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the fhore to the weffels happening to overturn, he fell into the fea, whilft he hurried for'ward too precipitately. Being loaded with heavy armour, he funk to the bottom, and perished in the very moment when he mut have taken full poffeffion of every thing that his ambitious heart could defire. Verrina was the first who discovered this fatal accident, and, forefeeing, at once, all its confequences, concealed it with the utmost induftry from every one but a few leaders of the confpiracy. Nor was it difficult, amidft the darkness and confufion of the night, to have kept it fecret, until a treaty with the Senators fhould have put the city in the power of the confpirators. All their hopes of this were difconcerted bythe imprudence of Jerome Fiefco, who, when the Deputies of the Senate inquired for his brother, the Count of Lavagna, that they might make their proposals to him, replied with a childish vanity, I am now the only perfon to whom that title belongs, and with me you must treat.' 'Thefe words difcovered both to his friends and enemies what had happened, and made the impreffion which might have been expected upon both. The Deputies encouraged by this event, the only one which could occafion fuch a fudden revolution as might turn to their advantage, affumed inftantly, with admirable prefence of mind, a new tone fuitable to the change in their circumftances, and made high demands. While they endeavoured to gain time by protracting the negociation, the reft of the Senators were busy in affembling their partifans, and forming a body capable of defending the palace of the Republic. On the other hand, the confpirators, aftonished at the death of a man whom they adored and trusted, and placing no confidence in Jerome, a giddy youth, felt their courage die away, and their arms fall from

their hands. That profound and amazing fecrefy with which the confpiracy had been concerted, and which had contributed hitherto fo much to its fuccefs, proved now the chief caufe of its mifcarriage. The leader was gone, the greater part of those who acted under him knew not his confidents, and were ftrangers to the object at which he aimed. There was no person among them whofe authority or abilities intitled him to affume Fiefco's place, or to finifh his plan; after having loft the fpirit which animated it, life and activity deferted the whole body. Many of the confpirators withdrew to their houses, hoping that amidst the darkness of the night they had passed unobserved, and might remains unknown. Others fought for fafety by a timely retreat; and, before break of day, all of them fled with precipitation from a city, which, but a few hours before, was ready to acknowledge them as mafters.

Next morning every thing was quiet in Genoa ; not an enemy was to be seen; few marks of the violence of the former night appeared, the confpirators having conducted their enterprife with more noife than bloodfhed, and gained all their advantages by furprife, rather than by force of arms. Towards evening, Andrew Doria returned to the city, being met by all the inhabitants, who received him with acclamations of joy. Though the difgrace as well as danger of the preceding night were fresh in his mind, and the inangled body of his kinfman still before his eyes, fuch was his moderation and magnanimity, that the decree iffued by the Senate against the confpirators did not exceed that juft measure of feverity which was requifite for the fupport of Government, and was dictated neither by the violence of refentment, nor the rancour of revenge.

Obfervation on a CITRON, contained in a Citron, by John Daniel Major, Profeffor of Anatomy and Botany in the Univerfity of Keil.-From the Ephemerides of the Curious.


OT long fince, a friend of our town of Keil bought fome citrons or Spanish lemons, which the Hamburgh merchants fold at the fair, and he had them laid up in his cellar to be ufed occafionally. Some time after opening one of these citrons, be found in its center another citron about the bigness of a chefnut, the peel of which was of a fine yellow, and moft agreeable fmell, but its figure irregular. This little citron weighed three drachms and a half, and both were without pippins; an appearance only of them being perceptible in the finaller.

Sachs Gammarol, L. 1. cap. 8, has given an account of feveral examples of like impregnations in citrons, taken from the works of W ormius and Bartholine; and, in the appendix to this chapter, he fays he was credibly informed that citrons of a fimilar nature are often found in Italy.

Extract from the Notes on this Obferva

tion, by Henry Vollgnad, Secretary to the Academy of the Curious.

