페이지 이미지
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Brought forward - £.6519800)

The revenues, by the estimate for 1800-1, are


In this, the fubfidy from the nizam is pagodas 946000;
but by the new treaty of October laft, he commuted the
old fubidy for his thare of the territories ceded by, and
conquered from Tippoo, in 1792 and 1799, the revenues
of which, by Tippoo's accounts, are pagodas 1792000.
Thofe of 1792 are thought to be over-rated in thefe ac-
counts; but, on the other hand, the revenues of the coun-
tres conquered in 1799 are fuppofed to be much under-
valued; and in fact the Company's fhare, which was to the
fame amount, has produced double the eftimate. The
difference between the old fubfidy and the revenues of the
ing pagodas 846000, or
countries ceded by the nizam, may therefore be added, be-

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The Malabar revenues, now placed under Fort St.
George, are not included in the etlimate, and the Bom-
bay accounts contain the estimate of two months revenues
at pagodas 30000o, or
only. The net revenue for ten months may be calculated

The total revenues may therefore be taken at


I 20000




At 8s. the Pagoda.

Brought forward


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The charges, by the estimate of 1800-1, are
On the mot minute examination of the estimate of
military charges, compared with the auditor-general's
ftatement, from which it is taken; after allowing for the
increafed eftablifhment, and all contingencies, ftated by
following alterations :
the auditor-general, the eftimate appears fubject to the

The total military charges, including the troops in
Malabar and Canara, should be more than in the cftimate,

by pagodas


In the total are included the following extra expence
of Colonel Wellesley's detachment
Arrears to bullock-owners 1799.

Extra expence of a fecret expedition"
French prifoners



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Extra expence of troops at the Moluccas and
Malacca, and fupplies to thofe fettlements

This, and the former article, it is fuppofed,
will be difcontinued, as charges to the Company,
on the return of peace.

Pagodas 1160240
The difference is 815353

which will probably be faved in future, being

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Brought forward


Brought forward




At 25. 3d. the Rupee.

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The revenues, by the effimate for 1800-1, are - £.300000 But in this the revenue of Malabar is included for two months, at a much higher proportion than is warranted by the collections of the former year, when they were at the higheft. To allow for this, and a small article of revenue, included for two years, deduct


Some improvements are expected hereafter in the Surat revenue, in consequence of the late arrangement, for which allow


At 25. 3d the Rupee.

The estimate for 1800-1 is


This includes feveral items for two years' expence, and does not allow for retrenchments in fome departments. The military charges and expence of flores appear overrated on the whole, it is thought a deduction may juffly be made of

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The fupplies, by the estimate of 1800-1, are




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In the accounts of Madras, the expence of Ceylon is eftimated at 70000l. which will not in future be chargeable to the Company; but from this is to be deducted the revenues of the Dutch fettlements, amounting to 24000l.; the difference then is The reduction of the military in India, by the court's late orders, is estimated to produce a faving of

£.46000 270000

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From this the interell of the debts is to be defrayed, which cannot be computed at present at lefs than

But it may be conjectured that part will be paid by bills on the court, under the orders lately fent to India for that purpose.

But to allow for unforeseen contingencies, it may be better to take it at

The furplus revenue, without reducing the military establishments more than by the orders lately fent out, may thus be estimated at 800000l.
If the increafe to the artillery, directed by those orders, could be postponed, it would produce a faving of 51000!.

If all the native infantry regiments in India were reduced to 1400 privates each, it would be a faving of 153000l. per annum.


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APPENDIX, No. V.-EXTRACT and their remittances to China, shall ad

of ACT of 33 Gco. III. Cap. 52, Sections 107 to 123.

107. And be it further enacted, That for and during so long time as the faid company fhall be entitled to the whole, fole and exclufive trade and traffic, in, to and from the Eaft-Indies, and other places within the limits of their charter, subject to the provifions, regulations and limitations in this act contained, the clear profits arifing from the faid territorial acquifitions and revenues in India, after defraying the charges and expences of collecting the fame, fhall be applied and difpofed of, to and for the ufes and purposes hereinafter expreffed, in the following order of preference, and to or for no other ufe or purpose, or in any other manner whatever, any act or acts of Parliament now in force to the contrary notwithstanding; (that is to fay), In the first place, in defraying all the charges and expenfes of raifing and maintaining the forces, as well European as native, military and marine, on the establishments in India, and of maintaining the forts and garrifons there, and providing warlike and naval ftores: 2dly, In payment of the intereft accruing on the debts owing, or which may be hereafter incurred by the faid company in India: 3dly, In defraying the civil and commercial establishments of the faid company at their feveral fettlements there: 4thly, That there fhall be iffued to the refpective commercial boards of the faid company, at their feveral prefidencies in India, in fuch proportions as the court of directors of the Laid company, with the approbation of the board of commiffioners for the affairs of India, fhall from time to time direct, a fum of not less than one crore of current rupees in every year, to be applied in the provifion of the company's inveftment of goods in India, and in remittances to China for the provision of investment of goods there: And, 5thly, That as often as any part of the faid debts fhall be redeemed or difcharged in India, or transferred from thence to Great Britain, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid court of directors, with the confent of the faid board of commiffioners, to increase the annual advancement to the faid commercial boards, for the provision of investments in India and China, in the fame extent to which the intereft of the debts in India fhall be reduced by fuch extinction and transfers refpectively, if the trade of the faid company from India,

mit of or require fuch increafe: And, that after the appropriations aforefaid, or fums fet apart fufficient to anfwer and make good the fame, the furplus of the faid revenues fhall be applied to the liqui dation of the debts of the faid company in India, or to fuch other ufes and purpofes as the court of directors, with the approbation of the board of commiffioners for the affairs of India, fhall from time to time direct; any act or acts of Parliament to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

