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present in agreeable anecdotal form, combined with pregnant moralizings and reflections which are not pursued to a forbidding length, a large number of examples, drawn from the lives of real and noteworthy men and women, that are worthy of study for the wholesome influence an imitation of their virtues would exert upon the life and morals, the welfare and happiness, of the individual and of society. The first of the series, Self-Help, was more especially designed to impress young men just beginning the battle of life with the conviction that their happiness and well-being depended largely upon themselves-upon their diligent self-culture, self-discipline, and selfcontrol, their perseverance and single-mindedness, and, above all, their honesty and uprightness. In the succeeding volume, Character, Mr. Smiles arrayed a great number of instances of nobility and magnanimity, as illustrated by passages in the lives of many excellent, distinguished, or heroic persons, with the object of making those invigorating virtues attractive to young people. This was followed by Thrift, which, although more didactic than its predecessors, still adhered to the personal and anecdotal treatment that had made them attractive and influential. It was specifically addressed to workmen, artisans, mechanics, laborers, clerks, and men in comparatively humble circumstances, who had families dependent upon them, and whom it sought to impress with the dignity of labor. It also urged them to economize in order that they might secure their personal independence, showed them how they might do so if they were systematic and frugal, and by many strong practical reasons and incentives endeavored to persuade them to live clean, sober, and manly lives, and to aim to raise themselves to a higher elevation by the practice of morality and religion. The last of the series, now just published, completes the round of Mr. Smiles's invaluable practical teachings. Its topic is Duty,' its sphere, its operation upon the conscience and as a rule of conduct, and its effectiveness to ennoble and beautify the world by its outcome of courage, fortitude, honesty, truthfulness, patriotism, heroism, magnanimity, and the virtues generally, whether in prosperity or under stress of trial and adversity, whether at home or in the workshop, in common and every-day business avocations, or in any of the more heroic callings in which one's life may be cast. The volume is a richly stored commonplace-book of inspiring and instructive personal anecdote and incident, and also of sententious wisdom, illustrating the influence of a loyal obedience to duty to lift a man out of the rut of ignoble motives and base practices, and to nerve him to the practice of the

1 Duty. With Illustrations of Courage, Patience, and Endurance. By SAMUEL SMILFS, LL.D. 12mo, pp. 412. New York: Harper and Brothers.

The Same. Franklin Square Library." 4to, pp. 68. New York: Harper and Brothers.

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more trying and heroic virtues, without being disabled for the exercise of the sweet charities and the simple and ordinary offices of daily common life.

AT the request of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Mr. Peleg W. Chandler recently prepared a memoir of the late Governor Andrew; and it is now published in a convenient little volume, supplemented by some additional personal anecdotes and reminiscences of the great "War Governor," together with several of his addresses and orations. The memoir and supplement form an interesting outline sketch of the life and character of Governor Andrew, written in a genial and appreciative but discriminating spirit, and in a style of robust simplicity.

MR. GEORGE M. TOWLE has grouped in a handy pocket volume, entitled Certain Men of Mark, half a dozen spirited sketches of as many living English and Continental celebrities, who are not only as prominent as any by reason of their commanding personal qualities and their qualifications for leadership, but who have also exerted, and continue to exert, a more potent influence than any others upon the destinies of their several countries, and incidentally upon the destinies of Europe. The sketches to which special allusion is here made are character drawings of Gladstone, Bismarck, Gambetta, Beaconsfield, Castelar, and Bright; and they embody Mr. Towle's conceptions of the mental equipment and moral fibre of each of these great men, together with graphic descriptions of their personal appearance, their characteristic traits, their style and delivery as orators, their bearing in official life, and their demeanor and enjoyments in familiar society and the home circle. Mr. Towle takes no pains to conceal that his pen-and-ink sketches are influenced by his prepossessions and sympathies. Still his judgment is never so warped by his predilections or his antipathies as to make him unjust. His estimates and characterizations of the distinguished men to whom he introduces the reader are commendably fair and generous. To his studies of these statesmen Mr. Towle adds a brief sketch of the three great living emperors, William of Germany, Francis Joseph of Austria, and Alexander of Russia, and a vigorous portrait of Victor Hugo.

