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पुत्राया कोट्टकचतुरशीत्यन्तर्गत पद्र काभिधानयामैर्व्यस्याघाट नानि पूर्वतो जम्बुवाविकाग्रामस्तथा दक्षिणतो महासनकाख्यतद्भागं तथा पश्चिमतोः कोट्टनं तथोत्तरतो वग्धारग्राम एवमसौ चतुराघाटनो पलक्षितः सपरिकरः सभूतवातप्रत्यायः सदण्डदशापराधः सोत्पद्यमानविष्टिकः सधान्यहिरण्योदयः सर्व राजकीयानाम हस्तप्रक्षेपणो यः स चन्द्रार्क र्णवसरित् पर्वतसमकालीनः पुत्रपौत्रा द्यन्वयभोग्यः पूर्वप्रदत्तदेवदायब्रह्मदायरहितो भूमिच्छिद्रन्यायेन शकनृपकालातीतसंवत्सरशतेषु सप्तसु चतुस्त्रिंशदधिकेषु महा वैशाखस्य द्वादशदिवसे बलिचरुवैश्यदेवाग्निहोत्रातिथिपञ्च महायज्ञक्रतुक्रियाद्यत्सर्पणार्थं प्रतिपादितः । यतो स्योचितया ब्रह्मदाय स्थित्पा भुञ्जतो भोजयतः प्रतिदिशतो वा कृषतः कर्षयञ्च न केनचित् प्रतिबन्धना काय्या तद्भोगार्थिभिरस्मद्वंश्यैरन्यैश्च सामा न्यभूमिदानमवगच्छद्भिर्विद्यल्लोलान्यनित्यान्यैश्वर्य्य। पितृणाग्रलग्नज लविन्दुचञ्चलञ्च जीवितमाकलय्य खदायनिर्विशेषोभ्यमस्मद्दायो नुमन्तव्यः पालितव्यश्च । यश्चाज्ञानतिमिरपटलावृतमतिराछिन्द्या दाछिद्यमानञ्चानुमोदते । स पञ्चभिर्महापातकैः सोपपातकैश्च युक्तः स्यादित्युक्तञ्च । भगवतावेदव्यासेन । श्रसेन

विन्ध्याटवीष्वतोयासु पुष्ककोटरवासिनः ।

कृष्णाहयो हि जायन्ते भूमिदायापहारिणः ।।

श्रग्नेरपत्यं प्रथमं सुवर्ण भूवैष्णवी सूर्य्यसुताश्च गावः । लोकत्रयं तेन भवेच्च दत्तं यः काञ्चनं गाञ्च महीश्ञ्च दद्यात् ॥

बहुभिर्वसुधा भुक्ता राजभिः सगरादिभिः ।

यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य तदा फलं ॥

यानीच दत्तानि पुरानरेन्द्रै हानानि धर्म्मार्थयशस्कराणि । निर्म्माल्यवान्तप्रतिमानि तानि को नाम साधुः पुनराददीत ||

स्वदत्तां परदत्तां वा यत्नाद्रक्ष नराधिप । महीं महीभृतां श्रेष्ठ दानायो नुपालनं ॥

इतिकमलदलाम्बुलोलां श्रियमनुचिन्त्य मनुष्यजीवितञ्च । अतिविमलमनोभि रात्मनीनैर्नहि पुरुषैः परकीर्त्तयो विलोप्याः ॥

उक्तञ्च भगवता रामभद्रेण ॥ सर्वानेतान् भाविनः पार्थि वेन्द्रान भूयो भूयो याचते रामभद्रः । सामान्यायं धर्म्मसेतु र्नृषाणां कालेकालेपालनीयो भवद्भिः । इतकञ्चाच राजपुत्रश्री दन्तिवर्म्मा । स्वहस्तो मम श्रीकर्कराजस्य श्रीमदिन्द्रराजसुत स्य ॥ लिखितञ्चैतन्मया महासन्धिविग्न हाधिकृत कुलपुत्रकदुर्गभ

नुना नेमादित्येनेति ॥ अयञ्च ग्रामोतीतनरपतिपरीक्षिणान टकश्रीचातुर्विद्याय प्रदत्तो गुणिनेपि कुलजजातिविलोपावि च्छिन्नपरिभोगं चौचित्यं श्रीधरामान्यस्य धीविशिष्टक्षम्यभिकृत्र तुद्दिजनेनइतितान्न पुविनोषषापमान परिभोगनुतपानुजानुमो दितः लालाताप्यग्रन्थेभ्यो लालाक्षतापूलप्रदान पूर्वकालपा एतच्च पतिजाष्ठादत्त प्रकृति कविपिष्टस्य ताज्य श्रीपरमापिता पदा मूलं जानातीति ॥



1. May he in whose lily-like navel Brahmá took his abode, and with whose wife's brother (i. e. the moon) Siva is ornamented, protect you. 2. There was a Rája named GOVINDA Rája who was the superior of his race, and the ornament of the Surastra kingdom; he was sprung from a spotless line, a hero in enterprize, and most valiant in war.

3. He (GOVINDA Rája) was most gallant, intelligent, and victorious at his first glance over all. His armies were like ploughs rooting up the royal families (of his enemies). He never adored other gods but Siva, the god of gods.


4. From him, anxious to obtain children, was born through the favor of Siva, KARKA Rája, who was possessed of all good qualities. name was well adapted to him.

5. His (KARKA Rája's) kingdom, (which lost the appellation Sowrajya through the ruin that had fallen upon it, but the remains of the splendour of which are esteemed by the universe) was formerly governed jointly by the descendants of this race, but afterwards by him alone.

