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the Civil Magiftrate is trifled with, a military force mutt be fent for, without the delay of a moment,' and effe qually employed? Or was it in the barbarous exactnefs with which this illegal, inhuman doctrine was carried into execution ?-If his

continues to act upon these principles, is indeed paying a compliment to their loyalty, which I hope they have too much spirit and understanding to deserve.

prefume it will not be affirmed, by any perfon lefs polifhed than a Gentleman Uther, that this is a feafon for compliments. Our gracious indeed is abundantly civil to himfelf. Inftead of an answer to a petition,, his very gracefully pronounces his own panegyric; and I confefs that, as far had recollected thefe facts, I think he would as his perfonal behaviour or the royal purity never have faid, at left with any reference of his intentions is concerned, the truth of to the meafures of his Government, that he thofe declarations, which the Minifter has had made the laws the rule of his conduct. drawn up for his Matter, cannot decently be To talk of preferving the affections or relydifputed. In every other respect, I affirming on the fupport of his fubjects, while he that they are totally unfupported, either in argument or fast. I must add too that, fuppoling the fpeech were otherwife unexcep. tionable, it is not a direct answer to the Petition of the City. His is pleafed His we are told, is not only to fay, that he is always ready to receive the punctual in the performance of his own durequests of his fubjects; yet the Sheriffs were ty, but careful not to affume any of those twice fent back with an excufe, and it was powers which the Conftitution has placed certainly debated in Council whether or no the in other hands. Admitting this last atlertion Magiftrates of the City of London fhould to be strictly true, it is no way to the purbe admitted to an audience. Whether the pofe. The City of London have not deRemonftrance be or he not injurious to Par-fired the to affume a power placed in liament is the very question between the Parliament and the people, and fuch a quef. tion as cannot be decided by the affertion of a third party, however refpectable. That the petitioning for a diffolution of Parliament is irreconcileable with the principles of the Conftitution is a new doctrine. His My perhaps has not been informed that the House of Commons themselves have, by a formal refolution, admitted it to be the right of the fubject. His proceeds to affure us that he has made the laws the rule of his conduct. Was it in ordering or permitting his Ministers to apprehend Mr. Wilkes by a General Warrant? Was it in fuffering his Minifters to revive the obfolete maxim of nullum tempus to rob the Duke of Portland of his property, and thereby give a decifive turn to a County election?

-Was it is erecting a chamber confultation of furgeons with authority to examine into and fuperfede the legal verdict of a Jury? Or did his confult the laws

of this country, when he permitted his Secretary of State to declare that, whenever

other hands. If they had, I should hope to fee the perfon, who dared to prefent fuch a petition, immediately impeached. They fol licit their

to exert that conftitutional authority which the laws have vested in him for the benefit of his fubjects. They call upon him to make ufe of his lawful prerogative in a cafe, which our laws evidently fuppofed might happen, fince they have provided for it by trufting the Sovereign' with a difcretionary power to diffolve the Parliament. This requeft will, I am confident, be fupported by Remonftrances from all parts of the kingdom. His will find at laft that this is the fenfe of his people, and that it is not his intereft to fupport either Miniftry or Parliament, at the hazard of a breach with the collective body of his fubjects. That he is the King of a free people is indeed his greatest glory. That he may long continue the King of a free people is the fecond with that animates my heart. The firft is, THAT THE PEOPLE MAY BE FREE.'


The Humble ADDRESS of the Right Hanturable the LORDS Spiritual and Temporal, and COMMONS, in Parliament affembled, prefented March 23, to his Majefly.

