페이지 이미지
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With Six Illustrations.

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UNITED STATES.-Congress: Parties in the Forty-sev-

enth Congress, 316; Opening of Third Session, Forty-

sixth Congress, 476; final Adjournment, 956; President

Hayes's Message, 476; Message on Indian Question, 797;

Fitz-John Porter Bill passed by Senate, 476; Pendleton's

Civil Service Bill, 476. Appropriation Bills: Fortifica-

tion, 476; Pensions, 476, 797; Military Academy, 476,

636; Army, 636; Consular and Diplomatic, 636; Indian,

636, 797; Naval, 797; Post-office, 797; Legislative, 797;

River and Harbor, 797, 956. Burnside Educational Bill,

476. Telegraphic Postal System, 636. Three-per-Cent.

Refunding Bill passed, 797; vetoed, 956. Morgan Elec-

toral Vote Resolution, 797. Apportionment Bill, 956.

Tax on Bank Deposits, 956. Washington Monument,

956. Japanese Indemnity Bill, 956. Garfield and Ar-

thur declared President and Vice-President, 797. Inau-

guration of Garfield and Arthur, 956. President Gar-

field's Inaugural Address, 956. Extra Session of the

Senate, 956. President Garfield's Cabinet, 956. United

States Senators elected or appointed: George F. Ed-

munds, 156; Joseph E. Brown, 316; James G. Fair, 636;

John F. Miller, 636; Thomas F. Bayard, 636; General J.

R. Hawley, 636; O. D. Conger, 636; H. L. Dawes, 636;

Eugene Hale, 636; Thomas C. Platt, 636; Benjamin

Harrison, 636; John Sherman, 636; F. M. Cockrell, 636;

John I. Mitchell, 956; James W. McDill, 957; Angus

Cameron, 957; A. J. Edgerton, 957. Resignation of

Congressman Garfield, 316. General Goff, Secretary of

the Navy, 636. L. P. Morton, as Minister to France,

957. Chinese Treaty signed, 477. Presidential Election,

316. Other Elections, 156, 316. H. M. Plaisted declared

Governor of Maine, 636. State Conventions, 156. An-

dré Centennial, 156. Flight and Death of Indian Chief

Victorio, 156. Prohibition in Kansas, 316. Census Re-

port, 636.


Britain: The Irish Agitation, 316, 477, 636, 797; Flog-

ging in the Navy abolished, 477; Opening of Parlia-

ment, 636; Irish Protection Bill, 797, 957; Arms Bill, 957.

Germany: The Auti-Jewish Movement, 637. France:

Decrees against Unauthorized Religious Communities,

156, 316; The Ministry and the Education Bill, 316.

Russia: Marriage of the Czar, 156; Assassination of

Emperor Alexander II., 957; Ascension to the Throne

of Alexander III., 957; Defeat of Tekke Turcomans, 797;

Terms of Settlement between China and Russia, 797.

Turkey and Greece: Surrender of Dulcigno, 156, 477;

Greece's Preparations for War, 477, 636. Persia: The

Kurdish Outbreak, 156. South America: Chili and

United States of Colombia, 156; General Roca installed

as President of the new Argentine Government, 156;

Death of the President of Paraguay, 156; Capture of

Lima, 797. Africa: Boers defeat the British Forces,

797, 957; Peace assured, 957. Cuba: Pacification an-

nounced, 636.

DISASTERS: 156, 316, 477, 637, 797. 957.-Land-Slip in

Bengal, 156; Railroad Collision at Willimantic, Connecti-
cut, 156; Collision at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 156;
Nova Scotia Mine flooded, 156; Lake Steamer Alpena
lost, 156; Boiler Explosion, Terre Haute, Indiana, 156;
Factory at Cincinnati burned, 156; Iquique, Peru, burn-
ed, 156; Colliery Disaster, Belgium, 316; Steamer Rhode
Island wrecked, 316; Typhoon in Japan, 316; Earth-
quake in Austria, 316; Cyclone in Louisiana, 316; Col-
liery Explosion, Nova Scotia, 316; Insane Asylum, Min-
nesota, burned, 316; British Ship Galatea lost, 316; Fire-
damp Explosion, Belgium, 477; British Steamer Mildred
lost, 477; French Steamer Oncle Joseph sunk, 477; Col-
liery Explosion, Wales, 477; Fire in Wall-paper Fac-
tory, Buffalo, 477; Wreck of the Garnet, 637; Japanese
Steamer lost, 637; Steamer Montgomeryshire lost, 637;
Steamers Harelda and Leon lost, 637; Tenement-house
Disaster, New York, 637: Steamer Farnley lost, 637;
Poor-House, New Hampshire, burned, 637; Ship Leonore