Mary and I; or, Forty Years with the Sioux, is an unaffected autobiographical narrative of a life spent, during the forty years between 1837 and 1877, among one of the fiercest and

2 Memoir of Governor Andrew. With Personal Reminiscences. By PELEG W. CHANDLER. 18mo, pp. 298. Boston: Roberts Brothers.

3 Certain Men of Mark: Studies of Living Celebrities. By GEORGE MAKEPEACE TOWLE. 18mo, pp. 242. Boston: Roberts Brothers.

4 Mary and I; or, Forty Years with the Sioux. By STEPHEN R. RIGGS, D.D., LL.D. With an Introduction by Rev. S. C. BARTLETT, D.D. 12mo, pp. 388. Chicago: W. G. Holmes.

the spice of variety. To literary merit he makes no pretensions, and his estimate of himself in this respect is more just than self-estimates usually are. His book has a strong flavor of the platform as that institution has been made familiar to us by himself. The incidents he relates, the reminiscences he recalls, and the anecdotes he tells are of the kind that may be told more effectively than they can be written. On this account the volume will have a fugitive popularity with a limited class of readers whose literary tastes are not too exacting. It will doubtless amuse, and possibly help, those who are exposed to the dangerous vice against which its author

most warlike, and also the most highly en- | erring, the vicious, the abandoned, and the dowed with intellectual capabilities, of our intemperate, Mr. Gough's volume has at least aboriginal tribes. The story is told by the venerable Stephen R. Riggs, D.D., favorably known to scholars as the author of a grammar and dictionary of the Dakota tongue, who with his wife-the "Mary" of the narrative— very early in their married life felt it to be their duty to carry the good tidings of the Gospel to the heathen; and turning their backs upon their pleasant New England homes, took up their abode with the untutored savages of our far Western wilds, and devoted themselves to their spiritual, intellectual, and physical needs. The volume is a record of faith and zeal, of wisdom, patience, courage, and enterprise; of cheerful endurance, heroic self-sacrifice, and native piety, | has been so active an evangelist. which, as President Bartlett suggests in the introduction, has a remarkable resemblance to the story which has come down to us of the spirit of the primitive Christians in apostolic times. It is, besides, an authentic and highly interesting narrative of incident and adventure among the Indians; of their life, manners, and traditions; of instances of their susceptibility to intellectual advancement and religious influences; and of the wrongs to which they have been subjected by individuals, or through our mistaken or unjust Indian policy. This singularly earnest and unaffected as well as intelligent and disinterested narrative will be read with interest by all who are concerned for the spiritual and material welfare of our aborigines.



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IF the poems of Edwin Arnold, now published in an American edition, do not exhibit the higher qualities of fancy and imagination, they are certainly wealthy in the inferior graces and ornaments, picturesqueness, sensuousness, ornateness, and artistic excellence. The principal poem in the collection, "The Indian Song of Songs," is a paraphrase of the "Gita Govinda," or "Song of Govind," from the Sanskrit of Jayadeva, an Indian poet who wrote about A.D. 1150. The poem is a musical and idyllic mystery play, and its theme is taken from one of the Sacred Books of Indra. It celebrates, under the form of a parable of human passion, the loves of Radha, the celestial spirit of intellectual and moral beauty enshrined in earthly mould, and of Krishna, who is an incarnationWHEN Mr. Gough speaks of his newly writ- half human and half divine-of the god Vishnoo. ten volume of reminiscences, Sunlight and Shad- Krishna is at first enticed away from Radha ow, as a "patchwork" gathered "from way- by the attractions and pleasures of the senses, side opportunities," and "jotted down in a but is finally released from these sensual snares desultory manner," he describes it accurately, and allurements, and surrenders himself to her though with unconscious irony. Indeed, it purer and surpassing loveliness. The several must constantly remind the reader of those stages of the poem, or sargas, which are eight heterogeneous quilted performances of a former in number, describe the sports of Krishna with generation, with which their grandams and the sensual siren-loves that had allured him venerable maiden aunts and cousins still as- from Radha, Radha's heart-sickness because tonish us, and in which remnants of the most of his desertion of her, his penitence, his reremarkable and most oddly contrasted colors morse, his revived hopes under the encourageand designs are patiently wrought into a whole ment held out to him by a messenger sent by of bewildering variety and substantial useful- | Radha, his passionate appeals for forgiveness Largely made up of personal recollec- and restored love, Radha's tender and loving tions of the multitude of more or less prom- rebukes and pretended coldness as a punishinent men and women he had met in the ment for his inconstancy, and their final raptcourse of his long career as a temperance lec- urous union in perfect love and trust, when turer, liberally garnished with rambling anec- Krishna enthrones Radha in his heart as the dotes of the men and things that came under sole and only one who can satisfy his aspirahis observation, and lavishly sprinkled with tions. The art of the poet consists in investdescriptions which, if neither new nor original ing an abstraction with the sensuous forms, nor elegant, are usually piquant and suggest-passions, emotions, desires, and feelings that ive of life and character among the lowly, the