John Baptift Ferrarius (lib, iii, de malor.


zure. Cultur.) fays that this fort of fuperfetation is peculiar to one of the best kind of lemons, which is called in Italy cedrino, and grows in all parts of Tufcany, but particuTarly in the fertile territory of Pietra Santa, where it never freezes by reafon of the warm winds that blow from the fea, and where reigns a perpetual fpring; fo that bloffoms are always found on thefe fhrubs. Their fruit, fays this author, is fometimes longifh and pointed, and fometimes rounder. If flit in feveral portions either longitudinally or tranfverfely, another lemon is found with in, and that often contains a third, in which

are likewife perceived the germina of other fmall lemons. These fruits, continues the author, open frequently of themselves on the tree, to give birth, as it were, to thofe they contain; and he next obferves that this species of lemon has a more fragrant fmell than any other, and that its pulp is alfo more delicate, and more agreeable to the tafte. The rind of fome of them is quite fmooth, and of others it is diffeminated with tubercles. They have few pippins, which are often empty and without kernels, and the leaves of the fhrubs are of a deep green, large, and ject to cockle.

We bere give our Readers the LIFE of WILLIAM LAUD, fucceffively Bishop of St. David's; of Bath and Wells; of London; and Archbishop of Canterbury; in the last Century. There ever hardly was any Perfon, whofe Character has been fo differently reprefented, and of whom fo much Good and fo much Evil have been faid. For our Part, we shall endeavour to avoid both Extremes, and, for that Purpoft, abide only by Facts, which speak for themselves, and carry with them their own Praife, or Reproach.-See a well-engraved Head of Archbishop Laud, in our Magazine for October, 1752.


HE Prelate, whofe life we undertake to give the memoirs of, was fon of William Laud, a clothier of Reading, in Berkshire, by Lucy, his wife, widow of John Robinson, of the fame place, and fifter to Sir William Webbe, afterwards Lord Mayor of London. He was born within the parish of St. Lawrence, in Reading, October 7, 1573; and educated in the freefchool of that town till July 1589, when he was admitted into St. John's-college, in Oxford, of which he was chofen fcholar in June, 1590, and fellow in June, 1593. He took the degree of Bachelor of Arts in June, 1594; and that of Mafter, in July 1598, in which year he was Grammar-reader. And being ordained Deacon the 4th of January, 1600, and Prieft the 5th of April 1601, he read, the year following, a Divinity lecture in his college, which was then maintained by Mrs. Maye.

It was, either in reading this lecture, or fome other chapel exercife, that he maintained the conftant and perpetual vifibility of the church of Christ, derived from the Apoftles to the church of Rome, continued in that Church, (as in others of the east and south) till the Reformation. Dr. Abbot, Mafter of Univerfity-college, and Vice-chancellor, traced it, on the contrary, from the Berengarians to the Albigenfes, from the Albigenfes to the Wickleffts, from thefe to the Huffites, and from the Huffites to Luther and Calvin: And, he being a very rigid Puritan, and perhaps thinking it a derogation to his parts and credit to be contradicted by a

person whom he looked upon as his inferior; that made him conceive a very ftrong prejudice against Mr. Laud, which no time could either leffen or abolish; and to give afterwards this unfavourable character of him, as appears in Rushworth's Collections: His life in Oxford was to pick quarrels in the lectures of the public readers, and to advertife them to the then Bishop of Durham, that he might fill the ears of King James with difcontents against all the honeft men that took pains in their places, and fettled the truth (which he called Puritanism) in their auditors. He made it his work to see what books were in the prefs, and to look over epiftles dedicatory, and prefaces to the reader, to fee what faults might be found.'

In the year 1603, he was one of the Proctors of the University; and on the 3d of September, the fame year, was made Chap lain to Charles Blount, Earl of Devonshire, whom he inconfiderately married, the 26th of December, 1605, to Penelope, then wife of Robert Lord Rich; an affair that caufed him afterwards great uneafinefs, and exposed him to much cenfure. This Charles Blount was a younger brother of William Blount, Lord Mountjoy; and had, in Queen Elifa beth's reign, greatly diftinguifhed himself by his bravery and conduct in the wars in Ireland; particularly at the battle of Kinfale, wherein he defeated the rebellious Irish, broke their whole force, reduced that kingdom to the obedience of that Crown, and brought Tir-Oen, the arch rebel, prifoner with him into England. Before the year Ba