Trevelyan's Miscellaneous Works of Macaulay, 149. Art Suggestions from the Masters, 475. Saintsbury's
McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, Volumes III., Primer of French Literature, 475. Browning's Modern
IV., 150. Mosheim's Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, France, 475. Italian Principia, Part I., 475. Book of
150. Bowen's Gleanings from a Literary Life, 150. Coxe's Rhymes and Tunes, 475. Franz's Album of Songs, 475.
The Daily Round, 151. Edwards's Observations concern- The Lovers of Provence, Aucassin and Nicolette, 475.
ing the Scripture Economy of the Trinity and Covenant Payne's Home, Sweet Home, 475. Venable's Teacher's
of Redemption, 151. Longfellow's Ultima Thule, 151. Dream, 475. Toland's Onti Ora, 475. Mrs. C. Willing's
Holmes's The Iron Gate, 151. English Men of Letters, Persephone, and Other Poems, 475. Leighton's Shaks-
Franklin Square Edition, 152. Holland's Memoir of the peare's Dream, and Other Poems, 475. Coolidge's Guern-
Rev. Sydney Smith, 152. Wallace's Ben-Hur, 152. Casey Lily, 475. Lossing's Story of the United States
ble's The Grandissimes, 153. Russell's A Sailor's Sweet- Navy, 476. Wetherall's Carl Krinken, 476. Beach's Al-
heart, 153. Tourgee's Bricks without Straw, 153. Brad- lic's Mistake, 476. Shaw's In the Sunlight and Out of It,
dou's Just As I Am, 154. Salvage, 154. Fothergill's 476. Keith's Nobody's Lad, 476. Meade's How Nora Crena
The Wellfords, 154. Auerbach's Brigitta, 154. Ed- Saved Her Own, 476. Schliemann's Ilios, 630. Blaikie's
wards's Lord Brackenbury, 154. Knox's The Boy Trav- Life of Livingstone, 632. Myers's Wordsworth, 633.
ellers in the Far East, Part II., 154. Verne's The Explo- Tennyson's Ballads and Other Poems, 633. Coolidge's
ration of the World, 155. Stockton's A Jolly Fellow- Verses, 633. Goodale's All Round the Year, 633. Wal-
ship, 155. Giberne's' Sun, Moon, and Stars, 155. The lace's Island Life, 634. Bird's Unbeaten Tracks in Ja-
Worst Boy in Town, 155. Miller's Queer Pets at Mar- pan, 635. Holt's Earl Hubert's Daughter, 635. Yonge's
cy's, 155.
Walton's Christie's Old Organ, Saved at Sea, Love and Life, 636. Trollope's Dr. Wortle's School, 636.
and Little Faith, 155. Corbett's Karl and the Queen of Randolph's Little Pausy, 636. Linton's The Rebel of
Queerland, 155. Life of Dr. Hodge, 310. Trevelyan's the Family, 636. Kip's Nestlenook, 636. Brodie's Elsie
Early History of Charles James Fox, 310. Towle's Gordon, 636. Trollope's Life of Cicero, 791. Stevens's
Marco Polo, 311. Eggleston's and Seelye's Montezuma Madame De Staël, 791. Goethe's Mother, 792. Memo-
and the Conquest of Mexico, 311. Stephen's Samuel rials of Frances Ridley Havergal, 793. Lonsdale's Sister
Johnson, 311. Hutton's Sir Walter Scott, 311. Trol- Dora, 793. Coppée's History of the Conquest of Spain
lope's W. Makepeace Thackeray, 311. Curteis's Rise of by the Arab-Moors, 793. Forney's Anecdotes of Public
the Macedonian Empire, 312. Kinglake's Invasion of Men, 794. Jennings's Anecdotal History of the British
the Crimea, Vol. IV., 312. Oswald's Summerland Sketch- Parliament, 794. A Century of Dishonor, 795. Van-
es, 312. Lady Jackson's Old Paris, 313. Aldrich's Lyrics derbilt's Social History of Flatbush, 795. Dowden's
and Sonnets, 313. Roe's A Day of Fate, 313. Wether- Shakspeare, 795. Black's Sunrise, 796. The Lost Cask-
all's End of a Coil, 313. Coffin's Old Times in the Colo- et, 796. Eiloart's The Dean's Wife, 796. Hunt's The Posy
nies, 314. Brooks's Fairport Nine, 314. Gatty's Para- Ring, 796. Francillon's Under Slieve-Ban, 796. Rid-
bles from Nature, 314. Alcott's Jack and Gill, 314. ley's Better than Good, 796. Hay's Under Life's Key,
Ewing's We and the World, 314, Macleod's Gentle 796. Scudder's Stories and Romances, 796. Boyesen's
Heart, 314 Moulton's New Bed-time Stories, 314. Ilka on the Hill-Top, 796. Mitchell's The Past in the
den's Moral Pirates, 314. Gibson's Pastoral Days, 315. Present, 949. Fyffe's History of Modern Europe, 950.
Read's Drifting, 315. Palmer's Voices of Hope and Masson's Outlines of the History of France, 950.
Gladness, 315. Tennyson's Dream of Fair Women, 315. Froude's Reminiscences of Carlyle, 950. Madame De
The Memorial History of Boston, 315. Schliemann's Witt's Guizot in Private Life, 951. Seward's Chinese
Ilios, 315. Lanier's Boys' King Arthur, 315. Ingersoll's Immigration in its Social and Economical Aspects, 952.
Friends Worth Knowing, 315. James's Washington Martin's The Chinese: their Education, Philosophy, and
Square, 315. Ebers's An Egyptian Princess, 315. Smiles's Letters, 953. Legge's Religions of China, Confucianism
Duty, 470. Chandler's Memoir of Governor Andrew, and Taoism Described and Compared with Christianity,
471. Towle's Certain Men of Mark, 471. Riggs's Mary 953. Sayce's Chaldean Account of Genesis, 953. Har-
and I, 471. Gough's Sunlight and Shadow, 472. Ar- per's Cyclopædia of British and American Poetry, 954.
nold's Poems, 472. Amicis's Holland and Its People, Gibson's Poems of Many Years and Many Places, 954.
473. Beaconsfield's Endymion, 473. Hardy's Trumpet- Whittier's King's Missive, and Other Poems, 954. De
Major, 474. Oliphant's He Will Not When He May, 474. Kay's Vision of Nimrod, 955. Miss Parloa's New Cook
Payn's Confidential Agent, 474. Fleming's Head of Book, 955. Helen Campbell's Easiest Way of House-
Medusa, 474. Wylde's Dreamer, 474. Buxton's From keeping and Cooking, 956. Blackburne's Glen of Silver
the Wings, 474. Gréville's Princess Oghéroff, 474. Birches, 956. Townsend's Lenox Dare, 956. Don John,
Greville's Trials of Raissa, 474. Symington's Marion 956: The Lenden Casket, 956. Douglas's Lost in a
Scatterthwaite, 474. Morris's Manual of Classical Lit- Great City, 956. Forney's New Nobility, 956. Reed's
erature, 474. Morris's British Thought and Thinkers, Ida Vane, 956. Mrs. Hunt's Wards of Plotinus, 956.
474. Kedney's Sublime and Beautiful, 474. Carter's

