

those disastrous operations, known within addition of some centimes to the indirect the last century by the names visa; reduc- contributions, during a certain number of tions de rents; suspensions de rembourse-years, and this effort, in favour of public mens; reductions de valeurs; rembourse-credit, would not have exhausted the mons; valeurs nominales; mobilisation; strength of the State. But we are happy inscriptions reduites au tiers; liquidations to be able to present you with a mode of reen valeurs definiciecs; revisions; assure-payment which does not require an increase mens de revisions; rejets de rents par pre-of taxation, but leaves room to hope for a soriptio, &c. &c. &c. France, at peace diminution. France possesses yet 1,400,000 with the whole universe, ought to aspire to hectares of Forest Land, We propose new celebrity. She ought to endeavour to sale of 300,000 to effect the payment of establish in every department of the admi- the arrears without increasing the burnistration, candour and justice in the ex- thens on the nation. The produce of the crcise of its powers. To obtain this great sale of the property of the Corporations, result, it is necessary to find the means for which was previously ordered, and of the Jaying all demands on the State, and to other property given up to the Sinking Trove that, with the ability, she possesses Fund, will be applied to the same object. the will to do so.-France has now the If supplementary means be necessary, they means of paying all her expences, all her will be found in the surplus of succeeding debts, as will be seen by comparing that Budgets; and that of 1815 presents a surwhich she has with that which she owes. plus of seventy applicable to this end. The total amount of the debt now demand-Amidst all the calculations into which the able is 759,000,000. The revenue of the year 1814 is estimated at 540,000,000, and that of 1815 at 618,000,000. This revenue is entirely furnished by taxes, direct or indirect, with the exception of 10 or 12 millions, the estimated produce of the Forest Domains. For the year 1814 there will be a deficit of 307,400,000 francs. This is occasioned by the events which preceded the 1st of April, and consequently it makes part of the debt of 759,000,000, now demandable. expences of the year 1815, fixed at 547,700,000 francs, leave an excess in the revenue for that year of 70,300,000 francs. -The calculations have seemed to some


present discussion leads us, it will be pleasing, and perhaps instructive, to remark, in the relative state of our burthens with those of nations whose prosperity is the most striking. that the situation of France, after so many storms, is still promising. According to the last census the population of France was 28 millions. Dividing equally among all the annual amount of the taxes, which we take at 600 millions, the quota paid by each is little under 22 francs. In England the produce of the taxes, not including those of Ireland, has risen of late years to at least 60 millions sterling, which, divided among 12 millions of inpersons to be not sufficiently exact. This habitants, give five pounds sterling, or desire of perfectness cannot be satisfied. 120 francs, as the contribution for each individual-that is to say, upwards of five We must for the present content ourselves times as much as the amount for each indi with approximations; but the House mayvidual in France. In the United States be satisfied that it has before it the maxi- of America the receipts of the Customs, mum of debt; and the minimum of the receipts, so that if there be crrors, they will which, previous to the two last years of be attended with no danger. If the results war, formed almost the only revenue, proare exaggerated, the surplus, on whatever duced annually 16 millions of dollars This sum divided among seven millions of side it will be, will only be advantageous, since it removes the inconvenience of a de- inhabitants, gives about 12 francs for each ficit, and gives the State the means of im- individual; to which must be added the provement and present credit. France has local taxes peculiar to each State, amount, been but little accustomed to this sort of ing to about 11 franes more, making 23 inexactness, which, by increasing the dif- franes for each individual. Whence it fo, ficulties of the present year, is an allevia-lows in all respects, whether in population! tion of those of the years which follow. We extent of territory, or taxable property, do not hesitate to declare, that if in the want the advantages of France over these na of extraordinary resources we had been re-tions are great. These relative approxi duced to taxation alone, we should not mations are sufficient to shew us the have the less proposed an entire liquida- grounds of confidence which remain for tion. It might have been effected by an us, and those which should encourage an