1588, he made his addreffes to the Lady Penelope, daughter of Walter Devereux, Earl of Effex, a Lady of great wit and beauty; and the had fo far complied with his defires, that fome affurances paffed between them of a future marriage. But her friends, lookinglon Mr. Blount as a younger brother, confiderable only in his dependences at Court, chofe to difpofe of her in marriage to Robert, Lord Rich, a man of an independent fortune, and a known eftate, but other wife of an uncourtly difpofition, unfociable, auftere, and of no very agreeable converfation to her. Againft this marriage Mr. Blount had nothing fufficient to plead, the promifes that had paffed between them having been made in private without any witneffes, and therefore not amounting to a pre-contract in due form of law. The Lord Rich had by her three fons; one of whom was Robert, afterwards E. of Warwick; another Henry, Earl of Holland; and four daughters. But they had not lived many years together before the old flames of her affection to Blount began to kindle again in her breaft; fo that, having first had their private meetings, they afterwards conversed more openly with one another, than might stand with their mutual honour; efpecially when, by the death of his elder brother, the title of Lord Mountjoy, and the eftate, had defcended to him; as if the alteration of his fortune could leffen the offence, or ftop people's mouths. Finding her, at his return from the wars of Ireland, freed legally from Lord Rich, by a divorce, and not a voluntary feparation only a toro & menfa, he thought himself obliged to make her fome reparation in point of honour, by taking her into his bofom as a lawful wife. Befides, he had fome children by her, before he was actually feparated from Lord Rich (one of which, Mountjoy Blount, afterwards attained to the title of Earl of Newport) whom he conceived he might have put into a capacity of legitimation, by his fubfequent marriage, according to the rule and practice of the civil laws, in which it paffeth for a maxim, That fubfequens matrimonium legitimat prolem. And to that end he dealt fo powerfully with his Chaplain, that he difpofed him to perform the rites of matrimony; which was accordingly done at Wanftead, Dec. 26, 1605. The chief reafon Mr. Laud grounded himself upon, in that extraordinary proceeding, was, That, in cafe of a divorce, as here, both the innocent and the guilty party may lawfully marry, if they pleafe; which Maldonate makes to be the general opinion of the Lutheran and Calvinian minifters, as alfo of fome Catholic Doctors. But this inconfiderate action King


James did for many years take fo ill, that he would never hear of any great preferment of Mr. Laud, infomuch that Dr. Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, who took upon himself to be the first promoter of him, many times faid, That, when he made mention of Laud to the King, his Majefty was fo averfe from it, that the Bishop was conftrained oftentimes to fay, He would never defire to ferve that master, who could not remit one fault unto his fervant. However, it made fo deep an impreflion upon Mr. Laud, that he ever after kept the 26th of December as a day of falting and humiliation. He took the degree of Bachelor of Divinity, July 6, 1604. The exercise he performed upon that occafion gave offence to the Calvinifts, the questions he then difputed upon being, 1. "The Neceffity of Baptifin. 2. That there could be no true church without Diocefan bishops." For which laft he was fhrewdly rattled by Dr. Holland, the Divinity Profeffor, as one that did endeavour to caft a bone of difcord betwixt the church of England and the Reformed churches beyond the feas. And, for the firft, it was objected, That he had taken the greateft part of his fuppofition out of Bellarmine's works, as if every thing contained in that Cardinal's works, though never to true, was falfe, because it was fuid by him. Aftrong inftance of foolish prejudice f

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A fermon he preached at St. Mary's, on the 26th of October, 1606, afforded likewise matter of offence. What fubject it was upon, or what the exceptionable paffages in it were, is not recorded anywhere in print. But, however, Dr. Airay, the then Vicechancellor, a man intirely oppolite to him with regard to Calvinistical notions, queftioned him for that fermon, as containing in it fundry fcandalous and Popish paffages:

The good man, as Heylin exprefles it, taking all things to be matter of Popery, which were not held forth unto him in Calvin's Inftitutes; conceiving that there was as much idolatry in bowing at the name of Jesus, as in worshipping the brazen ferpent. But Mr. Laud fo fully vindicated himself, that he was not obliged to make any recantation. Dr. Abbot likewise, taking advantage of this fermon, fo violently perfecuted Laud, and fo openly branded him for a Papift, or at leaft very Popifhly inclined, that it was almoft made an herefy, as he himself told Dr. Hey lin, for any one to be feen in his company; and a mifrifion of herefy to give him a civil falutation as he walked the ftreets. Strange inftance of intolerance and want of due moderation!