108. And whereas fundry debts incurred in the defence and protection of the British poffeffions in India, bearing intereft, are now due and owing by the faid company, there, amounting to feven crores of current rupees, or feven millions of pounds fterling, or thereabouts: And whereas it may be convenient and beneficial to the company's affairs, that the greater part of the faid debts fhould be transferred or remitted to, and paid in Great Britain; and it is therefore expedient, that proper encouragement fhould be given to the creditors of the faid company in India, to transfer and remit the fame accordingly: Be it further enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for the feveral governments and presidencies in India, from time to time, to grant bills of exchange upon the court of directors of the faid company, payable in Great Britain, at fuch equitable rates of exchange as fhall be, from time to time, directed or authorized by the faid court of directors, with the approbation of the faid board of commiffioners for the affairs of India, for the purposes of transferring and remitting the faid debts, in manner aforefaid, incurred by the faid company, and now due and owing by them in India, to Great Britain, until the faid debts in India fhall be reduced to a fum not exceeding two crores of current rupees, or two millions of pounds fterling; and that the faid court of directors shall be, and are, by force and virtue of this act, fully authorized and impowered to accept and difcharge fuch bills of exchange accord ingly, over and befides fuch other bills of exchange as the faid company could or might lawfully accept and pay, if this act had not been made, and not other wife, or in any other manner, any law or ftatute to the contrary notwithstanding.

109. Provided alfo, and be it further. enacted, That if the creditors of the faid company in India fhall decline to accept of and receive fuch bills of exchange as aforefaid,

aforefaid, in payment or discharge of their
faid refpective debts, or fhall not accept
the fame, to the amount of 500,000l. in
any year, it fhall and may be lawful for
the governor-general in council of Fort
William and Bengal, or for the governors
in council of the feveral prefidencies of
Fort St. George and Bombay, refpective-
ly, by the order and authority of the faid
governor-general in council, to raise a
fufficient fum or fums, whereby to make
up a remittance for fuch year, to the
amount by which the total of bills of ex-
change, fo accepted by the faid creditors,
fhall fall fhort of the said sum of 500,000l.
by loans of and from any other per-
fons willing to advance the fame, upon
the credit of bills of exchange to be
drawn by them upon the faid court of
directors, at fuch equitable rates of ex-
change as fhall be authorized and directed
in the manner before-mentioned; and
that the money fo raised in India fhall
forthwith, upon payment thereof into the
proper treafury there, be illued and ap-
plied towards the liquidation and discharge
of the laid debts of the faid company in
India, and to or for no other ufe or pur-
pose whatever.

annum, on the prefent or any future
amount of the capital flock of the faid
company, the first half-year's payment
thereof to commence and be made at
Midsummer 1793: 2dly, In payment of
500,000l. per annum, the fame to be fet
apart on the first day of March and the
first day of September, half-yearly, in
equal portions, and applied in the dif
charge of bills of exchange drawn or to
be drawn in India, for the transfer or re-
mittance of the debts of the faid company
from thence to Great Britain, for the di-
minution of fuch debts, until the fame
shall be reduced to two crores of current
rupees, or two millions of pounds fter-
ling: 3dly, In payment of a fum not
exceeding 500,ocol. in every year, into
the receipt of his Majefty's exchequer, to
be applied as Parliament fhall direct, the
fame to be fet apart for that purpofe on
the first day of July and the first day of Ja-
nuary in every year, by equal portions,
and the first half-yearly payment thereof
to be made or accounted due on the first
day of July 1793: And, if the said funds
fhall prove infufficient in any year to fa-
tisfy fuch laft-mentioned payments into
his Majefty's exchequer, that then and in
every fuch cafe the fame fhall be made
good, except as in this act is otherwise
Ipecially provided, out of any furplus
which may remain from the faid net pro-
ceeds in any fubsequent year, after the
payment of the annual fum of 500,000l.
into the receipt of his Majefty's exche-
quer, becoming due in each year refpec-

110. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this act contained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to authorize any of the governments in India to grant bills of exchange, for the purpofe of transferring or remitting the faid debts from India to Great Britain, to become due and payable within any one year, to be computed from the first day of January in the fame year, exceeding in amount the fum of 500,000l. aulefs by the fpecial order and authority of the court of directors of the faid company, for that purpofe first had and obtained, any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding.