5 Sunlight and Shadow; or, Gleanings from My LifeWork. Comprising Personal Experiences and Opinions, Anecdotes, Incidents, and Reminiscences gathered from Thirty-seven Years' Experience on the Platform and among the People, at Home and Abroad. By JOHN B. GOUGH. Illustrated. 8vo, pp. 542. Hartford: A. D. Worthington and Co.

belong to real men and women; and like all such efforts, the attempt is a failure in a narrative or romantic poem, though in an acted play, where the abstractions are clothed in hu

6 Poems. By EDWIN ARNOLD. for this Edition by the Author. Roberts Brothers.

With a Preface written 12mo, pp. 246. Boston:

man form, and constantly appeal to our senses | toms, and public spirit which distinguish each by exhibiting their feelings as men and women from the other. In addition to graphic acin love are wont to do, it might be highly ef- counts of these, which evince descriptive powfective. Several of the minor pieces in the ers of rare excellence, Mr. De Amicis's book collection, notably the ballad entitled "The contains a number of extended and brilliant Rajpoot Wife," the blank-verse romance of the criticisms of the works of the most eminent Crusades, "King Saladin and Torel of Istria," | Dutch masters, interspersed with striking or the translation of the legend of Hero and Le- interesting passages in their lives, and with ander from the Greek of Musæus, and the poem discriminating estimates of their genius as comdescriptive of Belshazzar's Feast, are remark-pared with contemporaneous Italian artists. able for their vigor and musicalness.

LORD BEACONSFIELD'S Endymion has been the most interesting event of the month in the realm of prose fiction, less, perhaps, because of its intrinsic merit, or its superiority to other recent productions in the same field, than from the curiosity that is felt for anything proceeding from the pen of its versatile and veteran author, and because of the opportunity that it affords for a comparison of his earlier with his latest work. If we say that it will neither add to nor diminish his reputation, and that it will fail to place him in the first rank of | English novelists, we shall probably discount the general verdict that will be passed upon it by posterity. Less ambitious, less imaginative, less intellectual, and less emotional than the best of his earlier novels, and noteworthy for the utter absence from it of the vividly prophetic forecastings, the quasi-poetical rhapsodies, the superciliousness, and the literary coxcombry which distinguished them, Endymion is far more fully imbued with real though still far from deep feeling than they, and is wiser, calmer, more equable, and not less witty and vivacious. No novel of his is dramatic in the higher sense of the term, or delineates character as it has been delineated by Fielding, and Scott, and Dickens, and Thackeray, and George Eliot, from its seed germ till its final ripeness for good or evil, under the influence of the passions and interests that sway the human heart; yet all belong to the first rank of

THE most minute, and also the most pleasing and picturesque, descriptions of the Holland and Hollanders of to-day that have yet appeared in an English dress have been written by a Frenchman, Mr. Henry Havard, and an Italian, Mr. Edmondo de Amicis. Aside from the gifts of close observation and graphic delineation which are natural to Frenchmen and Italians, there is no doubt that their impressions of a country like Holland are all the more fresh and vivid for the striking contrasts it presents at every turn with everything of which they could have had any experience in | their own more genial lands. The secure and solid earth of France and Italy, their landscapes of hill and plain and valley, their sunny skies and transparent atmosphere, are not more dif- | ferent from the flat, artificial, and unstable ground of Holland, its clouded skies and humid atmosphere, than are the versatile, vivacious, sensuous, voluble, and pleasure-loving children of France and Italy from the phlegmatic, ruminating, silent, and patiently industrious Dutchmen. Moreover, not only are the Frenchman and the Italian peculiarly attracted by those characteristic traits of the Hollander and those distinctive features of his country which are the result of a ceaseless warfare with the ocean, and the direct opposites of all to which they have been accustomed, but they regard these, and the thousand lights and shadows of Dutch life and manners, | those relatively inferior novels which amuse arts, occupations, and enjoyments, with the eyes and describe them with the zest and spirit of first discoverers. In the Record for August last we gave our readers a glimpse of Holland and the Dutch as they were sketched by Mr. Havard in his Heart of Holland, and we now invite their attention to a worthy companion volume of that enjoyable book, Holland and Its People," by Mr. De Amicis. With many points of resemblance to the Heart of Holland, Mr. De Amicis's work touches more lightly upon the rural features, the antiquities, and the historical facts and traditions of the country, and dwells more largely upon the aspects of its cities, the peculiar characteristics of their social life as contrasted with life in the villages and outlying rural districts, the magnitude and methods of their commercial enterprises and mercantile pursuits, and the architecture, cus