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FIRE DEPARTMENT, THE OLD NEW YORK VOLUNTEER ............................ ..G. W. Sheldon 191, 370

James Gulick

Fire at Jennings's Clothing Store, Broadway,

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FROM EXILE, (with Two Illustrations).....
GATE OF THE ORIENT, THE.................


Margaret S. McLean 415

..John Bigelow 419

George Merrill 573

...Julia C. R. Dorr 209

William Gibson 785

..Henry J. Vandyke, Jun. 321

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ITALIAN PAINTING, THE GOSPEL HISTORY IN (Illustrated)....Henry J. Vandyke, Jun. 321

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POTTERY OF CINCINNATI, DECORATIVE (with Twenty Illustrations).. Mrs. Aaron F. Perry 834


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Catherine Baldwin

Marketing for New-Year's Day
New-Year's Calls among the Merchants.
New-Year Calls of Children....


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Ada M. E. Nichols 107
Arthur Gilman 650
..James Russell Lowell 250
George Ticknor Curtis 923
Henry Ripley Dorr 539
Sherwood Bonner 728

William H. Rideing 641

...S. H. M. Byers 685

..James S. Whitman 211


Robert Herrick 69
Henry O. Dwight 603
..Rose Terry Cooke 928

Sarah O. Jewett 78

Sherwood Bonner 728

Richard M. Johnston 879

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W. T. Hewett 491

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Neck and Scroll of Ole Bull's Gaspar di Salo... 242


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