EPILOGUE. BY MR. SMITH. OUR poet, gentlemen, thought to steal away, H' observes your poet, in our modern plays, BY MR. HARRIS. Some, as soon as th' enter, we wish 'em gone; Yet when they go, there are certain grimaces The poet's parting; don't rise, but smile and bow; Whose God, say they, 's the fiction of their fears; Some men talk'd idly just before they died, And yet we heard them with respect :-"Twas all he said. EDITIONS. The Adventures of Five Hours. A Tragi-Comedy. -Non ego Ventosa Plebis suffragia venor. Horat. Febr. 21°, 1662. Imprimatur, John Berkenhead.London. Printed for Henry Herringman, at the Anchor, in the Lower Walk of the New Exchange. 1663. fol.* The Adventures of Five Houres: a Tragi-Comedy. As it is acted at His Royal Highness the Duke of York's Theatre. The third impression. Revis'd and corrected by the author, Sir Samuel Tuke, Kt. and Bart. Nonumque prematur in Annum. Horat. de Art. Poet. London: Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, at the sign of the Blew Anchor, on the Lower Walk of the New Exchange. 1671. 4to. *The title of the copy of 1664 is precisely the same as that of the first edition. It is in 4to. |