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his Gods good, shall be sure to make the physition rich and himselfe a begger: his bodie will never be without diseases, and his purse ever without money.-Lylie's Euphues and his England."

I have copied this from Nares (new edit., 1876), but God's good usually in our old literature bears the sense of yeast, as in the Nomenclator, London, 1585, 8vo., we find, "Cremor, &c. Barme, yest, quickening or gods good." Halliwell (Arch. and Prov. Dict.) explains this word as yeast, so do Coles, Florio, &c. Here again we have probably another name originating in the medieval convents. In the Euphues passage God's good can hardly mean a blessing on a meal. If a grace were meant, "cannot make one meale" would be more appropriate. But I read the word as continuing the sense of hee that for every qualme will take a receipt," and as specifying one of the receipts which would be, under such circumstances, taken. Is not God's good, therefore, in this passage some specific used to stimulate impaired concoction in which yeast was the chief ingredient? For instance, this occurs in The Queen's Closet Opened, Lond., 1655, 12mo., A receipt to help Digestion. -Take two quarts of small ale," &c.


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Gratia Dei. Cotgrave tells us that this name was applied to the hedge hyssop, to the blue cranesbill or crowfoot cranesbill, and to the dwarf or low cistus. Torriano also mentions these same plants as so called. I rather doubtfully identify them with our Galeopsis tetrahit, Geranium pratense, and Helianthemum vulgare. Perhaps some of your readers, learned in the archaeology of botanical nomenclature, will inform me better. The New World of Words, edit. 1720, applies gratia Dei to "a lesser kind of centaury," and to a plaster made of wax, rosin, suet, turpentine, &c. The common old name for rue, herb of grace, may also be noted for comparison. ZERO.


Will you allow me to call attention to a view as to the authorship of this disreputable book which is entirely at variance with that entertained by some of your correspondents, namely, that Lady A. Hamilton was the writer of it?

This will be found in the following letter from the Rev. R. H. Barham to Mr. Bentley, to whom the book would appear to have been offered for publication (see Life of Barham, vol. ii. p. 49). From Mr. Barham's literary experience and his knowledge of all that was going on in the publishing world, and for the reasons given by him for his opinion that "Lady Anne Hamilton had no more to do with it than Lady Godiva," that opinion

*More doubtingly Cotgrave brings under this appellation the wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) and the bastard dittany.

ought not to be lost sight of by those who suppose a lady of birth and education could have been the writer of such a book. It should be remembered, to Lady Anne, exculpated her from any share in it. too, that the Quarterly Review, though not friendly "To Richard Bentley, Esq.

forgery that I ever saw. "My dear Bentley,-I return you the most impudent It is impossible to read any ten pages of this infamous book without seeing that Lady Ann Hamilton had no more to do with it than Lady Godiva. There is very little in it that has not been printed in the cheap Radical filth years ago. The only exception perhaps is the direct charge about the Princess Charlotte's death. It is avowedly (see vol. i. p. 156) the composition of [the author of] Authentic Records, a tissue of lies for which a fellow of the name of Phillips was prosecuted in 1832, but which was pretty well known to have been written by the notorious Jack Mitford. The portion not to be found in that farrago is made up from Princess Olive of Cumberland and Barry O'Meara; but I do not hesitate to say that though it is generally understood that Lady Ann did write something in the shape of a diary which was suppressed some years ago, yet it is quite clear that the vulgar ruffian who penned these pages can never have seen that book, and that of a great part of it even Princess Olive, offensive as she was both in ideas and expression, was utterly incapable. It is evidently the work of a man. That the letters are forgeries is also perfectly clear. Is it possible that Queen Caroline could address the prince as My Lord,' and that address of the House should style him George, called three times in one letter (vol. i. p. 114), or that an Prince of Wales,' an error into which the ignoramus who wrote it has been betrayed by the official language used towards peers by courtesy, but never towards peers de facto, which the Prince of Wales always is? In p. 183, had with Peace the tailor. Lady Ann Hamilton would same volume, the writer talks of a conversation we have as soon worn a pair of breeches of his making as have admitted any such person into her confidence. See also p. 195 for the date of another interview with the same worthy Abrahamides. For coarseness of allusion pp. 199-242, and the ruffianism about the Cato Street woman could write, see and expression which no martyrs,' p. 338, all in vol. i. I could furnish you with an endless list of gross and palpable lies, such as Sir H. Bate Dudley, whom he calls Revd. Mr. Bates,' being created a baronet for his abuse of Queen Caroline during her trial, as editor of the Herald, when it is notorious that his baronetcy was given him in 1813, and that he had long ceased to have any connexion with that paper before the time alluded to. But it is useless to go on: the title page is a gross lie, and appears to me to have been purposely printed and foisted in upon a book which had originally some other.

