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On motion of Dr. Kittredge, adjourned, to meet to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock at Memorial Hall.




Met according to adjournment, and on roll-call the following nineteen members answering to their names, a quorum was declared present:

[blocks in formation]

On motion, the minutes of the preceding meeting were dispensed with.

On motion of Dr. L. W. Flanders, the President appointed the following Committee on Nominations:

John W. Parsons,

E. F. Houghton,
Gardner C. Hill,

George C. Wilkins,
Louis W. Flanders,
John W. Staples,
G. H. Morrison,
E. O. Crossman,
E. H. Carleton,

E. W. Hodsdon,

Rockingham County.
Belknap County.
Cheshire County.
Hillsborough County.
Strafford County.
Merrimack County.
Coos County.
Grafton County.
Sullivan County.

Carroll County.

On motion of W. T. Smith, it was voted to hold the next annual meeting at Concord.

On motion of J. W. Parsons, it was voted that the dates of meeting be May 13 and 14, 1909.

E. E. Graves, necrologist, reported the following deaths during the year:


William Waterhouse, Barrington, died September 13, 1907.

Val. Manehan, Enfield, died October 15, 1907.

Thomas Hiland, Grafton, Mass., died October 29, 1907. George F. Abbott, Littleton, died December 22, 1907. Hannibal P. Wheatley, Farmington, died January 29,


A. P. Chesley, Concord, died February 9, 1908.

On motion of W. T. Smith, it was voted that the report of necrologist be included in the report to the general session.



CONCORD, N. H., May 16, 1907.

A meeting of the Board representing the New Hampshire Medical Society jointly with the Boards from the Homeopathic Medical and Eclectic Medical Societies of the State of New Hampshire was held at the Regent's Office, Concord, N. H.

The one board system was approved by the members present, as a solution of the question of the inequality of numbers of the various boards.

The subject of reciprocity was discussed and it was resolved that a committee of three be appointed to decide all questions relating to reciprocity with other states, said committee to confer with the Regent and other members of the Board.

Drs. Robert Sweet, E. C. Chase, and J. T. Greeley were appointed to serve as this committee.

After a general discussion the meeting was adjourned.

CONCORD, N. H., May 16, 1907.

Following the joint meeting of the three Boards, a meeting of the Board representing the New Hampshire State Medical Society was held, Dr. Cook, President of the Board, presiding.

No business of importance was brought and the meeting was adjourned.

CONCORD, N. H., Dec. 20, 1907.

A meeting of the Board representing the New Hampshire Medical Society with the Boards from the Homeopathic and Eclectic State Medical Societies was held at the Regent's Office, Concord, N. H.

This meeting was called to endorse the report and progress of the Committee of Reciprocity.

The question of the rewriting of the State Medical Law was opened by Dr. Heffenger. This question brought up a good deal of discussion and it was referred to the Committee on Public Policy and Legislation with a view to meeting a similar committee from the New Hampshire Homeopathic and Eclectic Societies.

There have been two state examinations held during the past year, one in July, 1907, at which time sixteen of the regular school took the examination. Of these, five did not. pass, eleven passed successfully.

In January, 1908, of the sixteen who took the examinations, twelve passed, four failed.

We reciprocate with the following states: Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, New Jersey, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Michigan.


Dr. E. 0. Crossman spoke at length on some of the imperfections of the law, thought there should be some prosecuting power and that a man should not be compelled to wait for a meeting of the board in order to legally practice. Dr. Greeley explained some of the working methods. Some men have practiced after a failure to pass the examinations of the board, and this has been due in a measure to the inertia of his fellow practitioners. Reciprocity was the principal question for consideration during the year. Some doctors from Massachusetts have practiced here in the summer without a license.

Dr. William T. Smith understood a man could not practice without a license.

On motion of Dr. George C. Wilkins, it was voted to have the report of Dr. Greeley submitted in writing.


The delegates whom you appointed to represent the Society at the annual examination at Dartmouth Medical College, with Drs. C. S. Caverly and H. C. Tinkham, delegates from Vermont, met at Hanover, March 27, 1908.

Nine men came before the delegates for examination, and the proficiency shown by all members of the class reflected credit upon themselves, and upon the medical instructors of Dartmouth College.

The graduating exercises took place in Dartmouth Hall at 4 P. M.


Dr. E. 0. Crossman resigned from the Committee on Nominations, as he was obliged to leave the city. The President appointed Dr. William T. Smith in his place. Dr. L. W. Flanders read the following letter:

Dear Doctor:

SUMTER, S. C., April 11, 1908.

At the meeting of the American Medical Association at Atlantic City, a representative gathering of state secretaries and editors, appointed us a committee to perfect a permament organization.

The great desirability of an annual meeting was unanimously agreed upon, as practical methods, new ideas, closer communion of thought, between the states, would give marked aid and impetus to the executive officer of a State Society.

We ask you to take this matter up at once, explaining it to your Society, and let me know if you will be present at Chicago. Incidentally I may say that my state of South Carolina has established the precedent of paying its Secretary's expenses to this meeting.

Yours very truly,


Chairman of Organization Committee, Sumter, S. C.

He then moved that our Secretary, Dr. D. E. Sullivan, be appointed to represent the Society at that meeting and

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