페이지 이미지


condition of recognisance where one is bailed for, i. 130.

conditions of recognisance to give evidence before grand and petty jury,
and to prosecute for, ii. 387.


commitment for exporting glazed paper used in woollen manufacture,
under 21 Geo.3. c. 37. ii. 186.

procuring implements in the cotton manufacture to be

made for exportation, ii. 186.

putting on board ship, machines, &c. (as above), ii. 187.
seducing artificers to leave the kingdom, under 5 Geo. 1.
c. 27. ii, 187.


of artificers about to leave the kingdom, 5 Geo. 1. c. 27.-

ii. 187.


summons of, for misusing his apprentice, i. 75.

apprentice on complaint of, i. 76.



commitment for, ii. 189.

See tit. SERVANTS.

warrant to apprehend a person for slitting a nose, under 22 & 23 Car. 2.
c. 1.- ii. 188.


warrant to apprehend for felony, in solemnizing matrimony without li-
cence, under 26 Geo. 2. c. 33, and 52 Geo. 3. c. 145. ii. 189.
commitment thereon, ii. 190.

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information for disturbing a licensed dissenting, i. 239.

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- ii. 190.

conviction for pecuniary penalty, under 5 Geo. 4. c. 13.
oath to be taken by a person enlisting, ii. 191, 192.
justice's certificate under 5 Geo. 4. c. 13.-ii. 192, 193.
oath of allegiance, on 69 Geo. 3. c. 109.--ii. 193, 194, 195.
master's oath, ii. 196.

justice's certificate, ii. 196.

oath of due application of money, stores, &c. ii. 196.
information of a soldier having deserted, ii. 197.

commitment of a deserter, ii. 197, 198.


order for the reward, ii. 198.

to pay so much a day to a soldier on furlough, ii. 199.

exemption from serving in, ii. 199.

order to high constable for lists to be returned with the petty constable's
warrant thereon, under 42 Geo. 3. c. 90.- ii. 200.

high constable's order above referred to, ii. 200.

notice from constable of list to be returned, ii. 203.

summons to housekeeper for not returning a true list,
ii. 203.

order to high constable to give notice to petty constables of the number
appointed to serve within each parish, &c. and of the time
and place for balloting, ii. 204.

notice to petty constable thereon, ii. 205.

MILITIA continued.

order to high constable to direct petty constables to give notice
to balloted men to appear to be sworn and enrolled,
ii. 205.

precept to high constable to issue his warrant (as above)
and petty constable's warrant thereon, ii. 207.
form of such indorsed warrant, ii. 207.

warrant thereon, ii. 296.

militia man's oath, ii. 208.

notice to be given to balloted men, or to be left at dwelling-houses, ii.

information and complaint against a militia man not appearing to be sworn
and enrolled, ii. 209.

summons thereon, ii. 210.

warrant of distress for the penalty, ii. 210.

coustable's return of want of distress, ii. 211,
commitment thereon, ii. 212.

certificate of enrolment of a substitute, ii. 213.

warrant of distress for Quaker's substitutes, ii. 213.

commitment of a Quaker for want of distress, ii, 214.

order for allowance to a surgeon, ii. 215.

of lieutenants, &c. for calling out the militia for training, &c.
under 42 Geo. 3. c. 90.-ii. 216.

notice to be inserted in public papers, ii. 216.

order to the high constable, ii. 216.

order from high constable to petty constable, ii. 217.
notice to be affixed on church door, ii, 217.

notice to militia men, ii. 218.

lieutenant's order for embodying the militia, ii. 218.
notice to be inserted in public papers, ii. 219.

order to high constable, ii. 219.

notice by high constable to petty constable, ii, 220.

to be affixed on church door, ii. 220.

militia men, ij. 220.

oath of a balloted man, to entitle him to the allowance of half the price
of a volunteer from his parish, ii. 221.

order for the above allowance, ii. 221.

oath of balloted man's wife for obtaining the allowance under 43 Geo. 3.

c. 47. ii. 221.

summons of the overseer to shew cause why an order of mainte-
nance should not be made, ii, 222.

order of maintenance, ii. 223.

the like where the balloted man serves for any other
parish in the same county than that in which his
family resides, ii. 224.

the like in a different county from that in which his family
resides, ii. 225.

justice's certificate referred to in the preceding
orders, ii. 226.

affidavit of the wife of a militia man serving by substitute, to en-

able her to get the allowance, ii. 226.

order of allowance thereon, ii. 227.

to the family of a non-commissioned offi-

cer, ii. 227.

