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the commander of the cavalry detachment, to whom I took the liberty of suggesting the propriety of erecting a chevaux-de-frise in the ditch, and likewise a rude stockade at each angle of the hut, which, in case of an attack, would enable us to enfilade the assailants.

"Such precautions I would not neglect," he replied, "had we a skilful enemy in our front; but with the Indians they are unnecessary. With your party we muster forty carbines, a single discharge of which will send them back to their deserts, and open to you the road to the capital, and to me my future quarters."

This officer told me that if they fell in with the Puelches on the open plain, their only chance of safety would be to disperse and act en tirailleur. "The deepest formation," he added, "would be broken by their furious charge; on the other hand, so terrified are the Indian horses at the report of fire-arms, that a well-sustained fire will soon disperse them." He related to me many curious anecdotes of this singular race.

The day passed as before, but not so the night. As I stood watching the moon that was slowly sinking in the west, I observed on the extremity of the horizon a dark spot; suddenly it expanded, and swept towards us with the speed of the whirlwind. To me, this appeared but some natural phenomenon of these regions-but not so to Manuella, who stood beside me-she saw in this advancing cloud a body of hostile Indians, and immediately gave the alarm. In an instant the door was barricaded and every man at his post. Manuella, too, had hers, and with a carbine I had lent her, appeared absolutely mad with revenge. Suddenly a cry burst upon our ears, accompanied with a peculiar hollow sound, which was produced by the Indians striking their bridle-hands against their mouths, and which literally made the earth tremble. With the fury of the tempest, they pushed their wild steeds to the edge of the trench. But here, a well-directed fire, which brought down several, checked their furious onslaught. With the rapidity of lightning, they wheeled, re-formed, and returned to the charge; but their second advance was to carry off the bodies of their disabled comrades, which they did by throwing their lassos over their bodies and dragging them after them till out of the range of our fire. Never shall I forget the Indian warcry, or the horrid scene that followed their repulse. On issuing from the hut, we discovered the bodies of two Indians which had been left behind both were quite dead; but in an instant every Gaucho's knife was buried in their bodies; while Manuella, with hers reeking in their blood, danced with fiendish joy upon their bodies, uttering wild exclamations of delight too dreadful to relate.

On the following morning I resumed my journey, and reached Buenos Ayres without accident. The success which has attended the late expedition of Manuel Rozas will have put an end to the barbarous warfare that has so long desolated these regions, and rooted up every germ of civilization almost as soon as planted. The spear of the Puelche is broken; in a few years he will exist but as an old tradition or a nurse's tale. Or, if he should still be found, it will be with the mighty condor, in the higher regions of the Cordilleras, where alone he can escape from the persecutions of civilized man.


Close of the Session-The Display in Dublin-Miss Martineau's Departure-Remarkable Deaths-Eton School-Negro Emancipation-The Big BalloonThe Moors and the Fields-Bill to promote Immorality-Cobbett's Consistency— New York in London-Wealth and Mortality-Our Monthly Salute.

CLOSE OF THE SESSION.-A GREAT variety of events-some highly important-have occurred during the past month; and however disinclined we may be, upon a general principle, to touch upon politics, it would be highly unfair and unjust to our readers not to refer cursorily at least to the proceedings in Parliament towards the latter end of the session.

The Bill for the Admission of Dissenters was thrown out of the House of Lords by a majority of 102, the numbers being 187 to 85. The coincidence of the relative numbers in this division is very curious: the Peers present, who voted for the Bill, were 38; and the proxies, 47; making together exactly the same number as there were Peers present who voted against it. The majority against the Bill consisted of 85 present and 102 proxies, so that the actual majority against it was. precisely the same in amount as the proxies against it. The enemies of proxies would perhaps adduce this as a reason-inconclusive enough, we must admit-for the reformation of the proxy system; but in reply to such an argument, we have to observe that the majority of 85 to 38 peers present, is equally decisive in proportion.

The Lords passed the Poor Laws Amendment Bill after several clauses had been added by the Duke of Wellington, which entirely altered the spirit of the measure, as well as many of its most important details. Under the operation of this Act, Mr. Frankland Lewis, Member for Radnorshire (who vacates in consequence), has been appointed Senior Commissioner for the management of the poor, together with Mr. Shaw Lefevre and Mr. Nicholls. Mr. Frankland Lewis gets 2000l. per annum, with the patronage of appointing nine Deputy Commissioners at 5001. per annum and their travelling expenses. If the Bill should not work well, (and it is generally considered impracticable,) all these gentlemen will be entitled to retiring allowances.