Holland and Its People. By EDMONDO DE AMICIS. Translated from the Italian by CAROLINE TILTON. 12mo, pp. 409. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.

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the reader by a pleasing narrative of the schemings and dreamings, sayings and doings, dilemmas, defeats, and successes of their heroes and heroines, but which fail to invest them with a distinctive personality, and an individuality that is unmistakably their own. There is not a prominent actor in any who might not interchange parts with another, or whose utterances might not without violence be ascribed to another. In a narrow sense of the term, Endymion is a political novel. It foreshadows no great policy, it portrays no great movement, it does not describe the attitudes and relationships of great leaders to such a policy or movement, nor does it trace the influence of great statesmen, or the bearings of their political principles upon any large social or national interests. The states

8 Endymion. A Novel. By the Earl of Beaconsfield. 12mo, pp. 477. New York: D. Appleton and Co. The Same. "Franklin Square Library." 4to, pp. 84. New York: Harper and Brothers.



men who figure in it have no convictions, and of the number are Mrs. Oliphant's genial and their political principles are as convertible restful society novel He Will Not When He May,1o and interchangeable as their sayings and do- and Mr. James Payn's A Confidential Agent,11 ings. Its vicissitudes are merely those petty a clever and mildly sensational story, whose and personal ones which invest the career of central incidents are a mysterious robbery of a youth, predestined for civic honors, from his diamonds and the kidnapping of their custofirst step on the lowest rung of the ladder of | dian, which give occasion for an engaging disthe public service until, through the agency play of the constancy and faith and love of of indefatigable feminine wire-pullers of high woman, and for some charming pictures of haprank and unbounded wealth and social influ-py domestic life, and some touching ones of the ence, assisted by the deft and not too scrupu- same homes when invaded by sorrow and dislous manipulations of eminent official dignita- grace. The others, which we name without ries, he reaches the topmost round, and vaults regard to the order of their desert, are: The into the Premiership. The period assigned to Head of Medusa, an effective and occasionally the novel is the England of forty years ago, thrilling romance, by the author of Kismet, and if Lord Beaconsfield's account of the the scenes of which are laid in Italy, and in methods then resorted to in Great Britain for which the principal actors are Americans; A the manufacture of public men and public Dreamer,13 by Katharine Wylde; From the opinion, for the maintenance of party ties, the Wings, by B. HL Buxton; The Princess Oghéincrease of party adherents, the election of roff15 and The Trials of Raïssa,16 by Henry Grémembers of Parliament, and the overthrow or ville; and Marion Scatterthwaite,17 a religious ascendency of a ministry, still remains a faith- novel, by Maggie Symington. ful one, the refined aristocracy of England may dispute the supremacy in political trick- AMONG recent publications are several modery with the least reputable of our American est volumes having the serious and important demagogues. Most of the characters who fig-purpose in view of conveying in brief popular ure in the novel were prominent society or po- form elegant or useful knowledge on subjects litical leaders in England forty years ago, of large interest. Placing a high valuation on among them being Palmerston, Cobden, Glad- such easily accessible books as potent educastone, John Bright, Sidney Herbert, Louis Na- tional agencies for the cultivation and refinepoleon, Bismarck, and Beaconsfield himself ment of the rising generation, it would be a while yet Disraeli; and their careers are de- congenial task to give our readers a full outscribed and their portraits painted with un- line of their contents, but, to our regret, we questionable spirit, not so literally as to be can do little more than announce their titles. historically exact, and yet with a sufficient The group comprises the following volumes: adherence to fact, cleverly veiled by fictions A Manual of Classical Literature,18 by Mr. and anachronisms, to make their identification Charles Morris, covering the period from an entertaining exercise for those who are Homer to Boethius; a series of critical and fond of practical conundrums. biographical studies on British Thought and Thinkers, from the twelfth century until the present, by Professor George S. Morris, of Johns Hopkins University; an able treatise on the Sublime and Beautiful,20 by John S. Kedney, in

