
stock of information, until the day of trial arrived, which was to bring his ingenuity to the test.

The young man was first arraigned; and, contrary to the expectation of his prosecutor and of most present, who had been informed of his penitence, pleaded not guilty. The evidences were then examined, and the facts were substantiated in the most unequivocal manner. The prisoner had no defence to make; and the only thing which was now wanting to ratify his doom, was the awful sentence of the Judge, which he every moment expected to hear pronounced.

At this eventful crisis, an unusual stir was heard among the prisoners who had not yet been brought to trial. On making inquiry into the cause of this disorder, one of them desired that the Court might be informed, that he had something of importance to communicate on the present occasion; and desired that he might be brought to the bar before sentence was pronounced on the prisoner then on his trial. The intelligence being communicated, he was ordered to appear, and to state what he knew relative to the affair then under consideration. This was just what he wanted; and, having obtained liberty, he addressed the Court in nearly the following language:

"It is with the utmost shame that I acknowledge myself to have been, through a considerable portion of my life, a most abandoned character. But my career of wickedness is now brought nearly to an end; for I expect, very shortly, to forfeit my life to the violated laws of my country. But, bad as I have been, I cannot think of permitting an innocent man to die for a crime of which I have been guilty. I am the person who committed the robbery, for which the prisoner is now arraigned; and am the only person who ought to suffer for it. And to prove to the satisfaction of the Court that my confession is true, I will relate all the circumstances connected with the robbery." Having said this, he began a history of the whole transaction, and entered into all the minute particulars of the time, place, manner, and conversation, &c. with which the prosecutor and his witnesses were well acquainted, and appealed to them in their turns respectively for the truth of his declarations. And finally, concluded his account, with a serious admonition to the witnesses,

and to all present, to be particularly careful how they swore away the life of an innocent person under a delusive train of appearances.

On hearing this unexpected statement, the Court was much confused; the witnesses looked upon each other with astonishment; the prosecutor was visibly agitated; and even the judge was confounded. Recovering, however, from their surprise, the Judge, after some observations, ordered the prisoner to be acquitted, and set at liberty. In the meanwhile, the selfconvicted felon was remanded, while his indictment was preparing, with orders to appear and take his trial on the ensuing day, for the offence which he had thus voluntarily acknowledged.

On being brought to the bar, when the usual question of Guilty or not Guilty, was put, to the utter amazement of all present, he pleaded not Guilty. The astonishment which this excited, was scarcely less than that which his previous confession had produced. He was then reminded of the transactions of yesterday, and admonished not to indulge fallacious hopes of escaping justice through the mere indulgence of pleading, which the lenity of the laws allowed to persons who were accused of offences.

Nothing, however, could intimidate him, or induce him to alter his resolution. He still persisted that he was not guilty; adding, when addressing himself to the Judge, "If you please, my Lord, your own gaoler shall prove my innocence." On being asked to explain himself, he replied, "If you order the gaol-keeper to look over his books, he will find that I was in gaol when this robbery was committed.” On searching the books, it was accordingly discovered that he had actually been lodged in gaol on the day preceding that of the robbery, and his acquittal was the inevitable consequence. Of the issue of his trial for his own offence, no account has been preserved.


IT appears, according to some accounts lately received from the interior of the United States, bordering on the Mississippi, that the whole of this gigantic race of quadrupeds is not yet extinct; one having been recently seen in the remote deserts stretching on the north


west quarter of the American continent. | of divine love; and when it has boiled If these accounts are to be credited, sufficiently, pour it out into the dish of the Mammoth is not carnivorous, but discretion, and mix it up with thankslives chiefly on a particular shrub, which giving. Then sup it with the spoon grows plentifully in the districts where of compunction, and wipe thy mouth it has taken up its abode. It is repre- with the towel of confession. Thus shalt sented as never lying down to take rest, thou wipe away and evacuate the multibut as reclining against convenient trees, tude of thy sins," -Paleogr. Græc. where it finds repose. The Mammoth which is said to have been lately seen, is reported to be about fifteen feet high, and in other respects nearly proportionable. It has no horns, is apparently inoffensive, is covered with remarkably long hair, and rather bears a resemblance in appearance to the wild boar, than to the elephant.