Moft Gracious Sovereign,

Die jovis, 22 Martii, 1770.

confideration the Addrefs lately presented to

WF, your Majesty's most dittiful your Majcky, under the title of, "The

subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament affembled, having taken inte

humble Addrefs, Remonftrance, and Pe"tition of the Lord-mayor, Aldermen, and "Livery of the City of London, in Com

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"mon-hall affembled", together with the answer which your Majefty was pleafed to make to the fame; think ourselves indifpenfably obliged, upon this occasion, to exprefs to your Majefty the extreme concern and indignation which we feel, at finding that an application has been made to your Majefty in terms fo little correfponding with that grateful and affectionate refpect which your Ma jefty is fo juftly intitled to from all your fubjects; at the fame time afperfing and calumniating one of the branches of the Legiflature, and exprefsly denying the legality of the prefent Parliament, and the validity of its proceedings.

To prefent petitions to the throne has at all times been the undoubted right of the fubjects of this realm. The free enjoyment of that right was one of the many bleffings restored by the Revolution, and continued to us, in its fullest extent, under the Princes of your Majesty's illuftrious houfe: And, as we are duly fenfible of its value and importance, it is with the deepest concern that we now fee the exercile of it fo grofly perverted, by being applied to the purpose, not of preferving, but of overturning the Conftitution; and of propagating doctrines, which, if generally adopted, must be fatal to the peace of the kingdom, and which tend to the fubverfion of all lawful authority.

Your Majefty, we acknowledge with gratitude, has ever thewn the most tender regard to the rights of your people, not only in the exercile of your own power, but in your care to preferve from every degree of infringement or violation the powers intrufted to others. And we beg leave to return your Majesty our unfeigned thanks for the fresh proof you have given of your determination to perfevere in your adherence to the principles of the Conftitution.

Permit us alfo to affure your Majesty, that it is with the higheft fatisfaction we fee your Majefty expreffing fo just a confidence in your people. In whatever unjustifiable excefles fome few mifguided persons may, in this inftance, have been feduced to join, your Majefty's fubjects, in general, are too fenfible of what they owe both to your Majesty and your illuftrious family, ever to be ca pable of approaching your Majefty with any other fentiments than thofe of the moft intire refpect and affection; and they understand too well their own true interests, to wish to loofen the bands of obedience to the laws, and of due fubordination to lawful authority. We are therefore fully perfuaded that your Majefty's people, as well as your Parliament, will reject with difdain every infidious fuggeftion of thofe ill-defigning men, who are in reality undermining the Public Liberty, under the fpecious pretence of zeal for its prefervation; and that your Majesty's attention to maintain the liberties of your fubje&s inviolated, which you efteem your chief glory, will, upon every occafion, prove the fure means of ftrength to your Majefty, and fe cure to you that zealous and effectual fupport, which none but a free people can betow.'

His MAJESTY's Anfwer.
My Lords and Gentlemen,

I return you my thanks for this very loyal and dutiful Addrefs. It is with great fatisfaction that I receive from my Parliament fo grateful an acknowledgment of my tender regard for the rights of my fubjects. Be aflured that I fhall continue to adhere to the true principles of our excellent Conftitution ; from which I cannot deviate without juftly forfeiting the affections of a free people.'



Smyrna, December 30. Ithin this fortnight this city has been upon the brink of ruin. Between 40 and 50 Turks had formed a conspiracy, the 23d inft. to atlaffinate the next morning (being Sunday) all the Greeks while they were at church; to fet fire to the city in different places, and to take advantage of the confufion to plunder the houfes and maffacre all that hould attempt to oppose them., Happily, this terrible plot was difcovered the evening before it was to be put in execution, and most of the principal perfons concerned in it were

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routed after leaving above 1000 Turks upon the field of battle. We have taken in this last affair several standards, fome cannon, and two waggons loaded with powder.