THE scenes of Mr. Hardy's strong novel The Trumpet-Major are laid in the lower middle ranks of English life, and abound in the picturesque descriptions of scenery and still-life, and the subtle delineations of widely contrasted character and manners, that are the characteristic charms of his style and methods. Brighter-or rather less sombre-in its coloring, and even more minute than is his wont in its realistic paintings, its narrative has many episodes of great intensity, which are the more striking for the simplicity and directness with which they are related. The story is felicitously told, and rises in interest at every stage of its development.

ALTHOUGH the other novels of the month are not distinguished by any of those striking or salient qualities which invite enthusiastic admiration or provoke severe criticism, they have the merit of furnishing the reader with refreshing and refined entertainment for an hour of leisure or recreation. The most meritorious

The Trumpet-Major. A Novel. By THOMAS HARDY. "Leisure Hour Series." 16mo, pp. 366. New York: Henry Holt and Co.


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10 He Will Not When He May. A Novel. By Mrs. OLIPHANT. "Franklin Square Library." 4to, pp. 86. New York: Harper and Brothers.

11 A Confidential Agent. A Novel. By JAMES PAYN. "Franklin Square Library." 4to, pp. 69. New York: Harper and Brothers.

12 The Head of Medusa. By GEORGE FLEMING. 16mo, pp. 371. Boston: Roberts Brothers.

13 A Dreamer. By KATHARINE WYLDE. "Leisure Hour Series." 16mo, pp. 452. New York: Henry Holt and Co. 14 From the Wings. A Novel. By B. H. BUXTON. "Franklin Square Library." 4to, pp. 52. New York: Harper and Brothers.

16 The Princess Oghéroff. A Russian Love Story. By HENRY GREVILLE. Sq. 12mo, pp. 326. Philadelphia: T.

B. Peterson and Brothers.

16 The Trials of Raissa. A Russian Love Story. By HENRY GREVILLE. Sq. 12mo, pp. 314. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson and Brothers.

17 Marion Scatterthwaite. A Story of Work. By MAGGIE SYMINGTON. 12mo, pp. 373. New York: Robert Carter and Brothers.

18 A Manual of Classical Literature. Comprising Biographical and Critical Notices of the Principal Greek and Latin Authors, etc. By CHARLES MORRIS. 12mo, pp. 418. Chicago: S. C. Griggs and Co.

19 British Thought and Thinkers. By GEORGE S. MORRIS, A.M. 12mo, pp. 388. Chicago: S. C. Griggs and Co. 20 The Sublime and Beautiful. An Analysis of these Emotions, and a Determination of the Objectivity of Beauty. By JOHN STEINFORT KEDNEY. 12mo, pp. 214. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.


A NUMBER of holiday volumes have been re


which the fundamental questions that underlie the subject are discussed, its philosophy is out-ceived at so late a day as to make only the lined and stated, the emotions affected by the briefest reference to some of them possible. sublime and the beautiful are analyzed, and In some cases the text of these has a substanbeauty is defined; a collection of Art Sugges- tial value aside from the illustrations by which tions from the Masters," compiled by Susan N. it is interpreted and adorned; but in the maCarter, being the best ideas of Sir Joshua jority of instances, although invariably pure Reynolds, Sir Charles Bell, William Hazlitt, and refined in sentiment, and graceful in conand Benjamin R. Haydon, explaining the mo-struction, it has slight intrinsic worth, and detives which enter into the construction of great rives its value mainly from its pictorial embelpaintings; a compendious Primer of French Lit-lishments. Belonging to the first of these erature, by George Saintsbury, in which the classes are a translation from the modern development of polite letters in France is French of Alexandre Bida, of the charming traced from a period before A.D. 1200 until the twelfth-century manuscript romance, in prose present time; a historical sketch of Modern and verse, of Aucassin and Nicolette, or The LovFrance,23 its social life and literature, its polit- ers of Provence, with a justly appreciative ical changes, and the great industrial, milita- introductory note by Edmund C. Stedman, a ry, and civil events that have made an impres- scholarly preface, containing a revision of the sion upon it from 1814 till 1879; and finally, a original text, by Gaston Paris, and a number course of instruction in the Italian language,24 of fine illustrations after designs by A. Bida, drawn up by Signor Rocci, of the City of Lon- Mary Hallock Foote, W. H. Gibson, and F. Dieldon College, on the plan of Dr. Smith's Prin- man; also a reproduction of John Howard cipia Latina, with the object of enabling a be- | Payne's popular song, Home, Sweet Home,28 tasteginner to acquire an accurate knowledge of fully and poetically illustrated with designs by the chief grammatical forms of the Italian Miss L. B. Humphrey, engraved by Andrew; tongue, to learn their usage by the construc- and a simple and touching retrospective poem tion of simple sentences, and to accumulate a by W. H. Venable, The Teacher's Dream," in stock of words useful for conversation as well which the ideal and the real are happily blendas in reading. ed, and which has been successfully illustrated by artists who have caught the quaint and tender spirit of the author.-Among the volumes that must be relegated to the second class above referred to are Onti Ora,30 a legendary and narrative romance of the Adirondacks, by M. B. M. Toland; Persephone, and Other Poems,31 by Mrs. Charles Willing; and Shakspeare's Dream,32 by William Leighton.

