페이지 이미지

Quoth he, I meant what time o' th' Day 'tis, Quoth Ralpho, between feven and eight 'tis.


Why then (quoth Whachum) my fmall Art
Tells me the Dame has a hard Heart,

Or great Eftate

Quoth Ralph, a Jointure,

Which makes him have fo hot a mind t'her.

Mean while the Knight was making Water,

Before he fell upon the matter;

Which having done, the Wizard steps in,
To give him suitable Reception

But kept his bus'ness at a Bay,

Till Whachum put him in the way;
Who having now by Ralpho's light,
Expounded the Errand of the Knight;
And what he came to know, drew near,
To whisper in the Conj'rer's Ear,
Which he prevented thus: What was't,
Quoth he, that I was saying laft,
Before these Gentlemen arriv'd,
Quoth VVachum, Venus you retriev'd,
In oppofition with Mars,

And no benign friendly Stars


T'allay th' Effect. Quoth VVizard, So! In Virgo? Ha! quoth VVhachum, No : Has Saturn nothing to do in it?

One tenth of's Circle to a minute.

'Tis well, quoth he-
This Rudeness I am forc'd to use 3

-Sir, you'll excufe

It is a Scheme and Face of Heaven
As th' Afpects are difpos'd this Even,
I was contemplating upon

When you arriv'd, but now I've done.

Quoth Hudibras, If I


Unfeasonable in coming here
At fuch a time, to interrupt
Your Speculations which I hop'd
Affiftance from, and come to use,
Tis fit that I ask your excufe.

By no means, Sir, quoth Sidropbel,
The Stars your coming did foretel;
I did expect you here, and knew
Before you fpake your Bus'nefs too.



port 2. page 1141

Quoth Hudibras, Make that appear,
And I fhall credit whatfoe'er

You tell me after on your Word,
Howe'er unlikely, or abfurd.

You are in Love, Sir, with a Widow,
Quoth he, that does not greatly heed you,
And for three Years has rid your Wit
And Paffion, without drawing Bit:
And now your Bus'nefs is to know
If you fhall carry her or no.

Quoth Hudibras, You're in the right,
But how the Devil you came by't
I can't imagine; for the Stars
I'm fure can tell no more than Horfe;
Nor can their Afpects (though you pore
Your Eyes out on 'em) tell you more
Than th' Oracle of Sieve and Shears
That turns as certain as the Spheres,
But if the Devil's of your Counsel,
Much may be done, try noble Donzel
And 'tis on his Account I come

To know from you my fatal Doom:


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