페이지 이미지

Since my report at the last Biennial Convention, there have met for conference in Washington, D. C., representatives from every civilized nation. To this International Congress ou Tuberculosis more than half of the State Governors of this country appointed as one of the delegates to represent their state, the Chairman of the Health Department of the State Federation of Women's Clubs. Many of these delegates rendered reports of sufficient importance to form a part of the succeding plan for health improvement in that state. At this International Convention, the Woman's Club Day was largely attended and to delegates from European countries it was of unusual interest. To us, it marked a joining of hands with the great world of science, and pledged the women of this Federation to intelligent and thoughtful co-operation with such men as Trudeau, Otis, Flick, Pottenger, Klebs, Bowditch and all the great leaders who are banded together for the betterment of the world. It also placed upon us responsibilities which have been accepted because we feel they can and will be met by you, having as we do, full faith in your love of home.

Many of the resolutions adopted at that Congress had already formed a part of our working plan. Since then we have endorsed anew and worked more vigorously for those measures covering the establishment of hospitals, sanatoria, tuberculosis classes and clinics, the introducing of special courses and medical inspection in the public schools, and "the establishment of playgrounds as an important means of preventing tuberculosis through their influence upon health and resistance to disease."

With the motto, "Victory through Unity" and a war cry, Education and Execution, the plan of our work is simple and has held interest from the very first. Education on subjects pertaining to health must result in activity for the improvement of existing conditions. Therefore, it has been our aim to bring all information along these lines. The public press in every part of the country has given us freely of its splendid influence. The few simple things which we have sought to impress have been published free of expense in almost every state of the Union. A very few illustrations will serve to show the personal influence of such words.

To your Chairman, from the Far West, comes a letter

from a man of great wealth saying, "In this morning's paper I have just read of the work the club women are doing for the tuberculosis. We have done all that money can do as far as we know, for my daughter and she is growing worse. Can you tell us anything else to try?" From the East comes a woman's letter saying, "I am too poor to have a physicianshall I have to die when I, too, might live?" From the North one saying, "This man is ordered South by his physician. As his means are very limited, he feels he best go to a cheap boarding house-can you suggest anything?" These are but


Among other things it was our privilege to show the man of wealth where to obtain a nurse specially trained to care for the tuberculous, and today the daughter is on the road to recovery. The poor woman was placed in charge of the local woman's club, and a list of sanatoria and letters of recommendation furnished the man, made it possible for him to enter a sanatorium in the South, where he is now "feeling better than ever before in years," and he will soon return to his home again a wage-earner and as well an educated missionary to his friends and work mates. When clubs report "there is little sickness in our town; we do not need a health department," I wonder if they realize that every woman in that region should live for a hundred women in other and less favored communities. That there is no sickness in your own family is one of the most forceful reasons why you should have information in your possession which will aid those who do have sickness to contend with.

Let us make the most of our opportunity of health; let us become intelligent upon this subject, and use every effort to make the world glad that we have lived.

An old proverb says, "What you would have appear in the Nation's life, you must introduce into the public schools." We say antedating the public school is the home and as vast as is the influence of the teacher, that of the father and mother should be greater. In our work, then, by trying to make the conservation of health a home problem, asking the women to learn and in turn become teachers, we cannot but feel that this department is doing pioneer work along the right line.

As aids in the work, this Committee has published wall cards and a health bulletin, and has placed in the Bureau of Information of the General Federation a library of sixteen volumes, all on subjects relating to health.

A special committee has examined and recommended a list of books, and in several states these have been purchased and sent out as traveling health libraries. As an educator of public opinion such a library, with its accompanying pictures, has few equals. It is sure of a welcome, as it enters a town under the auspices of the local woman's club-and its way has been further paved by interesting press notices. Often prizes are offered for the best composition on the contents of certain of the books, and the entire community has a health awakening.

As a result of the publication of this list, many public libraries have been enriched by gifts of one or more of the books, and a notable instance is where a man prominent in life insurance circles purchased the entire list of over thirty books and presented it to the public library of his home town.

We find that in one state, through the initiative of one club, and in another, through the influence of one woman, movements have been started which have resulted in appropriations for state sanatoria, while in still another, the women have banded together to earn their sanatorium by the sale of the Montana Sanatorium Stamp.

Our reports show that 546 clubs have aided in the establishment of camps, sanatoria, visiting nursing associations and anti-tuberculosis organizations, clinics or hospitals; 452 have held open meetings having for their object the improvement of health conditions. Two hundred and forty-six have placed wall cards, circulated health bulletins and other educational material, while 193 have taken active interest in the enforcement of local health ordinances.

Having heard from less than half the clubs in the Federation, it is safe to multiply the above figures by two, and even then the great value of this movement toward the building up of a stronger nation is not adequately set forth.

Statistics of influence can never be compiled. The impress upon character which results in a habit, can never be gauged; it is the thing which has Eternal Life.

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