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Answer to a Query.


represents the spirit as a pilgrim and a traveller, then informs us that he has passed through the valley that is between, (the valley of the shadow of death, I suppose,) then, that he approaches the gate of heaven, and finally, wishes to persuade his readers that this mere approach is the end of the Christian's faith, and that here, during the countless ages of eternity, in this spacious void the soul is to remain. Is this the end of Sprigg's faith? Is this the perfect day to which the path of the just tends? Is this Abraham's bosom, where the beggar was conveyed when he died? Are these the mansions which Christ went to prepare for his followers? Is this the city out of sight? Is this the situation of those treasures, where moth nor rust corrupteth not? Finally, Is this the inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for the followers of Christ? No: the Christian will enter those everlasting habitations, and will sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.

that love him," 1 Cor. ii. 9. But in what sense are they absorbing? surely they do not absorb their love, for God is love; and the nearer they approach to God, the more they assimilate to him. The love of our neighbour is a necessary consequence of the love of God, and therefore this cannot be absorbed by the things of their eternal state. And is this love shewn by considering what great happiness their friends will be sharers of, should they chance to arrive in heaven, and in taking no share in guarding them from evils, offering no alleviation to their distresses, and in administering no supply to their necessities? The things of the eternal world do not absorb the memory of those resident in it, for in heaven they sing, "To him that hath loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood," &c. Rev. i. 5. plainly proving that they remembered the process they underwent for the purgation of their iniquity. Those good principles which we possessed on earth remain unabsorbed by the things of the eternal state. Among these we may class gratitude to benefactors. Sprigg inquires, whether a person Make to yourselves friends," (saith thus situated, can be attracted by the Christ,) "of the mammon of unrigh- trifling scenes on earth? Certainly teousness, that when ye fail, they may not: But what does your corresponreceive you into everlasting habita- dent mean by trifling scenes? He extions," Luke xvi. 9.; that is, distri-plains himself in the next sentence, bute your goods to the poor, that when you die, the sharers of your beneficence, who have passed into the skies, may receive you with open arms, into that state of eternal bliss.

by saying, "Can the soul, present with the Lord, ever look off from him, to converse with those below?" That is to say, Christian converse is a trille! "No," says Sprigg, (answering his own question, and then, as if thinking that a little too confident, as he had only commenced with consideration, continues,) "it is best to suppose that spirits departed have no concern about the trifles passing here." True, but are all terrestrial occurrences trifling? Is the salvation of so many millions of souls of no impor

S. inquires, in the next place, "Is it possible that the heaven-bound pilgrim, who has been conducted by the Shepherd of the flock, through the valley that lies between-who approaches the gate of heaven, and realizes the end of his faith-can be attracted by the trifling scenes on earth?"-A pilgrim is one who travels,tance? Is all the economy of proviusually, journeys of devotion; the adjective, heaven-bound, intimates the place of its destination, and informs the reader that this journey is still in continuation. Were I not rather inclined to believe that latterly the ideas of Charon, Styx, and Cerberus, had been abandoned, I should be inclined to consider this sentence as having reference to the valley where the Canes abide, and where Nox and Erebus hold their doleful abodes. In the first part of it, Sprigg


dence, into parts of which angels have desired to look, is it all non-essential? Jesus says, that a sparrow shall not fall to the ground, without the observation of the Father of the universe; yea, the very hairs of our head are numbered. If such circumstances as these are not beneath the notice of that Being, who is the great, the holy, and the high; occurrences between which there is such an amazing difference, and events of such great importance, will not be deemed trifling,


Observations on South Shetland.


nor overlooked, by the blessed in | Christ is "God over all," it is utterly heaven. impossible that it can be a truth of Sprigg observes further: "The soul subordinate magnitude. The simple reaping the sad reward of its unrigh-statement of it is enough to show that teousness, may desire to look out of it must rank as a first principle; an its burning lake towards the earth article of prime importance, a founagain, but its intense pain will not dation-stone in the temple of truth: grant it permission." Incorrect again; -a star of the very first magnitude in for the rich man in the gospel regard- | the hemisphere of Christian doctrine. ed his five brethren, and recognized For my own part, I believe it to be even the beggar in Abraham's bosom. But more than this: a kind of central sun, why should such a soul desire to look around which the whole system of out of its burning? Can this afford it Christianity, in all its glory, and in all any pleasure? Can such souls regard its harmony, revolves. On this prinwith satisfaction a life of iniquity? ciple we cease to wonder at the seeming And is it a gratifying reflection to ob- contrarieties. If, then, this be a key serve many in a state of salvation, which fits all the wards of this seemwhose opportunities were not more ingly intricate lock, turning amongst extensive than their own? to consider, them with hardly a touch of interrupthat bad they accepted the offers made tion, catching its bolts, and laying them of mercy, by God, they would open to us, in the easiest and comhave enjoyed the felicity of eternal pletest manner, the treasure of division? Alas! this must increase vine truth; if this be a principle, their torment, this must cause addi- which, in fact, does produce harmony tional weeping and wailing. To sum and consistency in the word of God, up the whole :-Is it best to suppose while the rejection of it, on the conthat the cold hand of death will dis- trary, gives rise to difficulties without solve the tenderest ties of nature? Is number: is not this, ofitself, a strong it best to suppose that the epicurean presumptive evidence that the princiworm, when he feeds on the inanimate ple is correct, and well founded?" corpse, will also devour the recollection of the dearest friends? Is it most reasonable to imagine that the attachments connected with the names of father, mother, brother, sister, &c. will all be forgotten? If they be, how can they ever again be united? The eternal separation of the affections is an idea at which the heart revolts. Bad as human nature is, there are few, very few, who do not feel the bonds of consanguinity. If your correspondent's soul is of such a description as to feel no regret at the idea of death being an end of all earthly ties, he must indeed be an anomaly. I leave this subject with your readers, and begging your forbearance with my prolixity, I remain, your's, truly,

Truro, Nov. 23, 1821.



