How long, how long, Almighty God of all, ISRAELITISH WOMAN. AIR. As panting flies the hunted hind, Thus we, O Lord, alike distressed, • FIRST PROPHET. RECITATIVE. But whence that shout? Good heavens! amazement all! See yonder tower just nodding to the fall : Behold, an army covers all the ground, O God of hosts, the victory is thine! CHORUS OF CAPTIVES. Down with them, Lord, to lick the dust; Serve them as they have served the just, VOL. II. 23 FIRST PRIEST. RECITATIVE. All, all is lost. The Syrian army fails, FIRST AND SECOND PRIEST. AIR. O happy, who in happy hour SECOND PROPHET. RECITATIVE. Now, now's our time! ye wretches bold and blind, Brave but to God, and cowards to mankind, Ye seek in vain the Lord unsought before, Your wealth, your lives, your kingdom, are no more. AIR. O Lucifer, thou son of morn, Of Heaven alike and man the foe; Heaven, men, and all, And sink thee lowest of the low. FIRST PROPHET. O Babylon, how art thou fallen! Thy streets forlorn Where toads shall pant, and vultures prey. SECOND PROPHET. RECITATIVE. Such be her fate. But hark! how from afar CHORUS OF YOUTHS. Rise to transports past expressing, CHORUS OF VIRGINS. Cyrus comes, the world redressing, SEMI-CHORUS. Hail to him with mercy reigning, THE LAST CHORUS. But chief to thee, our God, defender, friend, |