active and iad serious nation, like our own, I whose Government, by an inviolable fidelity to undertake with ardour all enterprizes to fulfil all its engagements towards its useful to agriculture, industry, and com-creditors, has remained in a condition, notmerce. Thus is the question respecting our withstanding twenty years of war, in spite power to discharge our burthens and to de- of the fetters and prohibitions which exliver ourselves from debts answered. pelled, from almost every port on the Con"It would seem useless to take up your tinent, her ships and merchandize, to bor time with the second question, for having row every year, for upwards of ten years, shewn that we can free ourselves from at a moderate interest, more than 25 mil debt, we have shewn that we ought to do lions sterling-a sum equal to our ordinary it. But, laying aside for the present the revenue, estimated at six hundred millions consideration of those principles of mora- of francs. And if the state of the ex lity and justice, from which neither Go-hanstion to which twenty years of Revolu vernments nor individuals deviate with im-tion have brought us, be objected against punity, and let us examine if sufficient us, I shall answer, by pointing to the ana reasons may not be drawn from the inte-logous example of America where the rest of the State alone, for the adoption of Government, by following the system which the principle of speedy and entire payment we are desirous to see adopted, had raised of our debts. We must acknowledge that itself from the most critical to the most the Government in France has been but prosperous circumstances.Emerging little accustomed to make use of the power from a Revolution and a bloody and ruinous arising from fidelity to its engagements: war, that country had yet to struggle and in this respect we must rather accuse against all the embarrassments which a the nature of things than the men in power: wretched paper-currency entails; the land for the theory of a regular and constant was uncultivated and unsaleable; the pocredit can only be established under a re-pulation did not exceed two millions and a presentative and constituent Government, such as that which the bounty of the King enables us now to enjoy for the first time. It is because this powerful spring was wanting, that France, situated in a most happy climate, and possessed of the richest soil, covered with a numerous, active, and industrious population, heaped in short with all the elements of prosperity, has never-millions of dollars. A year after, the same theless remained, in some respects, below stock, which might have purchased at ten or the level which she ought to have attained. twelve per hundred of their nominal value, Thus are explained the disadvantages were at par. The public paper was immewhich have attended some operations of diately increased 346 millions of francs. the Government in the times just passed, This resolution also created, as by enchantas well as during former periods. The ment, capital-the first need in a Country exactness with which the present Go- after a Revolution of which the effects always vernment will acquit all its engage- are injurious to it. The interest of money ments, will give France a new power, soon returned to a due proportion; agriwhich has been too long unknown. The culturists, manufactures, and traders, obMinisters have thought that they should tained from the capitalists enlarged assistgive the best pledge for the future, by ance, with which they were able to devepaying at present the creditors who have lope all their enterprizes.-If such were contracted bona fide debts with the last the effects of the good faith and strictness administration, and by ridding the future of the United States towards their credi from the embarrassments of past times.tors, such and greater must they be in It was necessary to prove by examples the utility of the honourable system which the Government proposes to follow, and which it intends to make the basis of our laws and our financial administration, we may adduce the wonderful advantages which other States have derived from it, The first example is still furnished us by England

half of persons; the Government had to provide for an arrear of seventy millions of dollars; the capital of the debt was sold with difficulty at from ten to twelve per cent. In this situation, the United States, convinced of the great advantages attending a strict fulfilment of its engagements, provided for the entire payment of the seventy

France. It is in France especially that credit and the lowering of interest must produce all kind of prosperity; its situation is such as to need only capital to multiply useful works and undertakings which dif fuse lustre and greatness among nations,and are the foundations of a people's prosperity. The Government believes, that it has pre

pared these happy results by the arrange-ed in France, under the powerful sanction ments which we have the honour to present of honour. And may we hope that the into you. One of them tends directly to the fluence which the manners of our nation lowering the interest of money, by causing have so long exercised over other people, loans to be opened, for the purpose of will render general throughout Europe this buying up or extinguishing the obligations moderation, which has become more neceson the Royal treasures; this facility of borsary than ever to the happiness of subjects, rowing gives the Government the means and the glory of Sovereigns.

of offering the owners of obligations their discharge, unless they prefer a reduction

LORD COCHRANE.---In last week's Re


of the interest. This option will be pro-gister, I inserted a communication from a posed at all times, when there is a pos-correspondent, containing a partial extract sibility of borrowing at a rate lower than from the Address presented to Lord that of the obligations, and thus the high Cochrane by the inhabitants of Culross, rate of interest on these debts become of with his Lordship's answer. The followno consequence. We must acknowledge, ing has since been transmitted, with a rethat to complete the new order of things quest that I should give it publicity:--in our financial administration a sinking We, the Inhabitants of the Royal fund is necessary. The economy which Burgh of Culross and neighbourhood, beg you may have remarked in all the parts of leave to offer your Lordship our heartfelt the Budget, in all the expences of the congratulations on being re-elected a memMinistries, has thrown a temporary ob- ber to serve in the House of Commons for stacle in its way, and it is from respect for one of the first cities in the kingdom; such an institution that the King's Minis-which event may be considered as the verters have thought proper to defer all pro-dict of the last tribunal to whom you had position in relation to it; they have thought appealed from the charges lately preferred that it was not necessary to run the risk of against you. While the firmness with compromising the success of it by too great which you met those charges has called haste in its production; for the establish-forth our highest admiration, we rejoice ment of a sinking fund derives its strength they have now been so clearly proved to be and usefulness from its permanence and unfounded, and that the cloud which inmutability. The law which creates it threatened your destruction has been disshould be inviolable; a single change of it pelled. In the joy every where diffused on this would cause all the fruit of it to be lost, for occasion, none can more cordially partici by the laws of accumulation, it is time, pate than the Inhabitants of Culross; and continuity, and perseverance, which pro-we beg to assure your Lordship of their duce the prodigious results that seem cx-unabated attachment to, and respect for, plicable only by the science of numbers. I the family of Dundonald.

