페이지 이미지


The present Treaty shall take effect on the thirtieth day after the date of the exchange of ratifications, and shall not operate retroactively. The ratifications of the present Treaty shall be exchanged at Washington or at Panamá as soon as possible, and it shall remain in force for a period of six months after either of the contracting Governments shall have given notice of a purpose to terminate it.

In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the above articles, both in the English and Spanish languages, and have hereunto affixed their seals.

Done in duplicate at the city of
Panamá on the twenty fifth day of
May in the year of our Lord nine-
teen hundred and four.



El presente Tratado empezará á Effect.
regir el trigesimo dia despues de
la fecha en que se hayan canjeado
las ratificaciones y no tendrá efecto
retroactivo. Las ratificaciones del Exchange of ratifi-
presente Tratado se canjearán en cations.
Washington ó en Panamá tan
pronto como sea posible, y éste
permanecerá en vigor hasta seis
meses después que cualquiera de
los Gobiernos contratantes haya
notificado al otro su intención de
ponerle término.

En fe de lo cual los respectivos Signatures.
Plenipotenciarios han firmado los
artículos precedentes en los idiomas
inglés y español, y puesto al pié
sus sellos.

Hecho por duplicado en la ciu-
dad de Panamá á los veinte y cinco
dias del mes de Mayo del año del
Señor de mil novecientos cuatro.

And whereas the said Treaty has been duly ratified on both parts and the ratifications of the two governments were exchanged in the City of Panama on the eighth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and five;

Now, therefore, be it known that I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Treaty to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citzens thereof.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington, this twelfth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and five, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and twentyninth.


By the President:





Acting Secretary of State.

August 9, 1904.


Contracting parties.


Reciprocal delivery of persons charged

with crimes.

Treaty between the United States and the Republic of Haiti for the mutual extradition of criminals. Signed at Washington, August 9, 1904; ratification advised by the Senate, December 15, 1904; ratified by the President, June 17, 1905; ratified by Haiti, August 25, 1904; ratifications exchanged at Washington, June 28, 1905; proclaimed,

June 28, 1905.



Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Haiti providing for the mutual extradition of fugitives from justice was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington, on the ninth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and four, the original of which Convention, being in the English and French languages is word for word as follows:

The United States of America and the Republic of Haiti, wishing to insure the proper administration of justice, have resolved to conclude a treaty for the purpose of mutually surrendering persons who, being charged with one of the crimes hereinafter specified, or having been sentenced for one of these crimes, shall, by flight, have escaped judicial prosecution or the consequences of their sentence.

To this end they have appointed their Plenipotentiaries, to wit:

The President of the United States of America, John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States of America; and,

The President of the Republic of Haiti, Mr. J. N. Léger, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Haiti at Washing


Who, after having communicated their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed on the following articles:


The High Contracting Parties agree to deliver up to their respective justice, persons who, be

Les Etats-Unis d'Amérique et la République d'Haiti, voulant assurer la bonne administration de la justice, ont résolu de conclure un traité à l'effet de se livrer mutuellement les individus qui, étant accusés d'un des crimes ci-après spécifiés ou qui ayant été condamnés à raison d'un de ces crimes, se seraient soustraits par la fuite aux poursuites judiciaires ou aux conséquences de la condamnation.

A ce propos ils ont nommé leurs plénipotenciaires, savoir:

Le Président des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Monsieur John Hay, Secrétaire d'Etat des Etats-Unis d'Amérique; et,

Le Président de la République d'Haiti, Monsieur J. N. Léger, Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire d'Haiti à Washington:

Lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs respectifs trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des articles suivants:


Les Hautes Parties Contractantes s'engagent à livrer à leur justice respective les personnes

ing accused or convicted of any of the crimes hereinafter enumerated, committed within the limits of jurisdiction of the demanding party, shall have afterwards taken refuge or shall be found in the territory of the other; provided, that this shall only be done upon such evidence of criminality as, according to the laws of the place where the fugitive or person so charged shall be found, would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime or of fense had been there committed.


The crimes for which extradition shall be granted are the following:

1. Murder (including assassination, parricide, infanticide, poisoning, and voluntary manslaughter.)

2. Counterfeiting of money, either coin or paper; utterance or circulation of counterfeit or altered money; introduction of counterfeit or altered money into the territory of one of the Contracting Parties.

3. Counterfeiting of any securities issued by one of the Contracting Parties, of bonds or coupons of the public debt, of bank notes or other instruments of credit authorized by law; utterance, use, or introduction, in the territory of one of the Parties, of the aforementioned counterfeit or falsified securities or notes.

4. Forging of public or private documents; use of forged documents.

5. Larceny; robbery, or that which corresponds to the crime provided for and punished by the laws of Haiti as theft committed with arms in hand or by violence or threats, or on the public highways; burglary, or that which corresponds to the crime provided for and punished by the laws of Haiti as theft committed by breaking or climbing into, or using false keys, or at night in a place inhabited or used as a dwelling.

