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Constant writing for six months is done cheaper with Gold Pens than with Steel Pens; therefore, it is economy to use Gold Pens.

The Gold Pen remains unchanged by years of continued use, while the Steel Pen is ever changing by corrosion and wear; therefore, perfect uniformity of writing is obtained only by the use of the Gold Pen.

The Gold Pen is always ready and reliable, while the Steel Pen must be often condemned and a new one selected; therefore, there is a great saving of time in the use of the Gold Pen. Gold is capable of receiving any degree of elasticity, so that the Gold Pen is exactly adapted to the hand of the writer; therefore, the nerves of the hand and arm are not injured, as is known to be the case by the use of Steel Pens.


Improvements made in the Machinery for Manufacturing Gold Pens, and secured to the subscriber by Letters Patent, have enabled him to overcome the many imperfections hitherto unavoidable in their production, and also to bring the cost within the reach of all.

He is now selling Gold Pens at prices varying from 25 cents to $1, according to size, the average wear of every one of which will far outlast a gross of the best Steel Pens.

Sold by all dealers in the line throughout the country. Wholesale and retail at the store, No. 25 MAIDEN LANE, where all orders, inclosing cash or postage stamps, will receive prompt attention, and a Pen or Pens corresponding in value, and selected according to description, will immediately be sent by mail or otherwise, as directed. Address

A. MORTON, 25 Maiden Lane, New York.

We happen to know Mr. A. Morton to be not only one of the best and most extensive manufacturers of Gold Pens not only in America, but in the world. We use his l'ens, and can assure our readers of their excellence. We know them to be the best made. - N. Y. Tribune.

MORTON'S GOLD l'ENS. We have been in the habit of using these Gold Pens for a long time, and have always found them the best instruments of the kind that have fallen in our way. - N. Y. Evening Post.

GOLD PENS. A good Pen is essential to a perfect chirography, and there is nothing to our mind comes under that designation better than a good Gold F'en, such an one, for instance, as is made by Mr. A. Morton. - Commercial Advertiser and N. Y. Spectator.

It is now a well-established fact, that constant writing is done cheaper with Gold Pens than with those manufactured of any other material, and time as well as expense is saved in their use. Morton's Gold Pens are the best we have ever used. They are ela-tic, well-finished, well-pointed, and very durable, and of good writing qualities. Being made by machinery, they are sold so low that they are preferable, in point of economy as well as convenience, to the Steel Pen.-N. Y. Christian Adv. and Jour.

Six months' writing will wear out more Steel Pens than a Gold One will cost, while the latter will last a good part of a lifetime. The Independent.

MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Using these pens in our office, we are able to say that they are superior to any pen we have ever used.-The Methodist, N. Y.

We would recommend those of A. Morton's as economical, and at the same time good and useful Gold Pens.-N. Y. O.server.

We are using one of Morton's Gold Pens, and can assure our readers that they are really excellent, and vastly superior and cheaper than the Quill or Steel Pen. We have had much experience in the use of Gold Pens, and are prepared to say that we think Morton's the best that we have ever tried. We are so well satisfied with them that we shall use no others at present. - Boston Recorder.

Morton's Gold Pens, owing to their great durability, are much cheaper, in the long run, than the lowest priced Steel Pens in Christendom. Are suitable for every possible style of handwriting.- Household Journal. The Gold Pen, if properly made, possesses all the flexibility and softness of the Quill.-N. Y. Examiner. Morton's Gold Pens are worthy of special attention. We have never seen a lot of pens so universally excellent. It would be running little risk to take any pen out of a hundred, so smooth and fine are the points, and so well bodied are they all. We do not hesitate to assure those who wish a good pen that they will find that article at Mr. Morton's N. Y. American Baptist.

A Gold Pen is at last produced in every respect a good substitute for the Quill. A. Morton has achieved this desirable result, and has, at the same time, reduced the price so low that Gold Pens are no longer an article of luxury, but of necessity.- Home Mission Record.