Warfaw, February 14. Part of the Confederates of Grand Poland have been obliged by Colonel Drewitz and General Tfchertoryskoi to retire towards the frontiers of Silefia, and of Brandeburg, after having been beaten near Keyra; the reft having joined themfelves to thofe of Cujavia, of Sochaczow, and of Goftyn, commanded by their Marshals, have put themselves in march against the capital, with a view of taking fome of the Ruffian pofts; but Colonel Prince Gallitzin, having received advice of their defign, affembled his brigade, confifting of Soo men, and marched against them; the 12th he found them incamped between Blonic and Sochcazow, and a tacked them, notwithstanding their being fuperior in number. The action was long and brifk, but at last they were obliged to retire with the lofs of 400 dead on the spot, and 150 prifoners, befides feven pieces of cannon. As this affair happened but four leagues from hence, they took all the precautions they could to make the inhabitants easy, who were very much alarmed.

Latyczow, February 2. A courier from Moldavia has just brought to Count Romanzow advice, that on the 18th ult. a body of 3000 Ruffians had attacked near Fora 8000 Turks, of whom 3000 were left dead on the fpot.

Warfaw, February 16. This day the Sieur de Lutzen, Aid de Camp of Lieut. Gen. Prince Repnin, arrived here, preceded by four poftilions blowing their horns, and brought advice to Prince Wolkonki, that on the 29th of last month 6000 Ruffians, commanded by Lieut. Gen. Stoffeln near the town of Brailow, intirely defeated a part of the Turkish army confifting of 20,000 men, 4000 of whom were killed on the spot, and that one General's staff, fix horfes tails, one large pair of colours and eleven cannon, have fallen into the bands of the conquerors. This Officer adds, that after the action 12,000 Turks went to the citadel of Brailow, but the Ruffions are preparing to attack them.

Extract of a letter from Geneva, Feb. 16.

Yesterday at three o'clock a confpiracy broke out here. The parties concerned in it confifted of natives and inhabitants, whofe defign was to murder the whole Council, and afterwards the Burghers, and make themfelves masters of the place. In half an hour more we should have been destroyed, but Providence, who watched over us, made them fail in their defigns, at the very moment they were going to put them in execution. Between 200 and 300 were in arms, and made the first fire, but no further mischief enfued than fome perfons being flightly wounded. The alarm was then given, and the garrifon appeared immediately under arms, when four


of the feditious perfons were fhot dead upon the fpot. Their whole body, which confifted of about 2000, were at the town of Fours. The four Syndics in office went thither, and ordered them to lay down their arms, which they at first refused to do; but the good countenance of the garrifon, fupported by part of the Burghers, obliged them to furrender. Their chiefs were feized and fent to prifon. The Sieur Motu the elder was one, and the Sicur Cariere the other. I believe they will lofe their heads, as well as feveral others who have been taken up fince, and were ringleaders in that affair. The perfons killed are the Sieur Olivier, the father, who was 60 years of age; one Pourait, one Chevailier, an engraver, and one Chaler. We expect to-morrow 600 men from Nyon, and hope this affair will have no bad confequences."

Extract of a Letter from Warfaw, dated Feb. 24, 1770.

As foon as General Stoffeln had beaten, on the 29th laft, the body of Turks commanded by Auli Pacha, he caufed the fortrefs of Ibrailow directly to be invested, and made the neceflary difpofitions for befieging it in all its forms. The Turks made all poffible resistance on their part, till the 3d of the prefent month, when they endeavoured to make their efcape, and quit the place without noife. For this purpofe, almost all the garrifon imbarked the following night in three veffels, with the view of croffing the Danube by favour of the dark, and under a terrible fire from all their artillery; but in fpite of thefe meatures the Turks were not able to conceal their defign from the Ruffian General, who ordered fome cannon to be pointed toward the shore, which had all the defired fuccefs. For the veffels in which the Turks had imbarked were funk to the bottom, and the greateft part of thofe on board drowned. The remainder of the garrifon continued still to defend themselves till the next day (the 4th) when the Ruffians gave the affault at midnight, carried the breach, and put all they met to the fword. They found in the place more than a hundred pieces of cannon, a confiderable fum of money, and a very large quantity of warlike ftores and provifions. The Turks, when they faw the fortress loft, fet fire to the great magazine, with the intention of blowing up both themselves and the Ruffians; but the latter, being timely informed of it, ran up, and happily fucceeded in extinguishing the flames before it had reached the powder rooms. Among the prifoners is Auli Pacha himself.'