(With a Sketch.)

SINCE the discovery of these distant and desolate islands, many accounts have been published respecting them. But from what source soever the information has been derived, they all concur in describing them as barren, uninhabited, and in every respect dreary.

It was our good fortune to be possessed of all the leading facts which related to them long before their existence was announced to the public; but at the particular desire of our correspondent, who was in the first vessel that ever touched on these inhospitable shores, we omitted giving it publicity until several weeks had elapsed; and it was not until some reports had found their way into the world, that our embargo was taken off. This circumstance enabled the conductor of a weekly journal to announce the existence of these distant lands to the public, just before the day of publication with us arrived. Of this inciIf it be indeed a truth, that Jesus dent he has readily availed himself;


SIR,If the following extract from Wardlaw meet your approbation, its insertion in the Imperial Magazine will oblige, your's respectfully,

Penzance, Nov. 5, 1821.

P. V.


Observations on South Shetland.

and in a recent number, has claimed the exclusive honour of having furnished the first public notice of this discovery.


with frozen snow; and to add to its desolation, you will hear every now and then a dreadful crash from the fall of the rocks and frozen snow, like distant thunder.

"Being near to these detached

The map which accompanies the following observations, was sent us by Mr. Richard Sherratt, who command-rocks, of which the north side of this ed one of the vessels which sailed to archipelago has a great quantity, it South Shetland, on the seal fishery, in is necessary to keep a very good look the autumn of 1820, which vessel was out, and to ascertain as soon as posunfortunately wrecked on that danger- sible what part of the land you are off, ous coast. His observations are there- so that you may come to anchor in one fore founded on an actual survey of of the different bays or harbours. this stormy range of sterile rocks, and Esther Harbour is known by Round so far as his examination could ex- Island lying off it. The entrance of tend, the account may be considered | Parry's Straits is known by Table as authentic. Land to the eastward, and Table Island to the westward; both of these Tables are of similar appearance, and you may see them both at the same time. Esther Harbour and Clothier Harbour are the two best anchorages on the north side, but Potter's Cove is the best harbour in the whole group that is at present known. I think there is safe anchorage in the inlets to the eastward and westward of Potter's Cove, but I had not an opportunity of going into them. Ships may bear down either in Esther Harbour or Potter's Cove with safety. The dif ferent anchorages to the westward are very poor, but it is the best place for seals; in fact the seal appears to make for the most dangerous places, either for the approach of ships or boats. There are few or none that come on shore on the south side of the land, but great quantities of sea elephants come on shore on the different points of land on the south side.

"The first intimation you have of being near South Shetland, is meeting with a great quantity of whales, of the black kind, and what are called the fin-back; you may thence conclude you are about 150 miles from land. Standing on to the southward, you will meet with innumerable penguins, so many that you would almost conclude the sea was animated. Continuing to stand to the south, and at about 20 leagues from land, you will meet with the seal, in shoals of hundreds together, and, as you approximate to the land, the seals and penguins are more numerous, but the whales more scarce. The first sight you have of the land, is at a distance of about 15 leagues, and its appearance is similar to a white cloud, ranging along the horizon from N.E. to S.W. Still standing on, you gain the land, until some parts touch the clouds, the whole being covered with eternal snow, save here and there a hill in the form of a cone or sugarloaf, which is of a very dark colour, and these dark spots are generally on the tops of mountains. Three of these are very remarkable; one over Esther Harbour, one over the Bay of Destruction, and one over Potter's Cove.

"Potter's Cove has on the east side of it, three remarkable hills, somewhat resembling three joints of the fingers when the hand is closed. These are called the Three Brothers, and they furnish an excellent mark for the Cove. (Vide the Chart). However, still approaching nearer the land, you will meet with detached rocks at from 3 to 5 leagues off; and the land wears now a most desolate and solitary appearance, nearly the whole of its front being immense precipices, covered

"This archipelago has every appearance of a volcanic eruption, and the higher you get upon the land, the more this conclusion is confirmed. The cones, of which I made mention, appear to have a large trench or ditch round them, from which I would infer that they may heave out lava at times, or it is probable that they may have been heaved up with the whole of the land, not many years since, by some great convulsion in nature. In fact, I think it strengthens this assertion, when I can aver, that not only the frozen snow, but the rocks themselves, are continually falling and tumbling away, and in such quantities, that you would conclude the whole of it must be levelled in 40 or 50 years.

"There are, on the top of some very high land which I have visited, three

[blocks in formation]
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