The first preferment he had was the vicarage of Stanford, in Northamptonshire, into which he was inducted November 13, 1607;


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and in April, 1608, he obtained the advowfon of North-Kilworth, in Leicestershire. On the 6th of June following, he proceeded Doctor in Divinity. At the recommendation of Dr. Buckeridge, he was made ChapJain, August 5, 1608, to Richard Neile, Bifhop of Rochester. And, that he might be near his patron, he exchanged North-Kilworth for the rectory of Weft Tilbury, in Elfex; into which he was inducted October 28, 1609. The Bishop gave him, fhortly after, May 25, 1610, the living of Cuckftone, in Kent. Whereupon, religning his fellowship the ad of October following, and leaving Oxford the 8th of the fame month, he went and refided at Cuckstone. But the unhealthfulness of that place having brought an ague upon him, he exchanged it foon for Norton, a benefice of leis value, but in a better air. About the fame time, viz. the 29th of December, 1610, Dr. Buckeridge, Prefident of St. John's-college, being promoted to the bishopric of Rochefter, in the place of Dr. Neile, tranflated to the fee of Litchfield and Coventry; Dr. Abbot, newly made Archbishop of Canterbury, retaining his old grudge against Dr. Laud, complained of him to the Lord Chancellor Ellesmere, Chancellor of the University, in order to prevent his being elected Prefident of the forefaid college. The fubftance of his complaint was, That Dr. Laud was at the least a Papist in heart, and cordially addicted unto Popery; that he kept company with none but profeffed and fufpeted Papifts; and that, if he were fuffered to have any place of government in the Univerity, it would undoubtedly turn to the great detriment of religion, and dishonour of his Lordship. What Archbishop Abbot meant by Dr. Laud's being addicted to Popery may be explained from these few paflages, in a fermon of his brother's preached before the University, and directly levelled against Dr. Laud.- S. me, fays he, are partly Romih, partly English, as occafion ferves them, that a man might say unto them, Nofter es, an adverfariorum? Who, under pretence of truth, and preaching against the Puritans, ftrike at the heart and root of the faith and religion now established amongst us. If they do at any time speak against the Papifts, they do but beat a little about the buth, and that but foftly too, for fear of waking and difquieting the birds that are in it; they speak nothing but that wherein one Papift will speak against another; as against equivocation and the Pope's temporal authority, and the like; and perhaps fome of their blafphemous fpeeches : But in the points of Free-will, Juftification, Concupifcence being a fin after baptifm, inherent Righteoufnefs, and Certainty of Salvation, the Papifts be

yond the feas can fay they are wholly theirs ; and the Recufants at home make their brags of them.-Might not Chrift fay, What art thou, Romish or English? Papift or Proteftant? or, what art thou? A ́mongrel, or compound of both: A Proteftant by ordina tion, a Papift in point of Free-will, inherent Righteouinefs, and the like. A Proteftant in receiving the Sacrament, a Papift in the doctrine of the Sacrament.' So that Dr. Laud's not having the fame fentiments as Calvin's or Auguftin's followers, about Freewill, inherent Righteoufnefs, &c. were the mighty arguments of his being a Papift.

The Lord Chancellor carried thofe com plaints to the King, which had like to havə destroyed at once Dr. Laud's credit, intereft, and advancement, if his conftant and immove. able friend Bifhop Neile had not effaced thofe ill impreffions. Notwithstanding, therefore, thofe indirect means, he was elect ed Prefident of St. John's, the 10th of May, 1611, by a majority of the Fellows, though he was then fick in London, and unable either to make intereft in perfon, or by writing to his friends: And fome of his competitors having appealed to King James, his Majefty not only confirmed his election, the 29th of Auguft, 1611, but, in further token of his favour, caufed him to be fworn one of his Chaplains the 3d of November next enfuing, upon the recommendation of Bishop Neile.

Our ambitious and afpiring Doctor having thus fet foot within the Court, flattered himself with hopes of great and imme diate preferment. But Archbishop Abbot ftanding always an obstacle in his way, no preferment came; fo that, after three years fruitless waiting, he was upon the point of leaving the Court, and retiring wholly to his college, had not his friend and pation Bishop Neile, newly tranflated to Lincoln, advised him to ftay one year longer. In the mean time, to keep up his fpirits, the Bishop gave him the prebend of Bugden in the church of Lincoln, the eighteenth of April, 1614; and, the 1ft of December, 1615, the archdeaconry of Huntingdon. Upon the Lord Chancellor Ellefinere's decline, in 1616, Dr. Laud's intereft began to rife at Court; fo that in November that year, the King gave him the deanery of Gloucester; a dignity indeed of no great value, but which eftablished his reputation. He then refigned the rectory of West-Til bury. As a further inftance of his being in favour, he was pitched upon to attend the King in his journey to Scotland, which he began the 5th of March, 1616-17. But before he fet out, by his procurement some royal directions were fent to Oxford, for the

ter government of that University. The defign of King James s journey was to bring the church of Scotland to an uniformity with that of England; a favourite fcheme of Dr. Laud and fome other divines. But the Scots were Scots, as Dr Heylin exprefles it, and refolved to go their own way, whatever was the confequence. So that the King gained nothing by that chargeable journey, but the neglect of his commands, and a contempt of his authority.

