페이지 이미지

in interagency technical review and study activities and membership on an Ad Hoc Executive Policy Board to that of full membership by Presidential designation on an Executive Policy Board with a specific charter and a concurrent responsibility to appoint an Agency Authorized Officer. Specifically, since 1 July 1979 (the effective date of both the Reorganization Plan and the Executive Order), the role of the Corps of Engineers (acting through the Chief of Engineers) is to serve on a Board which is responsible for advising the Federal Inspector "on policy issues in accord with applicable law and existing Departmental or Agency policies" and for appointing an Agency Authorized Officer "to represent that authority on all matters pertaining to preconstruction, construction, and initial operation of the system."

This Subcommittee knows, of course, that the Senate confirmed John T. Rhett to be Federal Inspector for the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System on 12 July 1979. There has been an exchange of ideas between the Chief of Engineers and the Federal Inspector and members of their staffs, upon the Federal Inspector's initiative, with a view to identifying areas in which the Corps of Engineers could as a Federal agency - provide technical assistance within its many areas of engineering and related expertise to the Federal Inspector and his Office on matters pertaining to the preconstruction, construction, and initial operation of the System.

At the moment, the Corps of Engineers is working with the Federal Inspector to achieve a formal agreement for the Corps to provide cold weather engineering technical support to the Federal Inspector on frost heave

problems and provide assistance in the review and design of a cost/schedule

ntrol system for the Federal Inspector's Office while further exploring ans to provide Corps support on such matters as the review of gineering designs, plans, and specifications; field enforcement of rmits and other authorizations (including their terms and conditions); d audit and cost control including application of the incentive rate


summary, the Corps of Engineers (acting through the Chief of Engineers) rrently occupies a policy advisory role through its membership on the cently established Executive Policy Board and is represented within the aska Natural Gas Transportation System through its appointed Agency thorized Officer. The Corps is ready to provide, and to study further ans of providing, technical assistance support to the Federal Inspector d his Office as determined to be necessary, and requested, by the Federal spector in the public interest for the economical and expeditious compleon of the approved transportation system.

is concludes my statement. I will be glad to answer any questions that u may have. Thank you.

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