PECULIARLY appropriate to the holiday season are two recent contributions to musical literature-A Book of Rhymes and Tunes,25 and Album of Songs by Robert Franz.26 The former is a collection of over one hundred songs set to music, judiciously selected, mainly from the best German composers, but including | also some charming French and English lullabies, and a number of old English Christmas carols; about one-third of the songs having simplified accompaniments, prepared by the musical editor of the work. The Robert Franz Album is an important addition to our musical literature. Robert Franz and Franz Schubert are well known as the greatest of German song-writers. The songs of the latter have been for several years familiar to our musical | readers through popular editions, and we are glad to see those of Robert Franz presented in the same way.

21 Art Suggestions from the Masters. Selected from the Works of Artists and Other Writers on Art. Compiled by SUSAN N. CARTER. 12mo, pp. 260. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.

22 A Primer of French Literature. By GEORGE SAINTSBURY. "Harper's Half-hour Series." 32mo, pp. 216. New York: Harper and Brothers.

23 Modern France. By OSOAR BROWNING. "Harper's Half-hour Series." 32mo, pp. 201. New York: Harper and Brothers.

24 The Italian Principia. Part I. A First Italian Course. Containing a Grammar, Delectus, and Exercise Book, with Vocabularies. On the Plan of Dr. William Smith's Principia Latina. 12mo, pp. 221. New York: Harper and Brothers.

25 A Book of Rhymes and Tunes. Compiled and Arranged by M. P. OSGOOD. Translations by LOUISA T. CRAGIN. 4to, pp. 128. Boston: Oliver Ditson and Co. 26 Album of Songs, Old and New, by Robert Franz. 4to, pp. 277. Boston: Oliver Ditson and Co.

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A RICH aftermath of juveniles, specially suitable for holiday gifts, but affording wholesome and appetizing browsing for young folk at any season, has sprung up too late for extended notice. One of the most toothsome of these is A Guernsey Lily," a delightful story by Susan Coolidge, in which she gives a spirited description of one of the most picturesque of the Channel Islands (Jersey), its scenery, people, quaint nooks, historical incidents, and legendary remains. It is copiously illustrated.-Even more relishing than Miss Coolidge's pleasant descrip

27 The Lovers of Provence, Aucassin and Nicolette. Rendered into Modern French by ALEXANDRE BIDA. Translated into English by A. RODNEY MACDONOUGH. Illustrated. 4to, pp. 82. New York: Fords, Howard, and Hulbert.

29 Home, Sweet Home. By JOHN HOWARD PAYNE. Illustrated. Small 4to, pp. 34. Boston: Lee and Shepard. 29 The Teacher's Dream. By W. H. VENABLE. İllustrated. 4to, pp. 36. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 30 Onti Ora. A Metrical Romance. By M. B. M. ToLAND. With Illustrations from Designs by W. L. SHEPPARD. Small 4to, pp. 117. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co. 31 Persephone, and Other Poems. By Mrs. CHARLES WILLING. Small 4to, pp. 94. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co.

32 Shakspeare's Dream, and Other Poems. By WILLIAM LEIGHTON. 4to, pp. 148. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott

and Co.

33 A Guernsey Lily; or, How the Feud was Healed. A Story for Girls and Boys. By SUSAN COOLIDGE. 4to, pp. 238. Boston: Roberts Brothers.

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