"As Mr. , a name which I lay my life is a false one, seems to offer this to you for publication, I have gone more into the thing than it would otherwise deserve. Any man who could dream of such a thing would at onceput himself out of all decent society, nor were a man unprincipled enough to do it for the chance of a profit gross to impose even upon the savans of Gower Street. could the speculation succeed, for the humbug is too Yours truly,


THE FAMILY NAMES OF THE PRINCESS DE TALLEYRAND.-I observe that in some of the recent volumes of our French contemporary,

L'Intermédiaire, there has been a discussion, which thought that both Sir Walter Scott and Sir is still pending, concerning the names borne by the William Wallace bore Celtic names, and that Princess de Talleyrand by birth and by her first however mixed their blood may have been with marriage. Reference is made to two entirely con- Saxon and Scandinavian, they derived paternally tradictory statements, one put forth by a corre- from the Celtic stock, which, coming from Scotia spondent of L'Intermédiaire ("M. A. D.," Int., Major (Ireland), gave its name to Scotia Minor vii. 547), and the other by Madame Colmache, (Scotland), and which also sent out branches to widow of the Prince's private secretary, in the Wales, North and West, and to Strathclyde and Memoirs published by her from her husband's to Brittany. Of course I do not mean to say that papers. I have on a previous occasion cited this these divisions do more than roughly describe the book in relation to the story of the diamond neck-settlements of the Celts in these islands, and I do lace, and I should consider Madame Colmache extremely likely to be well informed on such a point as that now in question. "M. A. D.," in L'Intermédiaire, says that the Princess was named Worlee, and that she was born at Tranquebar. Madame Colmache says that her maiden name was Dayot, that she was born at L'Orient, and that her first husband's name was Grandt. This latter name itself varies in the different accounts, being also written Grand (which is Prince Talleyrand's own orthography) and Grant. I had written thus far before having an opportunity of consulting the Biographie Universelle. In the long notice of Talleyrand given in the Supplement (1853) there are one or two points worthy of remark as bearing upon the name and origin of the Princess. Talleyrand himself, in a letter to one of the Directory, written to obtain the release of Madame Grand, who had been suspected of conspiring with the Royalists, calls her "une Indienne, bien belle, bien paresseuse, la plus désoccupée de toutes les femmes que j'aie jamais rencontrée." The Emperor Napoleon is cited in the Biographie as having, in his St. Helena conversations, called the Princess "très belle femme, des Indes Orientales." The Biographie adopts Talleyrand's orthography Grand, with the addition "nee Worlée." Probably a transcript of the inscription on her tomb at Mont Parnasse might set us right concerning both the paternal and married names of the Princess de Talleyrand. Only why did not our Paris friends take a step so much simpler for them than for us? Perhaps they knew it would be of no use. C. H. E. CARMICHAEL.

CELTS AND SAXONS.-In an article in the Daily Ners of November 29 is the following passage:"Macaulay remarks that Sir Walter Scott had no more reason to speak of himself as a fellow countryman of William Wallace than Washington would have had to describe himself as the fellow-countryman of an Indian chief."

Where does Lord Macaulay make this very decided assertion? Although I have read nearly every line of his published works, and his life and letters, published after his death, I cannot remember it. I should like to know what some of the really enlightened and impartial scholars amongst the readers of "N. & Q." have to say on the subject, for, in my ignorance (it may be), I have always

not touch on their subdivisions into Gael and Cymry and the vexed questions involved. All I seek to know is whether there can be any warrant for the strange assertion that Scott and Wallace were not countrymen or of the same Celtic stock, but distinct in race as Washington and a Red Indian. The pedigrees of Wallace of Kelly in Burke's Landed Gentry (ed. 1851) begin with a Sir Malcolm Wallace, whose Christian name at least is from the Celtic. I have not the Rev. Isaac Taylor's delightful and valuable work on Words and Places near me, but if I remember rightly he derives the name of Wallace from the Saxon word for a foreigner or Celtic neighbour, and we all know the words Wales and Valais are derived from it. In Ireland, at all events, good antiquaries have said that the old name of Le Waleys, which appears in the Exchequer Records of Kerry in the reign of Edward I. and earlier, was derived from this Saxon word, and that it is the original of our Irish names Wallace and Walsh to-day. In Ireland the former was and is often spelt Wallis. The Le Waleys of Kerry in old time was the son or grandson of a Welsh settler who came here with the English in 1172-1200, or the son or grandson of an Irishman who had gone over to his Welsh cousins before that period. There can be no mistake about the name of Scott, I suppose. Sir Walter himself, in The Lay of the Last Minstrel, distinguishes between the Scotic and the Saxon conquerors of Scotland when he makes the Duke of Buccleuch's ancestor say to the Beattisons of Eskdale :