suffering. And we sincerely hope, that in defiance of party and faction, you shall again shine forth an ornament to your profession---an honour to your country---and the boast of this place, the ancient resi

thought proper to express regret, that cir- Calling to mind the many heroic accumstances have not permitted a measuretions your Lordship has performed in your of administration of such importance to be country's cause, we look forward with concomprised in the new plan of the systemfidence to a renewal of your ardent and of the finances from its beginning; but Igallant exertions for her advantage, nothave the pleasure of expressing my confi-withstanding the persecutions you are now dence, that it will form an essential and fundamental part of the plans of the next year's budget. You see, Gentlemen, to what degree the King is desirous that the propositions of his Ministers, and the acts of his Government, should bear a charac-dence of your noble family. ter of probity, conformable to the elevation of his soul, and which, by providing for all interests, inspires with a just confidence the hearts of all. This is a new era, in which the justice and moderation of the Prince, whose presence amongst us has restored Signed in the presence and by the ap peace to the world, will make us, daily,pointment of the Meeting. more sensible to the reciprocal advantages of virtues which may be so easily establish

"We beg also to express our wish, that your Lordship may speedily forget those sufferings an honourable mind must sustain whilst struggling against gross and unfounded accusations.

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"JOHN CAW, Secretary."

Printed and Published by J. MORTON, No. 94, Strand.


VOL. XXVI. No. 13.] LONDON, SATURDAY, SEPT. 24, 1814. [Price 18.




great fair for neat cattle at Barnet in Hertfordshire. Hither are brought the

the southern and eastern counties of England. When exhibited at this fair, the cattle cover a space of ground about two miles in circumference. Now, I have no scruple in saying, that I am fully convinced, from my own observation, and from information gathered nearly upon the spot, that the French have, since the month of May last, brought to, and sold in this country, a far greater number of neat cattle than are brought, in any one year, to this great national fair.-Let any one estimate the effect of such an importation. The effect really has been the lowering of the value of every man's neat stock above one third.

CORN BILL. I have before me the Re-cattle from Scotland, Wales, Devonshire, port of the Committee of the House of and elsewhere, to be distributed amongst Lords, on the subject of the Corn Bill. the numerous graziers and stall-feeders of The manifest object of the "inquiry" of this Committee is to lay the ground for a Bill to prohibit the importation of corn, until our own corn will sell at such a price as shall enable the grower to grow it, and to pay his rent and taxes.-As it is my opinion, that a Bill of this sort will be again brought forward, I shall, before hand, put in my protest against any such measure. I have several objections to it; and, that I may have the better chance of being understood, I shall state and explain, as clearly as I am able, the grounds on which they rest, under distinct heads. I must first, however, premise, that I do not see any injustice, towards the rest of the-France, therefore, freed from the feudal community, in the passing of such a Bill as system, freed from the dronery of the monas◄ was proposed last year. I dislike such a taries, freed from tythes, possessing à hapBill, because it would be injurious to the pier climate, and paying lower wages for country at large; because it would do labour, can, does, and will undersell the general harm; and not because it would grower of corn and breeder of cattle in benefit the farmer at the expence of the England. Besides the neat cattle abovecommunity. The state in which this mentioned, the French have brought, and country now is, is a very singular and cri- are daily bringing, great numbers of swine, tical state. A long and expensive war has fat as well as lean; of sheep, fat and lean, created taxes enormous. These taxes (to and the fat, of surprising fatness; of poultry,. say nothing of those necessary for the new of all sorts, of the finest quality; of butter, war with America) must be kept on, or it eggs, fruit, and even garden vegetables.will be impossible for the Government to It would really seem, that two or three new pay the interest of the National Debt. To counties of England had risen out of the pay these taxes, and the poor rates, which sea, teeming with food, without having any. latter alone amount to nearly half as much one to eat it.-The effect of this must be, as the whole revenue of France, prices must it has been, it is, and it will be, the lowbe, on an average of years, kept up to ering, and the keeping down of, the price of nearly the point of the last five or six years. these articles in England, Ireland, and To keep up prices to this point the pro- Scotland. For, though these products ar ducts of the earth in other countries must rive on the coast, they have their effect all be excluded, and especially the products over the kingdom. They swell the general of France, lying so near to us, and now quantity, in the same way, and with as per become infinitely more rich in agricultural fect regularity, as your hand, put in on productions than at any former period.one side of a bucket of water, makes the France, in consequence of her happy Revo-water rise in every part of the bucket. lution, seems to have become a new country. Therefore, if you pass a law to "protect the She has now an abundance of all the neces-farmer," as it is called, against the impor saries of life, and her superabundance tation of corn, why not include cattle, sheep, she is selling to us. There is annually a land hogs, which form nearly one half of his