Extract of a Letter from Bruffels, March i.

At two o'clock this morning, Prince Charles received an exprefs from Vienna, with an account that the Imperial army of Ruffia, after their retreat from the fuburbs of Bender, had retired as far into Podolia as the environs of Konetzpo, where being joined by fixty-nine thoufmd chofen Ruffian troops,


They immediately advanced to Bender, at which place they arrived at night, the firft of February, the eve of the grand fellival of the muffulmen, and at one o'clock the following morning ftormed the gate of St. Sophia, of which they were in poffeffion, after a fhort conteft; forty thoufand Ruffians immediately entered the city, the Turks being in their mofques. An incredible flaughter and plunder was made before any quarter could be granted. The lofs of the Ruffians was inconfiderable, in comparison of the bloody flaughter of the Turks, of whom it is imagined no less than thirty thousand have perifhed by the fword. One hundred and thirty-nine pieces of brafs ordnance; two hundred and fifty iron cannon, the latter moftly unferviceable; fortyfeven quintals of powder; the baggage of the

new Grand Vifir; the batons of five Bifhaws; the Serafkier's tents and women; fifty pair of colours; nineteen ftandards; three hundred camels, the military chest for the payment of the janiffaries lately fent from Conftantinople, and an incredible quantity of rich baggage, were taken in Bender.

Such was the ardour of the Coffacks, that they puiued the Tartars through the gate of Borlat, and, when the exprefs left Bender, the Ruffian light troops had made a continued flaughter of them as far as Oblucéce, upon the Danube, where the regiments of Livonia and Novogorod, forming a body of fix thousand grenadiers, with twelve thousand light troops, and a train of light artillery, were in full march.'


Hiftorical Chronicle, for March, 1770.

March 1.

HE Stewards of the Hon. Society of Ancient Britons waited on his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, at St. James's; and the Rev. Dr. Anthony Thomas addreffed his Royal Highness in the following man


Moft gracious Prince,

The fociety of Ancient Britons beg leave to be permitted to the annual custom of expreffing the great refpect and affection his Majefty's fubjects, born in the principality of Wales, conceive for your royal parents, and their illustrious defcendants, under whom this nation experiences every bleffing of a mild and happy government.

It is with gratitude we mention, that the laft charitable affiftance, the good defigns of this fociety received from your royal Highnefs's hands, has been faithfully laid out to the laudable purposes of cloathing, educating, and instructing the helplefs offspring of Welch parents; and it is with humble hope we implore the continuance of your further influence and protection to fo beneficial and excellent an inftitution.

We alfo beg leave to exprefs our admiration of the proficiency of thofe parts, and the early appearance of thofe good qualities your royal Highness is fo eminently blessed with, which, we doubt not but in time will prove the ornament and happiness of this great and flourishing nation.

That your illuftrious line may long reign over a grateful and loyal people are the fincere wishes and fervent prayers of this fociety.'

To which his Royal Highness was pleafed to make the following Answer: • Gentlemen,

Your dutiful acknowledgment of the bleffings you enjoy under the mild and happy

government of the King; and your declara. tion of refpect for my royal parents and their defcendants; are highly acceptable to me. I fhall, with pleafure, continue to promote your laudable charity.'

They were graciously received, and had the honour of kifling his Royal Highness's hand.

Yesterday being the anniversary of St. David's day, the Tutelar Saint of Wales, the fame was obferved at Court as ufual.

About eleven o'clock, came on, in the Prerogative-court, Doctors-commons, before Dr. Bettefworth, the much talked-of caufe between Lord and Lady G. for the admiflibility of a libel. The caufe was opened by Dr. Gwyne, Lord G's Council, when, immediately, Mr. Stephens, Regifter of the Prerogative-court, and Council for Lady G. admitted the fibel, which, confequently, put a stop to its being debated. Mr. Stephens then requested, that 10 days notice might be given him by the oppo fite Council, previous to the entering on the commiffion and requifition of this caufe, which was for fome time objected to by Dr. Gwyne, on account of keeping witneffes in town, who might live many miles from London. However, the demand appeared rea fonable to the Judge, and it was entered as a rule accordingly.