"Deal not with me as with Morton tame,

For Scots play best at the roughest game." Celts and Saxons are a "vanished tale" in Ireland to-day, of course, although their effigies are carried about sometimes, like the Bridogues the Irish children make up and carry about on St. Bridget's Eve to please or frighten the unwary and foolish and to extract their sixpences and halfpence. I only "want to know," like the inquirer at the

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Circumlocution Office," whether there is any real justification for the assertion that Scott and Wallace are names implying a difference of race and country. M. A. HICKSON.

MOTTO FOR AN INDEX.-Over twenty years ago a valuable correspondent of "N. & Q." sought

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a motto or maxim for an index" (2nd S. i. 413). Among the communications received, one "proposed the old Latin saying 'Verbum sat,'" and your old and honoured contributor, the late DR. HUSENBETH, made a fair hit in the "Monstror digito prætereuntium" of Horace (Carm., iv. iii. 22). The others do not require notice here, save perhaps one by INDAGATOR, who, however, was unable to name his author (2nd S. vi. 316); and although I regret to think it may be too late to satisfy your original querist (whose contributory signature I regret to have missed for some years past), I may perhaps be permitted to suggest as such motto, in case it should still be required for an index or any other book of reference, certain other words of Horace, few and to the point-"Quod petis, hic est" (Epist., i. xi. 29). Reading.

W. T. M.

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"Whisht" lonely, of a place; ill, of a person. "Slog": to lure or entice.

I hope the new Board school lately opened there will not educate the natives out of these curious and interesting words and phrases, much as they may require education in other ways. I know

them well.


MILK AND WATER.-Here is an early instance of a current practice :

"Friday (June, 1769), 16. A cause was tried in the Common Pleas in which Mrs. Todd, a milkwoman, was plaintiff, and a cowkeeper in Chelsea defendant; the action was for mixing water with his milk, which she was by contract engaged to take for a certain time. The jury without going out of the court gave a verdict for the plaintiff, with 251. damagos"-Gentleman's Magazine, 1769, p. 316.

occasions a man exhibiting birds in a cage, placed on a stand, in the streets of Torquay. At length, curiosity having drawn me to see the exhibition Somewhat closely, I found that, with the assistance of the birds, the man was a fortune-teller, and that he made known his profession with the following announcement, printed on a board attached to his stand:

"If you please, Ladies and Gentlemen, Take advantage of the occasion of these birds, which for 1d. will select from the public box a planet of the fortune which will said planets are for Ladies and Gentlemen." tell you the history of your past and future life. The

There can be little or no doubt that the word planet, of the true meaning of which the exhibitor was certainly ignorant, is a survival of the practice of our ancestors, who in the "bright leaves" of the stars "would read the fate of men and empires."

I have not recently heard or seen the word used thus; but upwards of half a century ago an old woman, resident in my native village, told me more than once that she could tell my fortune by the lines on my hand for a copper or two, but that she could not "turn the planets without silver." WM. PENGELLY.


BRASS AT CUXTON, KENT.-Thorpe, in the Registrum Roffense (p. 772), states that there was at Cuxton Church, Kent, a loose palimpsest brass plate, and he gives the later inscription thus:

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Pray for the soule of John......wolpacker of London, some...... .Katheryns Christ churche.......August, anno domini м° ve XLV. On who......"

Presumably the surname, &c., were already obliterated in Thorpe's time, and the Rector of Cuxton informs me that the brass itself is now lost.

By way of supplying the missing surname I subjoin a note from a will, obviously that of the Will dated person commemorated on the brass. 12th, and proved 22nd, August, 1545 (fo. 33, "Pynnyng," P.C.C.):

"John Turner, of the parishe of saint Kateryn Christis Church wtin London, Wolman.....my bodye to be buried in the churche of Cokston in Kent, in the Chapell of our Lady, yf I doo deceas in the parishe of Hallyng And yf I lyve I will that my body shalbe buried in the Church of saint Kateryn Cristis Church aforsaid, before the Fonte, in a knowlige of the faithe which I toke there..... I geve unto maistres Deonyse Leveson for certeyn consideracons all such dettes as she oweth unto me for packyng of hir wolles."

Richmond, Surrey.