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p. 507.

(Not one word of the blood of atonement!)


DURING the latter years of Mr. Pitt, when the demon of war was ravaging the continent of Europe, and even threatening the inhabitants of this country with its tremendous scourge, the leading members of a certain corporation made an offer to raise a volunteer corps, on condition that Mr. Pitt would give them an assurance, that they should never be called to leave the country.To this offer and request, he gave the following humorous reply: "I will engage that they shall not leave the country, except in case of an invasion!”


A CERTAIN brother went to a physician, and asked him, whether he knew of any medicine by which sin could be cured? -The physician answered him and said, "Yes, brother: know and hear that one of miraculous power may be found. THIS celebrated rock, which, deriving Go, and take the root of spiritual pover- all its importance from being associated ty, and the flowers of humility, the leaves with the name of Telemachus, was of patience, and the branches of prayer; thought, till lately, to have had no existmix them together, and pound them in ence but in the fictions of the poets, the mortar of obedience. Add to them and the eloquence of Fenelon, is said to a spoonful of holy thoughts; afterwards have been actually discovered. Its situput them in the saucepan of conscience, ation is stated to be in latitude 38 deand water them with the drops of flow-grees 12 minutes south, and in longiing tears. Then kindle under it the fire tude 22 degrees east of London.

The neat Amount of Duty on Paper, paid into the Exchequer for the years under, and Drawback obtained in England, ending 5th January each year.

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On the evening of Sunday, March 14th,
1819, the Rev. Mr. Brown, who had
been sent as a missionary by the Wes-
leyan Methodists, about two years since,
to the Island of St. Domingo, landed
at Liverpool, being driven from that
island by a storm of persecution.

It appears, that some time previous to Mr. Brown's embarkation from this country, a gentleman, who was at Portau-Prince, presented a Bible to one of the more respectable inhabitants of that place. From the favourable manner in which this present was received, and from a train of concurring circumstances, he was inclined to think, that a propitious opportunity presented itself for the establishment of a mission in the republican part of this large and populous island. His representations being laid before the Missionary Committee, the opening appeared providential; and Mr. Brown, and Mr. Cats his colleague, embarked accordingly, and reached the place of their destination in safety.

On their arrival, they were received with much politeness by the inhabitants; and, although their prospects of success in the establishment of a mission were not equal to their expectations, they discovered nothing to deter them from attempting to accomplish the great object of their undertaking. Being in a foreign land, and under the dominion of a power which had originated in the island among its swarthy inhabitants, they thought it prudent to proceed with the utmost caution, lest any advantage might be taken of their indiscretion, which should ultimately prove detrimental to their cause.

inclined to establish schools, he seemed exceedingly glad; and informed them, that nothing would give him more satisfaction, than to facilitate any measures which could be adopted for the instruction of the rising generation. He also intimated, that it had long been his wish to place a school under the immediate auspices of government; and that he was happy to find men from England, fully qualified for this important undertaking.

Having obtained the sanction of the president, the missionaries found no difficulty in procuring that of the subordi nate powers.

They therefore immediately hired a room, and began to preach in the French language. Their congregations at first were very diminutive; but after some months, the hearers so increased, that they found it necessary to provide another house. This was accordingly done; and it was not long before it became nearly filled with regular and attentive hearers. In the meanwhile, the school, which had no connexion whatever with the mission, was established at the expense of government, and placed under the care of the missionaries, who introduced the mode of instruction which had been invented by Lancaster.


During the life of Petion, his word was kept inviolably. The protection he had promised shielded them from every outrage; and about thirty members had been formed into a society, while the prospects of considerable additions appeared more and more conspicuous every day. But the race of this man was nearly run. About twelve months since he paid the debt of nature, and a person named Boyer succeeded him in his office.

