To obtain standard time take local time and add or subtract the figur 5 |++++|++|+|||+|| +|++ || ++|++|++||+|| +++|++| +31 6 4 Memphis, Tenn.. Central 43 Milwaukee, Wis.. Central + 20 10 New York, N. Y..... Eastern TIME STANDARDS. The following is the table of times, based upon the meridian used by States and Canada: It is obvious that to express the time of rising and setting of the Sun in standard time would limit the usefulness of such data to the single poin for which they were computed, while in mean time they are practically c places as widely separated as the width of the continent, as already explained sons having the mean time may easily ascertain the correct standard tim event by making use of the table on this page. EXPLANATION OF THE CALENDAR PAGES. All the calculations in The Tribune Almanac are based upon mean or c unless otherwise stated. The Sun's rising and setting are for the upper limb, for parallax and refraction. In the case of the Moon no correction is need the Sun, for "parallax and refraction"; with her they are of an opposite na just balance each other. The figures given, therefore, are for the Moon's a true horizon, such as the ocean or a large plain affords. STANDARD TIME The Gregorian year 1910 corresponds to the following eras: From July 4 the 135th year of the independence of the United States. The year 1328 (nearly) of the Mahometan era, beginning January 13. The year A. M. 8019 of the Greek Church, beginning January 14 (O. S.). The year 4607 (nearly) of the Chinese era, beginning February 10. The year 5670-'71 (nearly) of the Jewish era, beginning Thursday, October 4, or unset October 3. The year 2570 (nearly) of the Japanese era, beginning February 10. The year 6623 of the Julian Period. The vear 2222 of the Grecian era. 19 Roman Indiction. 11 Dionysian Period. 15 Jewish Lunar Cycle.. Epact (Moon's age, Jan. 1). Lunar Cycle (Golden Number) Solar Cycle.... EXPLANATORY NOTE.-The DOMINICAL Letter or letters (two for or Sunday Letters, indicates the day of the year on which the first Sunday first seven letters of the alphabet being used. Thus for 1910 the Dominical the second letter of the alphabet, and hence the second day of the year will Sunday of the year. In Leap Years two letters are used, the first being and February and the latter, being the preceding letter, answers for t months in order to maintain the cycle.* The GOLDEN NUMBER is that a cycle of 19 years, which shows how many years have passed since New on January 1, for in nearly 10 years the Solar and Lunar years nearly con The chief use of this cycle is in fixing the date of Easter, and in this same is used the EPACT. The SOLAR CYCLE is the number of years that h since the days of the week fell on the same days of the year, or when_th therefore, a recurrence of the Dominical or Sunday Letter. This would every seven years but for Leap Year; hence, four times seven is the cycle, It is the remainder found by adding 9 to the year and dividing the sum ROMAN INDICTION is a cycle of 15 years and is of no utility except to ch It is the remainder found by adding 3 to the year and dividing by 15. TH PERIOD is a cycle of 7980 years, and is the product of the three cycles-G ber (19), Solar Cycle (28) and Roman Indiction (15) and hence shows the these three cycles will coincide, or begin at the same time. The first of will be completed in the year 2267. It is the year +4713. The DIONYSIA a cycle of 532 years, and is also called the Great Paschal Cycle, being the p complete Solar and Lunar Cycle (28x19). It is the remainder found by add the year and dividing by 532, and with the Julian Period is chiefly used nologers. The JEWISH LUNAR CYCLE is always three less than the Golde and is used by the Jews in fixing the time of their festivals. The rule for computing the Dominical Letter for any year is somewh cated and for that reason is omitted here. CHURCH DAYS, FIXED AND MOVABLE FEASTS. New Year's Day.. Septuagesima Sunday. Corpus Christi.. Sts. Peter and Paul. Transfiguration St. Bartholomew. ..Jan. 23 Conversion of St. Paul. .Jan. 25 St. Barnabas. St. John the Baptist. Matthew. EMBER DAYS. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday after: First Sunday in Lent-Feb 18 and 19; Pentecost-May 18, 20 and 21; September 14-September 21, 23 December 13-December 14, 16 and 17. JEWISH OR HEBREW CALENDAR. Year 5670-'71. 5671 3 Kislev .25 First Day of Chanukah. .Friday, December 2 .Monday, December 26 5671 4 Tebet 1 Rosh-Chodesh..Saturday-Sunday, Dec. 31-Jan. 1, 1911 The year 1910 corresponds nearly with the Chinese year 4607, or the 47th year of the 76th cycle of 60 years, and contains 354 days: 1st Month begins Feb. 2d Month begins Mch. 3d Month begins Apr. 4th Month begins May 5th Month begins June 6th Month begins July 5.... lasts 30 days .lasts 29 days 3......lasts 30 days 2......lasts 30 days 2......lasts 30 days 10.....lasts 29 days 7th Month begins Aug. The year 1328 is the 8th of the 45th cycle of 30 years and has 854 days. THE *Fasting. †Feast of Bairam. SEASONS; ALSO SUN'S APPARENT PATH THROUGH THE ZODIAC. The sun will be 7 15 14 longer north of the Equator than south of it. This is due to the slower motion of the earth (apparent motion of he sun) when the earth is near its aphelion or furthest point in its orbit from the sun Huring the summer months. THE PLANETS. the sun, rising about He will be furthest (2) As an evening January 6-14, April Mercury will be brightest (1) as a morning star, west of h. 20m. before the sun, February 8-16 and October 6-14. rest of the sun February 19 (27°) and October 11 (18°). tar, east of the sun, setting about 