MILITIA continued.

order of allowance to the wife of a militia man serving in
Ireland, ii. 222.

justice's certificate of making an order on the county treasurer, ii. 229.
the like on overseers of another parish, ii. 229.

account, verification, and order on treasurer of the county for reimburse-
ments, ii. 230.

notice of embodying the militia to be inserted in the public papers,
ii. 231.

order from lord lieutenant to high constable to require petty constables
to give notice to men enrolled or serving, to be, appear, and
be embodied in actual service, ii. 231.

notice by high constable to petty constable thereon, ii. 232.
to be affixed on church or chapel door, ii. 232.

militia men, ii. 232.

order for payment and allowances to clerks of the general and subdi-
vision meetings, on 59 Geo.3. c. 116. ii. 233.

certificate of the deputy lieutenants of the correctness of the accounts
of charges, &c. ii. 234.

confirmation of the above certificate, ii. 234.


commitment of a constable convicted before two deputy lieutenants of
neglect, fraud, or partiality, under 24 Geo. 3. c. 90. — ii. 235.
oath to be taken by a militia man when called out at the place of assem-
bly, ii. 235.

of a balloted man to serve in the local militia, on 52 Geo. 3. c. 38.
ii. 235.

certificate of levying 51. on a witness not attending, ii. 236.

form of oath, ii. 236.

conviction under 52 Geo. 3. c. 38. ii. 236.

order for justices of the peace to provide carriages, ii. 237.

commitment for keeping a disorderly house, ii. 238.

bawdy house, ii. 238.

digging up and taking away a dead body, ii. 239.
dropping a child, ii. 239.

kidnapping a boy, ii. 239.

attempting to steal from the person, ii. 239.

of a letter sorter for stealing a bill of exchange out of a
letter in the post office, ii. 240.

carrier for secreting letters, on 5 Geo. 3. c. 25.

ii. 240.

person employed in the general post office, for stealing
a letter thence containing bank
notes, ii. 240.

on business relating to the post of-
office, for stealing a bank note
from a letter, and another for
receiving it, ii. 240.

for receiving stolen goods, the principal felon not being
convicted, under 29 Geo. 2. c. 30. ii. 241.
Knowingly receiving, &c. (as above), ii. 241.

goods stolen on the highway, ii.


buying stolen goods when the thief is not known, ii. 241.


commitment for offering to pawn a silver watch, and not giving a good
account of it, under 33 Geo. 2. c. 24.- -ii. 242.
pawning goods without the consent of the owner, ii. 242.
destroying a promissory note, ii. 243.

attempting burglary, ii. 243.

breaking and entering (or with intent to enter) a house
with intent to steal, ii. 243.

entering a workshop with intent to commit felony, ii.


a misdemeanor on the high seas, ii. 243.

attempting to poison, ii. 243.

going to France during war without licence from the
king, ii. 244.

assisting French prisoners to escape by conveying them
across the country, ii. 244.

French prisoners of war to escape out of pri-
son, and conveying them, ii. 244.

aiding the escape of French prisoners on their parole,

ii. 244.

assisting a prisoner of war to escape (generally) out
of the realm, ii. 245.

MONEY. See tit. COIN.

warrant for an assault, on account of money won at play, i. 111.
commitment for forging, uttering, &c. receipts for. See tit. FORGERY,
i. 497, 498, 499.


inquisition for, i. 311.

warrant for assaulting with a drawn sword with intent to, i. 107.
commitment of a woman for killing a bastard child, i. 164.

examination of a person charged with, i. 381.

commitment for wilful murder against principals in the first and second


degree, ii. 245.

by giving mortal wounds, ii. 245.

on suspicion of wilfully driving a hackney coach over a

child and killing him, ii. 245.

for feloniously administering poison, under 43 Geo. 3. c. 53.

ii. 246.

maliciously shooting, ii. 246.

aiding and abetting in the like offence, ii. 246.

information against alehouse-keeper for keeping open house at late
hour of, i. 46.

summons thereou, i. 47.

conviction for killing game, or using an engine for that purpose in
the, i. 580.


commitment for, ii. 575.


of action. See title ACTION.

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ii. 248.

declaration against transubstantiation, 25 Car. 2. c. 2.
popery, 30 Car. 2. st. 2. c. 1. — ii. 249.

quaker's affirmation, ii. 249.

solemn affirmation, instead of an oath of allegiance and supre-

macy, by 8 Geo. 1. c. 6. - ii. 249.

abjuration on same stat. ii, 250.

declaration of fidelity, ii. 250.

profession of their belief, 1 W. & M. sess. 1. c. 18. s. 13. -
ii. 251.

commitment for voluntarily taking unlawful oaths, under 37 Geo. 3.
c. 123. - ii. 251.

framing and taking unlawful oaths at common law,
ii. 252.

aiding and assisting at the administering of an unlaw-
ful oath, ii. 252.

administering a seditious oath, on 37 Geo. 3. c. 123.
ii. 436.

to be administered to a witness who is a Scotch covenanter, ii. 252, 3.
mode of administering to Gentoo witnesses, ii. 253.

of an interpreter to a deaf and dumb witness, ii. 253.
in general, ii. 253.

ORCHARD. See tit. WOOD, 592, &c.


affidavit of expences incident to birth of bastard, i. 151.


commitment for forging stamps on, i. 490.



information in order to obtain a warrant to search for book lost from, i.


order to, to deliver goods to the owner, on 30 Geo. 3. c. 24. and
39 & 40 Geo, 3. c. 99. - ii. 254.

summons to shew cause against a commitment for disobeying an

order, ii. 255.

information against, for not exhibiting a table of interest, ii. 256.

having his name and description over his

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