Mr. Stephens then made a fecond request that all letters, written meffages, and other informations relative to this affair, in the peil-ífion of the Court, fhould not be communicated by copies, or otherwise, except to the immediate agents. Upon which my Lord G's Council got up, and joined in the request, and further faid, that they had Lord G's directions for doing fo. Dr. Bette worth remarked upon this last request, that it was nothing but what was very reafonable and proper, as the circulation of fuch intelligence, previous to its coming on in the legal way, might be at

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tended with difagreeable confequences; the following order was therefore, by mutual confent of all parties, minuted in the book:

That all letters, written meffages, and other informations, relative to the affairs of Lord and Lady G. fhould on no account whatsoever be communicated by copies, or otherwise, to any perfon, except the immediate agents in this affair, previous to its determination.'

Yesterday the feffions ended at the Old Bailey. At this feffion feven prifoners, including the two for murder, received judgment of death. Thirty-nine were ordered to be tranfported for feven years, four were branded in the hand, fix privately whipt, and fixteen delivered upon proclamation.

March 2.

NORTH-WALES CIRCUIT. The Hon. Daines Barrington, J. Hayes, Efq. Merionethfhire, Monday April 9, at Bala. Carnarvonshire, Saturday April 14, at Con

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prefent for Mr. Ashby, a Northamptonshire Gentleman. March 9.

At a meeting on Wednesday night of a number of the electors of Westminster, at the Standard tavern in Leicester-fields, amongst whom was Sir Robert Bernard, Bart. and feveral other Gentlemen, it was moved to follow the example which had been fet by the City of London, of prefenting a Remonftrance to his Majefty. It was urged in favour of the measure, that there was an obvious propriety in the two great cities going in the fame tract; there being, as well by fituation, as trade, and other circumftances, a clofe and material con nection between them. The motion was re ceived with approbation. It was then moved to know whether any Gentleman had drawn up, or intended to draw up, a Remonftrance: Upon which the heads of a Remonftrance were produced and read, and unanimously agreed to. A Committee of twelve were then appointed to fettle and adjust whatever points were neceffary for a general meeting of the electors in Westminster-hall; and to advertise the fame as foon as poffible.

At the fame time the fum of 501. (being part of a fum fubfcribed at the last meeting) was voted to be immediately fent to the Society for the Support of the Bill of Rights, at the London tavern, to be by that Society applied to the fole ufe and fervice of John Wilkes, Efq. And as feveral members of the affociation at the Standard tavern happened to be abfent, the fubfcription was ordered to be continued open.

March 13. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, March11.

We have an account fpread about here from on board his Majefty's floop Merlin, concerning the death of the late Captain O'Hara, that he was not murdered by the Moors as was reported, but that he died a natural death. The account is as follows: When he arrived at the place, the Captain failed up the river in a tender provided for that purpose, with fwivel guns and fmallarms, and anchored within 2 or 300 yards of the shore; that Capt. O'Hara, and five or fix of his people, went on fhore in the ten der's fmall boat, leaving orders with the peo ple on board to be in readinefs with their guns and fmall-arms to fire in cafe he was attacked by the natives, which was to be made known to them by the firing of a pistol as a fignal for their fire. As foon as the Captain landed he was received civilly by the Moors. He told them he was come by order of the King, his mafter, to find that place, and likewife to fix the British flag [an Englifh jack which he brought with him from his own floop for that purpofe] on an old ruined fort which they had: He did not by that intend the leaft harm. They did not feem to relish his fixing the colours on that port, and made a little bustle about it; however they feem pacified, and asked the Cap

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