantities sufficient to warrant the expenditure of the time necessary for their isolation. A search for them qualitatively, even, is at present rarely justifiable unless there is microscopic or other evidence of the presence of minerals likely to contain them. Tantalum, columbium, boron, and glucinum have never been certainly met with in the writer's experience, and yet they must be present in certain rocks, and doubtless traces have been overlooked at times. There is no reason to suppose that other elements may not be found by careful search, possibly all in the known category, and, indeed, Sandberger's researches have shown to what an extent this is true of a large number of those elements contributing to the filling of metalliferous veins. But those in the above list may usually be estimated with ease in weights of from one-half to 2 grams.

If the point be raised that many of the published analyses emanating from the Survey laboratories, even the earlier ones of the writer, are not in accord with the advocacy of completeness contained in the foregoing pages, it may be remarked that these ideas have been to a considerable degree evolved during a personal experience of twenty years in this line of work, and that frequently the exigencies were such as to compel restriction in the examination. Where the latter has been the case subsequent developments have in some cases shown it to be bad policy in every respect. It is better, both for the geologist and the chemist, to turn out a limited amount of thorough work than a great deal of what may prove to be of more than doubtful utility in the end.


Until recently it has been the practice in this laboratory to tabulate the constituents of a rock somewhat in the order of their determination, beginning with SiO, as the chief constituent and grouping together all chemically related oxides, as shown, for instance, on pages 16 and 17.

From a strictly scientific point of view a chemical classification founded on a separation into basic and acidic atoms or radicals would be more satisfactory, but until we learn to find out what silicic radicals are present and in what relative amounts, also how much free silica there may be, it is useless to think of employing the arrangement so valuable in stating water analyses.

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