Dr. Laud, on his return from Scotland, the 2d of August, 1617, was inducted to the rectory of Ibstock, in Leicestershire, belonging to the patronage of the Bithop of Rochetter, of whom he had it in exchange for Nor


And January 22, 1620-21, was inftalled into a prebend of Westminster, of which Bithop Neile had procured him a grant ten years before. About the fame time, there was a general expectation at Court, that the deanery of that church would have been conferred upon him. But Dr. John Williams, then Dean, wanting to keep it in commendam with the bishopric of Lincoln, to which he was promoted, got Dr. Laud put off with the bifhopric of St. David's; which was become vacant by the tranflation of Dr. Richard Milbourne to Carlifle; though Archbishop Abbot obftructed his rife as much as poffible. Being therefore nominated Bishop of St. David's the 29th of June 1621, he was elected October 10, and confecrated, the 18th of November, by the Bishops of London, Worcefter, Chichester, Ely, Landaff, and Oxford; the Archbishop being then under fome kind of difability, on account of the cafual homicide of the keeper of Bramfhill-park. The day before his confecration, he religned the Presidentship of St. John's, by reason of the ftrictness of the college-itatute which he would not violate, nor his oath to it, under any colour. But he was permitted to keep his prebend of Westminster in commendam, through the Lord Keeper's intereft; who, about a year after, gave him a living of 120 1. a year in the diocese of St. David's, to help his revenue. And in January 1622-3, the King gave him alfo in commendam the rectory of Creek, in Northamptonshire.

The preachers of thofe times meddling with the abftrufe doctrines of predestination and election, and the royal prerogative, more than was agreeable to the Court; his Majefty publifhed, on the 4th of Auguft 1622, directions concerning preachers and preaching, in which Bithop Laud is faid to have had a hand. This year alfo, Bifhop Laud had a conference with Fisher the Jefuit, before the Marquis of Buckingham, and his

mother, in order to confirm them both in the Proteftant religion, wherein they were then wavering: Which conference was printed in 1624. That brought an intimate acquaintance between him and the Marquis, whose special favourite and confeffor he became ; and to whom, it is feared, he made himself too much fubfervient. So that the Marquis left him his agent at Court, when he went over with the Prince into Spain; and frequently correfponded with him from thence. About October, 1623, the Lord Keeper William's jealoufy for the Duke of Buckingham's fpecial favour towards Bishop Laud, or mifunderstandings and mifreprefentations on both fides from tale-bearers, and bufybodies, occafioned fuch violent quarrels and enmity between those two Prelates as were attended with the worft confequences. Archbishop Abbot resolving alfo to keep Bithop Laud down as long as he could, left him out of the high commiffion, of which the Bishop complained to the Duke of Buckingham, November 1, 1624, and then was put in. In September, 1624, he oppofed the facrilegious defign formed by the Duke of Buckingham, of appropriating the large endowinent of the Charter-houfe to the maintenance of an army, under pretence of its being for the King's advantage, and the cafe of the fubject. And on the 23d of December following, he prefented to him a tract drawn up at his request about doctrinal Puritanism, in ten heads. He correfponded alfo with him, during his voyage into France, about the marriage of the Princefs Henrietta Maria with King Charles I That Prince, foon after his acceffion to the throne, wanting to regulate the number of his Chaplains, and to know the principles and qualifications of the moft eminent divines in the kingdom, our Bishop was ordered to draw a lift of them, which he diftinguished by the letter O. for Orthodox, and P. for Puritans. At that King's coronation, February 2, 1625-6, he officiated as Dean of Weftminster, in the room of Bishop Williams, who was then in difgrace; and is faid to have altered the coronation-oath, which was an invidious and groundless accufation, the book of King James's coronation, and the other urged against him concerning King Charles, being fen and compared openly in the Houfe of Lords, and found to be the fame oath in both, and no interlining or alteration in the book charged against him.

In 1626, he was tranflated from St. David's to the bishopric of Bath and Wells; and in 1628, to that of London. October 3, 1616, the King appointed him Dean of his royal chapel, and one of his Privy-coun


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