A CURE FOR HYDROPHOBIA.-Quite as quaint a custom in the way of cures (5th S. x. 126) is one told to us by our Persian maid-servant, and which she would be horrified to think you disbelieved. Some years ago there dwelt in or near Bushire, Persian Gulf, a Moollah, or priest. Besides being able to A SURVIVAL.-During the last week in Novem-expound the doctrines of the Koran, he cured ber and the first in December I observed on several persons afflicted with that dreaded maladie hydro


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ARMS OF CYPRUS.-In the Heraldic Manuscript of Sir David Lyndsay, 1542, of which a reprint has recently been issued by Mr. W. Paterson, of Edinburgh, these arms are given, p. 16: Barry argent et azure (11 argent, 10 azure), over all a lion rampant gules.

The same coat, without the lion, is attributed to Aymer de Lusignan, Bishop of Winchester, 1250-60 (Papworth, vol. i. p. 55). Q. D.

[For "The Arms of Cyprus" see "N. & Q.," 5th S. x. 163, 189, 218, 229, 316, 329.]


[We must request correspondents desiring information on family matters of only private interest, to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that the answers may be addressed to them direct.]

MAJOR ANDRÉ.-I should like to ask three questions in "N. & Q.”:—

1. Where is Sir Joshua Reynolds's portrait of Major André now to be seen?

2. Where is the pen-and-ink sketch of the nocturnal scene of the boat on the Hudson drawn by André on the eve of his execution? One of your correspondents (4th S. v. 437) is quite correct in saying that the sketch in the library at Newhaven is only of André himself, not of the adventure at night.

3. Is there any one living who can confirm the story of the apparition to Mr. Cunningham in Derbyshire? (See "N. & Q.," 2nd S. i. 463.) The first part of the apparition-the capture-was fulfilled; the second part, of the execution-near a great city-is wrong. A. P. S.

BACON ON "HUDIBRAS."-The following is an extract which I made at the time from the curious catalogue published by Burn, then of Maiden Lane,

in 1823:

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any of the libraries belonging to the public institutions in and about the metropolis, nor is it known where another copy is extant."

I have been a pretty diligent reader of catalogues and a tolerably industrious collector since that time, but I have never seen or heard of any other copy of this book. Can any one tell me of the existence of one and point out its whereabouts? It is mentioned by Lowndes, who says, "It is attributed to J. Tunstall, published at 1s." Who was J. Tunstall ? WILLIAM J. THOMS.

THE SOCIETY OF JESUS IN INDIA.-I happened to pick up at a native bookstall in Kurrachee, Sind, some years ago, what appeared to me to be a very curious and interesting old work in Latin (two parts bound in one volume), relating to the sayings and doings of certain members of the Society of Jesus in India. Here is the title-page of part i. :

"Io Petri | Maffeii | Bergomatis | E Societate Jesv | Historiarvm Indicarum Libri xvi. | Selectarvm Item ex India | Epistolarum eodem interprete Libri iii. | accessit Ignatif Loiolæ vita postremo recognita. Et in opera Singula copiosus Index. | Cvm privilegio | Virtvti sic cedit invidia. Venetiis, apud Damianum Zenarium, 1589."

Here there is an autograph in faded ink :"Migy Mantuani Joi. Zej......"

And this the title-page of part ii. :-

"Selectarvm | Epistolarvm | Ex India | Libri Qvatvor | Ioanne Petro Maffeio | Interprete. | Venetiis, | Ex officina Damiani Zenarij, M.D.LXXXVIII."

Part i. consists of sixteen books, part ii. of a selection of epistles and a voluminous life of St. Ignatius.

As far as I could glean, it came into the possession of this native at an auction, where I believe he purchased it as waste paper. The binding is obviously the original one, but is much dilapidated, I apprehend from rough usage, but the contents are perfect and intact.

Would some of your readers determine its present value to bibliographers? H. HARRISON. Cape Jask, Persian Gulf.

