페이지 이미지
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MANASE MANSUR, Republican Consultant on Insular and International Affairs



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Paul M. Leary, director, Bureau of Public Administration, University
of the Virgin Islands .....


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1. Letter to RADM Edward K. Kristensen, COMNAVAMAR, from
Hon. Joseph F. Ada, Governor of Guam, and attachments ......

2. Prepared statement of Hon. Alexander A. Farrelly, Governor of

the Virgin Islands.......

3. Letter to Chairman de Lugo from Dr. Marilyn F. Krigger, co-
chairperson, USVI Commission on Status and Federal Relations,
dated July 30, 1993........

5. Joint prepared statement of Hon. Kuniwo Nakamura, President
of the Republic of Palau, Hon. Peter L. Sugiyama, President of
the Senate, Fourth Olbiil Era Kelulau, and Hon. Surangel Whipps,
Speaker of the House of Delegates, Fourth Olbiil Era Kelulau,
regarding self-determination of political status, Republic of Palau
6. Letter to Hon. Lorenzo I. De Leon Guerrero from Chairman de
Lugo dated July 14, 1993

7. Memoranda from American Law Division, Congressional Research
Service, regarding "Self-Determination by the People of Puerto

1. Congressman Underwood's letter to Hon. Bruce Babbitt, Secretary
of the Interior, dated August 2, 1993......


2. Congressman Underwood's letter to Hon. Leslie M. Turner, Assist-
ant Secretary, Office of Territorial and International Affairs, De-
partment of the Interior, dated July 30, 1993


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