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Thus things are strangely wrought,

Whiles joyful May doth last.

Take May in time: when May is gone, The pleasant time is past.


ye that live on earth,

And have your May at will; Rejoice in May, as I do now, And use your May with skill.

Use May, while that you may,
For May hath but his time;
When all the fruit is gone, it is
Too late the tree to climb.

Your liking and your lust

Is fresh whiles May doth last: When May is gone, of all the year The pleasant time is past.

Amantium iræ amoris redintegratio est.

[In the Paradise of Dainty Devices.]

In going to my naked bed, as one that would have slept,

I heard a wife sing to her child, that long before had wept.

She sighed sore, and sang full sweet,' to bring the babe to rest,

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That would not cease, but cried still, in sucking at her breast.

She was full weary of her watch, and grieved with her child,

She rocked it, and rated it, until on her it smil'd ; Then did she say, "Now have I found the proverb true to prove,

"The falling out of faithful friends renewing is 3 " of love."

Then took I paper, pen, and ink, this proverb for to write,

In register for to remain of such a worthy wight. As she proceeded thus in song unto her little brat, Much matter utter'd she of weight in place whereas she sat ;

1 So ed. 1580.-Ed. 1576, " sore." So ed. 1580.-Ed. 1576,"rest." 3 So ed. 1580.-Ed. 1576," is the renewing."

And proved plain, there was no beast, nor creature bearing life,

Could well be known to live in love without discòrd and strife:

Then kissed she her little babe, and sware by God above,

"The falling out of faithful friends renewing is of "love."


"I marvel much, pardie," quoth she," for to be"hold the rout,

"To see man, woman, boy, and beast, to toss the "world about;

"Some kneel, some crouch, some beck, some "check, and some can smoothly smile,

"And some embrace others in arms, and there "think many a wile.

"Some stand aloof at cap and knee, some humble, "and some stout,

"Yet are they never friends indeed untill they 66 once fall out.”

Thus ended she her song, and said, before she did remove,

"The falling out of faithful friends renewing is of "love."


Was born (says Mr Warton) at Rivenhall, in Essex, about the year 1523, and died in London, 1580. He was of an ancient family was first placed as a chorister in the collegiate chapel of the castle of Wallingford; then impress ed into the king's chapel, from whence he was admitted into the choir of St Paul's cathedral, and completed his education at Eton, and Trinity-college, Cambridge. From hence he was called up to court by his patron, William Lord Paget; but, at the end of about ten years, exchanged the life of a courtier for the profession of a farmer, which he successively practised at Ratwood in Sussex, Ipswich, Fairstead, Norwich, and many other places. He was also, for some time, a singing-man in Norwich cathedral: but he prospered no where; and` every period of his singular life seems to have been marked by the ceaseless persecutions of Fortune. At Ratwood he composed his "Hundreth Good Points of "Husbandrie," which was first printed in 1557, and passed through many subsequent editions (with improvements) which are diligently enumerated in Ritson's Bibliographia. That by Denham, in 1580, took the title of "the Five hundreth pointes of good husbandrie, as well for "champion or open countrie, as also for the woodland, " or severall, mixed in everie month, with huswiferie, 66 over and besides the booke of huswiferie. Corrected, "better ordered, and newlie augmented to a fourth part 66 more," &c.

It was finally reprinted (says the London Review for May, 1800) in 1710, with notes and observations by Mr Daniel llilman, a surveyor, of Epsom, in Surrey.

This work is a sensible and lively, though not an elegant didactic poem, being solely intended for the use of the practical farmer. The preface" to the buier of this “book” begins with the following lines, in a metre afwards adopted by Shenstone :

What lookest thou herein to have?
Fine verses, thy fancy to please?
Of many, my betters, that crave:

Look nothing but rudeness in these.

In general, as Mr Warton has justly observed, the work is “ valuable as a genuine picture of the agriculture, the "rural arts, and the domestic economy and customs of "our industrious ancestors." The following specimens will sufficiently exemplify the style of this author.

Moral Reflections on the Wind.

THOUGH winds do rage, as winds were wood,1 And cause spring-tides to raise great flood; And lofty ships leave anchor in mud, Bereaving many of life and of blood;

Yet, true it is, as cow chews cud,

And trees, at spring, doth yield forth bud,
Except wind stands as never it stood,
It is an ill wind turns none to good.

1 Mad with rage.

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