6. Men were struck with surprise by his restoring the Vrisha to its four legs, which had been reduced to one by KALI' (yúga), and by his making it to walk without limping.*

7. It is not wonderful that he governed his people with propriety, (being so gifted); having placed Vishnú as the object of his meditation, he (died and) was succeeded by his son named KRISHNA Rája, who was virtuous, and like the son of DHARMA (Ju’DHISTHI'RA): he expelled those who were addicted to evil, for the prosperity of his line and reign.

8. His devotion to Bráhmans was unspeakable and confirmed, and those who were only nominally Bráhmans (i. e. who had fallen off from their religion) resumed their former rites through the greedy desire of obtaining gifts from him, which were due to more perfect Bráhmans.

9. By his constant liberality the minds of his attendants were refreshed like those of farmers by exuberant showers.

10 He who was like a lion among Rájas, and powerful in sovereignty, overcame his boar-like rivals like deers; though their teeth, curved like bows, were radiant with the rays of heroism, and they itched with the desire of fight.

11 The immortals walking on the firmament, being astonished with This is a figurative mode of saying "That he restored to virtue the three parts which it is supposed to have lost in the Kali yúga," the word for quarter same as for foot, makes the conceit which gives point to this expression.

being the

the view of his fort of Elapúr, declared continually that the beauty of that fort was no where to be found but in the works of Swayambhú, Siva, and Bámana.

12. The architect of it was himself struck with wonder at its beauty. His name has been proclaimed every where by the king himself.

13. The image of SAMBHU' (Siva) established therein, though wonderfully ornamented with the symbols of Gangá, the crescent and the kálakúta (a kind of poison), yet was further adorned with ornaments of gold and jewels, and several other materials.

14. His (KRISHNA Rája's) son was DHRU'VA Rája: his enemies, who were humbled by his might, were burnt by the fire of his spirit.

15. He was successful in his endeavours to bring LAKSHMI to submission, how wonderful!! for even SIVA, though lord of all, was unable to make his wife obedient to him without resuming his godhead.

16. From DHU'VA Rája, who established peace with all his enemies, and who attained the final and the highest rank of gods (dying) at the junction of the waters of Gangá and Yamúná, immersed in them with remarkable signs, and whose merits covered the universe, was born GOVINDA Rája, who was famous.

17. He depried all the kings of antiquity who had their communication with diffrent countries of their fame, and destroyed all his enemies.

18. He was n all circumstances irresponsible, and resembled the Creator in his onduct, destroying all rival claimants to royalty in his time, and setting them at defiance.

19. He did uch wonders in battle, that his foes acknowledged that they had been tught by men ignorant of military affairs. He was like PARTHA, the oly hero in the three regions who never deprived his enemies of their lies.

20. The elepants of his enemies which came forward in battle and were pierced wh his shafts, resembled the wall mountain of the world shaken by the finds at the end of kalpa (during the deluge.)

21. His broher INDRA Raja, a king powerful like INDRA, governed the king.om of Látéshwara. He performed many wonderful deeds. 22. To this day, the Gods, Kennaras, Siddhas, Sáddhyas, and the Vidyaharas, who have heard of his qualities, are singing his kundaflowr-like fane, lost to all sense of shame in their transports, and puttig their hands on the breasts of other's females, (i. e. they are so deply engaged in song that they have become out of sense.)

23. He soon reduced the king of Gujjara, who prepared to engage in war with him, and who raised his head with bravery, to fly skulking like a deer, and after plundering all his estates restored him again, out

of compassion, saving his chieftains from ruin who were afraid of (him) and scattered in different places.

24. His (INDRA Rája's) son was the LAKHSMI enticer, whose mind was devoted to the lily-feet of HARA (Siva), and whose spirit was felt by his enemies, like the moon in disposition-KARKA Rája who preserved mankind.

25. There was no robber in his kingdom, nor any sort of mortification, nor famine, nor fear, accidental or natural. All kinds of vice were reduced to a low ebb, and his enemies were humbled; none had the presumption to show disrespect to those who were learned.

26. The owner of Málava, in order to defend his kingdom from the invasion of the king of Gourha (Bengal) used the (uplifted) hand of KARKA Rája as a stay on the lord of Gujjara, and thereby enjoyed all he desired.

27. He having considered life to be fickle as the lightning, and the virtue of giving land durable, executed this religious gift.

28. He, the king of Látéshwara, possessed of armies and many chieftains, brought into submission in different countries, and in whose reign there was a shower of gold, thus proclaims to all his statesmen, the treasurers, the functionaries, and those who have tle care of castes, with the respect due to them.

Be it known to all of you, that for promoting the virtue and fame both here, and in the next world, of his father, and mother, and himself, he, the said Rája, has presented for continuing his fve jagnas to the Brahman BHA'NU', who belonged to the line of VA'THA'YANA, and was acquainted with the four Vidyás, and who was a religious student, the son of SOMA'DITYA, the fertile village called PATTANAK part of the tract containing eighty-four angkotans (each 100 begas) bounded on the east by the village of Jambúbábiká, on the south by Nahá Sanaka, on the west by a nala (ankootaka), and on the north by the village Bagghachha. The land within the above boundaries is to be enjoyed with all marriage and other fees from cultivators, with all fishing and fruit privileges, with all that may be washed or deposited by torrents, with all fines for petty offences, with all free bour privileges, with all rights of treasure-trove and mines, without interference of any kind from government officers. It is to be enjoyed in full property as a perpetual inheritance by the said Bráhman, his son, and posterity for ever, so long as the sun, moon, and rivers, and the mountains shall endure! It is not to be touched by the hands of the kig's servants, nor to be claimed on the part of gods and Brahmans, by when it was heretofore possessed. Given in the year of Saka's death 734 o the 12th of Bysakh (24th April, 822 A.D.)

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