1h. 25m, after the sun, 3-21 and December 22-30. He will be furthest east of the sun January 10 (19°) nd December 24 (20°). On two other occasions Mercury will be at his greatest angular distance from th sun, but other conditions will be such as to render it difficult if not impossible t see him. Look for a red "star" near the sunrise or sunset points of the horizon about a hour before sunrise or an hour after sunset within the limits of the dates given an you will be very apt to catch this elusive planet. Venus will be brightest as an evening star January 7, and as a morning sta March 18-19. At the beginning of the year she will be an evening star and so co tinue until February 12, after which she will be a morning star until November 2 and then an evening star until the end of the year. On February 12 she will pas between the earth and sun (inferior conjunction), and on November 26 she will be d the opposite side of the earth from the sun (superior conjunction). This planet very beautiful when at or near her greatest brilliancy, and at such times will cast distinct shadow in the dark of the moon: An added feature of interest is her phase for in the course of her orbit she presents all the phases of the moon and with a fa greater difference in apparent size or diameter, as shown by the annexed figures: W EXPLANATION: A-15 days befor superior conjunction, or November 1 1910. B-At greatest elongation (angula distance) west of the sun, April 23, 191 C-When brightest as a morning sta March 18-19, 1910. D-Just after in ferior conjunction, February 17-28, 191 E-15 days after superior conjunction December 11, 1910. F-At greatest elo gation east of the sun, July 7, 1911. G When brightest as an evening sta January 1-10, 1910. H-Just before in ferior conjunction, February 1, 1910. All these phases may be seen by th aid of a small telescope or gold fiel glass. The motion of Venus past th stars is so rapid that it is very interesting to follow her in her journeyings. As he orbit is within that of the Earth's she will more than make the circuit of the heaven in a year. In connection with the following data, see "Chart of the Heavens," als table of "Rising, Southing and Setting of the Planets." Here follows a tour of th heavens, with Venus (time, 365 days): January 1 as an evening star in , moving slowly eastward: Stationary Januar 20 in eastern; retrogrades, moving slowly west past the stars, until March 3, whe she will be west of her place on January 1 and stationary again. Being at inferio conjunction February 12 she will not be visible for a few days before and after tha date. As a morning star she will first be seen low in the east the last week in Feb ruary, and will advance with increasing velocity past the stars until August 5: the her daily rate of motion will decrease until October 8 and then increase until Decem ber 20. As shown by the figure, she will appear largest early in February and steadil diminish in size throughout almost the entire year, until at the last she will be ap parently only one-thirty-sixth of her size in February. On April 23 she will attain her greatest angular distance west of the Sun (46°) appearing, as in B in the figure, a half-moon phase with the illuminated hemispher toward the Sun. Throughout May, June and July, Venus and Saturn will be more o less close companions in the eastern morning sky. June 5 they will be only four min utes of arc, or one-eighth of the Moon's apparent diameter, apart, Venus being th most northern. On the previous day (June 4) the Moon will pass south of and clos to them, but too late in the morning to see them at the time of nearest approach Both will be occulted by the Moon on this occasion. This grouping of these three bodie will take place near the boundary line between and Y. By June 25 Venus will b only 5° below the Pleiades, and by July 6 about the same distance above (N.) o Aldebaran, the brightest star of the Hyades. On or about Julv 20 she will be clos to the great Crab Nebula in 8, and between the tips of the Bull's horns, with th glorious Capella just above (N.) and the brilliant Orion nearly equally distant below her. From this time on she will rise later and later, until the time of her superio conjunction on November 26, becoming invisible considerably before that date. August 10 she will be nearest to and just south of Castor and Pollux, in I, and o September 10. Regulus, in the handle of the Sickle in , will be close to and south o her. About the last we shall see of her, as she becomes lost in the morning twilight she will be about 5° above (N.) of Spica in my, with Mars just south of her a beauti ful stellar combination in the twilight. When she is next visible she will be on th other (E.) side of the sun as an evening star, the last half of December, being jus above the Milkmaid's Dipper in 7. See "Conjunctions, etc," for various conjunction with the Moon. Abou Mars will not be conspicuously bright at any time this year. He will be a evening star until September 27 and afterward a morning star. At the beginning o the year he will be in eastern and close to h. having been in d with the ringed blanet December 31, 1909. when was only 3° N. of h. Bq March 10 he will hav advanced to eastern P, just below the seven stars or Pleiades, and the last week 0 March he will pass just above the Hyades. April 20 he will be about midway betwee Capella on the N. and the Belt of Orion on the S.; by June 1 in S. of Castor and Pollux, and August 1 close to and N. of Regulus in the Sickle in . His conjunc tion with Spica Virginis and Venus October 24 has already been alluded to unde |