[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

By Berlin H. Wright, De Land, Fla.

TIDE TABLES. (From U. S. Coast Survey.)

To find the time of high water for any place given in the table below apply the rection opposite the place to the times of high water for its respective port given every day on the twelve calendar pages of this Almanac. Add the correction to ne of high water when it is plus, and subtract it when it is minus. Example: To d time of high water at Rockland, Me., on January 8, 1910

Time of high water at Boston, January 8..

Correction for Rockland, Me. (see below)..

Time of high water at Rockland, Me., January 8...

9 25 p. m. -0 26 p. m.

8 59 p. m.

Add 6 h. to this for the succeeding low water or subtract same for preceding low iter, and apply 12 h. in the same way for the other high water of the same date.

Corrections to nes of high water at Boston, for: stport, Me.

th, Me.

rdiner, Me.

igusta, Me.

rtland, Me..






Corrections to times of high water at Charleston for: tion.


-8 1 -746 6 15 -6 7 -259 0 28 +05 + 0 13 + 0 55 +1 4 +911

+9 25

+1 22 + 57 -011

Corrections to Cortimes of high water] recat New York for: tion. Block Island, R. I.. -1 2 Dover, Del.... 8 46 est Quoddy H'd, Me-0 49 Stonington, Conn.... +0 49 Sea Breeze, N. J....-10 17 achiasport, Me....0 40 New London, Conn.. +1 6 New Castle, Del.... dian Harbor, Me..-0 55 Norwich, Conn. +1 47 Wilmington, Del.... Desert Nar., Me.-0 28 Middletown, Conn... +5 1 Gray's F., S. R., Pa. ss H., Mt. D.I.,Me] 0 45) Hartford, Conn.... +6 58 Phil., Wash ave.......... W. H. Mt. D. I.,Me-0 44 Duck Island, Conn.. +2 23 Trenton, N. J.... ckland, Me. -0 26 New Haven, Conn.. +3 5 Rehoboth, Del..... eanville, D. I., Me-0 36 Stamford, Conn..... +8 4 Ocean City, Md..... ngor, Me. +1 12 City I., L. I. S., N.Y +3 7 Cape Chas. L., Va.. othbay, Me. -043 College P.,E.R.,N.Y. +3 21 Old Point Com., Va. +0 81 Flushing, E. R.,N.Y. +3 40 Newport News, Va.. +256 Pot Cove, Ast., N.Y. +3 2 Peaersburg, Va.. +387 B'kwell's I. L., N.Y. +1 50 Richmond, Va. 084 E. 41st st., N. Y. C. +1 37 Yorktown, Va.. rtsmouth, N. H..-0 15 E. 27th st., N. Y. C. +1 23 Pt. L., P. R., Md.. es of ShoalL.,N.H. -0 20 Brooklyn, N.Y., N.Y. +0 40 Alexandria, P. R., Va wburyport, -0 15 B'klyn Bridge, N. Y. +0 20 Wash, N. Y., D. C.. -0 36 E.110th st., N. Y. C. +2 6 Crisfield, C. B., Md. -011 High Bridge, N.Y.C.+2 21 Cambridge, C. B., Md. hant, Mass. -0 18 Kingsbridge, N.Y.C. +0 56 Oxford, Md. ston Light, Mass.-0 18 Willets Point, N. Y. +3 7 Annapolis, Md... mouth, Mass... -0 09 Glen C., L.I.S., N.Y. +3 6 Balt., Fells Pt., Md. ellfleet, C. C., Mass.-0 11 Oyster B.,L.I.S., N. Y. +3 6 Elkton, Md.. ovincetown, Mass.-0 1 Nthpt. H.,L.I.S., N.Y +3 5 Pt. Dep., S. R., Md. sconset, Nant'k I +0 1 Trum. B., L.I.S..N.Y +2 11 Virginia Beach, Va.. ntucket H., Mass. +0 55 Sag Har..L.I.S., N. Y. +2 19 Hatteras Inlet, N.C. gartown, Mass.... +0 44 Montauk Pt. L.,N.Y.-0 1 Cape Lookout, N. C. Mans L'd I., Mass46 Bellport, N. Y.. Beaufort, N. C... hey'd Hav'n, Mass +0 111 Fire Isl'd Inlet, N. Y. +0 56 Carolina Beach, N.C. 0 14 Imouth, Mass.. -1 8 Rockaway Inlet, N. Y.-0 35 Wilmington, N. C... +1 47 paulin Cove, Mass-3 41 Coney Island, N. Y.-0 42 B'nerman's B., N.C. -41 tyhunk L., Mass.-4 1 Tottenville, S.I.,N.Y.-0 21 White Hall, N. C... - 3 58 Pods Hole, Mass..-2 55 Fort Tom., S.I.,N. Y.-0 23 Georgetown, 8. C...+1 16 d Island L., Mass-843 Ossining, H.R., N.Y. +1 49 Bluff Pt., W.R., S.C. + 0 21 Bedford, Mass. -340 Albany H. R., N. Y. +9 38 Port Royal, S. C...] + 036 wport, R. I.. -3 48 Eliz'port, N. B., N.J. +0 10 Beaufort, S. C... + 0 49 stol. R. I... -3 34 Long Branch, N. J.-0 37 Savannah, Ga.. + 0 53 tuxet, R. I.. -8 21 Atlantic City, N. J.. -0 28 Warsaw Sound, Ga.. +0 4 vidence, R. I.. -3 23 Cape May City, N.J. | -0 16 St. Andrew S., Ga.. 0 23

oucester, Mass... em. Mass.

+2 39

0 18

4 59 3 56

- 3 23

2 38

0 50

2 10


0 0

0 47


0 12


All the calculations except the Moon's Phases, Tides and seasons are in mean al time. (See table for its conversion into Standard Time.) The Sun's rising and ing is for the upper limb and corrected for refraction. The signs used are as ows: 6 conjunction or near approach, at which time a line from the North Star ough one will also pass through the other; 8, opposition or 180° from the Sun, at ch time the Superior Planets are the brightest;, quadrature or 90° from the 1:0. Sun; , Earth; , Mercury; Q, Venus; d, Mars; 4, Jupiter; h, Saturn; Uranus; V, Neptune; 3, Moon generally; , Ascending Node; , Descending


Per.-Perihelion, or nearest to Sun; applied to Planets.
Aph.-Aphelion, or furthest from Sun; applied to Planets.
Per.-Perigee, or nearest to Earth; applied to the Moon.
So. Southing, or Meridian Passage,

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