PETION at this time was president of As preaching had now been establishthe government; and as no application ed both in Port-au-Prince, and in some had been personally made to him, a let-adjacent parts, Mr. Brown thought it ter was immediately written, stating the necessary to introduce, if possible, an occasion of their coming, together with other missionary, as the attendance on the object which they had in view, and the school, and the supplying of every soliciting his sanction and protection. place with preaching, furnished more This letter was kindly received; and the work than two persons could convenireply which he returned expressed his ently accomplish. To obtain liberty opinion in terms of unqualified appro- for a third missionary, an application bation, accompanied with promises of was made to President Boyer; who, in support and favour, couched in the lan- reply, gave his full consent to the meaguage of grateful sensibility. The letter sure which had been proposed. This was written with much dignified sim- was in the month of June, 1818; and plicity; and contained a full and une- his letter was immediately forwarded to quivocal answer to every question which England. required his attention.

On finding that the missionaries were

It was not long, however, before affairs appeared to assume a less plea

sant aspect; nor was it difficult to per- | tility arise, that, on one occasion, Mr. ceive, that a mine was preparing, which Brown was threatened with private asseemed to menace an explosion on some sassination; and this became the more future day. On one occasion, the mis- alarming, from its being too well known, sionaries were requested to visit the that this crime did not merely exist in president; who, on their arrival, ex- idle theory in this abode of vice. pressed a wish, that a native, whom he named, might be instructed in the routine of Lancaster's plan. To this they readily assented. He then, with some degree of abruptness, expressed his hope, that the letter with which he had furnished them in the month of June, respecting a third missionary, had not been sent to England. On being informed that it had, he appeared somewhat disconcerted, but made no observation; and dismissed them.

As the Catholic religion is that which has been established in the island, and which all professed to have embraced, prior to the arrival of the missionaries, many of those who attended their preaching were considered as apostates from the theology of their ancestors; while the men by whose doctrines they had been proselyted, were deemed the primary cause of that heresy which seemed to be rising among them. To check its progress, and to prevent it from spreading further, several artifices were invented, and many tales were thrown into circulation. Among others, it was whispered that the missionaries were spies, who held a secret correspondence with Christophe, transmitting to him occasional intelligence of such transactions as, it was well known, were best calculated to provoke irritation. They were also accused with instructing their followers, in case some signals should be made, to provide for their own safety, by retreating to the mountains. They were likewise reproached with preaching against the worship of saints,-against the profanation of the sabbath,-against concubinage, and of charging with criminality, all connexions which took place between the sexes, without mar riage.

These heterogeneous accusations were all blended together, without any dis crimination; and the result was, that the religion which was taught by the missionaries was thought, by nearly all, to be less expedient than that to which they had been long accustomed. Reports to their disadvantage soon spread throughout the city and its vicinity, so that they could not even pass the streets without being insulted: and to such an alarming height did this spirit of hos

The reports, which were at first circulated in whispers, soon became audible and general; and the malignant spirit which followed the missionaries in the streets, soon found its way into their places of worship. A favourable pretext, however, seemed wanting to call outrage into actual existence; and it was not long before the enemies of the Gospel discovered an instance, which, they conceived, would sanction their designs.

Among the people who had occasion-. ally attended the ministry of the missionaries, there happened to be a young man, who, in the former part of his life, had been deranged; and in whose family this affliction seems to have been hereditary; it being well known, that his mother was in a state of derangement during the time of her pregnancy of him. This unhappy wretch, in one of his wild paroxysms, seized an opportunity, and actually cut his mother's throat. For this crime he was taken into custody, tried, found guilty, and sentenced to be shot. To his state of insanity, no regard whatever was paid. In their penal code, the crime of matricide had been already determined; and no circumstance could mitigate the punishment of death. On the day of execution, the culprit was conducted to the spot, when three files of soldiers were directed to fire. They did, so; but the victim remained unhurt. A circumstance so singular, awakened the sympathy of the spectators, who be came clamorous for his liberation. But this could not be granted. Nearly fifty men rushed upon him, and, with balls and bayonets, soon hurried him into eternity.