Mr. A. Morton has been a long time engaged in the business, and has brought the manufacture of this now indispensable article to the highest state of perfection. He has, in fact, reduced it to a science. By means of several inventions he is enabled to present a superior article to the public at a comparatively trifling cost above the mere value of the metal. The price at which Gold l'eus are sold bids fair to drive Steel Pens altogether out of the market; and we have no doubt that as soon as their superiority is known they will be used almost exclusively. We can testify to the superior advantages of Mr. Morton's Pens in these all-important points, viz.: their durability, elasticity, anti-corrosive character, and general good writing qualities; and cordially recommend them to our readers, who will find them to be all that is claimed for them.- Metropolitan Record, Organ of the Most Rev. Archbishop of New York.

[We have been so much struck with the arguments and recommendations of persons who have had experience of Mr. Morton's Gold Pens, and so weary of the rapid wearing out of steel pens,- that we have made arrangements with Mr. Morton to fit us with a pen that shall always be ready for use.― Living Age.]


THIS NEWSPAPER is one of the largest and best in the whole country, possessing attractions peculiar to itself, and giving it a wide circulation in all parts of our country. It is loyal, national, conservative, and earnest in its support of the Government, the Constitution, and the Laws.

The distinctive features of the OBSERVER are

1. It is printed on a double sheet, so as to make two complete newspapers, one devoted to SECULAR, and the other RELIGIOUS matters; and these may be separated so as to make two complete journals, while the price for both is no greater than is charged for many papers smaller than either one of the two.

2. It gives every week a complete synopsis of the most interesting events in all religious denominations, including those that are called Evangelical, and those that are not; as every intelligent Christian wishes to be well informed respecting all of


3. It gives a well-digested epitome of the News of the Day, Foreign and Domestic, prepared with great labor and care, so that the reader is sure to be put in possession of every event of interest and importance to the public.

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4. The Foreign Correspondence of the OBSERVER is unrivalled, and has long commanded the admiration of intelligent men.


1. To each new subscriber paying in advance $2 50 for one year, we will send the paper and a copy of our Bible Atlas, with five beautiful colored maps.

2. To the person obtaining subscribers we will give ONE DOLLAR for each NEW subscriber paying $2 50 in advance.

3. To any one now a subscriber sending us one new subscriber and $4 we will send both papers for one year.

Specimen numbers of the NEW YORK OBSERVER will be sent gratis to any address that may be forwarded to us for that purpose.

The state of the country renders it important for us and desirable for the churches, that a new and earnest effort be made to extend the principles of good government and sound religious truth into all the families of the land. In every neighborhood there must be some who do not now take a religious newspaper, and who might with a little exertion be induced to subscribe.

To introduce the NEW YORK OBSERVER into the families of the whole country, we trust, is a work of sufficient importance to secure the aid of every patriot and Christian. We ask your personal and immediate co-operation.


Editors and Proprietors,


No. 1 of Table of Contents of the, Living Age.


[This is a reprint of the pages which have already appeared on the cover, giving references to the principal articles from the Edinburgh, Quarterly, Westminster, North British, and British Quarterly Reviews, and from Blackwood's and Fraser's Magazines.]

Persons wishing to buy any one of the articles in the Tables of Contents occasionally printed on other pages of this cover, can have the number containing it by remitting 13 cents to this office.

Ten or Twelve-cent Postage Stamps are of no value to us. We receive One cent or Three-cent stamps for sums under One Dollar.

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Of the Fourteenth Volume of the Third Series are now ready, for sale, or in exchange for the numbers of subscribers.

Preparing for Publication at the office of the Living Age:
AN ONLY SON. By the Author of "Artist and Craftsman."

ADEN POWER; or, The Cost of a Scheme.

GRANVILLE DE VIGNE: A Tale of the Day.


The following Stories Reprinted from the Living Age: Will be sent, postage free, to any part of the country, on receipt of the price :


CHRISNA, THE QUEEN OF THE DANUBE, by the Author of "Picciola." 38 cents.




STORY OF A FAMILY. 25 cents.





MARY POWELL. 13 cents.

25 cents.

DEBORAH'S DIARY. 13 cents.


THE LUCK OF LADYSMEDE: a Story of the Time of Richard the Lion-Hearted. Reprinted from Blackwood's Magazine.

This is the best story that has appeared in Blackwood's Magazine since "Scenes of Clerical Life." Some of the scenes remind us of Sir Walter Scott, in his best days Price 50 cents, on receipt of which a copy will be sent to any part of the United States, postage free. Published at the office of Littell's Living Age, by LITTELL, SON & Co.

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