The Lords threw out the Irish Tithe Bill, and at the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor, rejected the Warwick Election Bill, which had passed the Commons by a large majority. His Lordship, in so doing, took occasion to eulogize Lord Warwick; to declare his opinion that the evidence before the House did not bear out the allegations contained in the Bill; and moreover, that there was nothing illegal, dishonourable, or unusual in the interference of Peers in elections: nevertheless, the House of Commons subsequently, on the motion of Lord John Russell, decided that no writ should issue to Warwick till next Session,

The King prorogued Parliament on the 15th, with a speech in which there was about the usual number of words, but which was remarkable for nothing but having produced one of the cleverest parodies in the "Times" newspaper we ever read. It is so good that we are tempted to submit it to our readers, some of whom may not have seen it :


My Lords and Gentlemen,-It is with a deep sense of the exertion and labour which you have bestowed in the prosecution of your pleasures that

I at length close this protracted session, and release you from attendance. I am fully sensible of the application you have given to the business at Crockford's, and of the ardent support you have afforded to the whist table at the Traveller's, as well as to the more important parties at Graham's. I rely with entire confidence on your judgment and zeal in maintaining the cookery of our excellent kitchens according to the established principles of Ude.

I continue to receive most favourable accounts of the white-bait dinners at Greenwich and Blackwall, and it is with great satisfaction that I have observed the two great parties in my Parliament encouraging those entertainments so peculiarly national, and showing agreement in a matter of taste so important to the fisheries.

I continue to receive from all my neighbours assurances that they are my most obedient humble servants at command, and it is with sincere pleasure that I find myself held by many in high consideration.

As the autumn advances, there is reason to apprehend that the days will shorten and the leaves will fall, but I am not without confident hopes that the return of spring will bless us with length of days and restore vegetation.

The Thames continues to run through London, and the Monument stands on Fish-street-hill. The prospects of the Regent's-park are improved, and my people will be partially admitted to the privilege of taking the air without swallowing the dust of the road; but to guard the sudden privilege of walking on the grass from licentiousness will be the anxious object of my Government.

The insanity of the dogs during the summer solstice has long been a subject to me of the profoundest grief and concern, but I trust that the Committee which has devoted itself to the prevention of drunkenness will discover a method of removing the prejudice or delusion of my faithful dogs, and reconcile them to water.

I have seen with a just indignation the racing of omnibuses, by which hundreds of my faithful subjects are pulverized, so that not even their names are left behind them. Persons living and well one instant are run down, ground to a powder, and flying in dust the next moment. These horrors are not unknown nor undeplored by me, and your attention will naturally be directed, early in the next session, to the adoption of some plan by which all my subjects will be enabled to ride in their own carriages. Gentlemen of the House of Commons,-I thank you for your supplies. More money and less need of it is the anxious wish of my heart; and be assured that whatever you grant is well laid out, and that the profusest expenditure of which circumstances will permit is the wisest economy. The same course of frugality which has been proposed in my speeches and those of my predecessors for the last fifty years will be steadily pursued; but while it is pursued, it is not in the nature of things that it should be possessed, and my people must consequently be satisfied with the pleasures of the chase.

My Lords and Gentlemen,-It gives me great satisfaction to believe, that in returning to your several counties you will find all at home well, and I rely with confidence on your setting a pretty example,

THE DISPLAY IN DUBLIN.-A most extraordinary display of Protestant feeling has been made during the month in Dublin on the visit of Lord Winchilsea to that city. A meeting was held, which was attended by five thousand persons, in the Mansion-house. The Earl of Roden took the chair, and a great number of the Irish nobility were present. The speeches which were made were both bold and eloquent, and the enthusiastic applause with which the strongest avowals of attachment to the

Established Church were received must prove to the Government that the national feeling has only slumbered until a fitting opportunity should present itself for starting again into life.

A dinner was given the next day to Lord Winchilsea, when the same expression of sentiment took place, and when the enthusiasm, if possible, was greater. On the third day, the Conservative Society of Ireland held a meeting, at which Lord Winchilsea was elected a member, and subscribed 500l. towards the objects of that body. The Corporation of Dublin subsequently voted an address to his Lordship, and · the week terminated, in which a bolder declaration has been made, and a more formidable array against the agitators exhibited, than either they or the Government, which they govern, anticipated.

Mr. O'Connell has returned to Ireland, and began, the moment he landed, his old system, avowing himself as firm a repealer as ever; and stating his determination, with the blessing of God and the assistance of the people, to procure, at all events, abolition of tithes, and a grab" at the fat corporations.

