페이지 이미지

part 1. page 12,

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With grizly Type did reprefent
Declining Age of Government;
And tell with Hieroglyphick Spade,

Its own Grave and the State's were made;

Like Sampfon's Heart-breakers, it


In time to make a Nation rue;
Tho' it contributed its own Fall,
To wait upon the publick Downfal.
It was Monaftick, and did grow
In holy Orders by ftrict Vow;
Of Rule as fullen and fevete,
As that of rigid Cordeliere;
Twas bound to fuffer Perfecution
And Martyrdom with Resolution;
T' oppose it self against the Hate
And Vengeance of th' incenfed State:
In whofe defiance it was worn,
Still ready to be pull'd and torn,
With red-hot Irons to be tortur'd,
Revil'd, and spit upon, and Martyr'd.
Maugre all which, 'twas to ftand faft,
As long as Monarchy should laft.


But when the State fhould hap to Reel,

'Twas to fubmit to fatal Steel,

And fall, as it was confecrate

A Sacrifice to Fall of State

Whofe Thred of Life the fatal Sifters,
Did twift together with its Whiskers,
And twine fo close, that time fhould never,
In Life or Death, their Fortunes fever;
But with his rufty Sicklé inow

Both down together at a Blow.

So learned Taliacotius from
The brawny part of Porter's Bum,
Cut fupplemental Nofes, which
Would laft as long as Parent Breech:
But when the Date of Nock was out,
Off dropt the Spmpathetick Snout,
His Back, or rather Burthen, show'd
As if it ftoopt with its own Load.
For as Eneas bore his Sire
Upon his Shoulders thro' the Fire:
Our Knight did bear no lefs a Pack
Of his own Buttocks on his Back :

Which now had almoft got the Upper-
Hand of his Head, for want of Crupper.
To poize this equally, he bore

A Paunch of the fame Bulk, before:
Which still he had a special Care

To keep well cramm'd with thrifty Fare;
As White-pot, Butter-milk, and Curds,
Such as a Country-house affords

With other Victual, which anon

We further fhall dilate upon,

When of his Hofe we come to treat,

The Cup-board where he kept his Meat.
His Doublet was of sturdy Buff,

And though not Sword, yet Cudgel proof;
Whereby 'twas fitter for his Ufe,

Who fear'd no Blows but fuch as Bruife.
His Breeches were of rugged Woollen.
And had been at the Siege of Bullen
To old King Harry fo well known,

Some Writers held they were his own.

Through they were lin'd with many a piece, Of Ammunition Bread and Cheese,

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