6. Embezzlement by public officers or by persons hired or sala

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1o. Meurtre (assassinat, parri- Murder, etc. cide, infanticide, empoisonnement, et homicide volontaire);

2o. Contrefaction des monnaies, soit métalliques, soit papier; émission ou mise en circulation de la fausse monnaie ou de la monnaie altérée; introduction de la fausse monnaie ou de la monnaie altérée sur le territoire de l'une des Parties Contractantes;

3o. Contrefaction de tous effets émis par l'une des Parties Contractantes, des titres ou coupons de la dette publique, des billets de Banque ou autres instruments de crédit autorisés par la loi; émission, usage ou introduction sur le territoire de l'une des Parties, des sus-dits effets ou billets contrefaits ou falsifiés:



Counterfeiting curities, etc.

4°. Faux en écriture publique ou Forgery. privée; usage de faux;

5o. Vol; "robbery" ou ce qui Robbery, etc. correspond au crime prévu et puni par les lois haitiennes comme vol commis soit à main armée, soit avec violence ou menaces, soit dans les chemins publics; "burglary" ou ce qui correspond au crime prévu et puni par les lois haitiennes comme vol avec effraction, escalade, fausses clefs, ou commis la nuit dans un lieu habité ou servant à l'habitation;

6o. Détournement pratiqué par Embezzlement. des officiers publics ou par des


Arson; destruction of property.

Perjury; bribery.


Attempts to commit crimes.


Neither party bound to deliver up its own citizens.

Persons under pros ecution in country where found.

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If the person claimed is under prosecution, either in the United States or Haiti, for any other crime than that upon which the demand for extradition is based, the extradition shall be postponed until the judgment is pronounced, and, if the person is convicted, until the sentence imposed is fully served or remitted.'

The extradition may also be postponed when the person claimed is being prosecuted for a civil of fense in the country of which the demand is made. In this case it will not take place until after the execution of the judgment or the remission of the penalty.

personnes prises à gages ou salaશે riées au détriment de leurs patrons; pourvu que la valeur des objets détournés ne soit pas moins de deux-cents dollars;

7°. Incendie; destruction de chemins de fer, de ponts, de tramways, de navires, d'édifices publics, ou de toutes autres constructions, quand des vies humaines auront été mises en péril;

8°. Faux témoignage; subornation de témoins; corruption ou l'acte de donner, d'offrir ou de recevoir une récompense pour influencer l'accomplissement d'un devoir imposé par la loi;

9o. Viol;

10°. Bigamie;

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Si la personne réclamée est sous le coup d'une instruction judiciaire soit aux Etats-Unis, soit à Haiti, pour tout autre crime que celui qui a motivé la demande d'extradition, il sera différé à l'extradition jusqu'à ce que le jugement soit prononcé, et, s'il y a condamnation, jusqu'à ce que la peine infligée soit entièrement subie ou remise.

L'extradition pourra être aussi différéequand la personne réclamée est, dans l'Etat requis, l'objet d'une poursuite à fin d'emprisonnement civil. Elle n'aura, dans ce cas, lieu qu'après exécution du jugement ou remise de la condamnation.


A fugitive who shall have been claimed at the same time by two or more States, shall be delivered up to the State which has first presented its demand; provided, that the government from which extradition is sought is not bound by treaty to give preference otherwise.


The provisions of the present treaty shall not apply to offenses of a political character. The assassination or poisoning of the head of a government, or any other attempt against the life of the head of a government, shall not be considered as a crime of a political character.

A person whose extradition shall have been granted on account of one of the crimes mentioned in Article II of this Convention shall not, in any case, be tried for a political offense or for an act connected with a political offense committed prior to the demand for extradition, unless such person has had abundant opportunity to quit the country during the month following that in which he was set at liberty either as a result of acquittal, expiration of his sentence, or pardon.


A person surrendered cannot, without the consent of the State which has granted the extradition, be detained or tried in the State which has obtained his extradition, for any other crime or causes than those which have given rise to the extradition. This stipulation does not apply to crimes committed subsequently to the extradition.

However, a person who has had ample opportunity to quit the country which has obtained his extradition, and who shall be found there a month after his release by acquittal, the expiration of his sentence, or pardon, may be arrested and tried, without the

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litical offenses,

Les dispositions du présent,No surrender for po. Traité ne s'appliqueront pas aux infractions ayant un caractère politique.

L'assassinat, l'empoisonnement d'un chef d'Etat, ou tout autre attentat contre la vie d'un chef d'Etat, ne sont point considérés comme des crimes ayant un caractère politique.

Une personne dont l'extradition aura été accordée pour l'un des crimes énumérés à l'article 11 de la présente Convention, ne pourra, Ante, p. 2860. en aucun cas, être jugée pour un fait politique ou pour un fait ayant rapport à un acte politique commis avant la demande d'extradition, à moins qu'elle n'ait eu pleine latitude de quitter le pays durant le . mois qui suit sa mise en liberté par suite d'acquittement, d'expiration. de peine ou de pardon.

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