페이지 이미지

Otago, Geology of, 282

Gold Fields, 286

Ozone Exhaled by Plants, 155

Paleontology of Malta, 161

Photometer, New Forms of, 208

Pig, Solid-hoofed, Notice of, 273

Poisoning, Secret, by Professor Harley, 146

Pratt on Eccentric and Centric Force, noticed, 107

Projectiles, Mechanical Properties of, 153

Races of Man, Colour as a Test of, 147

Ranunculus, hybrid, 155

Reddie on the Mechanism of the Heavens, noticed, 122
Reviews, 104

Roots, Power of Selection in, 51

Royal Physical Society, Proceedings of, 312

Society of Edinburgh, Prizes, 331

Society of Edinburgh, Proceedings of, 292

Saltness of the Ocean, 169

Scientific Intelligence, 155

Scott, John, on Drosera and Dionæa, 317

Sir John Hill, Letter to Dr John Hope, 325

Smith, Dr John Alexander, on a Mass of Meteoric Iron, 67
Societies, Proceedings of, 124, 292

Stevenson, Thomas, on some New Forms of Photometer, 208
Stones, Artificial, 152

Storm of 19th October 1862, 263

Struthers, Dr John, on the Fore Foot of a Horse with Two Toes,

on the Solid-hoofed Pig, 273

Sun's Surface, Structure of, 124

Taylor, Andrew, on Bituminous Shales, 312

Thomson, Dr Murray, Analysis of Meteorite, 69

Tropaeolum majus, Embryogeny of, 251

Tubularida, New Species of, by Professor Allman, 142

Vertebrated Animals with Feathers, in a Deposit of the Jurassic Age, 32

Vesuvius, Eruption of, in 1861, 1

Watson, Rev. R. Boog, on the Geology of Lüneberg, 305

Worms on the Rotation of the Earth, noticed, 104

Zoological Intelligence, 327



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