vely: And that, until the faid debts in India fhall be reduced to the faid amount of two crores of current rupees, or two millions of pounds fterling, the ultimate furplus which fhall remain of the faid net proceeds, after fuch payments thereout made as aforefaid, thall and may be, from time to time, fet apart and applied in aug mentation of the faid fund or annual fum of 500,000l. a year, hereby appropriated for the reduction of the faid debts in India, in and for the reduction thereof, by the difcharge of any further bills of exchange to be drawn from thence, either for the transfer and remittance thereof to Great Britain, or for loans of money to be borrowed on the credit of any bills of exchange which fhall be granted by the order of the court of directors, to any greater amount than is herein-before limited or directed in that behalf; or otherwife it fhall be lawful for the faid court of directors to apply any part of the faid uhtimate furplus of the laid net proceeds in the payment of any debts of the faid.com

111. And be it further enacted, That
during the continuance of the exclufive
trade to the faid company, the net pro-
ceeds of their fales of goods at home, with
the duties and allowances arifing by pri-
vate trade, and all other profits of the
faid company in Great Britain, after
viding for the payment of bills of ex-
change already accepted by the faid com
pany, as the fame thall become due, and
for the current payments of other debts,
intereft, and other outgoings, charges and
expenses of the faid company, (their bond-
debt always excepted), fhall be applied
and difpofed of in the following manner;
(that is to fay), 1ft, In payment of a di-
vidend after the rate of iol. per cent. per


pany in Great Britain (the faid bond-debt of 1,500,000l. only excepted), or to the purchase of any goods, wares, or other merchandize, to be difpofed of in India or China, and to appropriate the produce thereof in and towards the more fpeedy diminution of the faid debts in India: And that, when and fo foon as the faid debts in India fhall have been reduced to the amount herein-before limited in refpect thereof, and the bond-debt in Great Britain to 1,500,000l., the furplus of the faid net proceeds, after providing for the current payments of interest, and other outgoings, charges and expenses the faid company, and of a dividend after of the faid rate of icl. per cent. per annum, on the faid capital fteck, and the faid annual fum of 500,000l. to be paid into the exchequer, and after making good all former deficiencies in the faid annual payments, otherwife than as is provided by this act, fhall be applied and difpofed of in manner following: (that is to fay,) One fixth part of the faid furplus, computed and adjufted to the first day of March in every year, fhall be feferved and retained by the faid company for their own ufe, and applied in augmentation of the dividends on their faid capital flock; and that the refidue of the faid furplus fhall be fet apart, and from time to time paid by the faid company into the Bank of England, within the first week in April in each year, to be there placed to the account of the commiflioners appointed by an act of the 26th year of his Majefty's reign, intituled, "An act for vefling certain fums in commiffioners, at the end of every quarter of a year, to be by them applied in the reduction of the national debt," until the monies fo paid, together with the fums arifing by the growing intereft thereof, fhall have amounted to 12,000,000!. fterling; and that, from and after fuch payments, together with the money fo arifing by the faid growing intereft, fhall have amounted to the faid fum of 12,000,000l. fterling, the faid furplus fhall be, from time to time, paid into the receipt of his Majefty's exchequer, and be there placed to the account of the confolidated fund, as the property of the public in full right.

112. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted, That if the debts of the faid company in India, after the fame fhall have been reduced to two crores of current rupees, or 2,000,000l. ferling, fhall be again increased beyond that amount; or if their bond-debi in Great Britain,

after the fame fhall have been reduced to that fum; then, and fo often as either of 500,000l. fhall be again increased beyond priations as are herein-before directed or thofe cafes fhall happen, the like appro authorized to be made for the reduction place and be made for the reduction of the of the faid prefent debts, fhall again take faid new debts refpectively, until the whole of the debts of the faid company crores of current rupees, and their bondin India fhall be again reduced to two debt in Great Britain to 1,500,000l. ; any thing in this act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

113. And be it further enacted, That the governor and company of the bank of England fhall raife and keep an account books, to be intituled, "The account of with the faid commiffioners in their of merchants of England trading to the the guarantee fund of the united company Eatt Indies;" and that as well as fuch monies as fhall be fo paid by the faid company by virtue of this act, as also the united company to the faid governor and annual dividends or intereft to arise therefrom, in manner by this act provided, fhall be feverally and refpectively, under fhall be placed to the faid account, and the crder and direction of the faid goland, laid out and invefted in the names vernor and company of the Bank of Engof the faid commiffioners, in the purchase of capital ftock in any of the redeemable public annuities transferrable at the Bank of England, the fame to be transferred to the faid commiffioners, on account of the faid guarantee fund, in the books of the faid governor and company of the Bank of England; and that the dividends payable thereon fhall, from time to time, be received by the faid governor and company of the Bank of England, and be placed to the account of the faid commiffioners.

when and after the monies paid by the 114. And be it further enacted, That faid united company to the faid governor the monies received for dividends on the and company of the Bank, together with capital flock of annuities purchased therewith, and with the proceeds thereof, fhall have amounted to 12,000,cool. dividends in preference to any other difpofition of the faid capital flock of annuities fhall, thereof, be fubject and liable to make good to the faid united company, for and during all fuch time as they fhall continue to trade with a joint stock, any deficiency cable to the payment of the faid dividend. or deficiences in their own funds, appli


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