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It is understood that Lord Wellesley has been recalled. The newspapers say that Mr. Littleton is to make way for Sir John Hobhouse,the which, for divers and sundry reasons, we seriously doubt. One thing appears certain, that Lord Wellesley and Mr. Littleton cannot continue officially together. Lord Duncannon is gone to Ireland; whichhe being, as Secretary for the Home Department, the Lord Lieutenant's immediate superior-has caused a gentle fluttering amongst the quidnuncs. For our own parts, we know little, and care less, about such matters; but this we do know, that Mr. O'Connell has openly declared that he will clear the Castle of its present inhabitants-Wellesley, Gossett, and all. It appears to us, that, as far as the "Green Island goes, whatever Mr. O'Connell says he can do, he can.

MISS MARTINEAU's Departure.-We have to congratulate husbandwanting young ladies and husband-loving young wives upon the departure of the philosophical Miss Martineau for the dis-United States of America, and dis-united they most certainly are, as the official reports of riots, and burnings, and shootings, and imprisonings show. We confess we are extremely glad that this scare-man has retired to try her chilling and unsocial influence upon some other people; and we hope sincerely that the grim Glumdalca will fall in with Mathews, who has also sailed for the same fine, free country. If Mathews will get hold of her style and manner, and imitate her down, he will do a vast service to society. If he mimics her successfully-and who shall doubt it?—she will soon adopt a similar course, and take herself off. We hate quacks ; and of all quacks, unsocial quacks the most. We quite agree with the Irishman, who, as the newspapers tell us, exclaimed, when he saw her

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Joy go wid you, and a bottle of moss;

If you never come back, 'twill be no great loss."

REMARKABLE DEATHS.-Again we have-as must be the melancholy duty of a registrar of events until his own time come-the sad task of recording the deaths of some most amiable, estimable, great, and good persons, who have been called away to their account during the past month.

The Right Hon. Henry Earl Bathurst expired on the 27th of July, after long suffering, consequent upon a serious operation which had been performed upon him. His Lordship was born May 22, 1762, and married, in April 1, 1789, Lady Georgiana Lennox, aunt to the present Duke of Richmond (raised to the rank of a duke's daughter, 1807); and by her had issue Henry George Lord Apsley, now Earl Bathurst, and several other children. His Lordship succeeded to his titles and honours on the demise of his father in 1794, having been sworn of the Privy Council in 1793. In 1804 he was appointed Master of the Mint, and in 1807 President of the Board of Trade. In 1809 his Lordship was for a short time Secretary for Foreign Affairs; and in Lord Liverpool's ministry he accepted the seals of the Colonial Department, which he held nearly sixteen years. In 1828 he was appointed President of the Council, which high office he filled till the resignation of the Wellington ministry in 1830. His Lordship was a Knight of the Garter, Teller of the Exchequer, joint Clerk of the Crown, one of the elder brethren of the Trinity House, D.C.L., F.S.A. As a contemporary says, "We believe we may safely affirm that no man of his Lordship's high station, having held as he did various important offices, ever quitted this world more generally and justly esteemed."

Admiral Sir Richard King, naval Commander-in-Chief at Sheerness, is also dead; the gallant officer fell a victim to cholera after a very few hours illness.

We have, also, with deep regret, to announce to our readers the death of the beautiful and accomplished wife of the Right Honourable Charles Arbuthnot, which melancholy event occurred on the 2nd at Woodford Hall, near Kettering. This amiable and highly-gifted lady left town not a fortnight before her death in perfect health; she was subsequently attacked by bilious fever, from which she appeared to be recovering. The disorder, however, suddenly took an unfavourable turn, and in two days terminated fatally. Mrs. Arbuthnot was the twelfth child of the Honourable Henry Fane, second son of the eighth Earl of Westmoreland, and was born on the 16th of September, 1793. Her loss will be long and deeply felt by her family and relations, and by a numerous circle of attached and affectionate friends.

Coleridge, the poet, is no more: he died on the 25th of July at the house of his faithful friends, Mr. and Mrs. Gillman, of Highgate. In the "Quarterly Review," just published, his poems are elaborately reviewed, and a note is appended announcing his death. It describes that his sufferings were great until within thirty-six hours of his end; but they had no power to affect the deep tranquillity of his mind, or the wonted sweetness of his address. His prayer from the beginning was, that God would not withdraw his spirit, and that by the way he should bear the last struggle, he might be able to evince the sincerity of his faith in Christ. If ever man did so, Coleridge did.


To the note upon his death in the Quarterly," is appended an "humble and affectionate epitaph," which he wrote for himself a month or two ago. It is sad to observe the blindness of friends, and to reflect upon the want of caution which enthusiastic admirers exhibit with regard to the works of those whom they esteem and almost worship. As equally great admirers of Mr. Coleridge with his best friends, we cannot but lament that the two following couplets should have been

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