페이지 이미지

(Document referred to was marked "Exhibit No. 223" for reference and follows:)

[blocks in formation]

Mr. MANNIX. Mr. Chairman, we also have another chart showing the organization and staffing of the WYEAC program. I would like to have Mr. Fialkewicz discuss that briefly.

The CHAIRMAN. Were these charts compiled on the basis of information that you gathered from the course of your investigation? Mr. MANNIX. This is correct, Senator. We have their payrolls from the time they started.

The CHAIRMAN. So these charts were compiled under your supervision?

Mr. MANNIX. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. On the basis of information that you received in the course of your investigation?

Mr. MANNIX. Correct, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. This chart, Organization of Wilmington Youth Emergency Action Committee will be printed in the record as it is. I will let the other be made exhibit 223 for the purpose of the record of this witness' testimony. This may be marked exhibit 224 and printed in the record.

(Document referred to was marked "Exhibit No. 224" for reference and follows:)

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*Arrest record prior to coming on the WYEAC program.

Irving Williams

*Rudolph Harris Bonnie King

Chestine Saunders 12/11/67 Barbara Williams 4/11/68 Wanda Farrington 9/19/68 *Deona Rhodes 4/19/68 *June Sellers 9/12/68 *Gregory Thomas 8/2/68


**Arrest record prior to being a member of WIEAC and has been since arrested while on WYEAC's program.

The CHAIRMAN. All right, proceed.

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. Mr. Chairman, this chart shows the job positions in the WYEAC organization, the people who have held the positions at one time or another.

The chart shows 92 people. These people have been hired from the inception of WYEAC to the present. The number on the staff at any one given time would run from 45 to 52. The chart also shows the titles and the salaries as designated.

It should be noted that most of the money, of the $282,164 in the fund of WYEAC, went for salaries for these people.

The CHAIRMAN. How much of the $282,164 went to salaries?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. I haven't the breakdown but another witness will come with this information. I would say

The CHAIRMAN. It has been ascertained?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. Yes, it has.

The CHAIRMAN. Who is the other witness? I would like to have that figure inserted here if I can.

Mr. MANNIX. I believe that figure runs approximately 90 percent. The CHAIRMAN. Ninety percent of the $282,164 went for salaries? Mr. MANNIX. Correct.

The CHAIRMAN. Go ahead.

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. On the chart we have the names of all the people there and we have designated by a small asterisk alongside the names indicating the persons who have had

The CHAIRMAN. Will someone point it out on the chart?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. One asterisk alongside the name indicates the name of the party with a prior criminal record. Two asterisks in front of the name indicates a person had prior criminal record before coming to WYEAC and had been arrested after being with WYEAC.

I should make a correction there. Instead of criminal record it should be arrest records. A number of these are pending, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. You mean a number of cases are pending against them?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Charges that were lodged against them after they got on the payroll of WYEAC?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. That is correct, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. All right.

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. As I stated, a total of 92 people are listed on there. Those who have left and the dates of leaving are indicated alongside of the names with dates. A number of these people are on suspension rather than off the roll completely.

The CHAIRMAN. What do you mean by "on suspension"?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. These are pending cases. They are not dismissed from the rolls while they have a pending case.

The CHAIRMAN. You mean they are still drawing their salary?

The CHAIRMAN. Carried on the rolls but payment has been suspended?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. Yes. As explained to me, a number of them are being suspended for this purpose.

The CHAIRMAN. All right.

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. That is the chart as to the records of arrests and incidents of these people involved with the police in the city of Wilmington. This will be testified to by the police officers who are the witnesses to follow.

Mr. ADLERMAN. Mr. Fialkewicz, how many were employed altogether at one time or another by WYEAC?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. Ninety-two, sir.

Mr. ADLERMAN. Of these 92, how many had criminal records? Mr. FIALKEWICZ. From the records that we have, we found 64 had criminal or arrest records.

Mr. ADLERMAN. Does that mean more than two-thirds of the personnel had been arrested at one time or another?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. That is correct.

Mr. ADLERMAN. On what charges were they arrested?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. The arrests ran from disorderly conduct up to and including rape and kidnaping.

Mr. ADLERMAN. We will have testimony as to the specific criminal records?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. We will.

Mr. ADLERMAN. I have no further questions.

The CHAIRMAN. Very well, proceed.

Mr. MANNIX. That is all.

The CHAIRMAN. Do you have a separate list of those that were involved in crime or charged with crime?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. Yes, we have, Mr. Chairman.

The CHAIRMAN. Can that list be inserted in the record at this point? Mr. FIALKEWICZ. We have another witness who will insert it in the record.

The CHAIRMAN. Let me ask you something. What did these folks do for their salaries? What was the salary range?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. $9,932 down to $3,400, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. $3,400 up to $9,932?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. That is correct.

The CHAIRMAN. What did they do for their money? What was the project?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. The project was very ambiguous in my reading. I found that when we searched for actual progress reports on these people there is none existing.

The CHAIRMAN. You mean there is no record of what they did?
Mr. FIALKEWICZ. Individual progress reports have not been found

as vet.

The CHAIRMAN. Haven't been found as yet? Who is looking for them?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. According to their personnel manual, these individuals in the top jobs were supposed to give to GWDC a progress report, a monthly progress report on the organization and individual jobs.

We have had an investigation and one of our investigators, Mr. Beatson interviewed the people at GWDC, and I think Mr. Beatson could fill you in on that, sir.

I think he reported there is none existing; these progress reports are nonexistent.

The CHAIRMAN. You say there are no progress reports. Have you found out what kind of work they did to earn their money?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. I have not found out. I have found out a term these people use-what they do out there is "soapboxing." They go out and talk to the people on the street.

The CHAIRMAN. Go out and do soapboxing and talking?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. For up to $9,000 a year, nearly $10,000?

Did you find any of them at work doing any soapboxing, or whatever it is?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. No, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Have you found one accomplishment, one single tangible accomplishment, in connection with this project? I don't know; I am just asking you.

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. They have run several sports leagues: basketball, softball, and so forth.

The CHAIRMAN. Have done what?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. Had some recreation programs where they had some basketball leagues established in the city of Wilmington. The progress of them will be later reported. They have run several picnics for some youths in the city. They opened up four centers-five centers, in which they do their gathering there.

What they do inside I couldn't say. I know they have a typist there who writes some reports as to the payroll but beyond that I could not establish any more, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Have you found any program that you could call a program where they had a goal and objective that they were working


Mr. FIALKEWICZ. That I couldn't testify to, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. In Chicago they did have centers where they were supposed to come and get some kind of instruction and stay 5 hours a day.

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. They had no such program.

The CHAIRMAN. They did not even have such a program as that? Mr. FIALKEWICZ. No, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. All you can find as a result of your investigation is that they were promoting some kind of basketball?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. Recreation which included basketball, softball leagues, and so forth. They had picnics, outings for the youths. The CHAIRMAN. They took some of them out to picnics?


The CHAIRMAN. What kind of youths did they take to picnics? Did they take these folks who were getting paid? Who else?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. The program was designed to contact the alienated youth and young adults. They were supposed to be dealing with people from the early teens to young adults.

The CHAIRMAN. They were supposed to be dealing with delinquent people, to try to get them to correct their ways?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. Yes, sir; the term was "alienated youth."

The CHAIRMAN. Whom did they hire to do it?

Mr. FIALKEWICZ. The same people.

The CHAIRMAN. Hired the same people to correct themselves?

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