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property, and which are as necessary as
mers and landholders were amongst the
bread -My objections to such a law are forwardest in support of the war, must
1st, that, it being a benefit to mankind in they not be unreasonable indeed to object
general, that countries should be at liberty to pay their share of those taxes? Yes,
to supply each other with their products, they are, indeed, willing to pay their share
such a law would be hostile to that great of the taxes; but they wish to have such
and beneficent principle.-Why should high prices as will enable them to do this
such a war be made against nature; without any distress, any loss, any falling
against the universal good of man? Why off in their flourishing state. But, gentle-
should we, who live in a less happy climate, men, this is unreasonable. You have had
and who labour under many disadvantages, what you wished for. You have destroyed
unknown to our neighbours; why should Republicanism in France, and are now
we not participate of their superabundance? giving a drubbing to the Yankees; and,
Here is a person of fixed income in Eng-will you not pay for this? Do you think,
land. Why should he not eat the cheap
beef, mutton, and pork, raised by his neigh-
bour in Normandy?" Why!" exclaims
the farmer and landlord: "Why! why, be-
cause we are compelled to pay as much
"tax and poor-rate as if none of this sup-
ply came from France to supplant ours in
"the market. Take off the taxes created
by the war; take off the poor-rates,
"created by the war; take off these, place
us where we were in 1792, and we shall
"be able to supply you at as cheap a rate
"as the French can."-In answer to this,
I have to observe, in the first place, that,
if there be any fault in the creation of the
taxes, who is more to blame than the
farmers and landlords? Did they, in any
one instance, oppose the war? On the
contrary, did they not address the King to
undertake it and carry it on? Did they
not, in all parts of the country, pledge their
lives and fortunes for the carrying on of the
war? Did they not say, that they were
ready to spend the last shilling, and the
last drop of their blood, in the cause of
Kingly Government against Republi-
canism? And, did they not, by volunta-
rily arming themselves as Yeoman Cavalry,
actually support, physically support, the
war-party, against all the remonstrances
and attempts of the opponents of the war?
Were these professions insincere? If they
were, those who made them deserve no
piy; and, if they were sincere, ought they
to grumble and growl at the loss, which
they are now sustaining, seeing that the
object of all their prayers is attained;
namely, the fail of Republicanism, and the
re-establishment of Monarchy in Franco?
The debt, waich now swallows up more
than half of the taxes, arose necessarily out
of the war; the expence of the new war
against America have a like source; the
increase of the poor-rates is attributable to
the sa, mighty cause. And, as the far-

that the soldiers and sailors, and contractors
and paymasters, and barrack-people, and
pursers and purveyors, are not to be paid
for gratifying you? You huzza at the
grant of an immense sum to Lord Welling
ton; you almost kiss the shoes of the gal-
lant Duke; you are ready to cram your
fists down the throats of those who do not
feel disposed to bawl as loud as yourselves.
Grant! yes, gentlemen; but what is the
grant without the money? A grant does
not mean words. Palaces and splendid
equipages, and pleasure grounds and ample
domains, are not made of parchment. It is
money; money, good gentlemen, that the
grant means; whence, then, is the money
to come but out of the taxes? whence are
the taxes to come but, in part, at least, out
of your pockets? And, as it is in the na-
ture of taxes to produce poverty and misery,
what right have you, above all men living,
to complain of bearing your share of that
poverty and misery?-You appear to have
thought, that the taxes you were paying
would support a war, which would so com
pletely ruin the people of France, that they
would not recover in a century, or, at least,
before we should be at them again with
another war; and you were exceedingly
gratified at being told, that Napoleon had
left nothing but old crippled men, women
and children, to till the land. How sur
prised you must have been to see the wheat,
barley, oats, neat cattle, sheep, hogs, and
poultry of France come crowding upon our
shores, the moment that peace was made!
These old cripples, and the women and chil-
dren of Napoleon, must have been very busy
in the fields! The truth is, that, while
England, by that war against the Repub-
licans of France, which you were so eager
to support, has been loading herself with
unredeemable debts, and unbearable taxes,
the people of France have been tilling and
enriching their country; they have beea-

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