DECOYS.-Spelman (English Works, edit. 1727 [Posthumous Works], p. 153) says that Sir Wm. Woodhouse made among us the first device for ducks, called by the foreign name of "a Koye" ("primum apud nos instituit Decipulum Anatorium, peregrine nomine 'a Koye'"). It has commonly been believed that decoys were frequent in this country at a much earlier period than the reign of King James I., but upon referring to some of these accounts as quoted (I have not access to the originals) there seems reason to believe that a mode of taking fowl very different from that of decoying as now understood was pursued, viz., driving young or moulting birds into pipe nets

somewhat resembling modern decoys, but the mode of proceeding being of course the opposite to that practised in the decoy proper. In the reign of King John decoys are said to have been common in England, and disputes arose between the Lord of Liddel and the monastery at Crowland with regard to the Deeping Decoy in 1415. Again, in 1432 a mob armed with swords, &c., took six hundred wild geese out of the abbot's decoy. Camden also says that about Croyland in the month of August the owners sometimes drove into a single net at once 3,000 ducks, &c. I should be glad to know what authority there is for calling these erections for taking fowl decoys. The word used by Spelman is "decipulum," and he adds "peregrine nomine 'a Koye,'" as though he were introducing for the first time a foreign name for

it is stated that "grist-mills were invented in Ireland, A.D. 214." On what authority is this statement made? ABHBA.

AN IRISH BISHOP BUTLER.-Where are any authentic (or even legendary) particulars to be found of the life of a prelate of this name, who figures prominently in Irish popular tradition? He was bishop, it is said, of Cork; belonged first to the new religion, left that for the other, and again changed his creed in order to inherit a property. The story adds that he finally went to Rome, and did public penance there. Hammersmith.

D. F.

PERIWIG.-What are the meaning and derivation of the first two syllables in this word? The Greek preposition epì, " around," seems obvious at first sight. But it fails to satisfy me.


Hampstead, N.W.
WELLS FAMILY.-I wish to ascertain the

these "devices." Can it be that Woodhouse was really the first to introduce decoys proper, that is, nets into which the fowl were enticed, not driven, and that the name decoy, applied by him to these devices, has been improperly used with regard to the earlier mode, which consisted of driving-armorial bearings of the Wells family, who were a practice which, though forbidden by Act of Parliament in 1534, was still illegally resorted to many years after? T. SOUTHWELL. Norwich.

DR. SAMUEL MUSGRAVE, PHYSICIAN OF PLYMOUTH.-Did a once well-known Dr. Samuel Musgrave, physician of Plymouth, devise a machine for flying in the air about 1768? Or did any other person distinguish himself in this manner about that date? 0.

WELSH PROVERBS.-In the new volume just issued by the Powysland Club (Montgomeryshire Collections, vol. xi. p. 310), the writer gives as a Welsh proverb, and attributes it to "Twm o'r Nant, a great satirist in the last century," the following: "Po nesa i'r eglwys, pella o baradwys" ("The nearer the church the further from heaven"). We usually, I think, suppose the proverb to have a Scotch origin, and to be "The nearest the kirk the furthest frae grace." "Twm o'r Nant" (Thomas Edwards) was born in 1738, and died in 1810. How old is the Scotch version of the proverb? A. R.

Croeswylan, Oswestry.

PORTIA. I am told that in the sixteenth century a lady of the name of Laura Basso or Besso at Bologna had taken her degree as doctor juris, and that Shakespeare had been acquainted with the fact, so that this Signora Laura became the model of Portia in the Merchant of Venice. Who knows anything about it?

F. A. LEDY. GRIST-MILLS. In a chronological work entitled The Tablet of Memory, and published in London,

resident in Scarborough about seventy or eighty years ago. As far as I can make out from verbal description, the crest is an arm in bend sinister, the hand grasping a dagger, point downwards; but I should like to know the correct blazon. Any particulars as to the pedigree and present representative of the family would be acceptable.

Cape Town, S.A.


THE EVIL EYE IN MOROCCO.-The belief in the evil eye is, as is well known, very widespread. References to it are to be found alike in Virgil and in Beowulf. The methods adopted for the pre

vention of its baleful effects have not been so There is one described in the much noticed. Travels in Morocco, by the late James Richardson (London, C. J. Skeet, 1860), which may be worth quoting. Mr. Richardson, in describing the ceremonies of a native Jewish wedding at Mogador, says:—

"We had now music and several attempts to get up bidden as too vulgar for such fashionable Jews, and the indecent Moorish dance, which, however, was forhonoured by the presence of Europeans. Not much pleased with this spectacle, I looked out of the window into the patio, or courtyard, where I saw a couple of butchers' boys slaughtering a bullock for the evening carousal. A number of boys were dipping their hands in the blood and making with it the representation of an outspread hand on the doors, posts, and walls, for the purpose of keeping off the evil eye' (el ojo maligno) and so ensuring good luck to the new married couple."-Vol. i. p. 191.

Was this plan customary elsewhere?

WILLIAM E. A. AXON. Bank Cottage, Barton-on-Irwell, Manchester. BRAHAM'S "ENTUSYMUSY."-In the recently published Memoirs of the Rev. Francis Hodgson

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