This melancholy circumstance, with all its effects and consequences, was immediately carried to the account of the missionaries; who were not only accused with being the instruments of his derangement, but with being the primary cause of his death, and that of his mother. Even the singular incident of his being missed by three files of men, who discharged their pieces at him, was attributed to their incantations; and it was but fair to conclude, that men who could instigate to murder,

and half defeat the ends of justice, were too dangerous to be cherished in this land of freedom.

Assembling some time afterwards in their place of worship, the missionaries and their congregation were surrounded with a mob, who seemed to be instigated to some deed of outrageous violence, by that principle of ungovernable fury, by which they were actuated. They did not, however, enter the room; but waited without, for a favourable moment to begin the assault. After a few minutes, a person among them exclaimed,—“ Some person in the meeting has thrown a stone at us." This was the signal for attack. Vollies of stones, which had been previously collected, were instantly poured in among the people. Doors, windows, and partitions, were immediately assailed; so that nothing but confusion and disorder, accompanied with the shrieks of terror, and the menaces of brutality, could be distinguished in the blended tumult.

As the government of this department is perfectly military, they have no other method of dispersing a mob than by calling out the soldiers. Mr. Brown, who thought both himself, his house, and all who were within it, in a state of danger, repaired, in company with the president's secretary, to the commandant of the troops, stating his complaint, and imploring protection. He was received in a manner which was not calculated to cherish his hopes that the storm would soon subside. The commandant informed him, that he had been unwell, and had not been able to attend parade that day, and that he could not enter into the affair which he had stated. But, on turning to the secretary, he inquired somewhat into the nature and cause of the uproar; and from his representation, a few soldiers were ordered to repair to the spot. On their arrival, they found the mob in much the same state that has been described; but, instead of attempting to disperse them, they grounded their arms, and then joined them in their outrages. Scarcely had this portentous union been effected, before a small party of the guards arrived, who instantly beset the house, which was now closed, and demanded an entrance. The reason they assigned was, that information had been received, stating the people in the house to have been the aggressors, in consequence of which they were come to take them into custody: and No. I.-VOL. I.

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it is highly probable, that this would have been accomplished, had not some respectable persons been present, who assured the officers, that the accusation was wholly unfounded. On receiving this assurance, the guards silently withdrew, without pretending to take any notice either of the mob that had been collected, or of the soldiers who had joined them. An officer, however, shortly afterwards arrived; and by his entreaties, rather than his authority, prevailed upon the multitude to disperse. A guard was some time afterward placed round their habitation, to protect them. But this tended more to increase than to diminish their danger; as it was gathered from their conversation, that they would much rather be employed in effecting their destruction, than in accomplishing their preservation.

It certainly would not be generous, without a sufficiency of reason, to trace this outrage to the instigation of any particular set of men. But the fact is unquestionable, that immediately after the dispersion of the mob, the principal aggressors were observed to repair to the houses of some priests; which suggests an idea, that their conduct was not viewed with disapprobation. And it is furthermore worthy of regard, that although the principal actors in this outrage were well known, and notwithstanding the evidence against them was unquestionable, yet no one was called to any account for the transactions of the day, or even threatened with the interposition of justice.

Mr. Brown and his colleague had now only one resource left; and this was, to make their appeal to the president, who was gone into the country. It was, however, impracticable for them to preach under existing circumstances; and they had nothing to do, but to make out a statement of their case, to await his return, and finally to act as events should determine. In the mean while, although no outrage of any consequence was repeated, because the missionaries had desisted from preaching, the same spirit was distinctly visible; and nothing but the avowed protection of the president could sanction them in the resumption of their labours, but at the risk of their lives. The moment, however, was at hand, that brought this affair to its final issue.

On the arrival of Boyer, Mr. Brown waited on him, and stated his busine


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