페이지 이미지

Some fpecifick Epithets were added to the Title of fome famous Doctors, as Angelicus, Seraphicus, Irrefragabilis, Subtilis, &c. Vide Voffii Etymolog. Baillet Fugemens de Scavans, & Poffevin's Apparatus.

Idem ibid.

A fecond Thomas, or at once

To name them all, another Duns. Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican Fryar, was born in 1224. ftudied at Cologne and Paris. He new-modell'd the School Divinity and was therefore call'd the Angelick DoEtor and Eagle of Divines. The most illuftrious Perfons of his Time were ambitious of his Friendship, and put a high Value on his Merits, fo that they offer'd him Bifhopricks, which he refufed with as much Ardor as others feek after them. He died in the fiftieth year of his Age, and was canonized by Pope John XXII. We have his Works in 18 Volumes, feveral times printed.

Johannes Dunfcotus was a very Learned Man, who lived about the End of the thirteenth and Beginning of the fourteenth Century. The English and Scots ftrive which of them fhall have the Honour of his Birth. The English fay he was born in Northum berland; the Scots alledge he was born at Duns in the Mers, the neighbouring County to Northumberland, and hence was cal


led Lunfcotus: Moreri, Buchanan, and o-
ther Scotch Hiftorians are of this Opinion,
and for Proof, cite his Epitaph 5

Scotia me genuit, Anglia fufcepit,
Gallia edocuit, Germania tenet.

He died at Cologne Novemb. 8th, 1308. In
the Supplement to Dr. Cave's Hiftoria
Literaria, he is faid to be extraordinary
Learned, in Phyficks, Metaphyficks,
Mathematicks, and Aftronomy; that his
Fame was fo great when at Oxford, that
30000 Scholars came thither to hear his
Lectures: that when at Paris, his Argu-
ments and Authority carried it for the
Immaculate Conception of the B. Virgin;
fo that they appointed a Festival on that
Account, and would admit no Scholars
to Degrees, but fuch as were of this Mind.
He was a great Oppofer of Thomas Aqui-
nas's Doctrine; and for being a very acute
Logician, was called Doctor Subtilis
which was the Reafon alfo that an old
Punfter always call'd him the Lathy

Id. ibid.

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As tough as Learned Sorbonist.
Sorbon was the firft and moft confiderable
College of the Univerfity of Paris
founded in the Reign of St. Lewis, by
Robert Sorbon, which Name is fometimes

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given to the whole University of Paris, which was founded about the Year 741, by by Charlemaigne, at the perfuafion of the Learned Alcuines, who was one of the first Profeffors there; fince which Time it has been very Famous. This College has been Rebuilt with an extraordinary Magnificence, at the Charge of Cardinal Richlieu, and contains Lodgings for 36 Doctors, who are called the Society of Sorbon. Thofe which are received among them before they have received their Doctors Degree, are only faid to be of the Hofpitality of Sorbon. Claud. Hemeraus de Acad. Paris Spondan. in Annal.

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This Taliacotius was chief Surgeon to the great Duke of Tuscany, and wrote a Treatife, De Curtis Membris, which he Dedicates to his great Mafter, wherein he not only declares the Models of his Wonderful Operations in restoring of loft Members, but gives you Cuts of the very Inftruments and Ligatures he made use of therein; from hence our Author (cum Poe tica Licentia) has taken his Simile.

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led Lunfcotus: Moreri, Buchanan, and o-
ther Scotch Hiftorians are of this Opinion,
and for Proof, cite his Epitaph ;

Scotia me genuit, Anglia fufcepit,
Gallia edocuit, Germania tenet.

He died at Cologne Novemb. 8th, 1308. In the Supplement to Dr. Cave's Hiftoria Literaria, he is faid to be extraordinary Learned, in Phyficks, Metaphyficks, Mathematicks, and Aftronomy, that his Fame was fo great when at Oxford, that 30000 Scholars came thither to hear his Lectures that when at Paris, his Arguments and Authority carried it for the Immaculate Conception of the B. Virgin; fo that they appointed a Feftival on that Account, and would admit no Scholars to Degrees, but fuch as were of this Mind. He was a great Oppofer of Thomas Aquinas's Doctrine; and for being a very acute Logician, was called Doctor Subtilis which was the Reafon alfo that an old Punfter always call'd him the Lathy Doctor.

Id. ibid.

As tough as Learned Sorbonist.

Sorbon was the firft and most confiderable College of the Univerfity of Paris ; founded in the Reign of St. Lewis, by Robert Sorbon, which Name is fometimes

given to the whole University of Paris, which was founded about the Year 741, by by Charlemaigne, at the perfuafion of the Learned Alcuines, who was one of the firft Profeffors there; fince which Time it has been very Famous. This College has been Rebuilt with an extraordinary Magnificence, at the Charge of Cardinal Richlieu, and contains Lodgings for 36 Doctors, who are called the Society of Sorbon. Thofe

which are received among them before they have received their Doctors Degree, are only faid to be of the Hofpitality of Sorbon. Claud. Hemeraus de Acad. Paris Spondan. in Annal.

Idem. p. 14.

So Learned Taliacotius from.

This Taliacotius was chief Surgeon to the great Duke of Tuscany, and wrote a Treatife, De Curtis Membris, which he Dedicates to his great Mafter, wherein he not only declares the Models of his Wonderful Operations in restoring of loft Members, but gives you Cuts of the very Inftruments and Ligatures he made ufe of therein; from hence our Author (cum Poetica Licentia) has taken his Simile.

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